Best practice for handling const class data - c++

Say you have a certain class in which each instance of it needs to access the exact same set of data. It is more efficient to declare the data outside the class rather than have each instance make its own one, but doesn't this breach the 'no globals' rule?
Example code:
class Foo{
void someFunction();
#include "Foo.h"
//surely ok since it's only global to the class's .cpp?
const int g_data[length] = {
//contains some data
//do something involving g_data ..
..rather than making 'g_data' a member variable. Or is there some other way which avoids creating a global?

Use the modifier static which modifies the declaration of a class member so that is shared among all class instances. An example:
class A {
int length = 10;
static int g_data[length]; //Inside the class
And then you can access it like this:
int main(void) {
std::cout << "For example: " << A::g_data[2] << std::endl;
You can find more on this matter here

That's what a static member is for.
Thus you will have in your declaration :
class Foo{
void someFunction();
static int const sharedData[length];
And somewhere in your cpp file :
int const Foo::sharedData[length] = { /* Your data */ };

Summarily, yes - your "global" is probably ok (though it'd be better in an anonymous namespace, and there are a few considerations).
Details: lots of answers recommending a static class member, and that is often a good way to go, but do keep in mind that:
a static class member must be listed in the class definition, so in your case it'll be in Foo.h, and any client code that includes that header is likely to want to recompile if you edit the static member in any way even if it's private and of no possible direct relevance to them (this is most important for classes in low-level libraries with diverse client code - enterprise libraries and those shared across the internet and used by large client apps)
with a static class member, code in the header has the option of using it (in which case a recompile will be necessary and appropriate if the static member changes)
if you put the data in the .cpp file, it's best in an anonymous namespace so it doesn't have external linkage (no other objects see it or can link to it), though you have no way to encapsulate it to protect it from access by other functions later in the .cpp's translation unit (whereas a non-public static class member has such protection)

What you really want is data belonging to the type, not to an instance of that type. Fortunately, in C++ there is an instrument doing exactly that — static class members.

If you want to avoid the global and have a more object-oriented solution, take a look at the Flyweight pattern. The Boost Flyweight library has some helper infrastructure and provides a decent explanation of the concept.
Since you are talking about efficiency, it may or not be a good idea to use such an approach, depending on your actual goal. Flyweights are more about saving memory and introduce an additional layer of indirection which may impact runtime performance. The externally stored state may impact compiler optimizations, especially inlining and reduce data locality which prevents efficient caching. On the other hand, some operations which like assignment or copying can be considerably faster because there is only the pointer to the shared state that needs to be copied (plus the non-shared state, but this has to be copied anyway). As always when it comes to efficiency / performance, make sure you measure your code to compare what suits your requirements.


A c++ class include a static member with the same type of itself. Why this pattern?

I inherited a project from a former colleague, and I found these code snippets (and some similar ones in SO questions: can a c++ class include itself as an member and static member object of a class in the same class)
// Service.h
class Service
// ...
static Service sInstance;
void Somememberfunc();
// Service.cpp
#include "Service.h"
Service Service::sInstance;
void Service::Somememberfunc()
// Main.cpp
#include "Service.h"
void Fun()
Service &instance = Service::sInstance;
However, I did not find any explanation on when to use this pattern. And what are the advantages and disadvantages?
Notice that the member is a static, so it's part of the class, not of instantiated objects. This is important, because otherwise you would be trying to make a recursive member (since the member is part of the object, it also contains the same member and so on...), but this is not the case here.
The best pattern to describe this is: global variable. The static member is initialized before main() and can be accessed from any part of the program by including the header file. This is very convenient while implementing but becomes harder to handle the more complex the program gets and the longer you have to maintain it, so the general idea is to avoid this. Also, because there is no way to control the order of initialization, dependencies between different global variables can cause problems during startup.
Static member is roughly a global variable in the scope of the class.
Static members have also the advantage of visibility access (public/protected/private) to restreint its usage (file scope might be an alternative).
That member might be of type of the class.
Global are "easy" to (mis)use, as they don't require to think about architecture.
BUT (mutable) global are mostly discouraged as harder to reason about.
Acceptable usages IMO are for constants:
as for a matrix class, the null matrix, the diagonal one matrix.
for Temperature class, some specific value (absolute 0 (O Kelvin), temperature of water transformation(0 Celsius, 100 Celsius), ...)
in general NullObject, Default, ...
Singleton pattern. For example, you can use it to store your app configurations. And then you can easily access configurations anywhere(globally) within your app.
This is often used in the singleton design pattern

Namespaces vs. Static Classes

For a project I'm working on, I have a bunch of "library classes". These are essentially collections of related functions of values. Some of these libraries need to be "initialized" at run-time. So far, I've been utilizing the design below as a solution:
// Filename: Foo.h
namespace my_project
namespace library
class Foo
static int some_value; // members used externally and internally
// Lots of stuff goes on in here
// Therefore it's not a simply member initialization
// But for this example, this should suffice
some_value = 10;
static void bar() { ++some_value; } // some library function
// no destructor needed because we didn't allocate anything
// restrict copy/assignment
Foo(const Foo&);
void operator=(const Foo&);
int Foo::some_value = 0; // since some_value is static, we need this
} // library namespace
static library::Foo Foo;
} // my_project namespace
Using Foo would be similar to this, as an example:
#include "Foo.h"
using namespace my_project;
int main()
int i = Foo.some_value;;
int j = Foo.some_value;
return 0;
Of course, this example is very simplified, but it gets the point across. This method has four advantages to me:
User of the library doesn't need to worry about initialization. They wouldn't need to call something like Foo::init(); inside their main(), because library::Foo was initialized when my_project::Foo was constructed. This is the main design constraint here. User should not be responsible for initializing the library.
I can create various private functions inside the library to control its use.
The user can create other instances of this library if they choose, for whatever reason. But no copying would be allowed. One instance would be provided for them by default. This is a requirement.
I can use the . syntax instead of ::. But that's a personal style thing.
Now, the question is, are there any disadvantages to this solution? I feel like I'm doing something that C++ wasn't meant to do because Visual Studio's IntelliSense keeps freaking out on me and thinks my_project::Foo isn't declared. Could it be because both the object and the class are called Foo even though they're in different namespaces?
The solution compiles fine. I'm just worried that once my project grows larger in scale, I might start having name ambiguities. Furthermore, am I wasting extra memory by creating an object of this library?
Should I simply stick to the singleton design pattern as an alternative solution? Are there any alternative solutions?
After reviewing the solutions provided, and jumping around google for various solutions, I stumbled upon extern. I have to say I'm a bit fuzzy on what this keyword really does; I've been fuzzy about it ever since I learned C++. But after tweaking my code, I changed it to this:
// Foo.h
namespace my_project
namespace library
class Foo_lib
int some_value;
Foo_lib() { /* initialize library */ }
void bar() { /* do stuff */ }
// restrict copy/assignment
Foo_lib(const Foo_lib&);
void operator=(const Foo_lib&);
} // library namespace
extern library::Foo_lib Foo;
} // my_project namespace
// Foo.cpp
#include "Foo.h"
namespace my_project
namespace library
// Foo_lib definitions
} // library namespace
library::Foo_lib Foo;
} // my_project namespace
// main.cpp
#include "Foo.h"
using namespace my_project;
int main()
int i = Foo.some_value;;
int j = Foo.some_value;
return 0;
This seems to have the exact same effect as before. But as I said, since I'm still fuzzy on extern usage, would this also have the exact same bad side-effects?
This line is particularly bad:
static library::Foo Foo;
It emits a static copy of Foo in every translation. Don't use it :) The result of Foo::some_value would be equal to the number of translations the Foo.h was visible to, and it's not thread safe (which will frustrate your users).
This line will result in multiple definitions when linking:
int Foo::some_value = 0;
Singletons are also bad. Searching here #SO will produce a lot of reasons to avoid them.
Just create normal objects, and document to your users why they should share objects when using your library, and in which scenarios.
User of the library doesn't need to worry about initialization. They wouldn't need to call something like Foo::init(); inside their main(), because library::Foo was initialized when my_project::Foo was constructed. This is the main design constraint here. User should not be responsible for initializing the library.
Objects should be able to construct themselves as needed without introducing unstrippable binary baggage.
I can create various private functions inside the library to control its use.
That's not unique to your approach.
The user can create other instances of this library if they choose, for whatever reason. But no copying would be allowed. One instance would be provided for them by default. This is a requirement.
Then you can force your users to pass Foo as a necessary argument to create the types they depend upon (where Foo is needed).
I can use the . syntax instead of ::. But that's a personal style thing.
Not good. Not threadsafe, and the user can then seriously mess up your library's state. Private data is best.
There are two things going on here:
What if the user would dearly like to parallelize her code ?
What if the user would like to start using your library during the static initialization phase ?
So, one at a time.
1. What if the user would dearly like to parallelize her code ?
In the age of multi-core processors libraries should strive for re-entrancy. Global State is bad, and unsynchronized Global State is even worse.
I would simply recommend for you to make Foo contain regular attributes instead of static ones, it is then up to the user to decide how many instances in parallel should be used, and perhaps settle on one.
If passing a Foo to all your methods would prove awkward, have a look at the Facade pattern. The idea here would be to create a Facade class that is initialized with a Foo and provides entry points to your library.
2. What if the user would like to start using your library during the static initialization phase ?
The static initialization order fiasco is just horrid, and the static destruction order fiasco (its sibling) is no better, and even harder to track down (because the memory is not 0-initialized there, so it's hard to see what's going on).
Since once again it's hard (impossible ?) for you to predict the usage of your library and since any attempt to use it during static initialization or destruction is nigh impossible with a singleton that you would create, the simpler thing to do is to delegate at least initialization to the user.
If the user is unlikely to be willing to use this library at start-up and shut-down, then you may provide a simple safeguard to automatically initialize the library on first use if she didn't already.
This can be accomplished easily, and in a thread-safe manner (*), using local static variables:
class Foo {
static Foo& Init() { static Foo foo; return foo; }
static int GetValue() { return Init()._value; }
Foo(): _value(1) {}
Foo(Foo const&) = delete;
Foo& operator=(Foo const&) = delete;
int _value;
}; // class Foo
Note that all this glue is completely useless if you simply decide not to use a Singleton and go for the first solution: a regular object, with per-instance state only.
(*) Thread safety is guaranteed in C++11. In C++03 (the version used primarily in the industry) the best compilers guarantee it as well, check the documentation if required.
Now, the question is, are there any disadvantages to this solution?
Yes. See for instance, this entry in the c++ faq on the static initialization order fiasco. tldr? Essentially, you have no control over what order static objects (such as Foo above) get initialized in, any assumptions about the order (eg. initializing one static object with values from another) will result in Undefined Behaviour.
Consider this code in my app.
#include "my_project/library/Foo.h"
static int whoKnowsWhatValueThisWillHave = Foo::some_value;
int main()
return whoKnowsWhatValueThisWillHave;
There are no guarantees on what I am returning from main() here.
The user can create other instances of this library if they choose, for whatever reason. But no copying would be allowed. One instance would be provided for them by default. This is a requirement.
Not really, no... Since all of your data is static, any new instances are essentially empty shells pointing to the same data. Basically, you have a copy.
I feel like I'm doing something that C++ wasn't meant to do because Visual Studio's IntelliSense keeps freaking out on me and thinks my_project::Foo isn't declared. Could it be because both the object and the class are called Foo even though they're in different namespaces?
You are! Suppose I add this line to my code:
using namespace ::my_project::library;
what does 'Foo' resolve to now? Maybe this is defined in the standard, but at the very least, it is confusing.
I can use the . syntax instead of ::. But that's a personal style thing.
Don't fight the language. If you want to code in Python or Java syntax, use Python or Java (or Ruby or whatever)...
Should I simply stick to the singleton design pattern as an alternative solution? Are there any alternative solutions?
Yes, the Singleton is a good one, but you should also consider whether you actually need a singleton here. Since your example is only syntactic, it is hard to say, but maybe it would be better to use dependency injection or something similar to minimize/eliminate tight couplings between classes.
Hopefully I haven't hurt your feelings :) It's good to ask questions, but obviously you already know that!

Static members class vs. normal c-like interface

Hey there.
After reading here about the Service Locator pattern, it got me thinking wether a class with only static members really is the way to go, or if a normal c-like interace wouldn't be more appropriate. I see people throwing around the class keyword all the time when they don't even need it.
Example with static members class taken from the linked page:
class Locator
static IAudio* GetAudio() { return service_; }
static void Register(IAudio* service)
service_ = service;
static IAudio* service_;
Here's a way one could do it too:
// in .h
namespace Locator{
IAudio* GetAudio();
void Register(IAudio* service);
// in .cpp
namespace Locator{
namespace {
IAudio* service_;
IAudio* GetAudio() {
return service_;
void Register(IAudio* service) {
service_ = service;
Both examples can be called exactly the same way with Locator::GetAudio() and Locator::Register(...).
Is one of the above superior to the other? Are they the same? Are there maybe better ways to accomplish this? Or is it just about personal preferences? Thanks for any help. :)
Your proposal with namespaces has a slight weakness in maintainability - if you need to change the interface for some reason, you have to remember to change both the interface (.h) and implementation (.cpp), or a mismatch may not be detected until link time. If you use a class, then the compiler can detect an error such as a number of parameters mismatch.
On the other hand, since the implementation (service_) in your case only appears in the .cpp file, you may be able to change the private implementation of the locator without forcing a recompile of code that depends on the locator. (Common class-based patterns can provide this same encapsulation.)
These are fairly minor differences. A public namespace containing functions is almost exactly the same as a class with only static member functions.
one good reason for using class interfaces is consistency.
often, there will be supporting implementation or subclass use of the shared data in the Locator class. therefore, it is preferable (to many people) to use one approach across their codebase, rather than combining namespaces and classes for their static data (since some implementations may extend or specialize the service).
many people don't like dealing with static data. some issues from the above examples are: thread safety, ownership, and the lifetime of the data. the data and the implementations can be easier to maintain if these are restricted to a class scope (rather than a file scope). these issues grow as the program's complexity grows -- the example you have posted is very simple.
namespace labels/aliases are more difficult to pass around (compared to types/typedefs/template parameters). this is useful if your interfaces are similar and you are using a good amount of generic programming, or if you simply want to implement tests.

Hiding 'static' class variables

So I recently found some source code which used a particular technique(idiom?) I hadn't seen before; to put it simply; instead of using a static variable for the class in question, it used a local variable inside the classes source file.
class myclass {
//static int myint;
int count();
#include "myclass.h"
int myint = 0;
myclass::myclass() {
myclass::~myclass() {
int myclass::count() {
return myint;
#include "myclass.h"
#include <iostream>
int main() {
myclass aclass;
myclass theclass;
std::cout << theclass.count(); //outputs 2
return 0;
My question is, why would someone take this approach over using a static variable?
My take on it is that, since ideally the variable would only be known to the myclass class (private static), and inheritance is not of importance at all (in this case), this could stop others knowing about this variable. But that is the only advantage I can see; not sure if that would warrant it.
The same question goes for (static / non - static) member functions that are private; when inheritance is not important.
EDIT: After reading around, I'm going to make a stab that it is because some people still use C programming style...
It doesn't really matter whether you use a static member variable or a global variable or a locally declared static variable; the only important thing is that the object has to have static storage duration. Beyond that, the choice is mostly based on personal preference or coding style guidelines.
Unfortunately, this code is basically wrong. While myint is "hidden" and only directly accessible from within myclass.cpp, it still has external linkage. This means that it is accessible from other translation units (by using extern int myint in those other translation units) and its definition can conflict with other definitions of myint in other translation units.
To correct this, it should either be declared static (giving it internal linkage) or, preferably, it should be declared in an unnamed namespace,
namespace {
int myint;
(an object in an unnamed namespace may still have external linkage, but it is uniquely named so it cannot be used by its name from outside of the translation unit in which it is compiled.)
In your example the variable is not static and is technically visible outside the compilation unit if properly declared. If this is not intentional it can be a source of problems if another compilation unit uses the same trick on a variable with the same name (to fix this see James McNellis answer).
Assuming a properly declared static (e.g. using the unnamed namespace approach) this technique can be better than a class static because it hides completely the variable from class users. This means that if you need to add or modify that variable the clients don't even need to be recompiled (you just need to recompile the implementation .cpp file and then to relink the program). This can be a big difference if your class is used everywhere in a big project (compile just one file instead of recompiling the whole world because of a change in an internal detail).
Also if the static variable is not an int but something more complex (e.g. a templated class instance) then putting the variable in the class as a static requires to expose much more data to clients, introducing not needed dependencies.
Sometimes this unwanted dependency problem is considered so important that you can find implementation of the "compiler firewall" idiom. This hiding is sort of a partial and light version of it.
My question is, why would someone take this approach over using a static variable?
it makes sense if you have something to hide -- an int is not worth usually hiding, but a large library is. an author may also prefer to hide implementation details from clients in some cases.
regarding static functions -- i'll typically hide them if they are just free helpers, and really don't belong in, or are required to be a part of the class interface.
generally, i'll put it in the class interface simply for organizational purposes.

static class data vs. anonymous namespaces in C++

I occasionally have classes with private static data members. I'm currently debating if I should replace these with static variables in an unnamed namespace in the implementation file. Other that not being able to use these variables in inline methods, are there any other drawbacks? The advantage that I see is that is hides them completely from the users of the class.
I'm not convinced that the benefit is worth the readability impact. I generally consider something that's private to be "hidden enough."
1) There is a drawback in the form of an added restriction on binary organization. In a presentation at a C++ conference in the 1990s, Walter Bright reported achieving significant performance increases by organizing his code so that functions that called each other were in the same compilation unit. For example, if during execution Class1::method1 made far more calls to Class2 methods than to other Class1::methods, defining Class1::method1 in class2.cpp meant that Class1::method1 would be on the same code page as the methods it was calling, and thus less likely to be delayed by a page fault. This kind of refactoring is easier to undertake with class statics than with file statics.
2) One of the arguments against introducing the namespace keyword was "You can do the same thing with a class," and you will see class and struct being used as a poor-man's namespace in sources from the pre-namespace era. The convincing counter-argument was because namespaces are re-openable, and any function anywhere can make itself part of a namespace or access a foreign namespace, then there were things you could do with a namespace that you could not do with a class. This has bearing on your question because it suggests that the language committee was thinking of namespace scope as very much like class scope; this reduces the chance that there is some subtle linguistic trap in using an anonymous namespace instead of a class static.
I disagree with the other answers. Keep as much out of the class
definition as possible.
In Scott Meyers' Effective C++ 3rd edition he recommends preferring non-friend
functions to class methods. In this way the class definition is as
small as possible, the private data is accessed in as few places as
possible (encapsulated).
Following this principle further leads to the pimpl idiom. However,
balance is needed. Make sure your code is maintainable. Blindly,
following this rule would lead you to make all your private methods
file local and just pass in the needed members as parameters. This
would improve encapsulation, but destroy maintainability.
All that said, file local objects are very hard to unit test. With
some clever hacking you can access private members during unit tests.
Accessing file local objects is a bit more involved.
It not only hides them from users of the class, it hides them from you! If these variables are part of the class, they should be associated with the class in some way.
Depending on what you are going to do with them, you could consider making them static variables inside static member functions:
// header file
class A {
static void func();
// cpp file
void A :: func() {
static int avar = 0;
// do something with avar
I guess it boils down to whether these variables have some actual meaning in the context of the class (e.g., pointer to some common memory used by all objects) or just some temporary data you need to pass around between methods and would rather not clutter the class with. In the latter case I would definitely go with the unnamed namespace. In the former, I'd say it's a matter of personal taste.
I agree partly with Greg, in that unnamed namespace members aren't any more encapsulated than private data. The point of encapsulation, after all, is to hide implementation details from other modules, not from other programmers. Nevertheless, I do think there are some cases where this is a useful technique.
Consider a class like the following:
class Foo {
static Bar helper;
In this case, any module that wants to use Foo must also know the definition of Bar even though that definition is of no relevance what-so-ever. These sort of header dependencies lead to more frequent and lengthier rebuilds. Moving the definition of helper to an unnamed namespace in Foo.cpp is a great way to break that dependency.
I also disagree strongly with the notion that unnamed namespaces are somehow less readable or less maintainable than static data members. Stripping irrelevant information from your header only makes it more concise.