Unable to receive a message using message_queue in Boost thread - c++

I have a requirement for creating a Event based Multi-thread application for which i am trying to use boost::thread and boost/interprocess/ipc/message_queue for sending messages between threads.
What i am doing currently is making the thread wait in its workerfunction to wait for a message.
Actually this is just for basic start where the sender and receiver both is a same thread, on later stage i have thought to store a list of message_queue corresponding for each thread and then fetch it accordingly or something like that.
But now, as per the code below i am using
//in a common class
typedef struct s_Request{
int id;
//in thread(XYZ) class
st_Request dataone;
message_queue *mq;
void XYZ::threadfunc(void *ptr)
XYZ*obj = (XYZ*) ptr;
void XYZ::RecieveMsg()
message_queue mq1(open_only,"message_queue");
if(!(mq1.try_receive(&dataone, sizeof(st_Request), recvd_size, priority)))
printf("msg not received");
printf("id = %d",dataone.id);
void XYZ::Create()
mq= new message_queue(open_or_create,"message_queue",100,sizeof(st_Request));
boost:thread workerthread(threadfunc,this);
void XYZ::Send(st_Request *data)
if (!(mq->try_send(data, sizeof(st_Request), 0)))
printf("message sending failed");
//I am calling it like
class ABC: public XYZ
..some functions to do stuff... };
void ABC::createMSGQ()
st_Request *data;
data->id =10;
My thread is waiting in RecieveMsg but i am not getting any msg and the prints are coming till Send function entry and than the code crash.
Please Guide me for what i am doing wrong, if the approach is entirely wrong, i am open to move to new approach.
P.s. this is my first question on stack overflow i tried follow the guidelines still if i strayed away anywhere please do correct.

st_Request *data;
data->id =10;
data is uninitialized, you cannot dereference it. Pointers should point to something before you dereference them.
I don't understand the point of this function:
void XYZ::Create()
mq= new message_queue(open_or_create,"message_queue",100,sizeof(st_Request));
boost:thread workerthread(threadfunc,this);
You create a new thread, then block and wait for it to finish so you can join it. Why not just do the work here, instead of creating a new thread and waiting for it to finish?
What is threadfunc? Do you mean ThreadFunc?
This function is written strangely:
void XYZ::ThreadFunc(void *ptr)
XYZ*obj = (XYZ*) ptr;
Why not pass the argument as XYZ* instead of void*? Boost.Thread doesn't require everything to be passed as void*. Is that function static? It doesn't need to be:
struct XYZ {
void threadFunc();
void create();
void recv();
void XYZ::threadFunc()
void XYZ::create()
boost::thread thr(&XYZ::threadFunc, this);


Cannot kill std::thread

I have a program that I need to run a thread in. The problem is whenever I try to kill this thread from either inside the thread or outside the thread I get a "error 6 - invalid handle" error
class myclass
static myclass* inst()
if (oInst == nullptr) oInst = new myclass;
return oInst;
void main();
void start();
void ex_stop()
//HANDLE Stopper = Killer.native_handle();
//TerminateThread(Stopper, 0);
std::thread Killer;
void myclass::start()
Killer = std::thread(&myclass::ex_main, this);
void myclass::main()
if (0 == TerminateThread(Killer.native_handle(), 0))
char error[200];
sprintf(error, "error %i\n", GetLastError());
This is how I start the class/thread
I've also tried making std::thread Killer an extern and declaring it in my .cpp and .h files, this way I can access it from outside the class, but I still get the same "error 6, invalid thread handle" error.
Can someone please tell me what's wrong with this code? Thanks
The usual way of having a worker thread set up is to put it into a loop, and on each loop check to see if a boolean atomic has been changed ... something that would look like (but this probably doesn't compile straight off; the threadMain will probably need binding)
class myThreadJob {
void threadMain() {
while (doRun) {...}
void stop() {
doRun = false;
std::atomic<bool> doRun;
std::thread thread;
You've not said if your thread is a will do many tasks in a queue, or if it's a one off job that it's doing, but in any case if it's expected to be a long lived thread, it should check periodically that it can still run.
Because you've called detach() on your thread, your thread is no longer associated with your process. You can think of detach() as a declaration that the thread does not need anything local to the creating thread.
You are not allowed to join it; and you're expecting it to run to termination.

Can I use a pointer assignment to detect the start of a thread in a safe way?

I quickly wrote some kind of wrapper to ensure some functionality in a system is always executed in a defined thread context. To make the code as small as possible, I simple use a pointer assignment to check if the thread has started.
void waitForStart() {
while (_handler == nullptr) {
msleep(100); // Sleep for 100ms;
msleep(100); // Sleep for 100ms to make sure the pointer is assigned
In my opinion, this should work in any case. Even if the assignment to _handler is for unknown reason split up into two operations on a CPU.
Is my assumtion correct? Or did I miss a case where this could go wrong?
For reference a more complete example how the system looks like. There are the System, the Thread and the Handler classes:
class Handler {
void doSomeWork() {
// things are executed here.
class Thread : public ThreadFromAFramework {
Thread() : _handler(nullptr) {
void waitForStart() {
while (_handler == nullptr) {
msleep(100); // Sleep for 100ms;
msleep(100); // Sleep for 100ms to make sure the pointer is assigned
Handler* handler() const {
return _handler;
virtual void run() { // This method is executed as a new thread
_handler = new Handler();
exec(); // This will go into a event loop
delete _handler;
_handler = nullptr;
Handler *_handler;
class System {
System() {
_thread = new Thread();
_thread->start(); // Start the thread, this will call run() in the new thread
_thread->waitForStart(); // Make sure we can access the handler.
void doSomeWork() {
Handler *handler = _thread->handler();
// "Magically" call doSomeWork() in the context of the thread.
Thread *_thread;
You missed a case where this can go wrong. The thread might exit 5 msec after it sets the pointer. Accessing any changing variable from two threads is never reliable without synchronization.

C++ Critical Section not working

My critical section code does not work!!!
Backgrounder.run IS able to modify MESSAGE_QUEUE g_msgQueue and LockSections destructor hadn't been called yet !!!
Extra code :
typedef std::vector<int> MESSAGE_LIST; // SHARED OBJECT .. MUST LOCK!
MESSAGE_QUEUE(MESSAGE_LIST* pList){ m_pList = pList; }
/* This class will be shared between threads that means any
* attempt to access it MUST be inside a critical section.
void Add( int messageCode ){ if(m_pList) m_pList->push_back(messageCode); }
int getLast()
if(m_pList->size() == 1){
return m_pList->back();
void removeLast()
class Backgrounder{
static void __cdecl Run( void* args){
if(s_pMsgQueue->getLast() == 0x45)printf("It's a success!");
else printf("It's a trap!");
Backgrounder(MESSAGE_QUEUE* pMsgQueue)
m_pMsgQueue = pMsgQueue;
~Backgrounder(){ }
int main(){
CriticalSection crt;
ErrorHandler err;
LockSection lc(&crt,&err); // Does not work , see question #2
MESSAGE_QUEUE g_msgQueue(&g_List);
Backgrounder back_thread(&g_msgQueue);
return 0;
#include <windows.h>
#include "ErrorHandler.h"
class CriticalSection{
long m_nLockCount;
long m_nThreadId;
cs m_tCS;
m_nLockCount = 0;
m_nThreadId = 0;
~CriticalSection(){ ::DeleteCriticalSection(&m_tCS); }
void Enter(){ ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_tCS); }
void Leave(){ ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_tCS); }
void Try();
class LockSection{
CriticalSection* m_pCS;
ErrorHandler * m_pErrorHandler;
bool m_bIsClosed;
LockSection(CriticalSection* pCS,ErrorHandler* pErrorHandler){
m_bIsClosed = false;
m_pCS = pCS;
m_pErrorHandler = pErrorHandler;
// 0x1AE is code prefix for critical section header
if(m_pCS && m_bIsClosed == false)m_pCS->Leave();
void ForceCSectionClose(){
if(m_pCS){m_pCS->Leave();m_bIsClosed = true;}
Safe class basic structure;
class SafeObj
CriticalSection m_cs;
void SafeMethod()
LockSection myLock(&m_cs);
//add code to implement the method ...
Two questions in one. I don't know about the first, but the critical section part is easy to explain. The background thread isn't trying to claim the lock and so, of course, is not blocked. You need to make the critical section object crt visible to the thread so that it can lock it.
The way to use this lock class is that each section of code that you want serialised must create a LockSection object and hold on to it until the end of the serialised block:
Thread 1:
LockSection lc(&crt,&err);
//operate on shared object from thread 1
Thread 2:
LockSection lc(&crt,&err);
//operate on shared object from thread 2
Note that it has to be the same critical section instance crt that is used in each block of code that is to be serialised.
This code has a number of problems.
First of all, deriving from the standard containers is almost always a poor idea. In this case you're using private inheritance, which reduces the problems, but doesn't eliminate them entirely. In any case, you don't seem to put the inheritance to much (any?) use anyway. Even though you've derived your MESSAGE_QUEUE from MESSAGE_LIST (which is actually std::vector<int>), you embed a pointer to an instance of a MESSAGE_LIST into MESSAGE_QUEUE anyway.
Second, if you're going to use a queue to communicate between threads (which I think is generally a good idea) you should make the locking inherent in the queue operations rather than requiring each thread to manage the locking correctly on its own.
Third, a vector isn't a particularly suitable data structure for representing a queue anyway, unless you're going to make it fixed size, and use it roughly like a ring buffer. That's not a bad idea either, but it's quite a bit different from what you've done. If you're going to make the size dynamic, you'd probably be better off starting with a deque instead.
Fourth, the magic numbers in your error handling (0x1AE1, 0x1AE2, etc.) is quite opaque. At the very least, you need to give these meaningful names. The one comment you have does not make the use anywhere close to clear.
Finally, if you're going to go to all the trouble of writing code for a thread-safe queue, you might as well make it generic so it can hold essentially any kind of data you want, instead of dedicating it to one specific type.
Ultimately, your code doesn't seem to save the client much work or trouble over using the Windows functions directly. For the most part, you've just provided the same capabilities under slightly different names.
IMO, a thread-safe queue should handle almost all the work internally, so that client code can use it about like it would any other queue.
// Warning: untested code.
// Assumes: `T::T(T const &) throw()`
template <class T>
class queue {
std::deque<T> data;
HANDLE semaphore;
queue() {
semaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 2048, NULL);
~queue() {
void push(T const &item) {
ReleaseSemaphore(semaphore, 1, NULL);
T pop() {
WaitForSingleObject(semaphore, INFINITE);
T item = data.front();
return item;
HANDLE done;
typedef queue<int> msgQ;
enum commands { quit, print };
void backgrounder(void *qq) {
// I haven't quite puzzled out what your background thread
// was supposed to do, so I've kept it really simple, executing only
// the two commands listed above.
msgQ *q = (msgQ *)qq;
int command;
while (quit != (command = q->pop()))
int main() {
msgQ q;
done = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);
_beginthread(backgrounder, 0, (void*)&q);
for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
WaitForSingleObject(done, INFINITE);
return 0;
Your background thread needs access to the same CriticalSection object and it needs to create LockSection objects to lock it -- the locking is collaborative.
You are trying to return the last element after popping it.

pthread create error in c++ [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
pthread Function from a Class
I am getting an error ("Can not convert .....") and I think the third argument in the pthread_create call is wrong. I know the type of the third argument should be (void*)*(void *) but I am still getting an error.
void ServerManager::Init(){
pthread_t thread;
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, AcceptLoop, (void *)this);
I have declared like this and I am trying to call the function below
void* ServerManager::AcceptLoop(void * delegate){
Please let me know how to fix this..
Thanks in advance.
To be portable the callback function must use the C ABI;
extern "C" void* AcceptLoop(void*);
class ServerManager
void Init();
friend void* AcceptLoop(void*);
void* AcceptLoop(); // Implement this yourself
pthread_t thread;
void ServerManager::Init()
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &AcceptLoop, reinterpret_cast<void*>(this));
void* AcceptLoop(void* delegate)
return reinterpret_cast<ServerManager*>(delegate)->AcceptLoop();
void* ServerManager::AcceptLoop()
// Do stuff
// Be carefull this may (or may not) start before ServerManager::Init() returns.
return NULL;
Edit: Based on comment
This will wait for a particular thread to exit. The thread that called pthread_create() can call pthread_join() to wait for the child to finish. A good place for this would(might) be to put the join in the destructor of the ServerManager.
pthread_cancel() is an asynchronous request for the thread to stop. The call will return immediately (thus does not mean the thread is dead yet). It is unspecified how quickily it will stop executing your code but it should execute some tidy handlers and then exit. It is a good idea to wait for a cancelled thread using pthread_jon().
class ServerManager
void ~ServerManager()
void* join()
void* result;
pthread_join(thread, &result);
return result;
void cancel()
... like before
You need to make your AcceptLoop(void*) a static function.
class ServerManager {
// ...
static void* AcceptLoop(void*);
void* AcceptLoop(); // Implement this yourself
void* ServerManager::AcceptLoop(void* delegate)
return static_cast<ServerManager*>(delegate)->AcceptLoop();

c++ multithread

I use C++ to implement a thread class. My code shows in the following.
I have a problem about how to access thread data.
In the class Thread, I create a thread use pthread_create() function. then it calls EntryPoint() function to start thread created. In the Run function, I want to access the mask variable, it always shows segment fault.
So, my question is whether the new created thread copy the data in original class? How to access the thread own data?
class Thread {
int mask;
pthread_t thread;
Thread( int );
void start();
static void * EntryPoint (void *);
void Run();
Thread::Thread( int a) {
mask =a;
void Thread::Run() {
cout<<"thread begin to run" <<endl;
cout << mask <<endl; // it always show segmentfault here
void * Thread::EntryPoint(void * pthis) {
cout << "entry" <<endl;
Thread *pt = (Thread *) pthis;
void Thread::start() {
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, EntryPoint, (void *)ThreadId );
pthread_join(thread, NULL);
int main() {
int input_array[8]={3,1,2,5,6,8,7,4};
Thread t1(1);
I'm not familiar with the libraries you're using, but how does EntryPoint know that pthis is a pointer to Thread? Thread (this) does not appear to be passed to pthread_create.
It's great that you're attempting to write a Thread class for educational purposes. However, if you're not, why reinvent the wheel?
pThis is most likely NULL, you should double check that you're passing the correct arguments to pthread_create.
Basically, the problem is as soon as you start your thread, main exits and your local Thread instance goes out of scope. So, because the lifetime of your thread object is controlled by another thread, you've already introduced a race condition.
Also, I'd consider joining a thread immediately after you've created it in Thread::start to be a little odd.