Ball passing through paddle from certain angles - c++

I'm creating a pong clone for school with C++ and SFML 2.1 and I'm having a little problem when the ball hits the left paddle at sharp angles (It goes through).
The right paddle works fine at all angles, and as far as i can remember they're using the same code.
This is the code I'm using for collision:
for (auto& it : collisionPaddles)
if (this->ballShape.getGlobalBounds().intersects(it->getGlobalPaddleBounds()))
float deltaDistance = (this->y + this->radius) - (it->y + it->height / 2);
bool fromLeft = true;
if ((ballAngle < (3*myMath::MY_PI/2) && ballAngle > myMath::MY_PI/2))
fromLeft = false;
fromLeft = true;
ballAngle = static_cast<float>(deltaDistance * (myMath::MY_PI/180));
if (fromLeft)
ballAngle = static_cast<float>(myMath::MY_PI - ballAngle);

That's not the way a good pong should be implemented. When your model of physics uses some deltas, you get a lot of artefacts. The one of most prominent is objects passing through each other. In such simple cases deltas should be used for animation only.
Here's the way I would solve it. When the ball gets its initial speed and vector of movement, I would calculate the whole path until it hits the player's baseline.
Calculate an initial ray from the current position of the ball, directed the same way it moves.
Intersect that ray with segments that consistute the borders of your field.
Calculate the time that is needed to reach that intersection point.
Calculate the new ray from the intersection point towards the new movement vector.
Repeat steps 2-4 until you hit a player's base line. Sum all the times.
Now you have a relative time of the hit with baseline and the place it will happen. Now on every frame you should
Check if that collision time has been between the previous frame and the current one. If it was,
Calculate the expected position of paddle at that moment.
If the segment of paddle contains that intersection point, it was reflected. Calculate the new path as described before.
This way you'll get true game mechanics that are not limited by most of the aspects of game development, i.e. FPS, sudden lags etc.


3D Collision resolution, moving AABB + polyhedron

I have been writing a game engine in my free time, but I've been stuck for a couple weeks trying to get collisions working.
Currently I am representing entities' colliders with AABBs, and the collider for a level is represented by a fairly simple (but not necessarily convex) polyhedron. All the drawing is sprite-based but the underlying collision code is 3D.
I've got AABB/triangle collision detection working using this algorithm, (which I can naively apply to every face in the level mesh), but I am stuck trying to resolve the collision after I have detected its existence.
The algorithm I came up with works pretty well, but there are some edge cases where it breaks. For example, walking straight into a sharp corner will always push the player to one side or the other. Or if a small colliding face happens to have a normal that is closer to the players direction of movement than all other faces, it will "pop" the player in that direction first, even though using the offset from a different face would have had a better result.
For reference, my current algorithm looks like:
Create list of all colliding faces
Sort list in increasing order of the angle between face normal and negative direction of entity movement (i.e. process faces with the most "stopping power" first)
For each colliding face in collision list:
scale = distance of collision along face normal
Entity position += face normal * scale
If no more collision:
And here's the implementation:
void Mesh::handleCollisions(Player& player) const
using Face = Face<int32_t>;
BoundingBox<float> playerBounds = player.getGlobalBounds();
Vector3f negPlayerDelta = -player.getDeltaPos(); // Negative because face norm should be opposite direction of player dir
auto comparator = [&negPlayerDelta](const Face& face1, const Face& face2) {
const Vector3f norm1 = face1.normal();
const Vector3f norm2 = face2.normal();
float closeness1 = / (negPlayerDelta.magnitude() * norm1.magnitude());
float closeness2 = / (negPlayerDelta.magnitude() * norm2.magnitude());
return closeness1 > closeness2;
std::vector<Face> collidingFaces;
for (const Face& face : _faces)
::Face<float> floatFace(face);
if (CollisionHelper::collisionBetween(playerBounds, floatFace))
if (collidingFaces.empty()) {
// Process in order of "closeness" between player delta and face normal
std::sort(collidingFaces.begin(), collidingFaces.end(), comparator);
Vector3f totalOffset;
for (const Face& face : collidingFaces)
const Vector3f& norm = face.normal().normalized();
Point3<float> closestVert(playerBounds.xMin, playerBounds.yMin, playerBounds.zMin); // Point on AABB that is most negative in direction of norm
if (norm.x < 0)
closestVert.x = playerBounds.xMax;
if (norm.y < 0)
closestVert.y = playerBounds.yMax;
if (norm.z < 0)
closestVert.z = playerBounds.zMax;
float collisionDist = closestVert.vectorTo(face[0]).dot(norm); // Distance from closest vert to face
Vector3f offset = norm * collisionDist;
BoundingBox<float> newBounds(playerBounds + offset);
totalOffset += offset;
if (std::none_of(collidingFaces.begin(), collidingFaces.end(),
[&newBounds](const Face& face) {
::Face<float> floatFace(face);
return CollisionHelper::collisionBetween(newBounds, floatFace);
// No more collision; we are done
Vector3f playerDelta = player.getDeltaPos();
I have been messing with sorting the colliding faces by "collision distance in the direction of player movement", but I haven't yet figured out an efficient way to find that distance value for all faces.
Does anybody know of an algorithm that would work better for what I am trying to accomplish?
I'm quite suspicious with the first part of code. You modify the entity's position in each iteration, am I right? That might be able to explain the weird edge cases.
In a 2D example, if a square walks towards a sharp corner and collides with both walls, its position will be modified by one wall first, which makes it penetrate more into the second wall. And then the second wall changes its position using a larger scale value, so that it seems the square is pushed only by one wall.
If a collision happens where the surface S's normal is close to the player's movement, it will be handled later than all other collisions. Note that when dealing with other collisions, the player's position is modified, and likely to penetrate more into surface S. So at last the program deal with collision with surface S, which pops the player a lot.
I think there's a simple fix. Just compute the penetrations at once, and use a temporal variable to sum up all the displacement and then change the position with the total displacement.

How do I accomplish proper trajectory with a Cocos2d-x node using Chipmunk 2D impulses and rotation?

I'm building a game with Cocos2d-x version 3.13.1 and I've decided to go with the built-in physics engine (Chipmunk 2D) to accomplish animations and collision detection. I have a simple projectile called BulletUnit that inherits from cocos2d::Node. It has a child sprite that displays artwork, and a rectangular physics body with the same dimensions as the artwork.
The BulletUnit has a method called fireAtPoint, which determines the angle between itself and the point specified, then sets the initial velocity based on the angle. On each update cycle, acceleration is applied to the projectile. This is done by applying impulses to the body based on an acceleration variable and the angle calculated in fireAtPoint. Here's the code:
bool BulletUnit::init() {
if (!Unit::init()) return false;
displaySprite_ = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(frameName_);
auto physicsBody = PhysicsBody::createBox(displaySprite_->getContentSize());
return true;
void BulletUnit::update(float dt) {
auto mass = this->getPhysicsBody()->getMass();
acceleration_ * mass * cosf(angle_),
acceleration_ * mass * sinf(angle_)
void BulletUnit::fireAtPoint(const Point &point) {
angle_ = Trig::angleBetweenPoints(this->getPosition(), point);
auto physicsBody = this->getPhysicsBody();
startingSpeed_ * cosf(angle_),
startingSpeed_ * sinf(angle_)
This works exactly as I want it to. You can see in the image below, my bullets are accelerating as planned and traveling directly towards my mouse clicks.
But, there's one obvious flaw: the bullet is remaining flat instead of rotating to "point" towards the target. So, I adjust fireAtPoint to apply a rotation to the node. Here's the updated method:
void BulletUnit::fireAtPoint(const Point &point) {
angle_ = Trig::angleBetweenPoints(this->getPosition(), point);
// This rotates the node to make it point towards the target
this->setRotation(angle_ * -180.0f/M_PI);
auto physicsBody = this->getPhysicsBody();
startingSpeed_ * cosf(angle_),
startingSpeed_ * sinf(angle_)
This almost works. The bullet is pointing in the right direction, but the trajectory is now way off and seems to be arcing away from the target as a result of the rotation: the more drastic the rotation, the more drastic the arcing. The following image illustrates what's happening:
So, it seems that setting the rotation is causing the physics engine to behave in a way I hadn't originally expected. I've been racking my brain on ways to correct the flight path, but so far, no luck! Any suggestions would be greatly apprecitated. Thanks!

2D C++ Collision detection almost perfect, but not quite?

Just to preface this question please note I am not asking 'fix my code', rather what techniques would I employ to fix this problem. I also apologise if my spelling is not very good.
Okay so I have a 2D platformer game which compares the players position with all of the tiles (in a loop), the resolves the collision accordingly. This is pretty much the structure of the main game loop:
Check all collisions (And enable jumping if a collision bellow the
player occurred)
Get input and change player velocity accordingly
Add gravity to the Y velocity
Apply velocity and friction to the players position
Draw the game
But despite this system working there are two minor, but noticeable problems with the collision system (I have provided images to make it easier). There are two problems, the first is not that bad, but the second renderers the game almost unplayable!
Problem 1. When just moving left and right across the floor in the game, occasionally the player looses all the velocity it has gained and then has to re-accumulate that velocity. I think this is because every now and then my collision detection function does not return properly. here is a image:
I hope that was clear, the problem only really becomes apparent when moving across lots of flat land.
Problem 2 (This one is way worse) The problem is that player can essentially jump up walls, because if you say for example hold down left arrow and hold jump, the player will jump up the wall. I am assuming this is because My collision detection function is returning true if the collision is coming from the side (although it should not). Here is another picture (the text is small, sorry):
So here is my collision detection function, which should take in two 'Objects' then return the direction from the first object at which the collision occurred, I think the problem arouses when It comes to determining the direction as this is causing problems, as shown above:
//Find the collision vectors
float vectorX = (a.Position.x + (a.Scale.x / 2)) - (b.Position.x + (b.Scale.x / 2));
float vectorY = (a.Position.y + (a.Scale.y / 2)) - (b.Position.y + (b.Scale.y / 2));
//Find the distance between the two objects
float deltaWidth = (a.Scale.x / 2) + (b.Scale.x / 2);
float deltaHeight = (a.Scale.y / 2) + (b.Scale.y / 2);
//Stores the direction of collision
Direction collisionDir = Direction::None;
//Check if the two objects are intersecting on the x and y axis
if (fabs(vectorX) < deltaWidth && fabs(vectorY) < deltaHeight)
//The direction of collision
float directionX = deltaWidth - fabs(vectorX);
float directionY = deltaHeight - fabs(vectorY);
//Check for vertical collision
if (directionX >= directionY)
//Check for collisions from the top
if (vectorY > 0)
a.Velocity.y = 0;
a.Position.y += directionY;
collisionDir = Direction::Up;
//Collisions form the botttom
a.Velocity.y = 0;
a.Position.y -= directionY;
collisionDir = Direction::Down;
else if (directionX < directionY / 2)
//Check for collisions from the left
if (vectorX > 0 )
a.Velocity.x = 0;
a.Position.x += directionX;
collisionDir = Direction::Left;
//Collisions form the right side
a.Velocity.x = 0;
a.Position.x -= directionX;
collisionDir = Direction::Right;
//Return the direction.
return collisionDir;
This will return a direction, My other code also checks if that direction == Bottom, then it will allow jumping.
Thank-you for any help. I am practising for Ludum Dare, because I plan on (probably) making a platformer and If I cant figure out collision detection I don't know how good my game will be.
First thing I would recommend is make yourself a Vector2D class which holds your x and y coordinates and a few overload some operators to allow for addition and subtraction of two Vector2Ds and multiplication and division by ints, floats and doubles. Trust me it will make your life a lot easier as they can hold all your forces and collision points.
Next when I have used the style of collision you are currently using I have always found that it's:
A)Harder to debug.
B)Harder for other people to follow your code.
So I would recommend creating a Rectangle2D class which handles collisions with other Rectangles and other needed functionality.
As a recommendation have the top left corner and the bottom right corner as a vector from the center of the rectangle which makes scaling and collision detection much easier this also means you can derive the other corners without directly needing to store them.
Here's a code example that will probably help what I'm trying to explain:
bool Intersects(Rectangle2D other)
//Checks the right, left, bottom then top of the rectangle
//against the other.
if(other.topLeftCorner.x >= bottomRightCorner.x //Checks the right
|| other.bottomRightCorner.x <= topLeftCorner.x //Checks the left
|| other.topLeftCorner.y >= bottomRightCorner.y //Checks the bottom
|| other.bottomRightCorner.y <= topLeftCorner.y) //Checks the top
return false;
return true;
You can easily manipulate this code to give you the direction of the collision. Hope this helps.

c++ Collision Detection for a turning rectangle

I have some collision detection working when my player hits an object. But this only works when my players x & y co-ordinates hit my marker (which is the centre of my character).
Would making a method returning a vector of all of the coordinates that the players texture cover work and what is the best way to implement this?
This is being done in c++ creating a top down game
There are many ways to do it, most simply is probably(depending on you use of classes etc).
This is the simplest, but no where near the best, or infact very good at all. This way means changing your "marker" to the bottom left of the rectangle.
void collisions()
//check if the x-coord is between the furthest left and furthest right x coords
if(rect.Getx() > someObject.Getx() && rect.Getx() < someObject.Getx() + someObject.GetWidth())
if(rect.Gety() > someObject.Gety() && rect.Gety() < someObject.Gety() + someObject.GetHeight())
You would then have to set the move speed to normal when it is not colliding. That could be done with an else after each if, setting the move speed again. This is a quick fix and is not recommended for use in a game you plan to distribute anywhere.

Determining Resting contact between sphere and plane when using external forces

This question has one major question, and one minor question. I believe I am right in either question from my research, but not both.
For my physics loop, the first thing I do is apply a gravitational force to my TotalForce for a rigid body object. I then check for collisions using my TotalForce and my Velocity. My TotalForce is reset to (0, 0, 0) after every physics loop, although I will keep my velocity.
I am familiar with doing a collision check between a moving sphere and a static plane when using only velocity. However, what if I have other forces besides velocity, such as gravity? I put the other forces into TotalForces (right now I only have gravity). To compensate for that, when I determine that the sphere is not currently overlapping the plane, I do
Vector3 forces = (sphereTotalForces + sphereVelocity);
Vector3 forcesDT = forces * fElapsedTime;
float denom = Vec3Dot(&plane->GetNormal(), &forces);
However, this can be problematic for how I thought was suppose to be resting contact. I thought resting contact was computed by
denom * dist == 0.0f
Where dist is
float dist = Vec3Dot(&plane->GetNormal(), &spherePosition) - plane->d;
(For reference, the obvious denom * dist > 0.0f meaning the sphere is moving away from the plane)
However, this can never be true. Even when there appears to be "resting contact". This is due to my forces calculation above always having at least a .y of -9.8 (my gravity). When when moving towards a plane with a normal of (0, 1, 0) will produce a y of denom of -9.8.
My question is
1) Am I calculating resting contact correctly with how I mentioned with my first two code snippets?
If so,
2) How should my "other forces" such as gravity be used? Is my use of TotalForces incorrect?
For reference, my timestep is
mAcceleration = mTotalForces / mMass;
mVelocity += mAcceleration * fElapsedTime;
Vector3 translation = (mVelocity * fElapsedTime);
Since it appears that some suggested changes will change my collision code, here is how i detect my collision states
if(fabs(dist) <= sphereRadius)
{ // There already is a collision }
Vector3 forces = (sphereTotalForces + sphereVelocity);
float denom = Vec3Dot(&plane->GetNormal(), &forces);
// Resting contact
if(dist == 0) { }
// Sphere is moving away from plane
else if(denom * dist > 0.0f) { }
// There will eventually be a collision
float fIntersectionTime = (sphereRadius - dist) / denom;
float r;
if(dist > 0.0f)
r = sphereRadius;
r = -sphereRadius;
Vector3 collisionPosition = spherePosition + fIntersectionTime * sphereVelocity - r * planeNormal;
You should use if(fabs(dist) < 0.0001f) { /* collided */ } This is to acocunt for floating point accuracies. You most certainly would not get an exact 0.0f at most angles or contact.
the value of dist if negative, is in fact the actual amount you need to shift the body back onto the surface of the plane in case it goes through the plane surface. sphere.position = sphere.position - plane.Normal * fabs(dist);
Once you have moved it back to the surface, you can optionally make it bounce in the opposite direction about the plane normal; or just stay on the plane.
parallel_vec =, -sphere.velocity);
perpendicular_vec = sphere.velocity - parallel_vec;
bounce_velocity = parallel - perpendicular_vec;
you cannot blindly do totalforce = external_force + velocity unless everything has unit mass.
To fully define a plane in 3D space, you plane structure should store a plane normal vector and a point on the plane. .
Vector3 planeToSphere = sphere.point - plane.point;
float dist =, planeToSphere) - plane.radius;
if(dist < 0)
// collided.
I suggest you study more Maths first if this is the part you do not know.
NB: Sorry, the formatting is messed up... I cannot mark it as code block.
Based on my understanding on your code, either you are naming your variables badly or as I mentioned earlier, you need to revise your maths and physics theory. This line does not do anything useful.
float denom = Vec3Dot(&plane->GetNormal(), &forces);
A at any instance of time, a force on the sphere can be in any direction at all unrelated to the direction of travel. so denom essentially calculates the amount of force in the direction of the plane surface, but tells you nothing about whether the ball will hit the plane. e.g. gravity is downwards, but a ball can have upward velocity and hit a plane above. With that, you need to Vec3Dot(plane.normal, velocity) instead.
Alternatively, Mark Phariss and Gerhard Powell had already give you the physics equation for linear kinematics, you can use those to directly calculate future positions, velocity and time of impact.
e.g. s = 0.5 * (u + v) * t; gives the displacement after future time t. compare that displacement with distance from plane and you get whether the sphere will hit the plane. So again, I suggest you read up on and the easy stuff first then .
Yet another method, if you expect or assume no other forces to act on the sphere, then you do a ray / plane collision test to find the time t at which it will hit the plane, in that case, read .
There will always be -9.8y of gravity acting on the sphere. In the case of a suspended sphere this will result in downwards acceleration (net force is non-zero). In the case of the sphere resting on the plane this will result in the plane exerting a normal force on the sphere. If the plane was perfectly horizontal with the sphere at rest this normal force would be exactly +9.8y which would perfectly cancel the force of gravity. For a sphere at rest on a non-horizontal plane the normal force is 9.8y * cos(angle) (angle is between -90 and +90 degrees).
Things get more complicated when a moving sphere hits a plane as the normal force will depend on the velocity and the plane/sphere material properties. Depending what your application requirements are you could either ignore this or try some things with the normal forces and see how it works.
For your specific questions:
I believe contact is more specifically just when dist == 0.0f, that is the sphere and plane are making contact. I assume your collision takes into account that the sphere may move past the plane in any physics time step.
Right now you don't appear to have any normal forces being put on the sphere from the plane when they are making contact. I would do this by checking for contact (dist == 0.0f) and if true adding the normal force to the sphere. In the simple case of a falling sphere onto a near horizontal plane (angle between -90 and +90 degrees) it would just be sphereTotalForces += Vector3D(0, 9.8 * cos(angle), 0).
From here your equation for dist to compute the distance from the edge of sphere to the plane may not be correct depending on the details of your problem and code (which isn't given). Assuming your plane goes through the origin the correct equation is:
dist = Vec3Dot(&spherePosition, &plane->GetNormal()) - sphereRadius;
This is the same as your equation if plane->d == sphereRadius. Note that if the plane is not at the origin then use:
D3DXVECTOR3 vecTemp(spherePosition - pointOnPlane);
dist = Vec3Dot(&vecTemp, &plane->GetNormal()) - sphereRadius;
The exact solution to this problem involves some pretty serious math. If you want an approximate solution I strongly recommend developing it in stages.
1) Make sure your sim works without gravity. The ball must travel through space and have inelastic (or partially elastic) collisions with angled frictionless surfaces.
2) Introduce gravity. This will change ballistic trajectories from straight lines to parabolae, and introduce sliding, but it won't have much effect on collisions.
3) Introduce static and kinetic friction (independently). These will change the dynamics of sliding. Don't worry about friction in collisions for now.
4) Give the ball angular velocity and a moment of inertia. This is a big step. Make sure you can apply torques to it and get realistic angular accelerations. Note that realistic behavior of a spinning mass can be counter-intuitive.
5) Try sliding the ball along a level surface, under gravity. If you've done everything right, its angular velocity will gradually increase and its linear velocity gradually decrease, until it breaks into a roll. Experiment with giving the ball some initial spin ("draw", "follow" or "english").
6) Try the same, but on a sloped surface. This is a relatively small step.
If you get this far you'll have a pretty realistic sim. Don't try to skip any of the steps, you'll only give yourself headaches.
Answers to your physics problems:
f = mg + other_f; // m = mass, g = gravity (9.8)
a = f / m; // a = acceleration
v = u + at; // v = new speed, u = old speed, t = delta time
s = 0.5 * (u + v) *t;
When you have a collision, you change the both speeds to 0 (or v and u = -(u * 0.7) if you want it to bounce).
Because speed = 0, the ball is standing still.
If it is 2D or 3D, then you just change the speed in the direction of the normal of the surface to 0, and keep the parallel speed the same. That will result in the ball rolling on the surface.
You must move the ball to the surface if it cuts the surface. You can make collision distance to a small amount (for example 0.001) to make sure it stay still.
NeHe is an amazing source of game engine design:
Here is a page on collision detection with very good descriptions:
Edit 2: (From NeHe)
double; // Dot Product Between Plane Normal And Ray Direction
Dsc=(; // Find Distance To Collision Point
Tc= Dsc*T / Dst
Collision point= Start + Velocity*Tc
I suggest after that to take a look at erin cato articles (the author of Box2D) and Glenn fiedler articles as well.
Gravity is a strong acceleration and results in strong forces. It is easy to have faulty simulations because of floating imprecisions, variable timesteps and euler integration, very quickly.
The repositionning of the sphere at the plane surface in case it starts to burry itself passed the plane is mandatory, I noticed myself that it is better to do it only if velocity of the sphere is in opposition to the plane normal (this can be compared to face culling in 3D rendering: do not take into account backfaced planes).
also, most physics engine stops simulation on idle bodies, and most games never take gravity into account while moving, only when falling. They use "navigation meshes", and custom systems as long as they are sure the simulated objet is sticking to its "ground".
I don't know of a flawless physics simulator out there, there will always be an integration explosion, a missed collision (look for "sweeped collision").... it takes a lot of empirical fine-tweaking.
Also I suggest you look for "impulses" which is a method to avoid to tweak manually the velocity when encountering a collision.
Also take a look to "what every computer scientist should know about floating points"
good luck, you entered a mine field, randomly un-understandable, finger biting area of numerical computer science :)
For higher fidelity (wouldn't solve your main problem), I'd change your timestep to
mAcceleration = mTotalForces / mMass;
Vector3 translation = (mVelocity * fElapsedTime) + 0.5 * mAcceleration * pow(fElapsedTime, 2);
mVelocity += mAcceleration * fElapsedTime;
You mentioned that the sphere was a rigid body; are you also modeling the plane as rigid? If so, you'd have an infinite point force at the moment of contact & perfectly elastic collision without some explicit dissipation of momentum.
Force & velocity cannot be summed (incompatible units); if you're just trying to model the kinematics, you can disregard mass and work with acceleration & velocity only.
Assuming the sphere is simply dropped onto a horizontal plane with a perfectly inelastic collision (no bounce), you could do [N.B., I don't really know C syntax, so this'll be Pythonic]
mAcceleration = if isContacting then (0, 0, 0) else (0, -9.8, 0)
If you add some elasticity (say half momentum conserved) to the collision, it'd be more like
mAcceleration = (0, -9.8, 0) + if isContacting then (0, 4.9, 0)