iMacros version: FireFox 8.8.2
Windows 7: English
Browser: FireFox 31
Yes, demo macros work
Scripting Interface: I don't know what a "scripting interface" is.
Different Browsers: I want this to work with FireFox 31
If I am using the following two commands how do I make sure the first command page loads before the second command is executed?
CLICK X=400 Y=300
How do I make sure the above command page is loaded before the next command executes?
CLICK X=300 Y=200
I searched on the internet and found the "set !replayspeed" command but I am new to this and I don't know if it will do what I am asking and I don't know where to place it in the code.
Thanks in advance for any help,
on a new line, between two commands. This will set a delay of 5 seconds. You could set !WAITPAGECOMPLETE, but this command is only compatible with IE. See link below for more details..
I mainly use vim as an editor for C/C++ programming. Unfortunately, I'm not quite satisfied with the way my build process works. I know that it's possible to type in (or map to a key) :make to run the make process. I dislike the way this command works, though, as it runs the build process in the same terminal window without proper highlighting. I therefore usually run the make command in another window on my second monitor so that I have both proper highlighting and can look at the build errors the compiler shows me in one window while scrolling through the source code in my main vim window. This is also quite tedious because it requires me to change focus to another window, then type in the make command.
Now, my question is as follows: Is it possible to make vim run the make command in this other window without having to change focus? This way, I could just map the "build in other window" command to some key in vim and could achieve all of this with a single key press.
My system is Manjaro Linux with i3 as DWM.
(I was unsure wether to post this on the unix forum or here, please forgive me if this is the wrong forum.)
You can achieve this by using xdotool and i3 config-file mappings. These mappings require that the last command executed in the terminal of the window rightwards was make.
set $prevR xdotool key --clearmodifiers --delay 2 super+l ctrl+p Return super+h
set $prevRclr xdotool key --clearmodifiers --delay 2 super+l ctrl+l ctrl+p Return super+h
And then map those commands to your preferred keys, for example:
bindsym --release Mod4+Shift+e exec --no-startup-id $prevR
bindsym --release Mod4+e exec --no-startup-id $prevRclr
The first mapping runs the previous command on the window right to the current one.
The second one does the same while first clearing the terminal. You need to substitute the super+[lh] with your own mappings that change the focus to your alternate monitor.
You may also have to increase the --delay to accommodate for the lag of changing windows.
If you also want to populate the quickfix list, you have to separately run :make in vim. By doing this you can both see the errors properly colored and formatted on your alternate monitor and be able to jump to the next error in vim with :cnext, :cprevious (see :help quickfix.txt for more info).
If you want to apply your make command to an arbitrary window, have a look at the
'WINDOW_STACK' section of the man page xdotool(1).
I am using selenium RC version-2.21. Everything was working fine with
old google chrome. Then it gets auto updated. The problem is when i
run the test cases only the command window(the window where you can
see which command is getting executed) is visible.The second
window(AUT) is not visible.
My google chrome version is 18.0.1025.162 m. Please help with this
Any time Chrome gets updated, you may need a new version of the "chromedriver" interface to it. That's supplied by the Chrome folks, not by the Selenium folks. Go to and find the one that matches your browser.
The solution is to add a sentence to maximize the AUT window.
You have to add:
after starting your selenium client instance.
Do you get an error message? Or is the browser just not visible (I assume you mean at all and not that it is just minimized?).
As Selenium RC's documentation suggests, not all browser versions are supported (which clearly sucks in this case for you! =[) so you may have to look at Selenium WebDriver, or wait for a new release of Selenium RC to handle the new Chrome. Sorry this doesn't really solve anything for you!
I'm running CF9 dev edition - using the built in webserver, on win XP sp3
I don't seem to be able to get a command line to run from CF...
Error looks like this:
Timeout period expired without completion of C:\Program Files\Vis\vis.exe
If I run this from the CMD - it works fine...
C:\Program Files\Vis\vis.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\me.POV-ISP\My Documents\actX.vjb"
trying to run it from CF using this code - (or many other variations) and it times out.
<cfexecute name = "C:\Program Files\Vis\vis.exe"
arguments = "C:\Documents and Settings\me.POV-ISP\My Documents\actX.vjb"
variable="result" timeout="600" errorVariable="errorv"/>
I understand from reading other threads that it MAY be permissions, but WHAT should the permissions be? I installed CF as me - it's run locally, thru my account, same as me running CMD.
The first thing I would try is change your path from C:\documents and settings ...(This is actually a short cut file/pointer in Windows 7 and not a true path) and use c:\users\m.pov-isp\Documents\actX.vjb). Just in case ColdFusion can't resolve the pointer in the system environment.
Failing that, it's either Syntax or permissions right?
To rule out syntax, I'd run this, slightly modified for windows 7, stock example from live docs:
<cfexecute name = "C:\Windows\System32\NETSTAT.EXE"
arguments = "-e"
outputFile = "C:\Temp\output.txt"
timeout = "1">
If the output file shows up, you know it's the syntax. If it doesn't we can attack the service...
Open up your services panel (right click my computer -> manage -> services and applications -> services).
Select the ColdFusion 9 Application server -> properties
Change the Logon account to your own. This should give ColdFusion access to your Documents and all of the other resources you can reach as a user. You also may want to try outputting to a folder on the C drive that will be less likely to have conflicting permission issues.
Best of luck.
You can also try overridding any setting in the individual file you're making with the following command
<cfsetting requesttimeout = "10000">
Where, 10000 is 10000 seconds. You might want to stick to 600 seconds (10 minutes) and move up from there. I would put it before the cfexecute. You can try using it alone first, or in conjunction with the cfexecute timeout.
Let us know how it goes!
If none of the approaches above works, get hold of SysInternals Process Monitor and run it whilst running the request. Process Monitor generates thousands of events (filtering them down is very necessary), including all file and registry access attempts and their success.
You may well find a clue in the logging it does.
I am coding one project, which needs to launch some webbrowsers with the given url.
I saw some QT examples, but they explained how to launch the default browser, not a particular browser.
Any helping suggestions will be appreciated.
Below is the code I use currently
QString temp="C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe";
Hi, I found that the problem is not in QProcess->start, Because it works perfectly for "explorer.exe", But not works, for executables which are in Program Files.
So I post a new question about it.
If you know which browser you want to start and where they are located on the system (such as the default installation directories). You should be able to use QProcess
This can usually be done as the following:
system("/path/to/the/browser \"\"");
or spawn instead of system (gives you control over environment variables, etc.)
I am trying to build an install CD with a custom MFC application set to autorun when the CD is inserted.
The instructions are included as a simple html page with images and links to PDF documents, all of which are located on the CD.
In the past I'd used the following to open the html page with the default browser:
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", <full path to .htm file including CD drive letter>, NULL, NULL, SHOWNORMAL);
But when testing with IE8 under vista I've encountered the following:
Explorer launches
The tab says 'Connecting'
Explorer dissappears
This has to do with protected mode, since if you turn off protected mode for the internet zone, the problem goes away.
The strange thing is that the problem only shows up once everthing is burned onto a CD. If I just run the autorun executable manually from my hard drive, the html page comes up just fine.
So I'm asking if there is anything specific I can do to fix this?
Or if there is another mechanism for opening URLs with the user's default browser that might not have this problem?
Since you can be reasonably sure that IE is installed you might want to execute
iexplore.exe [URL]
in your shellex call.
In case IE is not installed, check the return value to see if it isn't not found. If so do your original shellex call directly on the .htm file.
Alternatively, You can copy the .htm to a %TEMP%, and run the shellex call from there. That way it gets around the protected aceess from a "risky" location.
Can you capture and display the return code from the ShellExecute? That might give us a clue as to what is happening.
result = ShellExecute(...
Possible return codes are listed here:
It says in your question that you are hard-coding the CD-ROM drive letter. Does the machine you are testing on have a different drive letter than the one you created the CD on?