Eclipse CDT - Hello World Project doesn't build automatically - c++

I am new to eclipse. I tried creating new C++ project through
File-> New -> C++ Project -> Hello World C++ Project. When I try to launch it, it gives me error:
Launch Failed, Binary not found.
However, when I right click on the project, choose the Build Project option, and then press the launch button, the hello world program executes successfully.
I have tried enabling the build automatically options at each place specified by this link . Still it doesn't work for me unless I manually build it.
Is it mandatory to build it manually at first before it can be launched? I don't have any such problem when using eclipse for java projects.
I am using Eclipse Luna version 4.4.


Trying to load an existing Makefile-based C ++ application into Eclipse fails to load

I have build a C++ application that consists of two source code files and the Makefile:
It compiles perfectly in linux Debian, executing in the terminal:
The application is compiled with gnu g ++ (originally it was a C application, but now I compile
it as a C ++ application, without errors).
These files are in the directory
However, now I want this application to be compiled and edited from Eclipse.
The version of Eclipse that I use is:
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0)
I try to load the application that I already have in Eclipse following this procedure:
I start Eclipse and the "Eclipse IDE Launcher" window appears.
In the "Workspace" box I write /home/myuser/example1
I click the "Launch" button.
The "Welcome" screen is displayed in Eclipse, I close it.
I select the menu option
File --> New -> Makefile Project with Existing Code
In the "New Project" window, which is now displayed, I fill in the following fields:
"Project Name": example1
"Existing Code Location": /home/myuser/example1/src
"Toolchain for indexer Setings": Linux GCC
I click the "Finish" button.
After doing this, no files are shown in "Project Explorer".
If I click "Build" it does nothing.
That is, it seems that Eclipse has not recognized or loaded my example correctly,
which however does compile manually with make and the executable works.
Any help or comment is appreciated.

Eclipse C++ IDE, Issues setting up

I'm having issues with setting up Eclipse for C++ editing. I am using Cygwin and Eclipse (obviously), and I've gotten to the point of making the example project Hello World. However, when I try to create a new project I always get the message "Launch Failed. Binary Not Found". I know this is a common issue, but why would the default hello world project work and not mine?
Thanks for any help.
First Build the project ( project menu in navigation bar)
then, A new folder named Binaries will appear now in project explorer. (refresh if needed)
Now you can try running your project, and no errors will appear.
more info here

How to integrate chromium browser project in Qt Creator in Ubuntu

I have managed to understand the structure of chromium browser and now I would like to use an IDE in order to make some changes for a personal project on a Ubuntu Trusty machine ( 14.04 ).
It is already compiled and I just want to use an IDE to make my life easier.
I have tried to add chromium to Qt Creator by using the option open project but without any luck.
Could you please guide me to have this achieved ? Some steps would be really helpful. More, it would be possible to compile / build chromium from Qt Creator ? ( avoid typting in console ninja -C out/Debug chrome chrome_sandbox and out/Debug/chrome every time)
If you guys can suggest me another IDE that you're used to, please, guide me and I will change the title of the post.
I tried to make those configurations for Build / Run as it follows:
I get the following error:
:-1: error: No rule to make targetall'. Stop.`
The error from Compile output section
You can edit any code project in Qt creator, but you can't use Open project, when it isn't a Qt project. Instead use Import project -> Import existing project in the New project dialog.
When you have an existing project, you can define new build steps in the Projects tab. Under Build steps just choose Add Build step -> Custom Process step.
Here you can fill in your command using the fields Command, Arguments and Working Directory.
In your case, you would for example fill in ninja, -C out/Debug chrome chrome_sandbox and %{buildDir} for the first command.
Similarely, you can click on Run (on the top of this tab) to change how the your project is executed after successful compilation.
Just run in src folder:
gn gen out/Default --ide=qtcreator
And open in QtCreator src/out/Default/qtcreator_project/all.creator

Eclipse CDT C++ - [Main] program not specified

Hi This is my first time working with C++ on eclipse. I'm using cygwin.
I'm just trying to create a simple hello world program. The build is successful but when I try to run, it says "launch failed. binary not found".
In settings which I check the run configuration, there's nothing listed on clicking "search project..". Am I doing something wrong?
Would really appreciate any help on this. Thanks!
You probably found your solution, but here's for anyone else who might have the same problem:
If you want to use cygwin toolchain then you'll have to build a makefile first, and then build your project. You can follow the official guide here: (C/C++ Development User Guide >> Getting Started >> Creating a Makefile project)
If you don't mind changing the cygwin toolchain: The fastest way to build and run a C/C++ project would be to create another project, this time un-ticking the show project types and choose as MINGW GCC toolchain (check 1st image below). After you create your project, you just right click on project and choose the rebuild option (check 2nd image below).

Eclipse Project Run problem

I tried to create a C++ project in Eclipse Helios, it works fine for some simple "Hello World" projects (a single file etc..). However, now I have a little bigger project with several files, the project can still be built without any problems. Actually, when I get into the release folder, the makefile, object files, the actual binary executable are all there. And I could run the binary through the termainl. If I click the "Run/Debug" in Eclipse for this project, it always says "Launch Failed. Binary not found".
How could run the program in Eclipse? I would like to explore its debug features. In addition, I'm running eclipse in CentOS linux and I believe the basic g++, gdb setting etc.. should be all right, otherwise the daemon hello world won't work.
Warning: I have a very old version of eclipse and the CDT so the current procedure could have changed considerably.
In the C/C++ Project view, expand your project then expand the Binaries node. In there you should have a list of the built executables. Right-click on it and select the item Run As.. > Local C/C++ Application. This should automatically create a new run configuration which you can access from the green arrow icon and the little bug icon in your tool bar. Click on these to run normally or to run in debug mode.
If you want to tweak how programs are launched, goto to the Run configuration menu item of the green arrow icon. Select the configuration that you previously created or make a new one. You can then tweak the various launch settings like the executable to run, the arguments you want to pass, the required environment variables, etc.
Note that there's also a separate Debug configuration that can be accessed from the little bug icon in your toolbar. Within that dialog there's a Debugger tab which contains all the controls necessary to set up your debugger. Just randomly screw around with the controls until you find something that works for you.
I just had the same error, and here is what I did - proper binary parser must be selected so Eclipse can recognize the executable:
Select the project, then right click.
Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Binary Parsers, PE Windows Parser
(or you can select Cygwin parser if you use Cygwin compiler, on Linux I use Elf parser).
That worked for me at least for Cross compiler (both on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04)