Regex Expressions - regex

I am trying to learn to handle Regex Expressions and got some exercises but no solutions to it. One Question is: all lower-case words except 'if'.
Can I do this one like this:
[a-z][a-z]^[if] | [a-z][a-z][a-z]+
I'm expect that a word has at least two characters. So every word with three or more is okay.

Well... the full real solution would be something like that:
But I suppose it's, well, "higher level" regex that you didn't learn yet.
So, let's keep things simple. If you can accept to ignore words of less than 3 characters, you can write this:
The first two character classes are just [a-z] without i and f respectively.
If you want to include words of less than 3 characters, this will do:
But it gets complicated at this point...

All sequences of two or more lower-case letters, except "if":
With negative look-ahead, you can also do:

A simple solution would be to place what you want to ignore on the left side of the alternation operator and place what you want to match in a capturing group on the right side of the alternation operator as you were attempting.
Note: The caret ^ outside of a character class does not mean negation, it asserts the position at start of the string. And unless you are using the x (free-spacing) modifier, you need to remove the spaces between the alternation.


Regex (.*) without matching the second case

Given the following sample input text:
{{A1|def|ghi|jkl}}hello world. {{A2|mno}}bye world.
How can I create a regex pattern to only matching the first instance of {{ ... }} (i.e. only {{A1|def|ghi|jkl}}). A1 and A2 are fixed inputs and def, ghi, jkl, and mno could be anything.
I've tried this:
But that returns everything ({{A1|def|ghi|jkl}}hello world. {{A2|mno}}).
Note that def or ghi or jkl or mno could be numbers, English letters or other languages (e.g. Chinese/Japanese/Korean).
It's a little unclear what you are trying to accomplish. At first, I thought that your problem was just that you were getting the entire thing when all you really wanted was the A1 or A2 part. If so, here's the answer:
Since you didn't specify which flavor of regex you are using, it's hard to say for sure. If you are using a version which supports look-arounds, you could do something like this:
Here's the meaning of the pattern:
(?<={{) - This is a positive look-behind expression which means that it asserts that any match must be preceded by certain characters. In this case, the characters are {{.
\w+ - This is the actual part that we are matching. In this case, it's one or more word characters. \w is a special character class. This varies, though, depending on which regex engine you are using. Something like [A-Z][0-9] may be more appropriate, depending on your needs.
(?=(\|[^|}]*)+}}) - This is a positive look-ahead expression. That means that it asserts that any match must be followed by some particular pattern of characters. In this case, it's looking for matches to be followed by (\|[^|}]*)+}}.
However, if look-arounds are not possible, then you can match it with a capturing group, like this:
If you do it that way, you'll need to read the value of the first group for each match.
As far as only finding the first match goes, that really depends on which tool or language you are using. Most regex engines only find the first match by default and only find additional matches when a global modifier is specified (often /g at the end).
However, now, after having edited your question, and trying better to understand what you meant, I think that your real problem is greediness. The repetitions, such as *, in regex are greedy by default. That means they will capture as much text as they possibly can and still have it match. In this case, you don't want it to find the longest possible match. In this case, you want it to find the shortest possible match. You could do that simply by making the repetitions lazy (i.e. non-greedy). To do that, simply add a ? after the *. For instance:
However, that's not very efficient. If this pattern is going to be used often or on large inputs it would be better to use a more restrictive character class, such as [^}|] instead of ., so that the lazy modifier is unnecessary. For example:
Or, more simply:
The problem with your pattern is simply that you've made all of the * quantifiers greedy. They're matching as much of the string as they can (while still allowing the whole pattern to match). Just make them non-greedy *?:

Find strings that do not begin with something

This has been gone over but I've not found anything that works consistently... or assist me in learning where I've gone awry.
I have file names that start with 3 or more digits and ^\d{3}(.*) works just fine.
I also have strings that start with the word 'account' and ^ACCOUNT(.*) works just fine for these.
The problem I have is all the other strings that DO NOT meet the two previous criteria. I have been using ^[^\d{3}][^ACCOUNT](.*) but occasionally it fails to catch one.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
That's definitely not what you want. Square brackets create character classes: they match one character from the list of characters in brackets. If you put a ^ then the match is inverted and it matches one character that's not listed. The meaning of ^ inside brackets is completely different from its meaning outside.
In short, [] is not at all what you want. What you can do, if your regex implementation supports it, is use a negative lookahead assertion.
This negative lookahead assertion doesn't match anything itself. It merely checks that the next part of the string (.*) does not match either \d{3} or ACCOUNT.
Demorgan's law says: !(A v B) = !A ^ !B.
But unfortunately Regex itself does
not support the negation of expressions. (You always could rewrite it, but sometimes, this is a huge task).
Instead, you should look at your Programming Language, where you can negate values without problems:
let the "matching" function be "match" and you are using match("^(?:\d{3}|ACCOUNT)(.)") to determine, whether the string matches one of both conditions. Then you could simple negate the boolean return value of that matching function and you'll receive every string that does NOT match.

Regex for one word in sentence

So I am trying to match a (any) word(s) that would have:
At least one upper case letter
At least one lower case letter
At least one number
I currently got to this using lookaheads
But I am not able to get this to match on one word. I tried to use \b around the lookaheads but it doesn't work. The thing the word that I am trying to match on can have the above conditions in any order. Example: aB5 OR Ba5 OR 5Ba etc.. Need some pointers.
The main problem is that . includes spaces. You need to change your .'s to be restricted to word-characters only, i.e. \w. Note that \w is (mostly) [A-Za-z0-9_], if you wish to exclude some of these or include more, you should make the appropriate changes.
Another thing is that if you're looking for words in a string, you need to remove ^ and $ because these mean the start and end of the string respectively.
Since all your requirements are "at least" (as opposed to "at most"), you don't really need \b because of matching happens left-to-right, so you can never get part of a word.
I currently got to this using lookaheads
But I am not able to get this to match on one word.
Lookaheads are the correct approach, but if you want to find single words only you must not allow every character (.) in between but only word-characters (like \w). So
should do it. Of course you're free to allow more letters than only \w, maybe even \S.

What do we need Lookahead/Lookbehind Zero Width Assertions for?

I've just learned about these two concepts in more detail. I've always been good with RegEx, and it seems I've never seen the need for these 2 zero width assertions.
I'm pretty sure I'm wrong, but I do not see why these constructs are needed. Consider this example:
Match a 'q' which is not followed by a 'u'.
2 strings will be the input:
With negative lookahead, the regex looks like this:
Without it, it looks like this:
For the given input, both of these regex give the same results (i.e. matching Iraq but not quit) (tested with perl). The same idea applies to lookbehinds.
Am I missing a crucial feature that makes these assertions more valuable than the classic syntax?
Why your test probably worked (and why it shouldn't)
The reason you were able to match Iraq in your test might be that your string contained a \n at the end (for instance, if you read it from the shell). If you have a string that ends in q, then q[^u] cannot match it as the others said, because [^u] matches a non-u character - but the point is there has to be a character.
What do we actually need lookarounds for?
Obviously in the above case, lookaheads are not vital. You could workaround this by using q(?:[^u]|$). So we match only if q is followed by a non-u character or the end of the string. There are much more sophisticated uses for lookaheads though, which become a pain if you do them without lookaheads.
This answer tries to give an overview of some important standard situations which are best solved with lookarounds.
Let's start with looking at quoted strings. The usual way to match them is with something like "[^"]*" (not with ".*?"). After the opening ", we simply repeat as many non-quote characters as possible and then match the closing quote. Again, a negated character class is perfectly fine. But there are cases, where a negated character class doesn't cut it:
Multi-character delimiters
Now what if we don't have double-quotes to delimit our substring of interest, but a multi-character delimiter. For instance, we are looking for ---sometext---, where single and double - are allowed within sometext. Now you can't just use [^-]*, because that would forbid single -. The standard technique is to use a negative lookahead at every position, and only consume the next character, if it is not the beginning of ---. Like so:
This might look a bit complicated if you haven't seen it before, but it's certainly nicer (and usually more efficient) than the alternatives.
Different delimiters
You get a similar case, where your delimiter is only one character but could be one of two (or more) different characters. For instance, say in our initial example, we want to allow for both single- and double-quoted strings. Of course, you could use '[^']*'|"[^"]*", but it would be nice to treat both cases without an alternative. The surrounding quotes can easily be taken care of with a backreference: (['"])[^'"]*\1. This makes sure that the match ends with the same character it began with. But now we're too restrictive - we'd like to allow " in single-quoted and ' in double-quoted strings. Something like [^\1] doesn't work, because a backreference will in general contain more than one character. So we use the same technique as above:
That is after the opening quote, before consuming each character we make sure that it is not the same as the opening character. We do that as long as possible, and then match the opening character again.
Overlapping matches
This is a (completely different) problem that can usually not be solved at all without lookarounds. If you search for a match globally (or want to regex-replace something globally), you may have noticed that matches can never overlap. I.e. if you search for ... in abcdefghi you get abc, def, ghi and not bcd, cde and so on. This can be problem if you want to make sure that your match is preceded (or surrounded) by something else.
Say you have a CSV file like
and you want to extract only fields that are entirely numerical. For simplicity, I'll assume that there is no leading or trailing whitespace anywhere. Without lookarounds, we might go with capturing and try:
So we make sure that we have the start of a field (start of string or ,), then only digits, and then the end of a field (, or end of string). Between that we capture the digits into group 1. Unfortunately, this will not give us 333 in the above example, because the , that precedes it was already part of the match ,222, - and matches cannot overlap. Lookarounds solve the problem:
Or if you prefer double negation over alternation, this is equivalent to
In addition to being able to get all matches, we get rid of the capturing which can generally improve performance. (Thanks to Adrian Pronk for this example.)
Multiple independent conditions
Another very classic example of when to use lookarounds (in particular lookaheads) is when we want to check multiple conditions on an input at the same time. Say we want to write a single regex that makes sure our input contains a digit, a lower case letter, an upper case letter, a character that is none of those, and no whitespace (say, for password security). Without lookarounds you'd have to consider all permutations of digit, lower case/upper case letter, and symbol. Like:
Those are only two of the 24 necessary permutations. If you also want to ensure a minimum string length in the same regex, you'd have to distribute those in all possible combinations of the \S* - it simply becomes impossible to do in a single regex.
Lookahead to the rescue! We can simply use several lookaheads at the beginning of the string to check all of these conditions:
Because the lookaheads don't actually consume anything, after checking each condition the engine resets to the beginning of the string and can start looking at the next one. If we wanted to add a minimum string length (say 8), we could simply append (?=.{8}). Much simpler, much more readable, much more maintainable.
Important note: This is not the best general approach to check these conditions in any real setting. If you are making the check programmatically, it's usually better to have one regex for each condition, and check them separately - this let's you return a much more useful error message. However, the above is sometimes necessary, if you have some fixed framework that lets you do validation only by supplying a single regex. In addition, it's worth knowing the general technique, if you ever have independent criteria for a string to match.
I hope these examples give you a better idea of why people would like to use lookarounds. There are a lot more applications (another classic is inserting commas into numbers), but it's important that you realise that there is a difference between (?!u) and [^u] and that there are cases where negated character classes are not powerful enough at all.
q[^u] will not match "Iraq" because it will look for another symbol.
q(?!u) however, will match "Iraq":
regex = /q[^u]/
regex = /q(?!u)/
Well, another thing along with what others mentioned with the negative lookahead, you can match consecutive characters (e.g. you can negate ui while with [^...], you cannot negate ui but either u or i and if you try [^ui]{2}, you will also negate uu, ii and iu.
The whole point is to not "consume" the next character(s), so that it can be e.g. captured by another expression that comes afterwards.
If they're the last expression in the regex, then what you've shown are equivalent.
But e.g. q(?!u)([a-z]) would let the non-u character be part of the next group.

Regexp Question - Negating a captured character

I'm looking for a regular expression that allows for either single-quoted or double-quoted strings, and allows the opposite quote character within the string. For example, the following would both be legal strings:
"hello 'there' world"
'hello "there" world'
The regexp I'm using uses negative lookahead and is as follows:
This would work I think, but what about if the language didn't support negative lookahead. Is there any other way to do this? Without alternation?
I know I can use alternation. This was more of just a hypothetical question. Say I had 20 different characters in the initial character class. I wouldn't want to write out 20 different alternations. I'm trying to actually negate the captured character, without using lookahead, lookbehind, or alternation.
This is actually much simpler than you may have realized. You don't really need the negative look-ahead. What you want to do is a non-greedy (or lazy) match like this:
The ? character after the .* is the important part. It says, consume the minimum possible characters before hitting the next part of the regex. So, you get either kind of quote, and then you go after 0-M characters until you encounter a character matching whichever quote you first ran into. You can learn more about greedy matching vs. non-greedy here and here.
On a successful match, the $+ variable will hold the contents of whichever alternate matched.
In the general case, regexps are not really the answer. You might be interested in something like Text::ParseWords, which tokenizes text, accounting for nested quotes, backslashed quotes, backslashed spaces, and other oddities.