Separate Compilation C++ Xcode 5.1. - c++

So I've reached Chapter 6 of C++ Primer 5th edition. Section 6.1.3. covers separate compilation and compiling and linking multiple source files. It then goes on to show system prompts (e.g. $ CC where $ is the system prompt and CC is compiler name) that you would use in order to produce an executable file, showing the compiler where the files are.
It then talks about compiling separately to get an object file, and then linking these to form an executable.
Now I could be wrong, but is this necessary in Xcode? The system prompts stuff and the like. When you make a project, you have a target, right? And that comes with a product, an executable. To add source files to this, don't you just right-click and add .cpp files and .h header files as necessary? Or is there something else I need to do, in a similar manner discussed in the book, to get separate compilation and linking.
Thanks in advance for all the help! =D

I don't know XCode at all, but IDEs are usually doing it the same way. They interpret your project file into series of separate source files that get compiled separately, and then run a linker to link it. All this happens without programmer interaction (IDEs are automatizing it to help and speed up the programming), but a good programer should know that he doesn't need IDE to compile a program - he can just run the compiler directly. In short - if you use your IDE you don't need to do it - but it's whats happening underneath.


Difference between code object and executable file

I'm a C++ beginner and I'm studying the basics of the language. There is a topic in my book about the compiler and my problem is that I can not understand what the text wants to say:
C++ is a compiled language so you need to translate the source code in
a file that the computer can execute. This file is generated by the
compiler and is called the object code ( .obj ), but a program like
the "hello world" program is composed by a part that we wrote and a part
of the C++ library. The linker links these two parts of a program and
produces an executable file ( .exe ).
Why does my book tell that the file that is executed by the computer is the one with the obj suffix (the object code) and then say that it is the one with the exe suffix?
Object files are source compiled into binary machine language, but they contain unresolved external references (such as printf,for instance). They may need to be linked against other object files, third party libraries and almost always against C/C++ runtime library.
In Unix, both object and exe files are the same COFF format. The only difference is that object files have unresolved external references, while a.out files don't.
The C++ specification is a technical document in English. For C++11 have a look inside n3337 (or spend a lot of money to buy the paperback ISO standard). In theory you don't need a computer to run a C++ program (you could use a bunch of human slaves, but that would be unethical, inefficient, and unreliable).
You could have a C++ implementation which is an interpreter, not a compiler (e.g. Ch by SoftIntegration)
If you install Linux on your laptop (which I recommend doing to every student) then you could have several free software C++ compilers, in particular GCC and Clang/LLVM (using g++ and clang commands respectively). Source files are suffixed .cc, or .cxx, or .cpp, or even .C (I prefer .cc), and you could ask the compiler to handle a file of some other suffix as a C++ source file (but that is not conventional). Then, both object files (suffixed .o) and executables share the same ELF format. Conventionally, executables don't have any suffix (e.g. g++ is a binary executable, not doing much except starting other processes like cc1plus -the compiler proper-, as -the assembler-, ld -the linker- etc...)
In all cases I strongly recommend:
to enable all warnings and debug info during compilation (e.g. use g++ -Wall -g ....)
to improve your source code till you got no warnings
to learn how to use the debugger (gdb)
to be able to build your program on the command line
to use a version control system like git
to use a good editor like emacs, gedit, geany, or gvim
once you are writing programs in several source files, learn how to use a builder like make
to learn C++11 (or even perhaps C++14) rather than older C++ standards
to also learn other programming languages (Ocaml, Scheme, Haskell, Prolog, Scala, ....) since they would improve your thinking and your way of coding in C++
to study the source code of several free software coded in C++
to read the documentation of every function that you are using, e.g. on cppreference or in man pages (for Linux)
to understand what is undefined behavior (the fact that your program sometimes work does not make it correct).
Concretely, on Linux you could edit your Hello World program (file with gedit or emacs (with a command like gedit etc..., compile it using g++ -Wall -g -o hello command, debug it using gdb ./hello, and repeat (don't forget to use git commands for version control).
Sometimes it makes sense to generate some C++ code, e.g. by some shell, Python, or awk script (or even by your own program coded in C++ which generates C++ code!).
Also, understand that an IDE is not a compiler (but runs the compiler for you).
The basic steps for creating an application from a C or C++ source file are as follows:
(1) the source files are created (by a person or generated by a program), (2) the source files are compiled (which is really two steps, Preprocessor and compilation) into object code, (3) the object files that are created by the C/C++ compiler are linked to create the .exe
So you have these steps of transforming one version of the computer program, the source files, to another, the executable. The C++ source is compiled to produce the object files. The object files are then linked to produce the executable file.
In most cases there are several different programs involved in the compile and link process with C and C++. Each program takes in certain files and creates new files.
C/C++ Preprocessor takes in source code files and generates source code files
C/C++ Compiler takes in source code files and generates object code files
the linker takes in object code files and libraries and generates executable files
See What is the difference between - 1) Preprocessor,linker, 2)Header file,library? Is my understanding correct?
Most compiler installations have a program that runs these various applications for you. So if you are using gcc then gcc program will run first the C++ Preprocessor then then C++ compiler and then the linker. However you can modify what gcc does with command line options to tell it to only run the C++ Preprocessor or to only compile the source files but not to link them or to only link the object code files.
A brief history of computer languages and programming
The languages used for programming computers along with the various software development tools have evolved over the years.
The first computers were programmed with numbers entered by switches on a console.
Then people started developing languages and software that could be used to create software more easily and quicker. The first major development was creating assembler language where each line of source was converted by a computer program into a machine code instruction. Along with this came the development of linkers (which link pieces of machine code together into larger pieces). Assemblers were improved by adding a macro or preprocessor facility somewhat like the C/C++ Preprocessor though designed for assembly language.
Then people created programming languages that looked more like people written languages rather than assembler (FORTRAN and COBOL and ALGOL for instance). These languages were easier to read and a single line of source might be converted into several machine instructions so it was more productive to write computer programs in these languages rather than assembler.
The C programming language was a later refinement using lessons learned from the early programming languages such as FORTRAN. And C used some of the same software development tools that already existed such as linkers which already existed. Still later C++ was invented, starting off as a refinement of C introducing object oriented facilities. In fact the first C++ compiler was really a C++ translator which translated C++ source code to C source code which was then compiled with a C compiler. However modern C++ is compiled straight to machine code in order to provide the full functionality of the C++ standard with templates, lambdas, and all the other things with C++11 and later.
linkers and loaders
When you run a program you run the executable file. The executable file contains several kinds of information. The first is the machine instructions that are the result of compiling the C++ source code. The other is information that the loader uses in order to know how to load the executable into memory.
In the old days, long long ago all libraries and object files were linked together into an executable file and the executable file was loaded by the loader and the loader was pretty simple.
Then people invented shared libraries and dynamic link libraries and this required the linker to be more complex and the loader to be more complex.
The linker became more complex because it had to be able to recognize the difference between using a shared library and a static library and be able to generate an executable file that not only contains the linked object code but also information for the loader about any dynamic libraries.
The loader became more complex because not only does the loader have to load the executable file into memory so that it can start running, the loader must also find any shared libraries or dynamic link libraries that are also needed and load those too. And the loader also has to do a certain amount of linking of the additional components, the shared libraries, so the loader does a lot more than it used to do.
See also
Difference between shared objects (.so), static libraries (.a), and DLL's (.so)?
What is an application binary interface (ABI)?
How to make a SIMPLE C++ Makefile
Object code (within an object file): Output from a compiler intended as input for a linker (for the linker to produce executable code).
Executable: A program ready to be run (executed) on a computer

make SCons compile everything in one gcc line?

I have a rather complex SCons script that compiles a big C++ project.
This gcc manual page says:
The compiler performs optimization based on the knowledge it has of the program. Compiling multiple files at once to a single output file mode allows the compiler to use information gained from all of the files when compiling each of them.
So it's better to give all my files to a single g++ invocation and let it drive the compilation however it pleases.
But SCons does not do this. it calls g++ separately for every single C++ file in the project and then links them using ld
Is there a way to make SCons do this?
The main reason to have a build system with the ability to express dependencies is to support some kind of conditional/incremental build. Otherwise you might as well just use a script with the one command you need.
That being said, the result of having gcc/g++ optimize as the manual describe is substantial. In particular if you have C++ templates you use often. Good for run-time performance, bad for recompile performance.
I suggest you try and make your own builder doing what you need. Here is another question with an inspirational answer: SCons custom builder - build with multiple files and output one file
Currently the answer is no.
Logic similar to this was developed for MSVC only.
You can see this in the man page ( as follows:
MSVC_BATCH When set to any true value, specifies that SCons should
batch compilation of object files when calling the Microsoft Visual
C/C++ compiler. All compilations of source files from the same source
directory that generate target files in a same output directory and
were configured in SCons using the same construction environment will
be built in a single call to the compiler. Only source files that have
changed since their object files were built will be passed to each
compiler invocation (via the $CHANGED_SOURCES construction variable).
Any compilations where the object (target) file base name (minus the
.obj) does not match the source file base name will be compiled
As always patches are welcome to add this in a more general fashion.
In general this should be left up to the program developer. Trying to compile all together in an amalgamation may introduce unintended behaviour to the program if it even compiles in the first place. Your best bet if you want this kind of optimisation without editing the source yourself is to use a compiler with inter-process optimisation like icc -ipo.
Example where an amalgamation of two .c files would not compile is for example if they use two identical static symbols with different functionality.

What am I doing when I compile a library like SFML?

I've been trying to get SFML 2.1 working on my linux mint 15 install on my laptop, and that's when I found I should compile it from the source. So after fumbling through the tutorial on compiling SFML using cmake, I'm finally able to get some code working. But now I'm curious...what did I just do?
When I think of compiling, I think of compiling c++ code into object files, and then linking the object files into an executable. But I don't really understand what it means to compile something like SFML. When I think of a library, I think of a bunch of functions and objects that are made available to me through header files and source files created by another programmer, not necessarily something that needs to be compiled. My knowledge on the compilation and linking process is rather limited, so that might be my biggest issue at this point.
So what does it mean to "compile" a library?
EDIT: After looking at this particular question: How does the compilation/linking process work?
I noticed two bits of info that may further refine my question.
Linking: the linker takes the object files produced by the compiler
and produces either a library or an executable file.
The linker is what produces the final compilation output from the
object files the compiler produced. This output can be either a shared
(or dynamic) library (and while the name is similar, they haven't got
much in common with static libraries mentioned earlier) or an
So perhaps my real question is what does it mean to compile a dynamic library? What am I accomplishing by doing this?

GtkD (the Gtk+bindings for the D language) why compile it?

I've recently been using GtkD with the D programming language to create native applications. I've downloaded all the necessary files and got everything running so i can now compile and produce sample apps.
My question is that in some of the guides it tells you to compile GtkD on the platform you are using but what is the point? Once compiled you end up with a single lib file on Windows (GtkD.lib) and three lib files on Linux (ending in *.a). What are these files for and how are they used? Like i said everything seems to be working without doing anything with these files.
I'm guessing you can statically link these? but what's that for? To avoid compiling the GtkD source each time? I did actually try that using the pragma('lib', 'GtkD.lib') statement but it didn't seem to do anything.
Can anyone shine any light on this or explain why these files are needed?
Yes it's to avoid compiling the GtkD source each time.
Try to use pragma(lib, "GtkD"); rather than pragma('lib', 'GtkD.lib');
It works for me.
source files that are imported aren't compiled, they are only parsed for the symbol names and function signatures (and the templates)
creating libs is to avoid needing to recompile the entire library each time you need to rebuild and the compiler can then only use the .di files for the imports
this stems from the olden days where compiling took ages, and now it can be used to keep a library closed source

What Should be the Structure of a C++ Project?

I have recently started learning C++ and coming from a Ruby environment I have found it very hard to structure a project in a way that it still compiles correctly, I have been using Code::Blocks which is brilliant but a downside is that when I add a new header file or c++ source file, it will generate some code and even though it is only a mere 3 or 4 lines, I do not know what these lines do. First of all I would like to ask this question:
What do these lines do?
My second question is, do I need to #include both the .h file and the .cpp file, and in which order.
My third question is where can I find the GNU GCC Compiler that, I beleive, was packaged with Code::Blocks and how do I use it without Code::Blocks? I would rather develop in a notepad++ sort of way because that is what I'm used to in Ruby but since C++ is compiled, you may think differently (please give advice and views on that as well)
Thanks in advance, ell.
EDIT: I'm on Windows XP & thanks for the lighting fast replies!
To answer your questions:
The lines are include guards. They prevent the header file being included more than once in any given translation unit. If it was included multiple times, you would probably get multiple definition errors.
Header files are #included in .cpp files and in other headers. .cpp files are not normally #included.
The C++ compiler that comes with Code::Blocks is called MinGW GCC, and can be found in the bin directory of the MinGW installation. To find it, do a Windows search via explorer for 'g++'. To use it, you will need to put the directory it is in on your search path. Note the version of the compiler that ships with Code::Blocks is quite old - you can get a much more recent version from here.
That's an inclusion guard, to prevent a .h file from being included twice. Besides saving time, this is often in fact required to avoid defining things twice.
You should include only the .h. The .c file will be linked to your program in some form. For small programs, you can just pass all the .c files to gcc, but larger programs will involve intermediate .o files or even libraries (static or dynamic).
You can definitely work without an IDE. There are many ways to install the gcc compiler on Windows, including Cygwin and MinGW. I think you are correct that Code::Blocks comes with a gcc executable, but I don't know where it is or what version.
Those lines make it so that if a file is #included twice, everything will continue to work. That in turn lets you treat header-file dependencies as a simple directed graph, which is definitely easiest.
You don't #include .cpp files. (Well, not unless you're an evil programmer. Don't do it!)
I'll let others (or google!) tell you about gcc, but it might help if you were to describe what platform you're using.
All of your questions have been answered by others, except this:
I would rather develop in a notepad++
sort of way because that is what I'm
used to in Ruby but since C++ is
compiled, you may think differently
(please give advice and views on that
as well)
I think this is a very bad idea. A fully fledged IDE with an integrated debugger, jump to symbol definitions, refactoring capabilities, a profiler, intellisense and more is practically a must for any real world project.
And the absolute best is Visual Studio* with Visual Assist X**. Code::Blocks pales in comparison ;)
* If you study in a university you can usually get it for free through MSDNAA; otherwise there the Visual Studio Express edition whicih is free
** 30 days evaluation period