Say I have a nested structure like this:
(def board [[:x :e :e]
[:o :x :e]
[:o :e :x]])
Why does this code transpose it 90%
(apply map vector board)
apply makes the code equivalent to this:
(map vector [:x :e :e] [:o :x :e] [:o :e :x])
map will then execute, in sequence:
(vector :x :o :o) ;; the first elements in the sequences
(vector :e :x :e) ;; the second elements in the sequences
(vector :e :e :x) ;; the third elements in the sequences
And collect them in a sequence to return. This has the effect of making the "columns" in your original sequence the new rows, and the "rows" in your original sequence the new columns.
Apply "(apply f x args) Applies fn f to the argument list formed by prepending intervening arguments to args"
What's happening is that vector is prepended to board, making the expression (apply map (cons vector board)), when the list (cons vector board) is spliced out into map by apply it becomes the expression given in YosemiteMark's answer.
[["foo" "bar" 2] ["biz" "baf" 3]]
how do I get
[{:a "foo" :b "bar" :num 2} {:a "biz" :b "baf" :num 3}]?
In reality my vector has hundreds of vectors that need to have keys added and be converted to hash-maps.
What leetwinski said, or:
(def input [["foo" "bar" 2]["biz" "baf" 3]])
(mapv (fn [[a b num]]
{:a a
:b b
:num num}) input)
If you need to convert a lot of data, maybe mapv is not the best option because it will keep the whole vector in memory at once. Normal map which creates a lazy seq, or a transducer might be better in that case.
A general solution:
(defn vectors->maps
"takes a vector of vectors containing values and a vector of keys
and returns a vector of maps such that each value at index n in the value
vector is paired with each key at index n in the keys vector
ex: (vectors->maps [["foo" "bar" 2] ["biz" "baf" 3]], [:a :b :num])
=> [{:a "foo", :b "bar", :num 2} {:a "biz", :b "baf", :num 3}]"
[vectors keys]
(mapv (partial zipmap keys) vectors))
Exercise for the reader: writing a spec for this function and generating tests for it to ferret out any edge cases
Say I have a board like this
(def board {:a 10 :b 12})
And a list of functions like this
(def funcs [(assoc board :a 2)
(assoc board :b 4)
(assoc board :a (inc (get board :a)))])
How would I go about applying each operation in the list to my board, having it update each time in a functional fashion.
Evaluating funcs in my repl, gives a list of return values after calling each function, but the board itself remains unchanged each time
user=> funcs
[{:a 2, :b 12} {:a 10, :b 4} {:a 11, :b 12}
Ideally I'd like the value of the board to update each time a function is ran
so after running the all commands the final state of the board should be:
{:a 3 :b 4}
I'm aware this is possible using tail recursion but I'd like to avoid doing so as I'm almost certain a combination of reduce/apply/map will do the trick
One of the defining traits of clojure is that its data structures are immutable. That means that board will never change, functions that operate on data structures return modified copies of the data structure. So what you've done in funcs is make a vector of three different boards, the original board with a fuction applied.
Usually what you want is to apply a bunch of functions to some initial value, where each function takes the returned value of the function before, then use the returned value for something. Usually passing it around in function parameters.
;; First of all, there's a function for that
(assoc board :a (inc (get board :a)))
;; The function update takes a map and a key and a function
;; It applies the function to value currently at key,
;; then sets key in the retuned "copy" of the map to be the return value of the function.
;; Equivalent to the above
(update board :a inc)
If you want an updated board with these functions applied, you need to to pass the return value through the functions, because the original board never changes, they all just return updated copies of their input.
(def updated-board
;; The innermost forms are evaluated first.
(update (assoc (assoc board :a 2) :b 4) :a inc))
This can be made more readable by using the -> or "thread first" macro. It takes an initial value and forms which are missing the first argument, then rewrites the code to "thread" the return value of each one as the first argument to the next.
(def updated-board-threaded
(-> board
(assoc :a 2)
(assoc :b 4)
(update :a inc)))
;; You can expand the macro to see for yourself
;; that the two examples are exactly equivalent.
(macroexpand-1 '(-> board
(assoc :a 2)
(assoc :b 4)
(update :a inc)))
;;=> (update (assoc (assoc board :a 2) :b 4) :a inc)
This is the way to "think in clojure", functions usually just take immutable values and return other immutable values.
But sometimes you need something mutable, and clojure delivers this in the form of atoms. An atom can be thought of as a mutable box that contains an immutable value.
It uses the functions swap! and reset! to apply controlled mutation. And the function deref to get the current value.
(def board (atom {:a 10, :b 12}))
;; I'll define a function that takes a board and returns an updated version of it.
(defn do-stuff-with-board [b]
(-> b
(assoc :a 2)
(assoc :b 4)
(update :a inc)))
;; Get the current value of board.
(deref board) ;;=> {:a 10, :b 12}
;; Swap takes an atom and a function and
;; sets the value of the atom to be the return value of the function
(swap! board do-stuff-with-board)
;; Now the mutable board atom contains a new immutable value.
(deref board) ;;=> {:a 3, :b 4}
;; derefing an atom is a very usual operation, so there's syntax sugar for it
;; Equivalent to (deref board)
#board ;;=> {:a 3, :b 4}
reset! sets the value of board to be another value, like = in "normal" languages. It's not usually idiomatic to do this as it kinda says to the reader that the new value of the atom has nothing to do with the old one, but clojure is pragmatic, and sometimes it's what you need.
(reset! board "And now for something completely different.")
;; The value is now a string.
#board ;;=> "And now for something completely different."
As an aside. The data structures are not actually deep copies of each other, there is magic behind the scenes to make it almost as efficient as updating the data structure in place, but from the perspective of the programmer they are equivalent to deep copies in other languages.
I'd like to suggest a different approach to #madstap's fine answer.
In ...
(def funcs [(assoc board :a 2)
(assoc board :b 4)
(assoc board :a (inc (get board :a)))])
... the elements such as (assoc board :b 4) are not functions: they are function calls, which, as #madstap points out, fail to modify whatever board refers to.
We can, without too much trouble, turn them into proper functions:
(def funcs [(fn [board] (assoc board :a 2))
(fn [board] (assoc board :b 4))
(fn [board] (assoc board :a (inc (get board :a))))])
The boards here are locals. Any distinct identifier would do as well:
(def funcs [(fn [b] (assoc b :a 2))
(fn [b] (assoc b :b 4))
(fn [b] (assoc b :a (inc (get b :a))))])
We can write a function to compose them:
(defn compose [fs]
(fn [x] (reduce (fn [a f] (f a)) x fs)))
This is a simplified version of the standard comp. It applies the functions first to last instead of last to first.
Now, for example, if
(def board {:a 10 :b 12})
... then
((compose funcs) board)
;{:a 3, :b 4}
Furthermore, we can modify compose to show the chain of results:
(defn compositions [fs]
(fn [x] (reductions (fn [a f] (f a)) x fs)))
((compositions funcs) board)
;({:a 10, :b 12} {:a 2, :b 12} {:a 2, :b 4} {:a 3, :b 4})
Notice that compose and compositions are completely generic - they just do stuff with functions.
I need to build a seq of seqs (vec of vecs) by combining first, second, etc elements of the given seqs.
After a quick searching and looking at the cheat sheet. I haven't found one and finished with writing my own:
(defn zip
"From the sequence of sequences return a another sequence of sequenses
where first result sequense consist of first elements of input sequences
second element consist of second elements of input sequenses etc.
[[:a 0 \\a] [:b 1 \\b] [:c 2 \\c]] => ([:a :b :c] [0 1 2] [\\a \\b \\c])"
(let [num-elems (count (first coll))
inits (for [_ (range num-elems)] [])]
(reduce (fn [cols elems] (map-indexed
(fn [idx coll] (conj coll (elems idx))) cols))
inits coll)))
I'm interested if there is a standard method for this?
(apply map vector [[:a 0 \a] [:b 1 \b] [:c 2 \c]])
;; ([:a :b :c] [0 1 2] [\a \b \c])
You can use the variable arity of map to accomplish this.
From the map docstring:
... Returns a lazy sequence consisting of the result of applying f to
the set of first items of each coll, followed by applying f to the set
of second items in each coll, until any one of the colls is exhausted.
Any remaining items in other colls are ignored....
Kyle's solution is a great one and I see no reason why not to use it, but if you want to write such a function from scratch you could write something like the following:
(defn zip
([ret s]
(let [a (map first s)]
(if (every? nil? a)
(recur (conj ret a) (map rest s)))))
(reverse (zip nil s))))
Answers to this question explain how to convert maps, sequences, etc. to various sequences and collections, but do not say how to convert a map to a sequence of alternating keys and values. Here is one way:
(apply concat {:a 1 :b 2})
=> (:b 2 :a 1)
Some alternatives that one might naively think would produce the same result, don't, including passing the map to vec, vector, seq, sequence, into [], into (), and flatten. (Sometimes it's easier to try it than to think it through.)
Is there anything simpler than apply concat?
You can also do
(mapcat identity {:a 1 :b 2})
(mapcat seq {:a 1 :b 2})
As #noisesmith gently hints below, the following answer is seductive but wrong: left as a warning to other unwary souls! Counterexample:
((comp flatten seq) {[1 2] [3 4], 5 [6 7]})
; (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
(comp flatten seq) does the job:
((comp flatten seq) {1 2, 3 4})
; (1 2 3 4)
But flatten on its own doesn't:
(flatten {1 2, 3 4})
; ()
I'm surprised it doesn't work, and in that case it should return nil, not ().
None of the others you mention: vec, vector ... , does anything to the individual [key value] pairs that the map presents itself as a sequence of.
I am trying to find a Clojure-idiomatic way to "compress" a vector:
(shift-nils-left [:a :b :c :a nil :d nil])
;=> (true [nil nil :a :b :c :a :d])
(shift-nils-left [nil :a])
;=> (false [nil :a])
(shift-nils-left [:a nil])
;=> (true [nil :a])
(shift-nils-left [:a :b])
;=> (false [:a :b])
In other words, I want to move all of the nil values to the left end of the vector, without changing the length. The boolean indicates whether any shifting occurred. The "outside" structure can be any seq, but the inside result should be a vector.
I suspect that the function will involve filter (on the nil values) and into to add to a vector of nils of the same length as the original, but I'm not sure how to reduce the result back to the original length. I know how to this "long-hand", but I suspect that Clojure will be able to do it in a single line.
I am toying with the idea of writing a Bejeweled player as an exercise to learn Clojure.
I would write it like this:
(ns ...
(:require [clojure.contrib.seq-utils :as seq-utils]))
(defn compress-vec
"Returns a list containing a boolean value indicating whether the
vector was changed, and a vector with all the nils in the given
vector shifted to the beginning."
(let [shifted (vec (apply concat (seq-utils/separate nil? v)))]
(list (not= v shifted)
Edit: so, the same as what Thomas beat me to posting, but I wouldn't use flatten just in case you end up using some sort of seqable object to represent the jewels.
Maybe this way:
(defn shift-nils-left
"separate nil values"
(let [s1 (vec (flatten (clojure.contrib.seq/separate nil? s)))]
(list (not (= s s1)) s1)))
A little more low-level approach. It traverses the input seq just once as well as the vector of non-nils once. The two more highlevel approaches traverse the input sequence two times (for nil? and (complenent nil?)). The not= traverses the input a third time in the worst-case of no shift.
(defn compress-vec
(let [[shift? nils non-nils]
(reduce (fn [[shift? nils non-nils] x]
(if (nil? x)
[(pos? (count non-nils)) (conj nils nil) non-nils]
[shift? nils (conj non-nils x)]))
[false [] []] v)]
[shift? (into nils non-nils)]))
(def v [1 2 nil 4 5 nil 7 8] )
(apply vector (take 8 (concat (filter identity v) (repeat nil))))
This creates a sequence of the non- nil values in the vector using filter and then appends nils to the end of the sequence. This gives the values you want as a sequence and then converts them into a vector. The take 8 ensures that the vector is right size.