Difference between web services and JMS - web-services

I am new into these topics. JMS and web services seem to have same purpose but I feel there is lot more differences? Can someone provide the differences? And when are these technologies applied?

Depending on your requirements and your architecture you can use both, they can even be used together.
JMS is a messaging standard specifically for Java EE. So it is better to compare Message Passing and Web Service.
A good idea is to read on wikipedia
A similar discussion took place here: Difference between JMS and Web Service
As an example, in the case my architecture was exposing to the world an interface, I would most likely offer web services. If however my architecture was to connect with a fast producing events module over a secure connection, I would use message passing.


Best practice to integrate web services (with Camel)

I have the following situation. Several services provide their functionality mainly via SOAP interfaces. There is one module that wants to consume this functionality for integration into a website. What would be the best practice to do that?
The functionality of the services is subject to change. Therefore, each single function/method should be "reroutable". The web service is probably hosted on a different machine.
Is it reasonable to map all web services to JMS queues (my first idea)? The website module would only talk to JMS then. A router would route all incoming JMS messages to the different web services (or elsewhere).
Or: There could be one dedicated web service, that integrates all functions, to be used exclusively by the web site? The advantage here would be that parameters and return values are typed.
What would you suggest? What could be another, better approach?
If I understood you right, what you're aiming at is providing a homogeneous interface, a coherent API for your webapp module, serving a purpose of a facade for multiple remote interfaces (mainly SOAP ones).
Regarding the JMS approach you've mentioned - it seems reasonable, but:
instead of many queues I'd rather go with a single JMS destination with a Camel content-based router immediately after the queue (or two queues for Request/Reply pattern) That would make things "reroutable" and isolate the web module from service changes.
your requests would be less prone to services-related errors, brief problems in service availability and such, while still retaining an ability to perform Request/Reply style calls (which are common to RPC-ish nature of SOAP).
i'd use one-way style calls wherever they are applicable (for increased reliability and reactivity).
You should not worry about lack of typing, WSDL+SOAP seems to enforce strong typing but that's an illusion driven by auto-generated stubs. You still have to marshal the data back and forth.
Instead of SOAP I'd go with JSON, as it is far cleaner and less redundant than XML (probably faster, but that's usually irrelevant). Jackson is a very efficient JSON library and it's already supported in Camel distributions. JMS ObjectMessage is a big NO (a good article on some of the ObjectMessage pitfalls )
The single-service approach seems to be a good way to separate the web-module from the service layer. It lacks the flexibility and fault-tolerance of the JMS approach but seems tad easier to implement.
If there are many calls that can be concluded in a one-way fashion, I'd say go with JMS and reroute the messages after the queue.

When to choose webservices?

I'd like to give external access to a web application. Several applications on many clients will use this service extensively (hopefully), which will always lead to CRUD functions on a database.
Is a webservice always the first choice? Is there any rule of thumb when to choose webservices, sockets, etc?
It really depends on who your clients are, what kind of performance are you looking at, how well your clients know the technologies.
Sockets etc might give you a good performance speed but development time might increase for both, you and your clients.
SOAP web services established a standard quite some time back but now people are using REST web services more because of its simplicity and less overhead.
I am heavily impressed by the RESTful webservices offered by twilio
I am sure that Twilio is receiving hundreds of thousands of calls a day and they are performing just well.
Have a look at the following articles for more understanding about them
The big benefit of web services is the ease of use and the predefined interface, but they are "slower" compared to low level socket communication, because for example the XML Requests/Respnses of a SOAP-Service needs to be created/interpreded.
So I would say if you open the service to "outsider" use web services unless speed is really the biggest concern.
Also because web services are mostly accessable through port 80 you have much less problems with proxy/firewalls than with a socket on a random other port.
If you are having a high work load cahcing is also very important because it can speed up the system dramaticaly.
I would choose a web services (SOAP or REST) whenever I can. It's easier to scale a web service than a home brew socket implementation and it takes less time to build a webservice.
Sockets is usually the preferred choice if you need two-way communication (I know that WCF has callbacks).
Webservice makes it a generic way for different type of clients and applications to exchange data also it is dependent on your architecure and infrastructure.
Socket programming is bit complex and some time may create problem in data exchange. It entirely depends on your fuctionaly requirements and architecure which should you use.
if your clients will consume this data from browsers of application then webservice is better choice.

What is the difference between JMS / JAXM / JAX RPC / Web Service / JAX-WS?

I am trying to learn different web services to understand what they are used for. But, I am confused as these terms overlap frequently. I would appreciate if someone can tell me briefly what are the differences between these terminologies. I came across some sources such as http://java.sun.com/developer/Books/j2ee/jws/ch07.pdf, however I am not able to distinctly differentiate them.
Web Service: a standards-conforming invocable service, might be written in Java, might be written in some other technology, e.g. .NET. Key point is that there is a standard language, WSDL, that describes the service. The WSDL contains information about the transport, protocol, where the service is running, the available operations and the payloads flowing to and fro.
Most Web Services you will encounter use SOAP messages (a particular XML format) over an HTTP protocol, and so the WSDL will contain the URL of where to invoke the service. More generally other message formats and protocols are possible - we'll come back to that point in a moment.
Suppose you have the WSDL for a service that you wish to invoke from a Java program, then in principle you can write Java to format a suitable XML payload and squirt the message down an HTTP connection. Perfectly doable, but very tedious, almost all the code is boilerplate code, which can be generated from the the WSDL.
Equally, if you want to create a Web Service in Java then you might begin by writing the WSDL, but once again there's lots of standard boilerplate code for reading HTTP, parsing XML etc. So in both cases you benefit from standard Java APIs for doing all that work. There have been several such APIs, JAX/RPC and JAX/WS are two such, and JAX/WS is the more recent and easier to use.
An alternative integration technology is to use messaging, there are many vendors who provide message queuing products, so it's perfectly possible to send messages from (say) Java to (say) C++, you just need to agree on the message format (no standard WSDL there to tell you).
JMS is a Java programming API that provides an abstraction about specific vendors' messaging products. If working in Java, JMS gives you portability across messaging products. The Java EE standard requires that Java EE App Server vendors provide a messaging infrastructure - I believe that as business systems get large, they nearly always need some asynchronous messaging facilities.
There are various possibilities for applying WSDL-like approaches to messaging. For example it is possible to write a Web Service using SOAP/JMS rather than SOAP/HTTP. JAXM is an emerging API in this space. Frankly I'm unclear as to its relationship to SOAP/JMS and standards such as WS-ReliableMessaging.

Asynchronous vs. synchronous Web Services practices?

I venture that most but not all web services today are synchronous. A fundamental design decision existing if to implement asynchronous processing.
Is there value in implementing a processing queue system for asynchronous web services? It is a MOM/infrastructure decision with which I am toying. Instead of going system-to-system implement a middleware which will broker said transactions. The ease of management and tracking/troubleshooting of a spider web of services seems to make the most sense.
How best have you implemented asynchronous web services?
It is interesting I stumble into this question. I have exactly the same concern with the current project I am developing.
Our web services are develop using TIBCO technology, and they are also synchronous by default. We are considering creating a queue mechanism to process these requests asynchronously; the reason being: the back-end storage technology we have to interface with is notoriously slow (it is an imposed technology, and we have to deal with it)
Personally I am considering creating a 2nd WSDL definition for the asynchronous replies (which can occur from a few seconds to a few hours later than the request, depending on the load on the mentioned back-end storage.) Clients calling our Web Services will have to in turn implement a web service using this "2nd WSDL" to which we act as clients.
I'd be interested in knowing the directions you are exploring.

Difference between JMS and Web Service [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JMS vs Webservices
(9 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I need to develop a system which accepts orders and returns confirmation. Orders could come from java or non java clients.
Not sure whether to go for web service implementation or JMS.
Any suggestions ...
JMS is an API which abstracts messaging middleware, like ActiveMQ or IBM MQSeries.
Messaging middleware has a store-and-forward paradigm and asynchronous message passing, while web services tend to promote a synchronous procedure calling paradigm. In distributed systems where a lot can go wrong, dealing with things asynchronously tend to focus the mind better to the things you need to do when part of the system is not available or poorly performing and the code needed to deal with that tends to be a lot less complicated.
Clustering parts become trivial if you have multiple servers listening on the same queue, parallelism and load balancing is for free in this case.
Personally I find JMS much easier to work with and more robust and reliable than web services, but the messaging middleware must support all platforms you want to use. If all the components who need to talk to each other are under your control, I would give a messaging middleware with a JMS interface serious consideration.
If the other party is external then probably Web Services rule, and in that case you could think of a using thin layer to convert the external web service to an internal message passing infrastructure so you still have the most of the advantages.
If it is "just slapping an remote API on a webapp" then of course it does not pay either to setup asynch messaging.
You can use both depending on your interoperability, scale, distribution and integration requirements.
Web service approaches utilising SOAP, XML RPC and REST provide something quite interoperable given the use of HTTP as the protocol. From a service side, you might receive a web service request and then marshal it into a message. Your message could then be delivered to a messaging bus.
JMS is a reasonable API for interfacing with a messaging bus and I've found that Active/MQ very good here. Active/MQ supports JMS across many languages.
With messaging you can utilise the Request/Reply Enterprise Integration Pattern to receive responses and return them via your web service. However think about the merit of providing immediate feedback as to whether the order has been processed vs feeding back the fact that an order has been received; you might not need to implement request/reply to acknowledge that an order has been received.
The benefits of messaging can be found here: http://www.eaipatterns.com/Messaging.html
You may even want to look at Apache Camel to simplify the development of highly scalable and distributed service layers.
check the links
difference between using JMS/Messaging Middleware versus Web services
Messaging, JMS and Web Services
Web Services HTTP vs. JMS
Choosing among JCA, JMS, and Web services
Java Message Service
Web service
So if communicating Applications are Java based use JMS and if may be different then Web services... thats what which I follow.
For interoperability sake, use a web service. JMS is little used outside the Java world.