ARM atomics performance - c++

I am running the same code on an Intel CPU and an ARM CPU (Mac/iOS, compiler: Clang). By profiling the application, I noticed, that on iOS/ARM the atomic operations are the top 3 items, while on Intel, they are not even in the top 10. Is that true, that on ARM atomic operations are that much slower? (relatively of course)

One point to note is that, thanks to implementation details, you're not necessarily seeing the whole story.
Under the load-linked/store-conditional paradigm of ARM, any atomic operation is at least 4 instructions - load-exclusive, <operation>1, store-exclusive, conditional branch to retry if necessary. Every other core is entirely oblivious to this and carries on doing its own thing.
On x86, however, where instructions can operate directly on memory, atomics are typically accomplished by sticking the LOCK prefix on a single instruction. This means 2 things: firstly, you can never be interrupted inside your atomic 'routine' since it's a single instruction. Secondly, no other core can access memory while the bus is locked, so it effectively pauses execution of everything until it completes2. Together, these mean that a sampling profiler will rarely, if ever, catch the atomic operation 'in progress' regardless of how long it actually takes.
[1] OK, so that makes an atomic swap only 3 instructions, but anything else has one or more instructions in the middle here.
[2] This is slightly less true of modern cores which will only lock their own cache, rather than everything, to avoid affecting other cores accessing unrelated areas, but the hardware cache-coherency will still prevent anyone else interfering.


MESI Protocol & std::atomic - Does it ensure all writes are immediately visible to other threads?

In regards to std::atomic, the C++11 standard states that stores to an atomic variable will become visible to loads of that variable in a "reasonable amount of time".
From 29.3p13:
Implementations should make atomic stores visible to atomic loads within a reasonable amount of time.
However I was curious to know what actually happens when dealing with specific CPU architectures which are based on the MESI cache coherency protocol (x86, x86-64, ARM, etc..).
If my understanding of the MESI protocol is correct, a core will always read the value previously written/being written by another core immediately, possibly by snooping it. (because writing a value means issuing a RFO request which in turn invalidates other cache lines)
Does it mean that when a thread A stores a value into an std::atomic, another thread B which does a load on that atomic successively will in fact always observe the new value written by A on MESI architectures? (Assuming no other threads are doing operations on that atomic)
By “successively” I mean after thread A has issued the atomic store. (Modification order has been updated)
I'll answer for what happens on real implementations on real CPUs, because an answer based only on the standard can barely say anything useful about time or "immediacy".
MESI is just an implementation detail that ISO C++ doesn't have anything to say about. The guarantees provided by ISO C++ only involve order, not actual time. ISO C++ is intentionally non-specific to avoid assuming that it will execute on a "normal" CPU. An implementation on a non-coherent machine that required explicit flushes for store visibility might be theoretically possible (although probably horrible for performance of release / acquire and seq-cst operations)
C++ is non-specific enough about timing to even allow an implementation on a single-core cooperative multi-tasking system (no pre-emption), with the compiler inserting voluntary yields occasionally. (Infinite loops without any volatile accesses or I/O are UB). C++ on a system where only one thread can actually be executing at once is totally fine and possible, assuming you consider a scheduler timeslice to still be a "reasonable" amount of time. (Or less if you yield or otherwise block.)
Even the model of formalism ISO C++ uses to give the guarantees it does about ordering is very different from the way hardware ISAs define their memory models. C++ formal guarantees are purely in terms of happens-before and synchronizes-with, not "re"-ordering litmus tests or any kind of stuff like that. e.g. How to achieve a StoreLoad barrier in C++11? is impossible to answer for pure ISO C++ formalism. The "option C" in that Q&A serves to show just how weak the C++ guarantees are; that case with store then load of two different SC variables is not sufficient to imply happens-before based on it, according to the C++ formalism, even though there has to be a total order of all SC operations. But it is sufficient in real life on systems with coherent cache and only local (within each CPU core) memory reordering, even AArch64 where the SC load right after the SC store does still essentially give us a StoreLoad barrier.
when a thread A stores a value into an std::atomic
It depends what you mean by "doing" a store.
If you mean committing from the store buffer into L1d cache, then yes, that's the moment when a store becomes globally visible, on a normal machine that uses MESI to give all CPU cores a coherent view of memory.
Although note that on some ISAs, some other threads are allowed to see stores before they become globally visible via cache. (i.e. the hardware memory model may not be "multi-copy atomic", and allow IRIW reordering. POWER is the only example I know of that does this in real life. See Will two atomic writes to different locations in different threads always be seen in the same order by other threads? for details on the HW mechanism: Store forwarding for retired aka graduated stores between SMT threads.)
If you mean executing locally so later loads in this thread can see it, then no. std::atomic can use a memory_order weaker than seq_cst.
All mainstream ISAs have memory-ordering rules weak enough to allow for a store buffer to decouple instruction execution from commit to cache. This also allows speculative out-of-order execution by giving stores somewhere private to live after execution, before we're sure that they were on the correct path of execution. (Stores can't commit to L1d until after the store instruction retires from the out-of-order part of the back end, and thus is known to be non-speculative.)
If you want to wait for your store to be visible to other threads before doing any later loads, use atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_cst);. (Which on "normal" ISAs with standard choice of C++ -> asm mappings will compile to a full barrier).
On most ISAs, a seq_cst store (the default) will also stall all later loads (and stores) in this thread until the store is globally visible. But on AArch64, STLR is a sequential-release store and execution of later loads/stores doesn't have to stall unless / until a LDAR (acquire load) is about to execute while the STLR is still in the store buffer. This implements SC semantics as weakly as possible, assuming AArch64 hardware actually works that way instead of just treating it as a store + full barrier.
But note that only blocking later loads/stores is necessary; out-of-order exec of ALU instructions on registers can still continue. But if you were expecting some kind of timing effect due to dependency chains of FP operations, for example, that's not something you can depend on in C++.
Even if you do use seq_cst so nothing happens in this thread before the store is visible to others, that's still not instant. Inter-core latency on real hardware can be on the order of maybe 40ns on mainstream modern Intel x86, for example. (This thread doesn't have to stall that long on a memory barrier instruction; some of that time is the cache miss on the other thread trying to read the line that was invalidated by this core's RFO to get exclusive ownership.) Or of course much cheaper for logical cores that share the L1d cache of a physical core: What are the latency and throughput costs of producer-consumer sharing of a memory location between hyper-siblings versus non-hyper siblings?
From 29.3p13:
Implementations should make atomic stores visible to atomic loads
within a reasonable amount of time.
The C and C++ standards are all over the place on threads, hence not usable as formal specifications. They use the concept of time, and somewhat imply that everything runs step by step, sequentially (if not, you wouldn't have a sound program semantic) and then say that some constructs can see effects out of order, without ever telling which is which.
When effects are seen out of order, thread time is ill defined as you don't have a chronometer that would also be out of order: you wouldn't do sport with out of order execution of actions!
Even "out of order" suggests that some things are purely sequential and some other operations can be "out of order" with respect to the firsts. That is not how std::atomic is defined.
What the standards try to say is that there is a notion of progress for each thread, with a CPU time or cost index, and as it increases as more stuff is done, and stuff can only be slightly reordered by the implementation: now reordering is well defined, not in term of other sequential instructions, but in term of cost/cycles/CPU time.
So if two instructions are close to each other in the sequential intra-thread execution, they will be close in CPU time too. A reasonable compiler shouldn't move a volatile operation, a file output, or an atomic operation past a very costly "pure" computation (one that has no externally visible side effect).
A basic idea that many committee members sadly couldn't even spell out!

How "lock add" is implemented on x86 processors

I recently benchmarked std::atomic::fetch_add vs std::atomic::compare_exchange_strong on a 32 core Skylake Intel processor. Unsurprisingly (from the myths I've heard about fetch_add), fetch_add is almost an order of magnitude more scalable than compare_exchange_strong. Looking at the disassembly of the program std::atomic::fetch_add is implemented with a lock add and std::atomic::compare_exchange_strong is implemented with lock cmpxchg (
What makes lock add so much faster on an intel multi-core processor? From my understanding, the slowness in both instructions comes from contention on the cacheline, and to execute both instructions with sequential consistency, the executing CPU has to pull the line into it's own core in exclusive or modified mode (from MESI). How then does the processor optimize fetch_add internally?
This is a simplified version of the benchmarking code. There was no load+CAS loop for the compare_exchange_strong benchmark, just a compare_exchange_strong on the atomic with an input variable that kept getting varied by thread and iteration. So it was just a comparison of instruction throughput under contention from multiple CPUs.
lock add and lock cmpxchg both work essentially the same way, by holding onto that cache line in Modified state for the duration of the microcoded instruction. (Can num++ be atomic for 'int num'?). According to Agner Fog's instruction tables, lock cmpxchg and lock add are very similar numbers of uops from microcode. (Although lock add is slightly simpler). Agner's throughput numbers are for the uncontended case, where the var stays hot in L1d cache of one core. And cache misses can cause uop replays, but I don't see any reason to expect a significant difference.
You claim you aren't doing load+CAS or using a retry loop. But is it possible you're only counting successful CAS or something? On x86, every CAS (including failures) has almost identical cost to lock add. (With all your threads hammering on the same atomic variable, you'll get lots of CAS failures from using a stale value for expected. This is not the usual use-case for CAS retry loops).
Or does your CAS version actually do a pure load from the atomic variable to get an expected value? That might be leading to memory-order mis-speculation.
You don't have complete code in the question so I have to guess, and couldn't try it on my desktop. You don't even have any perf-counter results or anything like that; there are lots of perf events for off-core memory access, and events like mem_inst_retired.lock_loads that could record number of locked instructions executed.
With lock add, every time a core gets ownership of the cache line, it succeeds at doing an increment. Cores are only waiting for HW arbitration of access to the line, never for another core to get the line and then fail to increment because it had a stale value.
It's plausible that HW arbitration could treat lock add and lock cmpxchg differently, e.g. perhaps letting a core hang onto the line for long enough to do a couple lock add instructions.
Is that what you mean?
Or maybe you have some major failure in microbenchmark methodology, like maybe not doing a warm-up loop to get CPU frequency up from idle before starting your timing? Or maybe some threads happen to finish early and let the other threads run with less contention?
to execute both instructions with sequential consistency, the
executing CPU has to pull the line into it's own core in exclusive or
modified mode (from MESI).
No, to execute either instruction with any consistent, defined semantic that guarantees that concurrent executions on multiple CPU do not lose increments, you would need that. Even if you were willing to drop "sequential consistency" (on these instructions) or even drop the usual acquire and release guarantees of reads and writes.
Any locked instruction effectively enforces mutual exclusion on the part of memory sufficient to guarantee atomicity. (Like a regular mutex but at the memory level.) Because no other core can access that memory range for the duration of the operation, the atomicity is trivially guaranteed.
What makes lock add so much faster on an intel multi-core processor?
I would expect any tiny difference of timing to be critical in these cases, and doing the load plus compare (or compare-load plus compare-load ...) might change the timing enough to lose the chance, much like too code using mutexes can have widely different efficiency when there is heavy contention and a small change in access pattern changes the way the mutex is attributed.

Why does atomic operation need exclusive cache access?

In my understanding atomic operation (c++ atomic for example) first locks the cache line and then performs atomic operation. I have two questions: 1. if let's say atomic compare and swap is atomic operation itself in hardware why we need to lock cache line and 2. when cache line is locked how another cpu is waiting for it? does it use spin-lock style waiting?
First of all: It depends!
1.) If a system locks a cache line has nothing to do with c++. It is a question how a cache is organized and especially how assembler instructions acts with cache. That is a question for cpu architecture!
2.) How a compiler performs a atomic operation is implementation depended. Which assembler instructions will be generated to perform a atomic operation can vary from compiler to compiler and even on different versions.
3.) As I know, a full lock of a cache line is only the fall back solution if no "more clever" notification/synchronization of other cores accessing the same cache lines can be performed. But there are not only a single cache involved typically. Think of multi level cache architecture. Some caches are only visible to a single core! So there is a need of performing also more memory system operations as locking a line. You also have to move data from different cache levels also if multiple cores are involved!
4.) From the c++ perspective, a atomic operation is not only a single operation. What really will happen depends on memory ordering options for the atomic operation. As atomic operations often used for inter thread synchronization, a lot more things must be done for a single atomic RMW operation! To get an idea what all has to be done you should give a chance. It goes into the details of memory barriers and memory ordering.
5.) Locking a cache line ( if this really happens ) should not result in spin locks or other things on other cores as the access for the cache line itself took only some clock cycles. Depending on the architecture it simply "holds" the other core for some cycles. It may happen that the "sleeping" core can do in parallel other things in a different pipe. But hey, that is very hardware specific.
As already given as a comment: Take a look on, it gives some hints what can happen with cache coherency and locking.
There is much more than locking under the hood. I believe your question scratches only on the surface!
For practical usage: Don't think about! Compiler vendors and cpu architects have done a very good job. You as a programmer should measure your code performance. From my perspective: No need to think about of what happens if cache lines are locked. You have to write good algorithms and think about good memory organization of your program data and less interrelationships between threads.

Can more than one Load/Store instructions can be executed at the same instance of time in Multiprocessor Environment

I believe in single processor systems, more than one Store will happen one after the other,
but what is the case for multi processsor systems?
Adding to the question, also if the machine is 32bit and when we try to write
a long int(64 bit) value to the memory, how will the Load/Store instructions behave?
The reason for the above two questions is, if someone tries to read the same memory (a memory
of size 32bit/64 bit, in 32 bit systems), in another
thread will this be safe, or do i need to consider using locks.?
I wanted to do with minimum locks possible since ours is time critical execution.
Hence I wanted to understand is there ever a possibility of executing two Store/Load instructions
at the same instant of time to the same memory location, if things gets executed in multi processor
You are wrong if you only look on load/store cpu instructions.
The compiler and your os and cpu can:
change execution order to optimize the code
can hold values in separate caches
can store data in cpu registers without accessing cache or other memory
can optimize access complete away
... a lot more I believe!
If you want to access the same variable from different threads you must use a synchronization mechanism which is provided from your language or a library which fits to your os. Nothing else will give you a guarantee to work.
The problem is not the real access to any kind of memory. You definitely must ensure that your code contains memory barriers as needed for the underlying libraries and OS support. If there are no barriers between multi thread access you will maybe not see any change from a write in one thread while read it from a second one.
This will also be a problem on a single core cpu because the compiler have no idea that you modify a variable from two threads if you don't use any kind of synchronization.
To your add on:
You simply have no control over any kind of memory access without writing your code in assembler. And if you write it in assembler, you! have to deal with registers L1/L2/Lx Caching, Memory Mapping, Inter-CPU-Communication and so on. Forget all about load/store instruction. This is only 1% of the job!
If you have time critical jobs:
try to fix the core were the thread runs on ( see detailed description for threading libraries like posix pthreads or whatever lib you are running on )
it can be much faster to run a single process with a single thread and program it in a cooperative fashion. No locks, no memory barriers, no ipc. But you have to deal with all the thread a like problems. But it is fast!
Often it is much faster to split you problem in some processes each only with one thread and make the ipc minimal. This needs a deep understanding how you can scale your algorithms.
Often a very! simple 8/16 bit cpu runs much faster in special environments in comparison to a fat 8 core cpu with fat os on it.
But you don't tell us the rest of your environment and requirements so the answer never can give a full answer to your real problem. But keep in mind: load/store was yesterday.
This can not be answered generically. You have to know which model of what design of processor it is. An AMD Opteron will be different from an Intel Pentium which is different from a Intel Core2, and all of those are different from an ARMv7 design. [They are probably fairly similar, but there's details that you may care about if you REALLY want to rely on these operations to be performed in a specific way]. And of course, if you share memory between, say, a GPU (graphics processing unit) and a CPU, you have even more possible scenarios of "different design".
There are single core "superscalar" (more than one execution unit) and "out of order execution" (processors that reorder instructions), so more than one execution unit (including more than one load/store unit), and thus more than one instruction (including load or store) can be performed at the same time.
Obviously, once the processor determines that the memory operation needs to go "outside" (that is, the value is not available in the cache), it has to be serialized, but there is no guarantee that a load or store as sequenced by you or the compiler won't be re-ordered between loads and stores. If the processor has instructions to support "data wider than the bus" (e.g. 32-bit processor loading 64-bit word), these are typically atomic to that processor. If the processor does not in itself support 64-bit words, then the load of a 64-bit value would encompass two 32-bit loads.
[When I write "load", the same applies for "store"]
In case of multiprocessor or multicore architectures, it becomes a system architecture question, which makes it even more complicated than "we can't answer this without understanding the processor design", since there are now more components involved: memory design (one lump of memory shared between processors, several lumps of memory that are not directly shared, etc).
In general, if you have multiple threads, you will need to use atomic operations - most processors have a way to say "I want this to happen without someone else interfering" - in the old days, it would be a "lock" pin on the processor(s) that would be wired to anything else that could access the memory bus, and when that pin was active, all other devices has to wait for it to become inactive before accessing the memory bus. These days, it's a fair bit more sophisticated, since there are caches involved. Most systems use an "exclusive cache content" method: The processor signals all it's peers that "I want this address to be exclusive in my cache", at which point all other processors will "flush and invalidate" that particular address in their caches. Then the atomic operation is performed in the cache, and the results available to be read by other processors only when the atomic operation is completed. This is a pretty simplified view of how it works - modern processors are very complex, and there is a lot of work involved with such seemingly simple things as "make sure this value gets updated in a way that doesn't get interrupted by some other processor writing to the same thing".
If there isn't support in the processor for "atomic" operations, then there has to be proper locks (and any processor designed for use in a multicore/multicpu environment will have operations to support locks in some way), where the lock is taken before updating something, and then released after the update. This is clearly more complex than having builtin atomic operations, but it makes the design of the processor simpler. Also, for more complex updates (where more than one 32- or 64-bit value needs updating) this sort of locking is still required - for example, if we have a "queue" where you have a "where we're writing" and "elements in queue" that both need to be updated on write, you can't do that in a single operation [without being VERY clever about it, at least].
In heterogeneous systems, such as GPU + CPU combinations, you can't do atomics between different devices, because the cache of one device doesn't "understand the language" of the other device. So when the CPU says "I want this as exclusive", the GPU sees "Hurdi gurdi meatballs" and thinks "I have no idea what that is about, I'll just ignore it" [or something like that]. In this case, there has to be some other way to access shared data, but it's typically not atomic ever, you have to send commands (via other means than the interprocessor signalling system) to the GPU to say "flush your cache, and tell me when you're done with that", and when the CPU has written something the GPU needs, the CPU will flush it's cache before telling the GPU that it can use the data. This can get pretty messy, and takes a fair amount of time.
I believe in single processor systems, more than one Store will happen one after the other,
False. Most machines are set up like that, but for performance reasons many CPUs can be configured to have a much more relaxed store ordering. This is almost never a problem for an application on a single CPU (because the CPU will make it look like you expect) but it's really critical to understand when talking to hardware.
Here's a wikipedia article:
This gets doubly complicated on CPUs with non-coherent local caches. Because then you can have strong ordering as seen from this CPU while other CPUs will see totally different results depending on the cache flush order.
Adding to the question, also if the machine is 32bit and when we try to write a long int(64 bit) value to the memory, how will the Load/Store instructions behave?
Some 32 bit CPUs have instructions to do atomic 64 bit writes, others don't. Those that don't will do two separate writes where a partial result can be seen by other CPUs or threads (if you get unlucky with context switching) or signal handlers or interrupt handlers.
The reason for the above two questions is, if someone tries to read the same memory (a memory of size 32bit/64 bit, in 32 bit systems), in another thread will this be safe, or do i need to consider using locks.?
Yes, no, maybe. If it's just one value and it doesn't tell the other thread that some other memory might be in a certain state, then yes, it can be safe in certain circumstances. You're not guaranteed that the other thread will see the changed value in memory for a long time, but eventually it should see it.
Generally, you can't reason about the behavior of access to shared memory in a threaded environment without strictly following the documentation of the thread model you're using. And most of those say something like without locks the behavior is undefined, with locks everything that happened before the lock is guaranteed to happen before the lock and everything that happens after the lock is guaranteed to happen after the lock. This is not only because of differences between CPUs, but also because the operating system can do something funny and the locking code needs to be designed to convince the compiler to not do something funny either (which is surprisingly hard with modern compilers).

Overhead of a Memory Barrier / Fence

I'm currently writing C++ code and use a lot of memory barriers / fences in my code. I know, that a MB tolds the compiler and the hardware to not reorder write/reads around it. But i don't know how complex this operation is for the processor at runtime.
My Question is: What is the runtime-overhead of such a barrier? I didn't found any useful answer with google...
Is the overhead negligible? Or leads heavy usage of MBs to serious performance problems?
Best regards.
Compared to arithmetic and "normal" instructions I understand these to be very costly, but do not have numbers to back up that statement. I like jalf's answer by describing effects of the instructions, and would like to add a bit.
There are in general a few different types of barriers, so understanding the differences could be helpful. A barrier like the one that jalf mentioned is required for example in a mutex implementation before clearing the lock word (lwsync on ppc, or st4.rel on ia64 for example). All reads and writes must be complete, and only instructions later in the pipeline that have no memory access and no dependencies on in progress memory operations can be executed.
Another type of barrier is the sort that you'd use in a mutex implementation when acquiring a lock (examples, isync on ppc, or instr.acq on ia64). This has an effect on future instructions, so if a non-dependent load has been prefetched it must be discarded. Example:
if ( pSharedMem->atomic.bit_is_set() ) // use a bit to flag that somethingElse is "ready"
foo( pSharedMem->somethingElse ) ;
Without an acquire barrier (borrowing ia64 lingo), your program may have unexpected results if somethingElse made it into a register before the check of the flagging bit check is complete.
There is a third type of barrier, generally less used, and is required to enforce store load ordering. Examples of instructions for such an ordering enforcing instruction are, sync on ppc (heavyweight sync), MF on ia64, membar #storeload on sparc (required even for TSO).
Using ia64 like pseudocode to illustrate, suppose one had
without an mf in between one has no guarentee that the load follows the store. You know that loads and stores preceding the st4.rel are done before that store or the "subsequent" load, but that load or other future loads (and perhaps stores if non-dependent?) could sneak in, completing earlier since nothing prevents that otherwise.
Because mutex implementations very likely only use acquire and release barriers in thier implementations, I'd expect that an observable effect of this is that memory access following lock release may actually sometimes occur while "still in the critical section".
Try thinking about what the instruction does. It doesn't make the CPU do anything complicated in terms of logic, but it forces it to wait until all reads and writes have been committed to main memory. So the cost really depends on the cost of accessing main memory (and the number of outstanding reads/writes).
Accessing main memory is generally pretty expensive (10-200 clock cycles), but in a sense, that work would have to be done without the barrier as well, it could just be hidden by executing some other instructions simultaneously so you didn't feel the cost so much.
It also limits the CPU's (and compilers) ability to reschedule instructions, so there may be an indirect cost as well in that nearby instructions can't be interleaved which might otherwise yield a more efficient execution schedule.