Invalid address specified to RtlValidateHeap in cross-dll application when using QTcpSocket - c++

Sorry this is such a complex problem but it is driving me nuts. Finding a solution may help others who need a compartmentalized application.
I have a Qt program that is VERY compartmentalized because it is meant to host plugins and be used in a variety of situations, sometimes as a server, sometimes as a client, sometimes as both. The plugins that are loaded are login dependent. (Because the access defined for the user is not necessarily up to the user and the user's access to data and functionality may be limited).
The application relies on a core DLL library (specific to the application) which is used by the main exe, the client, the server, and all plugin dlls. Client and server functionality are also in separate dlls. I am new to this style of programming so that may be leading to my issue.
My Problem:
I have a class called "BidirectionalTcpConnection" that is defined in the core DLL which is to be used by the executable, the client dll, and the server dll. It is a class that keeps track of data that is passed back and forth over a QTcpSocket. I wrote the class to avoid THE SAME problem as I am having now except that the problem originally occurred while using the QTcpSocket.ReadAll() function AND in the current situation. (If I tried reading all but the last byte, and then read the last byte using the QTcpSocket.peek(...) function it would work fine).
My new class successfully reads from and writes to the socket without error but when I try and close or abort the socket (this happened with my earlier workaround too...), I get the same error I was getting when I tried to read it (only on the last byte). I get an Invalid address specified to RtlValidateHeap. Basically it throws a "User Breakpoint" in dbgheap.c
My Hypothesis (What I believe is wrong):
The dbgheap.c documents that it is checking to see if the address is valid and that it resides on the current heap.
It is possible that the need for compartmentalizing my application may be leading to this issue. The data being supplied to the socket for sending was originally being allocated in the executable's heap along with the instance of BidirectionalTcpConnection. (I am trying to send the login and receive the permissions for application access). The socket itself however is being allocated in the core heap (assuming that the dll has a separate heap from the exe for internal data). I tried avoiding this by doing a deep copy of each piece of data that is to be sent over the socket within the core dll code. But that hasn't solved the problem. Presumably because the BidirectionalTcpConnection is still being allocated on a separate heap from the socket itself.
My question(s) for anyone who can help:
Is the assumption in my hypothesis correct?
Do I need to allocate the socket and the connection on the same heap? How do I
overcome this issue?
Also... if you look at the code, will I need to delete the returned
string that needs to be processed by the executable within the core
dll in order to avoid the same issue?
If you guys need some code... I have supplied what I think is necessary. I can supply more upon request.
Some Code:
For starters.. here is some basic code to show the way things are allocated. The login is performed in main before the main interface is shown. w is the main interface window class instance. Here is the code that starts the process leading to the crash:
while (loginFailed)
while (splash->isWaitingOnLogin())
QString username(*splash->getUserName());
QString password(*splash->getPassword());
// LATER: encrypt login for sending
loginFailed = w.loginFailed(username, password, a);
Here is the code that instantiates the BidirectionalTcpConnection on the executable's stack and sends the login data. This code is inside a few separate private methods of the Qt main window class.
// method A
// processes Qstring parameters into sendable data...
// then calls method B
// which creates the instance of *BidirectionalTcpConnection*
if (getServerAddress() == QString("LOCAL"))
mTcpConnection = new BidirectionalTcpConnection(getHostAddressIn()->toString(),
(quint16)ServerPorts::loginRequest, (long)15, this);
mTcpConnection = new BidirectionalTcpConnection(*getServerAddress(),
(quint16)ServerPorts::loginRequest, (long)15, this);
// back to method A...
mTcpConnection->flushMessages(); // sends the data across the socket
// waits for response and then parses user data when it comes
while (waitForResponse)
if (mTcpConnection->hasBufferedMessages())
QString* loginXML = loginConnection->getNextMessageAsText();
// parse the xml
if (parseLogin(*loginXML))
waitForResponse = false;
// calls method that closes the socket which causes crash
mTcpConnection->abortConnection(); // crash occurs inside this method
delete mTcpConnection;
mTcpConnection = NULL;
Here is the relevant BidirectionalTcpConnection code in order of use. Note, this code is located in the core dll so presumably it is allocating data on a separate stack...
BidirectionalTcpConnection::BidirectionalTcpConnection(const QString& destination,
quint16 port, long timeOutInterval, TimeUnit unit, QObject* parent) :
{ }
void BidirectionalTcpConnection::sendBinaryData(QByteArray& data)
// notice I try and avoid different heaps where I can by copying the data...
mOutgoingMessageQueue.enqueue(new QByteArray(data)); // member is of QQueue type
QString* BidirectionalTcpConnection::getNextMessageAsText()
// NOTE: somehow I need to delete the returned pointer to prevent memory leak
if (mIncomingMessageQueue.size() == 0)
return NULL;
QByteArray* data = mIncomingMessageQueue.dequeue();
QString* stringData = new QString(*data);
delete data;
return stringData;
void BidirectionalTcpConnection::abortConnection()
mSocket.abort(); // **THIS CAUSES ERROR/CRASH**
mIsConnected = false;


libcurl how do I know a transfer is complete when using multi interface?

I know it's not a problem when using the easy interface because after curl_easy_perform returns the transfer is complete. But how do I know that when using the multi interface?
After going through the document. This is the only way I came up with so far:
class CompleteListener {
virtual void onComplete(CURLcode) = 0;
CURLMsg* msg = curl_multi_info_read(...);
void* ptr;
if(msg && msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE)
curl_easy_getinfo(msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, &ptr);
The problem with this approach is that now all private pointer must point to an instance of derived class of CompleteListener. If there is a way to get the pointer stored in CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, I can also just store a callback inside CURLOPT_PRIVATE.
When you call curl_multi_perform() (or curl_multi_socket_action()) you include a pointer to a counter that returns the number of currently "active" transfers. When that counter gets decreased, or even reaches zero, you know that one or more transfers were completed.
When you call curl_multi_info_read() (perhaps after you called curl_multi_perform()), it can return a pointer to a message from libcurl that can tell you the easy handle of a completed transfer (and its return code). If there are more than one transfer completed, repeated calls to the function will return more information until you get NULL back when there's no more info to get.
You can find this used in numerous of the examples hosted on the curl web site, for example the multi-app one.

JXBrowser modify cookies

I have come across the in the JXBrowser and wanted to add new cookies so that it could be used in the subsequent calls.
The support is available to add headers however since no direct access is available for the cookies I tried using the
public void onBeforeSendHeaders(BeforeSendHeadersParams paramBeforeSendHeadersParams)
List<Cookie> cookieList = browser.getCookieStorage().getAllCookies();
Also note that the calls of below snippet produces the same exception
browser.getURL(); //Exception is thrown here
CookieStorage storage = setCookies(paramBeforeSendHeadersParams, browser, list);;// Exceptino is thrown here
but if i do this i get
java.lang.IllegalStateException: You are trying to execute some code that invokes synchronous message send to IPC channel. This code is executed in the scope of the handler which is bounded to synchronous message received from IPC channel. Such code execution causes a deadlock in native code with high probability and is forbidden.
What is the reasoning behind this any help is appreciated
As I understand, you want your application to share cookies between several Browser instances.
It is possible to make Two Browser instances with the same BrowserContext instances which use the same user data directory. As a result, they will share cookies and cache files. For example:
BrowserContext context = new BrowserContext(
new BrowserContextParams("C:\\my-data1"));
Browser browser1 = new Browser(context);
Browser browser2 = new Browser(context);
In this case, you should not receive the exception.

Eclipse RAP Multi-client but single server thread

I understand how RAP creates scopes have a specific thread for each client and so on. I also understand how the application scope is unique among several clients, however I don't know how to access that specific scope in a single thread manner.
I would like to have a server side (with access to databases and stuff) that is a single execution to ensure it has a global knowledge of all transaction and that requests from clients are executed in sequence instead of parallel.
Currently I am accessing the application context as follows from the UI:
synchronized( MyServer.class ) {
ApplicationContext appContext = RWT.getApplicationContext();
MyServer myServer = (MyServer) appContext.getAttribute("myServer");
if (myServer == null){
myServer = new MyServer();
appContext.setAttribute("myServer", myServer);
Even if I access myServer object there and trigger requests, the execution will still be running in the UI thread.
For now the only way to ensure the sequence is to use synchronized as follows on my server
public class MyServer {
String text = "";
public void doSomething(String string) {
try {
synchronized (this) {
System.out.println("doSomething - start :" + string);
text += "[" + string + "]";
System.out.println("text: " + (text));
System.out.println("text: " + (text));
System.out.println("doSomething - stop :" + string);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Is there a better way to not have to manage the thread synchronization myself?
Any help is welcome
To better explain myself, here is what I mean. Either I trust the database to handle multiple request properly and I have to handle also some other knowledge in a synchronized manner to share information between clients (example A) or I find a solution where another thread handles both (example B), the knowledge and the database. Of course, the problem here is that one client may block the others, but this is can be managed with background threads for long actions, most of them will be no problem. My initial question was, is there maybe already some specific thread of the application scope that does Example B or is Example A actually the way to go?
Conclusion (so far)
Basically, option A) is the way to go. For database access it will require connection pooling and for shared information it will require thoughtful synchronization of key objects. Main attention has to be done in the database design and the synchronization of objects to ensure that two clients cannot write incompatible data at the same time (e.g. write contradicting entries that make the result dependent of the write order).
First of all, the way that you create MyServer in the first snippet is not thread safe. You are likely to create more than one instance of MyServer.
You need to synchronize the creation of MyServer, like this for example:
synchronized( MyServer.class ) {
MyServer myServer = (MyServer) appContext.getAttribute("myServer");
if (myServer == null){
myServer = new MyServer();
appContext.setAttribute("myServer", myServer);
See also this post How to implement thread-safe lazy initialization? for other possible solutions.
Furthermore, your code is calling doSomething() on the client thread (i.e. the UI thread) which will cause each client to wait until pending requests of other clients are processed. The client UI will become unresponsive.
To solve this problem your code should call doSomething() (or any other long-running operation for that matter) from a background thread (see also
Threads in RAP)
When the background thread has finished, you should use Server Push to update the UI.

DNS-SD on Windows using MFC

I have an application built using MFC that I need to add Bonjour/Zeroconf service discovery to. I've had a bit of trouble figuring out how best to do it, but I've settled on using the DLL stub provided in the mDNSresponder source code and linking my application to the static lib generated by that (which in turn uses the system dnssd.dll).
However, I'm still having problems as the callbacks don't always seem to be being called so my device discovery stalls. What confuses me is that it all works absolutely fine under OSX, using the OSX dns-sd terminal service and under Windows using the dns-sd command line service. On that basis, I'm ruling out the client service as being the problem and trying to figure out what's wrong with my Windows code.
I'm basically calling DNSBrowseService(), then in that callback calling DNSServiceResolve(), then finally calling DNSServiceGetAddrInfo() to get the IP address of the device so I can connect to it.
All of these calls are based on using WSAAsyncSelect like this :
DNSServiceErrorType err = DNSServiceResolve(&client,kDNSServiceFlagsWakeOnResolve,
if(err == 0)
err = WSAAsyncSelect((SOCKET) DNSServiceRefSockFD(client), p->m_hWnd, MESSAGE_HANDLE_MDNS_EVENT, FD_READ|FD_CLOSE);
But sometimes the callback just never gets called even though the service is there and using the command line will confirm that.
I'm totally stumped as to why this isn't 100% reliable, but it is if I use the same DLL from the command line. My only possible explanation is that the DNSServiceResolve function tries to call the callback function before the WSAAsyncSelect has registered the handling message for the socket, but I can't see any way around this.
I've spent ages on this and am now completely out of ideas. Any suggestions would be welcome, even if they're "that's a really dumb way to do it, why aren't you doing X, Y, Z".
I call DNSServiceBrowse, with a "shared connection" (see dns_sd.h for documentation) as in:
// Need to copy the main ref to another variable.
DNSServiceRef BrowseServiceRef = ServiceRef;
DNSServiceBrowse(&BrowseServiceRef, // Receives reference to Bonjour browser object.
kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection, // Indicate it's a shared connection.
kDNSServiceInterfaceIndexAny, // Browse on all network interfaces.
"_servicename._tcp", // Browse for service types.
NULL, // Browse on the default domain (e.g. local.).
BrowserCallBack, // Callback function when Bonjour events occur.
this); // Callback context.
This is inside a main run method of a thread class called ServiceDiscovery. ServiceRef is a member of ServiceDiscovery.
Then immediately following the above code, I have a main event loop like the following:
while (true)
err = DNSServiceProcessResult(ServiceRef);
if (err != kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
ServiceRef = nullptr;
Then, in BrowserCallback you have to setup the resolve request:
void DNSSD_API ServiceDiscovery::BrowserCallBack(DNSServiceRef inServiceRef,
DNSServiceFlags inFlags,
uint32_t inIFI,
DNSServiceErrorType inError,
const char* inName,
const char* inType,
const char* inDomain,
void* inContext)
(void) inServiceRef; // Unused
ServiceDiscovery* sd = (ServiceDiscovery*)inContext;
// Pass a copy of the main DNSServiceRef (just a pointer). We don't
// hang to the local copy since it's passed in the resolve callback,
// where we deallocate it.
DNSServiceRef resolveServiceRef = sd->ServiceRef;
DNSServiceErrorType err =
kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection, // Indicate it's a shared connection.
Then in ResolveCallback you should have everything you need.
// Callback for Bonjour resolve events.
void DNSSD_API ServiceDiscovery::ResolveCallBack(DNSServiceRef inServiceRef,
DNSServiceFlags inFlags,
uint32_t inIFI,
DNSServiceErrorType inError,
const char* fullname,
const char* hosttarget,
uint16_t port, /* In network byte order */
uint16_t txtLen,
const unsigned char* txtRecord,
void* inContext)
ServiceDiscovery* sd = (ServiceDiscovery*)inContext;
// Save off the connection info, get TXT records, etc.
// Deallocate the DNSServiceRef.
hosttarget and port contain your connection info, and any text records can be obtained using the DNS-SD API (e.g. TXTRecordGetCount and TXTRecordGetItemAtIndex).
With the shared connection references, you have to deallocate each one based on (or copied from) the parent reference when you are done with them. I think the DNS-SD API does some reference counting (and parent/child relationship) when you pass copies of a shared reference to one of their functions. Again, see the documentation for details.
I tried not using shared connections at first, and I was just passing down ServiceRef, causing it to be overwritten in the callbacks and my main loop to get confused. I imagine if you don't use shared connections, you need to maintain a list of references that need further processing (and process each one), then destroy them when you're done. The shared connection approach seemed much easier.

understanding RProperty IPC communication

i'm studying this source base. Basically this is an Anim server client for Symbian 3rd edition for the purpose of grabbing input events without consuming them in a reliable way.
If you spot this line of the server, here it is basically setting the RProperty value (apparently to an increasing counter); it seems no actual processing of the input is done.
inside this client line, the client is supposed to be receiving the notification data, but it only calls Attach.
my understanding is that Attach is only required to be called once, but is not clear in the client what event is triggered every time the server sets the RProperty
How (and where) is the client supposed to access the RProperty value?
After Attaching the client will somewhere Subscribe to the property where it passes a TRequestStatus reference. The server will signal the request status property via the kernel when the asynchronous event has happened (in your case the property was changed). If your example source code is implemented in the right way, you will find an active object (AO; CActive derived class) hanging around and the iStatus of this AO will be passed to the RProperty API. In this case the RunL function of the AO will be called when the property has been changed.
It is essential in Symbian to understand the active object framework and quite few people do it actually. Unfortunately I did not find a really good description online (they are explained quite well in Symbian OS Internals book) but this page at least gives you a quick example.
In the ConstructL of your CMyActive subclass of CActive:
CKeyEventsClient* iClient;
RProperty iProperty;
// ...
void CMyActive::ConstructL()
RProcess myProcess;
TSecureId propertyCategory = myProcess.SecureId();
// avoid interference with other properties by defining the category
// as a secure ID of your process (perhaps it's the only allowed value)
TUint propertyKey = 1; // whatever you want
iClient = CKeyEventsClient::NewL(propertyCategory, propertyKey, ...);
// ...
Your RunL will be called when the property has been changed:
void CMyActive::RunL()
if (iStatus.Int() != KErrCancel) User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int());
// forward the error to RunError
// "To ensure that the subscriber does not miss updates, it should
// re-issue a subscription request before retrieving the current value
// and acting on it." (from docs)
TInt value; // this type is passed to RProperty::Define() in the client
TInt err = iProperty.Get(value);
if (err != KErrNotFound) User::LeaveIfError(err);