Regex - match up to first literal - regex

I have some lines of code I am trying to remove some leading text from which appears like so:
Line 1:;
Line 2: myApp.version
Line 3: myApp.defaults, myApp.numbers;
I am trying and trying to find a regex that will remove anything up to (but excluding) myApp.
I have tried various regular expressions, but they all seem to fail when it comes to line 3 (because myApp appears twice).
The closest I have come so far is:
Pretty simple - but that matches both instances of myApp occurrences in Line 3 - whereas I'd like it to match only the first.
There's a few hundred lines - otherwise I'd have deleted them all manually by now.
Can somebody help me? Thanks.

You need to add an anchor ^ which matches the starting point of a line ,
Use the above regex and replace the matched characters with $1 or \1. So that you could get the string myApp in the final result after replacement.
Pattern explanation:
^ Start of a line.
.*?(myApp) Shortest possible match upto the first myApp. The string myApp was captured and stored into a group.(group 1)
All matched characters are replaced with the chars present inside the group 1.

Your regular expression works in Perl if you add the ^ to ensure that you only match the beginnings of lines:
cat /tmp/test.txt | perl -pe 's/^.*?myApp/myApp/g';
myApp.defaults, myApp.numbers;
If you wanted to get fancy, you could put the "myApp" into a group that doesn't get captured as part of the expression using (?=) syntax. That way it doesn't have to be replaced back in.
cat /tmp/test.txt | perl -pe 's/^.*?(?=myApp)//g';
myApp.defaults, myApp.numbers;


Substitute any other character except for a specific pattern in Perl

I have text files with lines like this:
U_town/u_LN0_pk_LN3_bnb_LN155/DD0 U_DESIGN/u_LNxx_pk_LN99_bnb_LN151_LN11_/DD5
U_master/u_LN999_pk_LN767888_bnb_LN9772/Dnn111 u_LN999_pk_LN767888_bnb_LN9772_LN9999_LN11/DD
I am trying to substitute any other character except for / to nothing and keep a word with pattern _LN\d+_ with Perl one-liner.
So the edited version would look like:
/_LN0__LN3__LN155/ /_LN99__LN151_LN11_/
/_LN999__LN767888_/ _LN999__LN767888__LN9772_LN9999_/
I tried below which returned empty lines
perl -pe 's/(?! _LN\d+_)[^\/].+//g' file
Below returned only '/'.
perl -pe 's/(?! _LN\d+_)\w+//g' file
Is it perhaps not possible with a one-liner and I should consider writing a code to parse character by character and see if a matching word _LN\d+_ or a character / is there?
To merely remove everything other than these patterns can simply match the patterns and join the matches back
perl -wnE'say join "", m{/ | _LN[0-9]+_ }gx' file
or perhaps, depending on details of the requirements
perl -wnE'say join "", m{/ | _LN[0-9]+(?=_) }gx' file
(See explanation in the last bullet below.)
Prints, for the first line (of the two) of the shown sample input
or, in the second version
The _LN155 is not there because it is not followed by _. See below.
Why are there spaces after some / in the "edited version" shown in the question?
The pattern to keep is shown as _LN\d+_ but _LN155 is shown to be kept even though it is not followed by a _ in the input (but by a /) ...?
Are underscores optional by any chance? If so, append ? to them in the pattern
perl -wnE'say join "", m{/ | _?LN[0-9]+_? }gx' file
with output
(It's been clarified that the extra space in the shown desired output is a mistake.)
If the underscores "overlap," like in _LN155_LN11_, in the regex they won't be both matched by the _LN\d+_ pattern, since the first one "takes" the underscore.
But if such overlapping instances nned be kept then replace the trailing _ with a lookahead for it, which doesn't consume it so it's there for the leading _ on the next pattern
perl -wnE'say join "", m{/ | _LN[0-9]+(?=_) }gx' file
(if the underscores are optional and you use _?LN\d+_? pattern then this isn't needed)

Remove columns from CSV

I don't know anything about Notepad++ Regex.
This is the data I have in my CSV:
How can I use a Regex to remove the 5th and 6th column? The numbers in the 5th and 6th column are variable in length.
Another problem is the User row can also contain a |, to make it even worse.
I can use a macro to fix this, but the file is a few millions lines long.
This is the final result I want to achieve:
I am open for suggestions on how to do this with another program, command line utility, either Linux or Windows.
Match \|[^|]+\|[^|]+(\|[^|]+$)
Repalce $1
Basically, Anchor to the end of the line, and remove columns [-1] and [-2] (I assume columns can't be empty. Replace + with * if they can)
If you need finer detail then that, I'd recommend writing a Java or Python script to manual parse and rewrite the file for you.
I've captured three groups and given them names. If you use a replace utility like sed or vimregex, you can replace remove with nothing. Or you can use a programming language to concatenate keep_before and keep_after for the desired result.
You may have to remove the group namings and use \1 etc. instead, depending on what environment you use.
From Notepad++ hit ctrl + h then enter the following in the dialog:
Find what: \|\d+\|\d+(\|[0-9a-z]+)$
Replace with: $1
Search mode: Regular Expression
Click replace and done.
Regex Explain:
\|\d+ : match 1st string that starts with | followed by number
\|\d+ : match 2nd string that starts with | followed by number
(\|[0-9a-z]+): match and capture the string after the 2nd number.
$ : This is will force regex search to match the end of the string.
$1 : replace the found string with whatever we have between the captured group which is whatever we have between the parentheses (\|[0-9a-z]+)

notepad++ regex replace word in first line

Im trying to use the following regex to search and replace in multiple files in notepad++
This searches and finds state="1" in the first line of each file and works fine.
However, when I try to replace state="1" using:
Replace with: $1 state="5"
it cuts off the rest of the line.
I thought that it might be possible to get the rest of the line using:
Replace with: $1 state="5" $2
However, $2 doesnt seem to exist as a variable.
Is there some way to attach the rest of the line into variable $2?
Heres an image to show how
is not working
Ive updated my version of notepad++ and everything
Each capture group, (…), is assigned a number, so $2 represents the second capture group, (state="1"). The remainder of the line is captured in $3.
Either remove the capture group around state="1":
Or use $3:
Replace with: $1 state="5" $3
Also, given the simplicity of the task, I don't see why you couldn't just search for state="1" and replace with state="5". There doesn't seem to be any need for regular expressions here.
Update There's nothing in the pattern listed so far which limits the result to only matching strings on the first line. If you need that I'd recommend using a pattern like this:
With these settings:
Update There seems to be some strange behavior with the \A (beginning of text) anchor inside the lookbehind. Removing from the lookbehind seems to work. Try this pattern:
And replace with:
All the other settings should be fine.

Regular expression get filename without extention from full filepath

How can I extract the filename without extention from the following file path:
D:\Projects\Extract\downtown - second.pdf
The following regular expression gives me the filename with extention: [^\\]*$
e.g. downtown - second.pdf
The following regular expression gives me the filename without extention: (.+)(?=(\.))
e.g. D:\Projects\Extract\downtown - second
I'm struggling to combine the two into one regular expression to give me the results I want: downtown - second
I suspect that your 2nd regex would not give you the output you have shown. It will give you the complete string till the first period (.).
To get just the file name without extension, you can use this regex: -
I have just replaced (.+) in your 2nd regex with the [^\\]* from your first regex, and added pattern to match pdf till the end.
Now this pattern will match 0 or more repetition of any character but backslash(\), followed by a . and then 1 or more repetition of alphabets making up extension.
I made up this one, which allows to capture most of the possibilities:
and so on...
I captured file from /path/to/file.pdf by using following regex:
Hope this helps you
I had to use an extra backslash before the first ']' to make this work
I use this pattern
[^\/]+[.+\.].*$ for / path separator
[^\\]+[.+\.].*$ for \ path separator
hich matches the filename at the end of the string without worrying about characters. There is one exception that if the path for some reason has a folder with a period in it this will get upset. Linux hidden directories that are preceded with a . like .rvm are unaffected.
Hope this helps.

sed only replacing last occurrence of match - need to match all

I would like to replace all { } on a certain line with [ ], but unfortunately I am only able to match the last occurrence of the regexp.
I have a config file which has structure as follows:
entry {
id 123456789
desc This is a description of {foo} and was added by {bar}
trigger 987654321
I have the following sed, of which is able to replace the last match 'bar' but not 'foo':
sed s'/\(desc.*\){\(.*\)}/\1\[\2\]/g' < filename
I anchor this search to the line containing 'desc' as I would hate for it to replace the delimiting braces of each 'entry' block.
For the life of me I am unable to figure out how to replace all of the occurrences.
Any help is appreciated - have been learning all day and unable to read any more tutorials for fear that my corneas might crack.
Try the following:
sed '/desc/ s/{\([^}]*\)}/[\1]/g' filename
The search and replace in the above command will only be done for lines that match the regex /desc/, however I don't think this is actually necessary because sed processes text a line at a time, so even without this you wouldn't be replacing braces on the 'entry' block. This means that you could probably simplify this to the following:
sed 's/{\([^}]*\)}/[\1]/g' filename
Instead of .* inside of the capturing group [^}]* is used which will match everything except closing braces, that way you won't match from the first opening to the last closing.
Also, you can just provide the file name as the final argument to sed instead of using input redirection.