Fortran - Point in STL - fortran

I am trying to fill a STL file with points in Fortran. I have written a basic code but it is not working.
My method has been to use a random number generator to generate a point. I then normalize this point to the dimensions of the STL bounding box.
I then throw out the "z" coordinate for the the first triangle in the STL. I check if the random point is with the max and min value of the "x" and "y" coordinate of the first triangle. If so I project the random point vertically onto the triangle plane and calculate the "z" value should it intersect with the plane. I then check if the z value of the random point is less than the value of the projected point (Ray casting). If yes I increase a counter, which is initially set to zero, by one.
I do this for every triangle in the STL. If the counter is even the random point is outside the volume, if it is odd the random point is inside the volume and the point is stored.
I then generate a new random point and start again. I have included the important code below. Apologies for the length (lots of comments and blank lines for readability).
! Set inital counter for validated points
k = 1
! Do for all randomly generated points
DO i=1,100000
! Create a random point with coordinates x, y and z.
! Normalise the random coordinates to the bounding box.
rand(1:3) = (rand(1:3) * (cord(1:3) - cord(4:6))) + cord(4:6)
! Set the initial counter for the vertices
j = 1
! Set the number of intersections with the random point and the triangle
no_insect = 0
! Do for all triangles in STL
DO num = 1, notri
! Get the maximum "x" value for the current triangle
maxtempx = MAXVAL(vertices(1,j:j+2))
! Get the minimum "x" value for the current triangle
mintempx = MINVAL(vertices(1,j:j+2))
! If the random point is within the bounds continue
IF (rand(1)>=mintempx .AND. rand(1)<=maxtempx) THEN
! Get the maximum "y" value for the current triangle
maxtempy = MAXVAL(vertices(2,j:j+2))
! Get the minimum "y" value for the current triangle
mintempy = MINVAL(vertices(2,j:j+2))
! If the random point is within the bounds continue
IF (rand(2)>=mintempy .AND. rand(2)<=maxtempy) THEN
! Find the "z" value of the point as projected onto the triangle plane
tempz = ((norm(1,num)*(rand(1)-vertices(1,j))) &
+(norm(2,num)*(rand(2)-vertices(2,j))) &
- (norm(3,num)*vertices(3,j))) / (-norm(3,num))
! If the "z" value of the randomly generated point goes vertically up
! through the projected point then increase the number of plane intersections
! by one. (Ray casting vertically up, could go down also).
IF (rand(3)<= tempz) THEN
no_insect = no_insect + 1
! Go to the start of the next triangle
j = j + 3
! If there is an odd number of triangle intersections not
! including 0 intersections then store the point
IF (MOD(no_insect,2)/=0 .AND. no_insect/=0) THEN
point(k,1:3) = rand(1:3)
WRITE(1,"(1X, 3(F10.8, 3X))") point(k,1), point(k,2), point(k,3)
k = k + 1
My results have been complete rubbish (see images) Image 1 - Test STL file (ship taken from here). Part of the program (code not shown) reads in binary STL files and stores the surface normals of each triangle and the vertices which make up this triangle. I then wrote the vertices to a text file and call GNUPLOT to connect the vertices of each triangle as show above. This plot is just a test to ensure that the STL files are being read and stored correctly. It does not use the surface normals.
Image 2 - This is a plot of the candidate points which were accepted as being inside the STL volume. (Stored in the final if loop shown in code above). These accepted points are then later written to a text file and plotted with GNUPLOT (NOT SHOWN). Had the algorithm worked this plot should be a point cloud of the triangulated mesh shown above. (It also plots the 8 bounding box coordinates to ensure that the random particles are generated in the correct range)
I appreciate that this does not take into account for points generated on vertices or rays which run parallel and intersect with edges. I just wanted to start with a rough code. Could you please advise if there is a problem with my methodology or code? Let me know if the question is too broad and I will delete it and try to be more specific.

I realized my code could be handy for others. I placed it at under the GNU GPL v3 license.
You can query, whether a point is inside a point or not. First, you read the file by
cgal_polyhedron_read. You must store the type(c_ptr) :: ptree that is crated and use it in your next calls.
The function cgal_polyhedron_inside returns whether a point is inside a polyhedron, or not. It requires one reference point, which must be known to be outside.
When you are finished call cgal_polyhedron_finalize.
You must have the file as a purely tridiagonal manifold mesh in an OFF file. You can create it from the STL file using .


Scale object in 2d to exactly overlay itself

I am trying to render an outline using Vulkan's stencil buffers. This technique involves rendering the object twice with the second one being scaled up in order to account for said outline. Normally this is done in 3D space in which the normal vectors for each vertex can be used to scale the object correctly. I however am trying the same in 2D space and without pre-calculated normals.
An Example: Given are the Coordinates I, H and J and I need to find L, K and M with the condition that the distance between each set of parallel vectors is the same.
I tried scaling up the object and then moving it to the correct location but that got me nowhere.
I am searching for a solution that is ideally applicable to arbitrary shapes in 2D space and also somewhat efficient. Also I am unsure if this should be calculated on the GPU or the CPU.
Lets draw an example of a single point of some 2D polygon.
The position of point M depends only on position of A and its two adjacent lines, I have added normals too - green and blue. Points P and Q line on the intersection of a shifted and non-shifted lines.
If we know the adjacent points of A - B , C and the distances to O and P, then
M = A - d_p * normalize(B-A) - d_o * normalize(C-A)
this is true because P, O lie on the lines B-A and C-A.
The distances are easy to compute from the two-color right triangles:
where s is the desired stencil shift. They are of the course the same.
So the whole computation, given coordinates of A,B,C of some polygon corner and the desired shift s is:
b = normalize(B-A) # vector
c = normalize(C-A) # vector
alfa = arccos(b.c) # dot product
d = s/sin(alfa)
M = A - sign(b.c) * (b+c)*d
This also proves that M lies on the alfa angle bisector line.
Anyway, the formula is generic and holds for any 2D polygon, it is easily parallelizible since each point is shifted independently of others. But
for non-convex corners, you need to use the opposite sign, we can use dot product to generalize.
It is not numerically stable for b.c close to zero i.e. when b,c lines are almost parallel, in that case I would recommend just shifting A by d*n_b where n_b is the normalized normal of B-A line, in 2D it is normalize((B.y - A.y, A.x-B.x)).

Linear interpolation of two vector arrays with different lengths

I have two curves. One handdrawn and one is a smoothed version of the handdrawn.
The data of each curve is stored in 2 seperate vector arrays.
Time Delta is also stored in the handdrawn curve vector, so i can replay the drawing process and so that it looks natural.
Now i need to transfer the Time Delta from Curve 1 (Raw input) to Curve 2 (already smoothed curve).
Sometimes the size of the first vector is larger and sometimes smaller than the second vector.
(Depends on the input draw speed)
So my question is: How do i fill vector PenSmoot.time with the correct values?
Case 1: Input vector is larger
PenInput.time[0] = 0 PenSmoot.time[0] = 0
PenInput.time[1] = 5 PenSmoot.time[1] = ?
PenInput.time[2] = 12 PenSmoot.time[2] = ?
PenInput.time[3] = 2 PenSmoot.time[3] = ?
PenInput.time[4] = 50 PenSmoot.time[4] = ?
PenInput.time[5] = 100
PenInput.time[6] = 20
PenInput.time[7] = 3
PenInput.time[8] = 9
PenInput.time[9] = 33
Case 2: Input vector is smaller
PenInput.time[0] = 0 PenSmoot.time[0] = 0
PenInput.time[1] = 5 PenSmoot.time[1] = ?
PenInput.time[2] = 12 PenSmoot.time[2] = ?
PenInput.time[3] = 2 PenSmoot.time[3] = ?
PenInput.time[4] = 50 PenSmoot.time[4] = ?
PenSmoot.time[5] = ?
PenSmoot.time[6] = ?
PenSmoot.time[7] = ?
PenSmoot.time[8] = ?
PenSmoot.time[9] = ?
Simplyfied representation:
PenInput holds the whole data of a drawn curve (Raw Input)
PenInput.x // X coordinate)
PenInput.y // Y coordinate)
PenInput.pressure // The pressure of the pen)
PenInput.timetotl // Total elapsed time)
PenInput.timepart // Time fragments)
PenSmoot holds the data of the massaged (smoothed,evenly distributed) curve of PenInput
PenSmoot.x // X coordinate)
PenSmoot.y // Y coordinate)
PenSmoot.pressure // Unknown - The pressure of the pen)
PenSmoot.timetotl // Unknown - Total elapsed time)
PenSmoot.timepart // Unknown - Time fragments)
This is the struct that i have.
struct Pencil
sf::VertexArray vertices;
std::vector<int> pressure;
std::vector<sf::Int32> timetotl;
std::vector<sf::Int32> timepart;
[This answer has been extensively revised based on editing to the question.]
Okay, it seems to me that you just about need to interpolate the time stamps in parallel with the points.
I'm going to guess that the incoming data is something on the order of an array of points (e.g., X, Y coordinates) and an array of time deltas with the same number of each, so time-delta N tells you the time it took to get from point N-1 to point N.
When you interpolate the points, you're probably going to want to do it intelligently. For example, in the shape shown in the question, we have what look like two nearly straight lines, one with positive slope, and the other with negative slope. According to the picture, that's composed of 263 points. We could reduce that to three points and still have a fairly reasonable representation of the original shape by choosing the two end-points plus one point where the two lines meet.
We probably don't need to go quite that far though. Especially taking time into account, we'd probably want to use at least 7 points for the output--one for each end-point of each colored segment. That would give us 6 straight line segments. Let's say those are at points 0, 30, 140, 180, 200, 250, and 263.
We'd then use exactly the same segmentation on the time deltas. Add up the deltas from 0 to 30 to get an average speed for the first segment. Add up the deltas for 31 through 140 to get an average speed for the second segment (and so on to the end).
Increasing the number of points works out roughly the same way. We need to look at exactly which input points were used to create a pair of output points. For a simplistic example, let's assume we produced output that was precisely double the number of input points. We'd then interpolate time deltas exactly halfway between each pair of input points.
In the case shown in the question, we start with unevenly distributed inputs, but produce evenly distributed outputs. So the second output point might be an average of the first four input points. The next output point might be an average of three input points (and so on). In many cases, it's likely that neither end-point of a segment in the output corresponds precisely to any point in the input.
That's fine too. We interpolate between two points of the input to figure out the time hack for the starting point of the output segment. Likewise for the ending point. Then we can compute the total time it should have taken to travel between them based on the time delta between the points.
If you want to get fancy, you could use a higher order interpolation instead of linear. That does require more input points per interpolation, but it looks like you probably have plenty to do something like a quadratic or cubic interpolation (in most cases). This is likely to make the most differences at transitions--places the "pen" was accelerating or decelerating quickly. In such an place, linear interpolation can give somewhat misleading results (though, given the number of points you seem to be working with, it may not make enough difference to notice).
As an illustration, let's consider a straight line. We're going to start from 5 input points, and produce 7 output points.
So, the input points are [0, 2, 7, 10, 15], and the associated time deltas are [0, 1, 4, 8, 3].
So, out total distance traveled is 16, and we want our output points to be evenly distributed. So, the distance between output points will be 16/7 = (roughly) 2.29.
So, obviously the first output point and time are both 0. The second output point is 2.29. To compute the output time, we take the entirety of the time to the first input point (0->2), plus .29 / (7-2) * (4-1). That interpolated section gives 1.37, so our first output time delta is 2.37.
The next output point should be at a distance of 4.58. Since the second input segment goes from 2 to 7, our entire second output segment will lie within the second input segment. So, we take 2.29 / (7-2), telling use that this output segment occupies .458 of the input segment. We then multiply that by the time for the second input segment to get the time delta for the second output segment: .458 * (4-1) = 1.374.
[...and it continues on the same way until we reach the end.]

'Ray' creation for raypicking not fully working

I'm trying to implement a 'raypicker' for selecting objects within my project. I do not fully understand how to implement this, but I understand conceptually how it should work. I've been trying to learn how to do this, but most tutorials I find go way over my head. My current code is based on one of the recent tutorials I found, here.
After several hours of revisions, I believe the problem I'm having with my raypicker is actually the creation of the ray in the first place. If I substitute/hardcode my near/far planes with a coordinate that would undisputably be located within the region of a triangle, the picker identifies it correctly.
My problem is this: my ray creation doesn't seem to fully take my current "camera" or perspective into account, so camera rotation won't affect where my mouse is.
I believe to remedy this I need something like using gluUnProject() or something, but whenever I used this the x,y,z coordinates returned would be incredibly small,
My current ray creation is a mess. I tried to use methods that others proposed initially, but it seemed like whatever method I tried it never worked with my picker/intersection function.
Here's the code for my ray creation:
void oglWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
QVector3D nearP = QVector3D(event->x()+camX, -event->y()-camY, -1.0);
QVector3D farP = QVector3D(event->x()+camX, -event->y()-camY, 1.0);
int i = -1;
for (int x = 0; x < tileCount; x++)
bool rayInter = intersect(nearP, farP, tiles[x]->vertices);
if (rayInter == true)
i = x;
if (i != -1)
for (int x = 0; x < tileCount; x++)
To repeat, I used to load up the viewport, model & projection matrices, and unproject the mouse coordinates, but within a 1920x1080 window, all I get is values in the range of -2 to 2 for x y & z for each mouse event, which is why I'm trying this method, but this method doesn't work with camera rotation and zoom.
I don't want to do pixel color picking, because who knows I may need this technique later on, and I'd rather not give up after the amount of effort I put in so far
As you seem to have problems constructing your rays, here's how I would do it. This has not been tested directly. You could do it like this, making sure that all vectors are in the same space. If you use multiple model matrices (or stacks thereof) the calculation needs to be repeated separately with each of them.
use pos = gluUnproject(winx, winy, near, ...) to get the position of the mouse coordinate on the near plane in model space; near being the value given to glFrustum() or gluPerspective()
origin of the ray is the camera position in model space: rayorig = inv(modelmat) * camera_in_worldspace
the direction of the ray is the normalized vector from the position from 1. to the ray origin: raydir = normalize(pos - rayorig)
On the website linked they use two points for the ray and they don't seem to normalize the ray direction vector, so this is optional.
Ok, so this is the beginning of my trail of breadcrumbs.
I was somehow having issues with the QT datatypes for the matrices, and the logic pertaining to matrix transformations.
This particular problem in this question resulted from not actually performing any transformations whatsoever.
Steps to solving this problem were:
Converting mouse coordinates into NDC space (within the range of -1 to 1: x/screen width * 2 - 1, y - height / height * 2 - 1)
grabbing the 4x4 matrix for my view matrix (can be the one used when rendering, or re calculated)
In a new vector, have it equal the inverse view matrix multiplied by the inverse projection matrix.
In order to build the ray, I had to do the following:
Take the previously calculated value for the matrices that were multiplied together. This will be multiplied by a vector 4 (array of 4 spots), where it will hold the previously calculated x and y coordinates, as well as -1, then +1.
Then this vector will be divided by the last spot value of the entire vector
Create another vector 4 which was just like the last, but instead of -1, put "1" .
Once again divide that by its last spot value.
Now the coordinates for the ray have been created at the far and near planes, so it can intersect with anything along it in the scene.
I opened a series of questions (because of great uncertainty with my series of problems), so parts of my problem overlap in them too.
In here, I learned that I needed to take the screen height into consideration for switching the origin of the y axis for a Cartesian system, since windows has the y axis start at the top left. Additionally, retrieval of matrices was redundant, but also wrong since they were never declared "properly".
In here, I learned that unProject wasn't working because I was trying to pull the model and view matrices using OpenGL functions, but I never actually set them in the first place, because I built the matrices by hand. I solved that problem in 2 fold: I did the math manually, and I made all the matrices of the same data type (they were mixed data types earlier, leading to issues as well).
And lastly, in here, I learned that my order of operations was slightly off (need to multiply matrices by a vector, not the reverse), that my near plane needs to be -1, not 0, and that the last value of the vector which would be multiplied with the matrices (value "w") needed to be 1.
Credits goes to those individuals who helped me solve these problems:
srobins of facepunch, in this thread
derhass from here, in this question, and this discussion
Take a look at
Lot of help in determining intersections between various kinds of geometry also has some c++ functions one of them serves your purpose

fortran beginner - writing variable to output file

I am starting to work with a CFD fortran program, and want to update the variables that it writes to an output file.
I want to output several columns, I and J coordinates(IL and JL), Water Surface Elevation (SURFEL), Bottom Elevation of coordinate (BELV), Depth of Water (HP) and finally, and this is where I have the question, the Maximum Water Surface Elevation of the coordinate during the simulation (SURFELMAX). L refers to a specific I,J coordinate, LA is the last coordinate in the simulation
So far I have:
Everything works ok other than the SURFELMAX, in which the highest recorded surface elevation that occurred in any coordinate in the whole domain is written for each coordinate, i.e. the column is filled with the same value, the highest experienced in the whole domain during the simulation.
Would I need to first allocate an array for SURFELMAX, and have SURFEL checked against it each time to see if it has increased? If so could somebody point me in the right direction for this?
If I understand the requirements correctly, then you want to calculate SURFELMAX before you start writing out. This could simply be:
WRITE(10,200) (IL(L), JL(L), BELV(L)+HP(L), SURFELMAX, L=2,LA)
(or even as a single line).
It appears I didn't understand correctly; I'll try again - keeping the above as a warning to others.
It seems that you do indeed want SURFELMAX(2:LA) where each element is the highest in a given cell to date.
do L=2, LA
SURFELMAX(L) = MAX(SURFELMAX(L), BELV(L)+HP(L)) ! Store the historical maximum
end do
where, initially, SURFELMAX has been set to a sufficiently small value. You could also explicitly calculate SURFEL if that is needed.
If this is time dependent, then you will have to define a 2-d array SURFELMAX of size (1:LA,1:T) (T = number of time steps, LA = number of active coordinates).
Then increment the time step (say, the iterator is called I_T) outside of the loop through the domain.
Finally assign the maximum value at each coordinate to the SURFELMAX(I_T,L)

how to avoid overlaps during midpoint displacement? (2D)

hell-o guys!
well, I'm playing with random walks. Midpoint displacement gives some nice results, but I would like a random walk without walk loops, like the ones (in yellow) on this screen-hot :
My first idea to deal with that problem is to check for each segment if there is an intersection with all others segments, then to delete the walk loop between the both segments and bind at the interesection point. But for some walks, it would give a strange result, like that one :
where the yellow part is a loop, and we can see that a big part of the walk would be deleted if I do what I said.
Maybe another method would be to check, when the displacement of the midpoint is made, if the segments are interesecting. In case of there is an intersection, get another displacment. But it looks to become very time consuming quickly when the number of subdivisions rises...
So I would like to know if there is a way to avoid these loops
so... it's seems playing with the amplitudes of the random numbers is a good way to avoid overlaps :
the path without displacement is drawn in cyan. I didn't get overlaps with these displacments :
dx = (D>0)? 0.5*sqrt((double)(rand()%D)) - sqrt((double)D)/2. : 0 ;
dz = (D>0)? 0.5*sqrt((double)(rand()%D)) - sqrt((double)D)/2. : 0 ;
where D is the squared distance between the two neibourers of the point we want to displace. The (D>0)? is needed to avoid some Floating Point Exception.