Available Analysis and Transform passes for LLVM - llvm

Is there any document on the list of Analysis and Transform passes available for use in the AnalysisUsage::addRequired<> and Pass::geAnalysis<> functions?
I can get a list of passes in http://llvm.org/docs/Passes.html, but it only shows the command line names for the passes. How can I know the underlying pass classes?

Not really, no. Just look at the source. The header files in include/llvm/Analysis/ and include/llvm/Transforms/ will tell you everything you need to know.
Moreover, grepping over the source for getAnalysis< will tell you which passes are used as analyses inside the LLVM source code.


What's the best way to get a list of all the macros passed as compiler arguments?

I'm working on a code base that uses quite a bit of conditional compilation via macros passed as arguments to the compiler (i.e. gcc -DMACRO_HERE file.cpp). I would like to have a way to get a list of all the macros defined this way within the code so that I can write out all the used macros to the console and save files when the application is run, that way we know exactly what build was used.
I also need to do the same thing with the git hash but I think I can do that easily with a macro.
Edit 1: Note that this is not the same question as GCC dump preprocessor defines since I want the list available within the program and I only want the macros that are declared by being passed to the compiler with the -D argument
Edit 2: I also need it be cross compiler compatible since we use GCC, XL, CCE, CLANG, NVCC, HIP, and the MPI versions of those. Note that we're building with Make
Here's an outline of a possible solution.
The request is not well-specified because there is no guarantee that all object files will be built with the same conditional macros. So let's say that you want to capture the conditional macros specified for some designated source file.
On that basis, we can play a build trick, easy to do with make: the build recipe for that designated source file actually invokes a script, by inserting the path to the script at the beginning of the compile line.
The script runs through its arguments, selects the ones which start -D, and uses them to create a simple C source file which defines an array const char* build_options[], populating it with stringified versions of the command line arguments. (Unless you're a perfectionist, you don't need to do heroics to correctly escape the strings, because no sane build configuration would use -D arguments which require heroic escaping.)
Once the source file is built, the script saves it and either uses the command-line it was passed as its arguments to compile it, or leaves it to be compiled by some later build step.

Apply LLVM pass to a specific basic block

Is it possible to apply LLVM transformation pass to a specific basic block, instead of the whole IR?
I know how to apply a pass to the whole IR:
$ opt –S –instcombine test.ll –o out.ll
But there might be several basic blocks inside test.ll and I want to apply –instcombine to just one of them.
Generally, no. Some LLVM passes are written to work on whole modules, others on whole functions. Some are also safe to use for single basic blocks (more by chance than by design), but LLVM's pass interface deals with only the design unit (functions in case of function passes, modules in case of module passes). That is, function passes are given a function by the pass manager, and nothing else.

llvm - Pass arguments to a pass

I need to tell the pass to look out for a specific function in the file. And I want to specify which function to look out for 'on the go' i.e when I run the pass. Any idea how I can do that? It's sort of like passing arguments to a function in theory.
Add a command line option using cl::opt<string> and set it when running your pass.
Alternatively, if you are producing an IR from C or C++ using clang, you can utilize __attribute((__annotate__(("foo")))) to mark functions you are interested in.

How can I make the LLVM IR of a function available to my program?

I'm working on a library which I'd like certain introspection features to be available. Let's say I'm compiling with clang, so I have access to libtooling or whatever.
What I'd like specifically is for someone to be able to view the LLVM IR of an already-compiled function as part of the program. I know that, when compiling, I can use -emit-llvm to get the IR. But that saves it to a file. What I'd like is for the LLVM IR to be embedded in and retrievable from the program itself -- e.g. my_function_object.llvm_ir()
Is such a thing possible? Thanks!
You're basically trying to have reflection to your program. Reflection requires the existence of metadata in your binary. This doesn't exist out of the box in LLVM, as far as I know.
To achieve an effect like this, you could create a global key-value dictionary in your program, exposed via an exported function - something like IRInstruction* retrieve_llvm_ir_stream(char* name).
This dictionary would map some kind of identifier (for example, the exported name) of a given function to an in-memory array that represents the IR stream of that function (each instruction represented as a custom IRInstruction struct, for example). The types and functions of the representation format (like the custom IRInstruction struct) will have to be included in your source.
At the step of the IR generation, this dictionary will be empty. Immediately after the IR generation step, you'll need to add a custom build step: open the IR file and populate the dictionary with the data - for each exported function of your program, inject its name as a key to the dictionary and its IR stream as a value. The IR stream would be generated from the definitions of your functions, as read by your custom build tool (which would leverage the LLVM API to read the generated IR and convert it to your format).
Then, proceed to the assembler and linker as before.

LLVM traverse CFG

I want to apply a DFS traversing algorithm on a CFG of a function. Therefore, I need the internal representation of the CFG. I need oriented edges and spotted MachineBasicBlock::const_succ_iterator. It is there a way to get the CFG with oriented edges by using a FunctionPass, instead of a MachineFunctionPass? The reason why I want this is that I have problems using MachineFunctionPass. I have written several complex passes till now, but I cannot run a MachineFunctionPass pass.
I found that : "A MachineFunctionPass is a part of the LLVM code generator that executes on the machine-dependent representation of each LLVM function in the program. Code generator passes are registered and initialized specially by TargetMachine::addPassesToEmitFile and similar routines, so they cannot generally be run from the opt or bugpoint commands."...So how I can run a MachineFunctionPass?
When I was trying to run with opt a simple MachineFunctionPass, I got the error :
Pass 'mycfg' is not initialized.
Verify if there is a pass dependency cycle.
Required Passes:
opt: PassManager.cpp:638: void llvm::PMTopLevelManager::schedulePass(llvm::Pass*): Assertion `PI && "Expected required passes to be initialized"' failed.
So I have to initialize the pass. But in my all other passes I did not any initialization and I don't want to use INITIALIZE_PASS since I have to recompile the llvm file that is keeping the pass registration... Is there a way to keep using static RegisterPass for a MachineFunctionPass ? I mention that if I change to FunctionPass, I have no problems, so indeed it might be an opt problem.
I have started another pass for CallGraph. I am using CallGraph &CG = getAnalysis<CallGraph>(); efficiently. It is a similar way of getting CFG-s? What I found till now are succ_iterator/succ_begin/succ_end which are from CFG.h, but I think I still have to get the CFG analysis somehow.
Thank you in advance !
I think you may have some terms mixed up. Basic blocks within each function are already arranged in a kind-of CFG, and LLVM provides you the tools to traverse that. See my answer to this question, for example.
MachineFunction lives on a different level, and unless you're doing something very special, this is not the level you should operate on. It's too low-level, and too target specific. There's some overview of the levels here