OpenCV IplImage save/read to video - c++

I'm trying to save a video to analyse later with OpenCV algorithms.
I'm using a C++ library of the camera to obtain the frames.
IplImage *iplImageInput = QueryFrame(); //runs every 30 ms
std::vector <cv::Mat> splittedVector;
cv::split(cv::Mat(iplImageInput), splittedVector); //stereo vision camera
// splittedVector buffer is used by the algorithms
So I would like to replace the function "QueryFrame()" with data saved before.
I have already tried some things with cv::videowriter/cv::videocapture but with no luck.
Do you have any hints to eliminate the need for the camera while testing algorithms?
How should I implement a writer and reader to save like 150 frames?
Thanks a lot.


using OpenCV to capture images, not video

I'm using OpenCV4 to read from a camera. Similar to a webcam. Works great, code is somewhat like this:
cv::VideoCapture cap(0);
cap.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH , 1600);
cap.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 1200);
while (true)
cv::Mat mat;
// wait for some external event here so I know it is time to take a picture...
cap >> mat;
Problem is, this gives many video frames, not a single image. This is important because in my case I don't want nor need to be processing 30 FPS. I actually have specific physical events that trigger reading the image from the camera at certain times. Because OpenCV is expecting the caller to want video -- not surprising considering the class is called cv::VideoCapture -- it has buffered many seconds of frames.
What I see in the image is always from several seconds ago.
So my questions:
Is there a way to flush the OpenCV buffer?
Or to tell OpenCV to discard the input until I tell it to take another image?
Or to get the most recent image instead of the oldest one?
The other option I'm thinking of investigating is using V4L2 directly instead of OpenCV. Will that let me take individual pictures or only stream video like OpenCV?

Consequent Image stabilization in OpenCV c++

I am looking for a stabilization technique/algorithm that works with a set of sequential images, but not a video (each image arrives every 1.2s aprox). OpenCV seems to have this stabilization but over video (stabilizer), are there any other classes that I can use to stabilize this set of images? Or, is there a way to make it work with this class?
Cheers and thanks!

Stereo image acquisition using bumblebee2

I am using the Bumblebee2 camera and I am having trouble with acquiring stereo images from it. When I attempt to access the camera using MATLAB, the program crashes.
Does anyone know how I can acquire the stereo images using FlyCapture?
Matlab cannot read the BumbleBee 2 output directly. To do that you'll have to record the stream and process it offline. I wrote a proprietary recorder based on the code samples in the SDK. You can split the left/right images and record each one in a separate video container (e.g. using OpenCV to write a compressed avi file). Later, you can load these images into memory, and use Triclops to compute disparity maps (or alternatively, use OpenCV to run other algorithms, like semi-global block matching).
Flycapture can capture image series or video clips, but you have less control over what you get. I suggest you use the code samples to write a simple recorder, and then load your output into Matlab in standard ways. Consult the Point Grey tech support.

How to decode mpeg motion vector using OpenCV in C++?

I want to decode the MPEG motion vectors using OpenCV in C++.
Is there any function in OpenCV through which we can get this?
Brightness may not be constant through out the video in my case.
I am referring paper Efficient camera motion characterization for MPEG video indexing
It says use partial decoding to get motion vectors from MPEG-compressed video sequence.
But I am unable to determine how to do this using OpenCV.
How to proceed?
OpenCV uses ffmpeg, v4linux or QuickTime as backend video encoder/decoder. It cannot access internal data or partial decoding results, because it is just a wrapper over other libraries. All it does is to handle frames from the backend and convert them to IplImage or cv::Mat.
If you want to access internal data, you should play with the ffmpeg code.

How to find object on video using OpenCV

To track object on video frame, first of all I extract image frames from video and save those images to a folder. Then I am supposed to process those images to find an object. Actually I do not know if this is a practical thing, because all the algorithm did this for one step. Is this correct?
Well, your approach will consume a lot of space on your disk depending on the size of the video and the size of the frames, plus you will spend a considerable amount of time reading frames from the disk.
Have you tried to perform real-time video processing instead? If your algorithm is not too slow, there are some posts that show the things that you need to do:
This post demonstrates how to use the C interface of OpenCV to execute a function to convert frames captured by the webcam (on-the-fly) to grayscale and displays them on the screen;
This post shows a simple way to detect a square in an image using the C++ interface;
This post is a slight variation of the one above, and shows how to detect a paper sheet;
This thread shows several different ways to perform advanced square detection.
I trust you are capable of converting code from the C interface to the C++ interface.
There is no point in storing frames of a video if you're using OpenCV, as it has really handy methods for capturing frames from a camera/stored video real-time.
In this post you have an example code for capturing frames from a video.
Then, if you want to detect objects on those frames, you need to process each frame using a detection algorithm. OpenCV brings some sample code related to the topic. You can try to use SIFT algorithm, to detect a picture, for example.