When did product.permalink attribute became deprecated? - spree

I'm using spree version 2.3.1, and an error showing undefined method `permalink' for Spree::Product
appears from code i was using in a smaller version of spree, can anyone point out in wish version spree stopped using this attribute

From version 2.3.0 Spree started using friendly_id gem instead of custom permalink generation code. You can find the commit that switched to friendly_id here.


Symfony 3 + FOSUserBundle - Overriding template

I have installed Symfony 3.2 and FOSUser dev-master.
I would like to override FOSUser templates in my custom bundle using my bundle as child of FOSUserBundle.
Unfortunatelly this not works.. This overriding way works correctly for controllers, but not for templates.. when I used first way to overriding templates (in app/Resources...) it worked, but second way described in documentations (custom bundle) not works..
Does somebody know why?
Doc link: http://symfony.com/doc/master/bundles/FOSUserBundle/overriding_templates.html
I see that in doc for the newest version second way is there, but it isn't described like it was in older version (1.3)..
is it removed in the newest version (2.0) ?
Unfortunatelly, I can't use older FOSUser version for Symfony 3... ;/

HtmlAgility pack error on a sitecore CMS website

I have rercently installed HtmlAgility pack on a website that runs on Sitecore CMS.
everysince I have been getting an error on my app start that says "Field not found: 'HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode.ElementsFlags'."
I have checked the the code of Sitecore.kernal dll using a decompiler and below is the screenshot of the code that throws this error. Does anyone know how to fix this ?
Sitecore by default uses HtmlAgilityPack dll. In my version it uses version of HtmlAgilityPack.
Most probably you installed a version of HtmlAgilityPack which is not compatible with Sitecore.
Try to check what is the version of HtmlAgilityPack.dll in your bin folder and change the reference to include instead.

Sitecore Web Forms for Marketers Error on Page Editor

I have recently downloaded and installed Sitecore' web forms for marketers. It has installed successfully and I have created a Form within the CMS with basic fields on it. However when I go to add the form to a page through PageEditor I get the message "an error occured". When I then check the log I see the following exception
Exception: System.MissingMethodException
Message: Method not found: 'System.Guid Sitecore.Analytics.Data.PageEventData.get_PageEventDefinitionId()'.
Source: Sitecore.Forms.Core
at Sitecore.Forms.Shell.UI.CustomizeAnalyticsWizard.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
I have decompiled the Sitecore.Analytics DLL and I cannot find this method that it is looking for anywhere. I downloaded the module version 2.5 for SItecore 7.5 revision 150209.
Can anyone tell me if I am missing a newer or older version of the a DLL or something because I can't seem to figure out where this method should exist.
OK after a bit of looking around and tweaking. I stripped out the version I installed by following the documentation on how to uninstall WFFM. I then downloaded version 2.5 revision 141014 and installed that. At a first glance this seems to be working. If I add the form to the page via content editor it works and renders fine. It seems to submit fine too. The forms won't render using page editor mind but I am not sure what that issue is as I haven't investigated.
Either way it would seem that revision 150209 is for Sitecore 8 and revision 141014 is for Sitecore 7.5. Hope this helps anyone else who comes across the same issue.

Sitecore 7.2:Glass.Mapper.MapperException: Failed to find context Default

I am using Glass Mapper to bind the data from sitecore.However I get below error when I load the page.Any Idea??
Sitecore Version : Sitecore.NET 7.2 (rev. 140526)
If you are using nuget you can add the package though there. If you update to the latest version of glassmapper it's no longer dependent on the sc.glass.mapper.sc.windsor. That should solve your problem :)

Sitecore : Method not found: 'Sitecore.Mvc.Presentation.Rendering

Version: Sitecore 7.2 rev. 140526.exe, MVC 5
I am trying to do a small poc with Sitecore MVC. Where I have defined some placeholder in the layout and I have added some components.Now if I am trying to view the page I get below issue.
Any Idea??
I was having the same issue some time ago after upgrading from Sitecore 7 (MVC3) to Sitecore 7.2 (MVC5). The cause was an old version of the Sitecore.Mvc.dll that was being copied into my website's bin folder on compile.
The (file) version you need of the file is Mine was still Don't mix this up with the version that's displayed in Visual Studio, as both files show up identically as being 1.0.0.