seg fault for accessing a singleton-like static member - c++

Here is the code, simplified...
//A class used in the next class, Nothing much to worry about
class BasicLogger{
Below is my main class. It has two member you need to look at: A static member(called log) of its own type.
And, a container (called repo) for holding objects of the above class. repo's items are accessible using operator[] overload:
class Logger {
// repository of profilers. each profiler is distinguished by a file name!
std::map<const std::string, boost::shared_ptr<BasicLogger> > repo;
Logger(){} //breakpoints never reach here. why?
//universal singleton-like access to this class
static Logger log;
//returns a member stored in the above 'repo'
virtual BasicLogger & operator[](const std::string &key);
The problem comes from this method:
BasicLogger & Logger::operator[](const std::string &key)
std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<BasicLogger> >::iterator it = repo.find(key);
if(it == repo.end()){
std::cout << "creating a new Logger for " << key << std::endl;
boost::shared_ptr<BasicLogger> t(new LogEngine(key));
std::map<const std::string, boost::shared_ptr<BasicLogger> > repo_debug;//just for debug
repo.insert(std::make_pair(key,t));//seg fault
return *t;
return *it->second;
and last piece of information: Throughout the project, items in repo container are accessed like below.
BasicLogger & logger = Logger::log["path_set"];
The problem is that at the beginning of program, before anything, the control goes directly to BasicLogger & logger = Logger::log["path_set"];
Q1: why exactly does the control go here first? just because log is static or anonymous namespaces are also attended initially?
so when the operator[] is executed, repo seems to be uninitialized. I added a local dummy variable(repo_debug) with the same signature as repo. and observed their value using gdb:
//local repo_debug
Details:{... _M_header = {... _M_parent = 0x0, _M_left = 0x7fffffffdc08, _M_right = 0x7fffffffdc08}, _M_node_count = 0}}}
//main 'repo'
Details:{..._M_parent = 0x0, _M_left = 0x0, _M_right = 0x0}, _M_node_count = 0}}}
Q2. why is repo uninitialized? Basically, why Logger's constructor is not called?
Q3. suggestions to take care of this problem is highly appreciated.

Q1: Presumably the declarations are in separate compilation units. Static initialization order across compilation units is implementation defined. So, it's this way due to chance. I'd say lucky chance because the other way you would have initially thought that it works only to find that it breaks on another cpu / compiler / os later on.
Q2: Because logger in the anonymous namespace was initialized first causing a segfault which prevents the static log from ever initializing.
Q3. You could avoid the problem by avoiding singletons in your design. But if you want singletons, one way to avoid static initialization order fiasco is Construct On First Use Idiom:
Logger& Logger::log() {
static Logger* log = new Logger();
return *log;
The drawback is that the dynamically allocated object is never actually freed (singletons would be freed at the end of the program anyway, but might be a problem if you run without an OS)
Thread safety of initialization of static locals is guaranteed by the standard in §6.7/4 (c++11 draft):
...Otherwise such a variable is
initialized the first time control passes through its declaration; such a variable is considered initialized upon
the completion of its initialization. If the initialization exits by throwing an exception, the initialization
is not complete, so it will be tried again the next time control enters the declaration. If control enters
the declaration concurrently while the variable is being initialized, the concurrent execution shall wait for
completion of the initialization.
In earlier standards and in visual c++, you can avoid concurrency issues by making sure that log is called in at least one constructor that is invoked during static initialization (which happens before main program can spawn any threads).


Is it better to declare the static singleton object outside of the static instance getter method? [duplicate]

In this thread, the following is said about singleton instances:
The static variable can be static to the GetInstance() function, or it can be static in the Singleton class. There's interesting tradeoffs there.
What are these trade-offs? I am aware that, if declared as a static function variable, the singleton won't be constructed until the function is first called. I've also read something about thread-safety, but am unaware of what exactly that entails, or how the two approaches differ in that regard.
Are there any other major differences between the two? Which approach is better?
In my concrete example, I have a factory class set up as a singleton, and I'm storing the instance as a static const field in the class. I don't have a getInstance() method, but rather expect the user to access the instance directly, like so: ItemFactory::factory. The default constructor is private, and the instance is allocated statically.
Addendum: how good of an idea is it to overload operator() to call the createItem() method for the singleton, such that Items can be created like so: ItemFactory::factory("id")?
What are these trade-offs?
This is the most important consideration:
The static data member is initialized during the static initialization at the start of the program. If any static object depends on the singleton, then there will be a static initialization order fiasco.
The function local static object is initialized when the function is first called. Since whoever depends on the singleton will call the function, the singleton will be appropriately initialized and is not susceptible to the fiasco. There is still a - very subtle - problem with the destruction. If a destructor of a static object depends on the singleton, but the constructor of that object does not, then you'll end up with undefined behaviour.
Also, being initialized on the first time the function is called, means that the function may be called after the static initialization is done and main has been called. And therefore, the program may have spawned multiple threads. There could be a race condition on the initialization of the static local, resulting in multiple instances being constructed. Luckily, since C++11, the standard guarantees that the initialization is thread safe and this tradeoff no longer exists in conforming compilers.
Thread safety is not an issue with the static data member.
Which approach is better?
That depends on what your requirements are and what version of the standard you support.
I vote for static function variable. The newer C++ standard require automatic thread safety for initialization of such variables. It's implemented in GNU C++ for about ten years already. Visual Studio 2015 also supports this. If you make a static pointer variable holding reference to your singleton object, you'll have to deal with thread issues manually.
In the other hand, if you make a static member pointer field like shown in in the snippet below, you will be able to change it from other static methods, maybe re-init this field with other instance upon handling request to change program configuration. However, the snippet below contains a bug just to remind you how difficult multithreading is.
class ItemFactory {
static std::atomic_flag initialized = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
static std::unique_ptr<ItemFactory> theFactoryInstance;
static ItemFactory& getInstance() {
if (!initialized.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
theFactoryInstance = std::make_unique<ItemFactory>();
return *theFactoryInstance;
I wouldn't advise you to implement your singleton as a global non-pointer variable initialized before entry to the main() function. Thread safety issues will go away along with implicit cache coherency overhead, but you're not able to control the initialization order of your global variables in any precise or portable way.
Anyway, this choice doesn't force any permanent design implications. Since this instance will reside in the private section of your class you may always change it.
I don't think overloading of operator() for a factory is a good idea. operator() have "execute" semantics while in factory it's gonna stand for "create".
What is the best approach to a singleton in c++?
Hide the fact that it's a singleton and give it value semantics.
All singleton-ness ought to be an implementation detail. In this way, consumers of your class need not refactor their programs if you need to change the way you implement your singleton (or indeed if you decide that it should not really be a singleton after all).
Why ?
Because now your program never has to worry itself with references, pointers, lifetimes and whatnot. It just uses an instance of the object as if it were a value. Safe in the knowledge that the singleton will take care of whatever lifetime/resource requirements it has.
What about a singleton that releases resources when not in use?
no problem.
Here's an example of the two approaches hidden behind the facade of an object with value semantics.
imagine this use case:
auto j1 = jobbie();
auto j2 = jobbie();
auto j3 = jobbie();
shared_file f;
shared_file().log("here's another");
shared_file f2;
shared_file().log("no need to reopen");
shared_file().log("or here");
shared_file().log("or even here");
f2.log("all done");
where a jobbie object is just a facade for a singleton, but the shared_file object wants to flush/close itself when not in use.
so the output should look like this:
opening file
logging to file: hello
closing file
opening file
logging to file: goodbye
closing file
opening file
logging to file: here's another
closing file
opening file
logging to file: no need to reopen
logging to file: or here
logging to file: or even here
logging to file: all done
closing file
We can achieve this using the idiom, which I'll call 'value-semantics-is-a-facade-for-singleton':
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// interface
struct jobbie
void log(const std::string& s);
// if we decide to make jobbie less singleton-like in future
// then as far as the interface is concerned the only change is here
// and since these items are private, it won't matter to consumers of the class
struct impl;
static impl& get();
// implementation
struct jobbie::impl
void log(const std::string& s) {
std::cout << s << std::endl;
auto jobbie::get() -> impl& {
// now you can change the singleton storage strategy simply by changing this code
// alternative 1:
static impl _;
return _;
// for example, we could use a weak_ptr which we lock and store the shared_ptr in the outer
// jobbie class. This would give us a shared singleton which releases resources when not in use
// implement non-singleton interface
void jobbie::log(const std::string& s)
struct shared_file
void log(const std::string& s);
struct impl;
static std::shared_ptr<impl> get();
std::shared_ptr<impl> _impl;
// private implementation
struct shared_file::impl {
// in a multithreaded program
// we require a condition variable to ensure that the shared resource is closed
// when we try to re-open it (race condition)
struct statics {
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool still_open = false;
std::weak_ptr<impl> cache;
static statics& get_statics() {
static statics _;
return _;
impl() {
std::cout << "opening file\n";
~impl() {
std::cout << "closing file\n";
// close file here
// and now that it's closed, we can signal the singleton state that it can be
// reopened
auto& stats = get_statics();
// we *must* use a lock otherwise the compiler may re-order memory access
// across the memory fence
auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(stats.m);
stats.still_open = false;
void log(const std::string& s) {
std::cout << "logging to file: " << s << std::endl;
auto shared_file::get() -> std::shared_ptr<impl>
auto& statics = impl::get_statics();
auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(statics.m);
std::shared_ptr<impl> candidate;, [&statics, &candidate] {
return bool(candidate = statics.cache.lock())
or not statics.still_open;
if (candidate)
return candidate;
statics.cache = candidate = std::make_shared<impl>();
statics.still_open = true;
return candidate;
// interface implementation
shared_file::shared_file() : _impl(get()) {}
void shared_file::log(const std::string& s) { _impl->log(s); }
// test our class
auto main() -> int
using namespace std;
auto j1 = jobbie();
auto j2 = jobbie();
auto j3 = jobbie();
shared_file f;
shared_file().log("here's another");
shared_file f2;
shared_file().log("no need to reopen");
shared_file().log("or here");
shared_file().log("or even here");
f2.log("all done");
return 0;

What are the implications of using a static member function with pthread_create()?

I'm helping a student with their homework, which is a basic threading exercise. Unfortunately, though they're required to use C++11, they're forbidden from using std::thread. I don't see the rationale, but it's not my homework.
Here's the class:
class VaccineInfo {
VaccineInfo(const std::string &t_input_filename):
{ }
VaccineInfo() = delete;
static void *count_vaccines(void *t_vi);
int v1_count() { return vaccine_count["v1"]; }
int v2_count() { return vaccine_count["v2"]; }
int v3_count() { return vaccine_count["v3"]; }
std::string input_filename;
std::map<std::string, int> vaccine_count {
{ "v1", 0 },
{ "v2", 0 },
{ "v3", 0 }
void *VaccineInfo::count_vaccines(void *t_vi) {
VaccineInfo *vi = reinterpret_cast<VaccineInfo*>(t_vi);
std::ifstream input_file;
std::string input_line;>input_filename);
if (!input_file.good()) {
std::cerr << "No such file " << vi->input_filename << std::endl;
return nullptr;
while (std::getline(input_file, input_line)) {
return nullptr;
And here's where pthreads comes in.
std::vector<std::string> filenames = find_filenames(".");
std::vector<pthread_t> thread_handles;
std::vector<VaccineInfo> vi_vector;
for(const std::string &filename : filenames) {
pthread_t tid;
&thread_handles.back(), nullptr, &VaccineInfo::count_vaccines,
for (const pthread_t tid : thread_handles) {
pthread_join(tid, nullptr);
It's a pretty basic exercise, except for how much fluff you have to do to get the old and the new to play nice. And that's what's got me wondering - does using a static member method as the start_routine argument to pthread_create have any undesirable side effects? I know static member variables and functions don't "belong" to any objects, but I normally think of static variables as being one-per-class, regardless of the number of objects. If there's only one copy of the static member function, as well, that seems like you'd be shooting yourself in the foot for parallelization.
Would it just be better, in this case, to make vaccine_count public and make count_vaccines() a global function?
Do hit me with whatever detail you can muster; I'm very curious. =) And, as always, thank you all for your time and effort.
except for how much fluff you have to do to get the old and the new to play nice.
Well, in the STL, that's essentially what the std::thread is actually doing. If you create a thread and force it to cause a stack unwinding, and if you look at said stack, you'll see a lot of weird pointer arithmetic happening with this and pthread_create (or CreateThread on Windows).
That being said, it's not unusual in any way to use a static function of a class that then calls a private member of that class on an object instance, even with the std::thread, it really just depends on what you need those functions to do.
does using a static member method as the start_routine argument to pthread_create have any undesirable side effects?
No. At least not from the perspective of functionality; that is, creating a thread on a static member won't cause any UB or crashes directly just because you are using a static function.
You do have to account for the fact that your operating on a static member function, but that's no different from having to account for constructors/destructors or any function of the language itself. Since this is a homework assignment, it's likely the professor is trying to teach "how things work" less than "how to use C++11".
Would it just be better, in this case, to make vaccine_count public and make count_vaccines() a global function?
Yes and no. Having vaccine_count as a private member then means that count_vaccines must be a friend or static function, and given that vaccine_count seems like an "important" data point that you wouldn't want a "user of the code" inadvertently setting, it's probably better to keep it private.
You could add getters and setters, but that might complicate the code unnecessarily.
You could also just make it a public variable if you trust the users of the code to protect that variable (unlikely), and you could also just make count_vaccines a free/global function, but then you need to have the function after the class declaration. And if the class is a complex class (maybe has templates or some other C++ notion), then it can really complicate the code in how you operate on the class.
So yes, it could go that way, but the professor is likely trying to teach the idea of what a static function is, how threads operate on the class and how pointers work within the constructs of this exercise, among other things.
If you have a static member variable, all objects access that variable.
That's not what static means in this context. The static keyword in C++ simply means that you do not need an object reference to call that code. So a static member variable can be accessed, not just by any object, but by any code, take this example:
class Data {
static int x_val;
int y_val;
int Data::x_val; // have to declare it since it's static
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Data::x_val = 10; // works because it's static.
Data::y_val = 10; // error: accessing a non-static member
Data obj;
obj.y_val = 10; // ok because it's a member variable
obj.x_val = 20; // this works as the complier ultimately translates this to `Data::x_val = 20`
// BUT, referencing a static member/function on an object instance is "bad form"
return 0;
If you have a static member function... can it be called on more than one core simultaneously?
The static keyword has no effect on which core, or thread, said function is called on or if can be done in parallel.
A CPU core can only execute 1 machine level instruction per clock cycle (so essentially, just 1 assembly instruction), when a C++ program is compiled, linked and assembled, it is these "assembled" set of instructions base on the syntax you wrote that are executed on the core (or cores) of your CPU, not the static functions.
That static function is just an address in memory that gets called on any number of threads on any CPU core that the OS determines at any given time in your program.
Yes, you could call an OS API that pins that thread of execution calling that function to a specific core, but that's a different subject.
And for a last little bit of fun for you, on an assembly level, C++ functions basically get compiled into C-like functions (an extreme over simplification, but merely for demonstration):
class Data {
void increment() {
this->y_val += 1024;
int y_val;
int main() {
Data obj;
obj.y_val = 42;
obj.increment(); // obj.y_val == 1066
return 0;
struct Data {
int y_val;
void Data_increment(Data* this) {
this->y_val += 1024;
int main() {
Data obj;
obj.y_val = 42;
increment(&obj); // obj.y_val == 1066
return 0;
Again, an over simplification, but the point is to illustrate how it all builds to assembly and what the assembly does.

Singleton instance as static field vs. static variable in getInstance() method

In this thread, the following is said about singleton instances:
The static variable can be static to the GetInstance() function, or it can be static in the Singleton class. There's interesting tradeoffs there.
What are these trade-offs? I am aware that, if declared as a static function variable, the singleton won't be constructed until the function is first called. I've also read something about thread-safety, but am unaware of what exactly that entails, or how the two approaches differ in that regard.
Are there any other major differences between the two? Which approach is better?
In my concrete example, I have a factory class set up as a singleton, and I'm storing the instance as a static const field in the class. I don't have a getInstance() method, but rather expect the user to access the instance directly, like so: ItemFactory::factory. The default constructor is private, and the instance is allocated statically.
Addendum: how good of an idea is it to overload operator() to call the createItem() method for the singleton, such that Items can be created like so: ItemFactory::factory("id")?
What are these trade-offs?
This is the most important consideration:
The static data member is initialized during the static initialization at the start of the program. If any static object depends on the singleton, then there will be a static initialization order fiasco.
The function local static object is initialized when the function is first called. Since whoever depends on the singleton will call the function, the singleton will be appropriately initialized and is not susceptible to the fiasco. There is still a - very subtle - problem with the destruction. If a destructor of a static object depends on the singleton, but the constructor of that object does not, then you'll end up with undefined behaviour.
Also, being initialized on the first time the function is called, means that the function may be called after the static initialization is done and main has been called. And therefore, the program may have spawned multiple threads. There could be a race condition on the initialization of the static local, resulting in multiple instances being constructed. Luckily, since C++11, the standard guarantees that the initialization is thread safe and this tradeoff no longer exists in conforming compilers.
Thread safety is not an issue with the static data member.
Which approach is better?
That depends on what your requirements are and what version of the standard you support.
I vote for static function variable. The newer C++ standard require automatic thread safety for initialization of such variables. It's implemented in GNU C++ for about ten years already. Visual Studio 2015 also supports this. If you make a static pointer variable holding reference to your singleton object, you'll have to deal with thread issues manually.
In the other hand, if you make a static member pointer field like shown in in the snippet below, you will be able to change it from other static methods, maybe re-init this field with other instance upon handling request to change program configuration. However, the snippet below contains a bug just to remind you how difficult multithreading is.
class ItemFactory {
static std::atomic_flag initialized = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
static std::unique_ptr<ItemFactory> theFactoryInstance;
static ItemFactory& getInstance() {
if (!initialized.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
theFactoryInstance = std::make_unique<ItemFactory>();
return *theFactoryInstance;
I wouldn't advise you to implement your singleton as a global non-pointer variable initialized before entry to the main() function. Thread safety issues will go away along with implicit cache coherency overhead, but you're not able to control the initialization order of your global variables in any precise or portable way.
Anyway, this choice doesn't force any permanent design implications. Since this instance will reside in the private section of your class you may always change it.
I don't think overloading of operator() for a factory is a good idea. operator() have "execute" semantics while in factory it's gonna stand for "create".
What is the best approach to a singleton in c++?
Hide the fact that it's a singleton and give it value semantics.
All singleton-ness ought to be an implementation detail. In this way, consumers of your class need not refactor their programs if you need to change the way you implement your singleton (or indeed if you decide that it should not really be a singleton after all).
Why ?
Because now your program never has to worry itself with references, pointers, lifetimes and whatnot. It just uses an instance of the object as if it were a value. Safe in the knowledge that the singleton will take care of whatever lifetime/resource requirements it has.
What about a singleton that releases resources when not in use?
no problem.
Here's an example of the two approaches hidden behind the facade of an object with value semantics.
imagine this use case:
auto j1 = jobbie();
auto j2 = jobbie();
auto j3 = jobbie();
shared_file f;
shared_file().log("here's another");
shared_file f2;
shared_file().log("no need to reopen");
shared_file().log("or here");
shared_file().log("or even here");
f2.log("all done");
where a jobbie object is just a facade for a singleton, but the shared_file object wants to flush/close itself when not in use.
so the output should look like this:
opening file
logging to file: hello
closing file
opening file
logging to file: goodbye
closing file
opening file
logging to file: here's another
closing file
opening file
logging to file: no need to reopen
logging to file: or here
logging to file: or even here
logging to file: all done
closing file
We can achieve this using the idiom, which I'll call 'value-semantics-is-a-facade-for-singleton':
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// interface
struct jobbie
void log(const std::string& s);
// if we decide to make jobbie less singleton-like in future
// then as far as the interface is concerned the only change is here
// and since these items are private, it won't matter to consumers of the class
struct impl;
static impl& get();
// implementation
struct jobbie::impl
void log(const std::string& s) {
std::cout << s << std::endl;
auto jobbie::get() -> impl& {
// now you can change the singleton storage strategy simply by changing this code
// alternative 1:
static impl _;
return _;
// for example, we could use a weak_ptr which we lock and store the shared_ptr in the outer
// jobbie class. This would give us a shared singleton which releases resources when not in use
// implement non-singleton interface
void jobbie::log(const std::string& s)
struct shared_file
void log(const std::string& s);
struct impl;
static std::shared_ptr<impl> get();
std::shared_ptr<impl> _impl;
// private implementation
struct shared_file::impl {
// in a multithreaded program
// we require a condition variable to ensure that the shared resource is closed
// when we try to re-open it (race condition)
struct statics {
std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
bool still_open = false;
std::weak_ptr<impl> cache;
static statics& get_statics() {
static statics _;
return _;
impl() {
std::cout << "opening file\n";
~impl() {
std::cout << "closing file\n";
// close file here
// and now that it's closed, we can signal the singleton state that it can be
// reopened
auto& stats = get_statics();
// we *must* use a lock otherwise the compiler may re-order memory access
// across the memory fence
auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(stats.m);
stats.still_open = false;
void log(const std::string& s) {
std::cout << "logging to file: " << s << std::endl;
auto shared_file::get() -> std::shared_ptr<impl>
auto& statics = impl::get_statics();
auto lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(statics.m);
std::shared_ptr<impl> candidate;, [&statics, &candidate] {
return bool(candidate = statics.cache.lock())
or not statics.still_open;
if (candidate)
return candidate;
statics.cache = candidate = std::make_shared<impl>();
statics.still_open = true;
return candidate;
// interface implementation
shared_file::shared_file() : _impl(get()) {}
void shared_file::log(const std::string& s) { _impl->log(s); }
// test our class
auto main() -> int
using namespace std;
auto j1 = jobbie();
auto j2 = jobbie();
auto j3 = jobbie();
shared_file f;
shared_file().log("here's another");
shared_file f2;
shared_file().log("no need to reopen");
shared_file().log("or here");
shared_file().log("or even here");
f2.log("all done");
return 0;

SystemC/TLM (C++) sharing memory pool; static members, static methods, Singleton or?

I am writing a specific communication protocol to be used between TLM models (HW blocks described with SystemC and thus C++).
TLM notion is not important, just note that this communication is mimicked by allocating objects, the generic payloads (gps), that are passed between these C++ models of HW blocks.
Together with the protocol, I want to provide a memory manager that should be able to efficiently handle the gps; this is quite important since in one simulation lots of gps are constructed, used and destroyed and this can slow down things a lot.
My goal is also to create something simple that could be used by others without efforts.
The first issue I had was in creating a single shared pool for all the blocks communicating with that protocol. I thought about creating a static member in the mm class, but then I realized that:
Static members require a definition in the cpp. This makes the mm class less intuitive to use (with different people using this, some will forget to do so) and I would prefer to avoid that.
Depending on where (and in which?) in the cpp file the static variable definition is done, the pool might not have wet the parameters needed to be initialized (i.e., the number of mm instances created).
The second issue is similar to the first one. I want to count the number of instances and thus instead of a pool I need to create a shared counter to be used then by the pool to initialize itself. Again, I wanted to avoid static variable definitions in a cpp file and to guarantee the order of initialization.
I have considered mainly:
static members (discarded for the reasons above)
Singletons (discarded because I don't need to create a whole class for the pool to make it visible by others and single-instanced)
static methods (the approaches I finally picked and that is not far from a complete Singleton)
This is the code I produced (only relevant part included):
* Helper class to count another class' number of instances.
class counter {
// Constructor
counter() : count(0) {}
virtual ~counter() {}
unsigned int count;
unsigned int get_count() {return count;}
void incr_count() {count++;}
void decr_count() {count--;}
template <unsigned int MAX = 1>
class mm: public tlm::tlm_mm_interface {
//////////////////////////////TYPEDEFS AND ENUMS/////////////////////////////
typedef tlm::tlm_generic_payload gp_t;
///////////////////////////CLASS (CON/DE)STRUCTOR////////////////////////////
// Constructor
mm() {inst_count().incr_count();}
// Copy constructor
mm(const mm&) {inst_count().incr_count();}
// Destructor
virtual ~mm() {} // no need to decrease instance count in our case
////////////////////////////////CLASS METHODS////////////////////////////////
// Counter for number of isntances.
static counter& inst_count() {
static counter cnt;
return cnt;
/* This pattern makes sure that:
-- 1. The pool is created only when the first alloc appears
-- 2. All instances of mm have been already created (known instance sequence)
-- 3. Only one pool exists */
static boost::object_pool<gp_t>& get_pool() {
static boost::object_pool<gp_t> p(
mm<MAX>::inst_count().get_count() * MAX / 2, // creation size
mm<MAX>::inst_count().get_count() * MAX // max size used
return p;
// Allocate
virtual gp_t* allocate() {
return gp;
// Free the generic payload and data_ptr
virtual void free(gp_t* gp) {
Now, the initiator block class header should have a member:
mm m_mm;
And the initiator block class cpp should use this like:
tlm_generic_payload* gp;
gp = m_mm.allocate();
//...; // In truth this is called by gp->release()...
// ...not important here
Having an electronic HW background, I am mainly trying to improve coding style, learn new approaches and optimize speed/memory allocation.
Is there a better way to achieve this? In particular considering my doubts:
It seems to me a not optimal workaround to encapsulate the counter in a class, put it locally (but static) in a static method and then do the same for the pool.
even though SystemC "simulation kernel" is single-threaded, I need to consider a multithread case...I am not sure that the relationship between those two static methods is safe even thou independently they should be safe...with C++03 g++ adds code to guarantee it and with C++11:
§6.7 [stmt.dcl] p4 If control enters the declaration concurrently while the variable is being initialized, the concurrent execution shall wait for completion of the initialization.
Thanks in advance.

access violation reading location 0x000000004

I am doing a C++ coding practice in Visual Studio and keep having this problem shown as title. I know where the problem happens but I don't why it happens and how to solve it. Please help me with this.
typedef std::string QuestionName;
class ClassTemplete
ClassTemplete(Question iQuestionName);
static std::map<QuestionName,ClassTemplete *> questionName_questionPointer_map_;
map<QuestionName, ClassTemplete *> ClassTemplete::questionName_questionPointer_map_;
ClassTemplete::ClassTemplete(QuestionName iQuestionName)
ClassTemplete::questionName_questionPointer_map_[iQuestionName] = this;
class C1Q1 : public ClassTemplete
C1Q1(QuestionName iQuestionName) : ClassTemplete(iQuestionName) {};
static QuestionName question_name_;
static C1Q1 question_instance_;
QuestionName C1Q1::question_name_ = "C1Q1";
C1Q1 C1Q1::question_instance_(C1Q1::question_name_);
I found out that problem happens at this place when I run the program:
ClassTemplete::questionName_questionPointer_map_[iQuestionName] = this;
However, I cannot explain why it happens.
Please feel free to contact me if more information is required.
Kind regards,
Yi Ji
Where is QuestionName C1Q1:::question_name_ located relative to ClassTemplate::questionName_questionPointer_map_? They seem to be both variables with static storage duration, i.e., they are constructed before main() is run. However, the C++ compiler/linker orders the construction of such global objects only with one translation unit (in which case the objects are constructed top to bottom), not between translation units (in which case the objects are constructed in a random order).
You problem looks as if ClassTemplate::questionName_questionPointer_map would be constructed after C1Q1::question_name_. That is, when C1Q1::question_name_ is constructed, an object which is not, yet, constructed is being accessed.
The conventional fix is to make the static object other objects depend on not an object but rather a function with a local static variable to which a reference is returned:
std::map<QuestionName,ClassTemplete *>&
ClassTemplete::questionName_questionPointer_map_() {
static std::map<QuestionName,ClassTemplete *> rc;
return rc;
(note that this construction is not thread-safe when you don't use C++11; it is thread-safe when using C++11).
You have to use std::map::insert, you can't do ClassTemplete::questionName_questionPointer_map_[iQuestionName] = this; when you insert a new key in the map.
This code should work:
ClassTemplete::questionName_questionPointer_map_.insert(std::make_pair(iQuestionName, this));