Application Icon Visual Studio 2010 c++ - c++

I wanted to clear a confusion here.
I changed the application icon for the .exe file using the solution here. When I locate the .exe file in explorer I do see the change in the icon.
However, when I run it on debug mode from Visual Studio 2010, the changed icon does not show up - it shows the generic white box.
So I was just wondering if this is an expected behavior or not? My application will still have the new icon when I generate the .exe file in release build right?

As Hans Passant said in the comment:
It is expected. Google "reset shell icon cache"


How to run C/C++ code using integrated terminal in Visual Studio

How to launch a C/C++ console application using the integrated terminal in Visual Studio instead of launching a separate terminal window?
To clarify more:
When I press the run button right now, this is what happens:
But what I want is something like this (but it must happen when I press the run button), where the output is directed to a terminal inside the visual studio window, without launching a separate window, this will make it easier when debugging because I won't have to switch between multiple windows:
There is a handy VsConsoleOutput extension for Visual Studio 2019 / 2022 that redirects program output into Output window inside of Visual Studio.
However when installing it i've got an exception complaining about incorrect value of InstalledByMsi value somewhere in manifest. The workaround is to manually open downloaded .vsix package (which seems to be a .zip archive) using WinRAR or something, adjust one line in extension.vsixmanifest file and save updated archive.
<Installation AllUsers="true" InstalledByMsi="false">

Want to open command prompt when running a program in visual studio community

My visual studio community 2015 are opening a MFC program when I hit RUN. All over youtube, everyone has command promt automatically opening when hitting the RUN or Local windows debugger button. I want to change it to command promt aswell, does anyone have a solution?
It seems you created an MFC project and when you start this, of course you start an MFC program.
If you want a console application use File->New->Project and select the Win32 console project template.
See this MSDN article for more information.

Visual Studio 2010 resource tree doesn't open

I'm having a problem with visual studio 2010 in that I have a MFC project I've made which includes a dialog box. However when I go to the resource view, I can see the .rc file (I can't see the .rc2 file, which is listed in the solution explorer) but when I click on it, it doesn't open into the expected ICON, DIALOG, MENU etc.
The project runs and compiles fine, but I just don't get why I can't get to the dialog to edit it.

visual studio 2010 unable to start program .dll

I have a problem for my visual studio 2010. When I click start debugging button and it's start debugging.
It seems that there is no error "i just create one "button" on it "
But it will show Unable to start program 'c:\users\.....\xx.dll'
Does someone now how to solve it?
The second question is: when I click left button to see the "Button" source code,
why it will show all this project code? Should I revise some setting?
Visual studio will not run a .dll by itself. does your solution have an .exe project? if so, right click it and select "Set as Startup Project". if not you will need to create one, and instruct it to load the forms within your dll.
as for left clicking the button, I'm not quite sure what you are describing. can you post a picture?
In earlier versions of MSVC while running .dll, will get a dialog asking path for .exe file
But in MSVC 2010 and above there is no such option. To fix this
Right click on your dll project
Configuration Properties > Debugging. Here, in Command -> add path to your exe.
Add command arguments, if any.
You are good to go!

VC++ 2010 does not create C++ projects

I have a really big problem. Visual studio 2010 does not create C++ projects any more. When I click to create a new C++ project (no matter console or Win32) it shows the next dialog, which should allow me to choose project settings, but I cannot do anything in this dialog (when I click Cancel or Finish nothing happens, I can just close this window), also, this dialog does not show all settings, like it had.
Non-C++ project are being created successfully.
I've installed a VC++ express, but it has the same problem. Class creation window also has this problem.
I tryed to reinstall VS, but it had no effect.
I tryed to launch from VS console devenv.exe /setup and devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates
I tryed this
This is a screeshot of project creation dialog (labels are in russian, but you can open this window in your VS to see the difference)
UPD: translated window:
Skype main window has a problem - it does not display any contensts. It seems, that problem is in IE
Yes, these wizard pages use HTML and javascript and are displayed by an embedded WebBrowser.
Your IE install is messed up.