c++, cscope, ctags, and vim: Finding classes that inherit from this one - c++

In a rather large code base with a few layers is there a way in vim or from the command line to find all classes that are derived from a base class? grep is an option but can be slow since grep does not index.

Neither cscope nor ctags allow us to deal with inheritance directly but it's relatively easy to work around that limitation because derived classes are also indexed.
In cscope, looking for "C symbol" Foobar usually lists the original class and classes inheriting from it. Since the search is done against a database, it is lightning fast.
Alternatively, you could use cscope's egrep searching capabilities with a pattern like :.*Foobar to list only classes inheriting from Foobar.
So, even if we don't have a dedicated "Find classes inheriting from this class" command, we can get the work done without much effort.
While ctags allows you to include inheritance information with --fields=+i, that information can't be used directly in Vim. The inherits field is parsed by Vim, though, so it might be possible to build a quick and dirty solution using taglist().
ack, ag
Those two programs work more or less like grep but they are targeted toward searching in source code so they are really faster than grep.
In my Vim config, :grep is set to run the ag program instead of the default grep so, searching for classes derived from the class under the cursor would look like:
:grep :.*<C-r><C-w><CR>
Here are the relevant lines from my ~/.vimrc:
if executable("ag")
set grepprg=ag\ --nogroup\ --nocolor\ --ignore-case\ --column
set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m,%f:%l:%m

If you build your tags files with Exuberant CTags using inheritance information (see the --fields option), then the following script will work. It adds an :Inherits command which takes either the name of a class (e.g. :Inherits Foo) or a regular expression.
Like the :tag command, you indicate that you want the search with a regex by preceding it with a '\' character, e.g. :Inherits \Foo.*.
The results are put into the window's location list, which you browse with :ll, :lne, :lp, etc. VIM doesn't seem to allow scripts to modify the tag list which is what I'd prefer.
If you're wondering why I don't use taglist() for this, it's because taglist() is incredibly slow on large tag files. The original post had a version using taglist(), if you're curious you can browse the edit history.
" Parse an Exuberant Ctags record using the same format as taglist()
" Throws CtagsParseErr if there is a general problem parsing the record
function! ParseCtagsRec(record, tag_dir)
let tag = {}
" Parse the standard fields
let sep_pos = stridx(a:record, "\t")
if sep_pos < 1
throw 'CtagsParseErr'
let tag['name'] = a:record[:sep_pos - 1]
let tail = a:record[sep_pos + 1:]
let sep_pos = stridx(tail, "\t")
if sep_pos < 1
throw 'CtagsParseErr'
" '/' will work as a path separator on most OS's, but there
" should really be an OS independent way to build paths.
let tag['filename'] = a:tag_dir.'/'.tail[:sep_pos - 1]
let tail = tail[sep_pos + 1:]
let sep_pos = stridx(tail, ";\"\t")
if sep_pos < 1
throw 'CtagsParseErr'
let tag['cmd'] = tail[:sep_pos - 1]
" Parse the Exuberant Ctags extension fields
let extensions = tail[sep_pos + 3:]
for extension in split(extensions, '\t')
let sep_pos = stridx(extension, ':')
if sep_pos < 1
if has_key(tag, 'kind')
throw 'CtagsParseErr'
let tag['kind'] = extension
let tag[extension[:sep_pos - 1]] = extension[sep_pos + 1:]
return tag
" Find all classes derived from a given class, or a regex (preceded by a '/')
" The results are placed in the current windows location list.
function! Inherits(cls_or_regex)
if a:cls_or_regex[0] == '/'
let regex = a:cls_or_regex[1:]
let regex = '\<'.a:cls_or_regex.'\>$'
let loc_list = []
let tfiles = tagfiles()
let tag_count = 0
let found_count = 0
for file in tfiles
let tag_dir = fnamemodify(file, ':p:h')
for line in readfile(file)
let tag_count += 1
if tag_count % 10000 == 0
echo tag_count 'tags scanned,' found_count 'matching classes found. Still searching...'
if line[0] == '!'
let tag = ParseCtagsRec(line, tag_dir)
if has_key(tag, 'inherits')
let baselist = split(tag['inherits'], ',\s*')
for base in baselist
if match(base, regex) != -1
let location = {}
let location['filename'] = tag['filename']
let cmd = tag['cmd']
if cmd[0] == '/' || cmd[0] == '?'
let location['pattern'] = cmd[1:-2]
let location['lnum'] = str2nr(cmd)
call add(loc_list, location)
let found_count += 1
catch /^OptionErr$/
echo 'Parsing error: Failed to parse an option.'
catch /^CtagsParseErr$/
echo 'Parsing error: Tags files does not appear to be an Exuberant Ctags file.'
echo 'Could not read tag file:' file
call setloclist(0, loc_list)
echo tag_count 'tags scanned,' found_count 'matching classes found.'
command! -nargs=1 -complete=tag Inherits call Inherits('<args>')

In lh-cpp, I define the command :Children. It relies on a ctags database, and as a consequence, it is quite limited.
It takes two optional parameters: the namespace where to look for (I haven't found a way to avoid that), and the name of the parent class -> :Children [!] {namespace} {parent-class}.
The command tries to cache as much information as possible. Hence, when pertinent information changes in the ctags database, the cache must be updated. It is done by banging the command -> :Children!

I don't think vim is the correct tool to list all child classes. Instead, we'd better use the doxygen to generate documentation for the source code. Although the doxygen needs some time, we can use the document/diagrams for all classes, which is clear and fast.


jenkins workflow regex

I'm making my first steps in the Jenkins workflow (Jenkins ver 1.609.1)
I need to read a file, line by line, and then run regex on each line.
I'm interested in the regex "grouping" type, however "project" and "status" variables (the code below) get null value in Jenkins . Any suggestions what is wrong and how to fix it ?
def line = readFile (file)
def resultList = line.tokenize()
for(item in resultList ){
(item =~ /(\w+)=(\w+)$/).each { whole, project, status ->
println (whole)
println (project)
println (status)
each with a closure will not work: JENKINS-26481
If something using advanced language features works in standalone Groovy but not in Workflow, try just encapsulating it in a method marked #NonCPS. This will effectively run it as a “native” method. Only do this for code you are sure will run quickly and not block on I/O, since it will not be able to survive a Jenkins restart.
After checking out some other regex options I came around with the following solution that seems working :
def matcher = item =~ /(?<proj>\w+)=(?<status>\w+)/
if( matcher.matches() ) { etc...}

Can I find all curly-braceless if-statements in my team's code?

In my company we have coding styles, that include always using curly braces with an if-statement, so:
// instead of this...
if (condition)
// we want this
if (condition) {
Now not everyone has done this since the start and we would like to clean up and make the code more consistent. Is there a way (with PHPStorm preferably) to find all braceless if-statements?
If you have python installed, you can run following program, I wrote for you, to find all such lines in your code: (tested on python27)
run as : python bracketless.py yourfile
import sys,re
fname = sys.argv[1]
with open(fname) as f:
if_block = False
lnum = 0
for i,line in enumerate(f):
if (re.search(r'\bif\b', line)) and not '{' in line:
if_block = True
lnum = i+1
if ';' in line:
print 'Found bracketless if in line {}'.format(lnum)
if_block = False
elif if_block:
if '{' in line:
if_block = False
elif ';' in line:
print 'Found bracketless if in line {}'.format(lnum)
if_block = False
You could try to use a regular expression search as follows:
Edit > Find > Find in Path
Search for the string if\s*\(.+\)[^{\S]*\n, and be sure that the Regular expression checkbox is active.
This technique isn't perfect, as it will yield false positives for conditionals spanning multiple lines (such that their opening brace is on line 2, 3, etc...). But it can accurately distinguish between simple single-line conditionals, like the two you provided in your question.
You could also simply use PhpStorm's built in code style tools for this. If you go to File -> Settings and then to Editor -> Code Style -> PHP -> Wrapping and Braces you can set force braces for if/for/foreach/while/do...while to 'always'. Braces will then automatically be added when reformatting your code.
However, this approach obviously has the "side effect" of applying all other formatting rules as well. That may not be what you are looking for.

Yesod Mform and hamlet

Hi I am new to yesod and following the documentation to make a form. In the documentation the form template was created in .hs file itself. But I have a separate hamlet where I want to customize.
I want to access "fields" in my hamlet file. The expected type of 'generateFormPost' is (xml, Enctype) . Can anybody tell me what I should be returning from 'tableMform extra' . I think it should be in xml format. But I think I should not be using toWidget as in below example of documentation.
tableMform extra = do
fields <- forM lis (\(w,h) -> mopt intField "this is not used" (Just h) )
return (fields) ---I know this line has the type error. Can anybody suggest how to deal with it
--I am referring this code from yesod website to make my form. In this it was using runFormGet, but I want use generateFormPost and moreover it was creating a widget which is used in displaying the website. I don't want to create the widget here but in my hamlet file where the 'fields' is accessed via interpolation.
personForm :: Html -> MForm Handler (FormResult Person, Widget)
personForm extra = do
(nameRes, nameView) <- mreq textField "this is not used" Nothing
(ageRes, ageView) <- mreq intField "neither is this" Nothing
let personRes = Person <$> nameRes <*> ageRes
let widget = do
##{fvId ageView} {
width: 3em;
Hello, my name is #
^{fvInput nameView}
\ and I am #
^{fvInput ageView}
\ years old. #
<input type=submit value="Introduce myself">
return (personRes, widget)
getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
-- Generate the form to be displayed
(fields, enctype) <- generateFormPost tableMform
let (fires,fiview) = unzip fields
$(widgetFile "layout")
Please let me know if there is any misunderstanding. I have idea of how to get the form from the way done in the documentation, but I want to use a separate hamlet file, as I want to customize the look of the form.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I was trying to make a Mform where instead of creating the layout of the form in the ".hs" file , I wanted to give the layout in hamlet file. I have done it through http://pastebin.com/fwpZsKXy . But after doing that I could split it in to two files as I wanted. I have solved those errors. Thanks anyways
I got it. I was not clear of what "tableMform extra" has to return. I know that it has to return something of type [(FormResult a, xml)][1] . But then I was not sure what the type of "forM lis ((w,h) -> mopt intField (fromString w) (Just h) )" -- Line 2 was , So I followed what was done in documentation did it in the way it was done there.(without use of external widget file) .
After doing that I tried to do in the way I wanted to do i.e using a separate hamlet, julius and lucius files. http://pastebin.com/FgGph2CU . It worked !!
In summary I wasn't clear of the 'type' of "forM lis ((w,h) -> mopt intField (fromString w) (Just h) )" . Once I figured that out, it was easy.

scons - How to add search directories to an existing scanner

My main goal is to add support of -isystem include paths in scons, like this is proposed here : https://stackoverflow.com/a/2547261/4042960
The solution of creating new variables works fine: I do that:
#### Add support for system headers
env['SYSTEMINCPREFIX'] = '-isystem '
I use it by adding for instance:
env.Append(CPPSYSTEMPATH = ['/my/include/path'])
My problem is that now, the path /my/include/path is not scanned by the C (or C++) dependency scanner. After many search, I failed to find how to add my variable "CPPSYSTEMPATH" to be treated like "CPPPATH" by the dependency scanner.
Does anyone know how I could add the search path contained in "CPPSYSTEMPATH" to the existing C scanner ?
I hope that my problem is clear enough, else do not hesitate to tell me.
Here's a basic recipe for replacing the FindPath method of the default C scanner, but be warned it's an ugly hack:
# Create environment
env = Environment()
# Define your new env variable as combination of both paths
# Replace the path_function of the standard C scanner by:
import SCons.Tool
import SCons.Scanner
# Do your build stuff...
env['CPPSYSTEMPATH'] = 'myinclude'
By the way, why not ask these kind of questions on our user mailing list scons-users#scons.org? ;)

How can I make a regex to find instances of the word Project not in square brackets?

For example:
$lang['Select Project'] = 'Select Project OK';
$lang['Project'] = 'Project';
I want to find only the instances of the word 'Project' not contained within the square brackets.
I'm using ColdFusion studio's extended replace utility to do a global replace.
Any suggestions?
Code Sample Follows:
$lang['Project Message Board'] = 'Project Message Board';
$lang['Project'] = 'Project';
$lang['Post Message'] = 'Post Message';
$lang['To'] = 'To';
$lang['Everyone'] = 'Everyone';
$lang['From'] = 'From';
$lang['Private Messsage'] = 'Private Messsage';
$lang['Note: Only private message to programmer'] = '[ Note: Please enter programmers id for private message with comma separate operator ]';
$lang['Select Project'] = 'Select Project';
$lang['message_validation'] = 'Message';
$lang['You must be logged in as a programmer to post messages on the Project Message Board'] = 'You must be logged in as a programmer to post messages on the Project Message Board';
$lang['Your Message Has Been Posted Successfully'] = 'Your message has been posted successfully';
$lang['You must be logged to post messages on the Project Message Board'] = 'You must be logged to post messages on the Project Message Board';
$lang['You must be post project to invite programmers'] = 'You must be post project to invite programmers';
$lang['You must be logged to invite programmers'] = 'You must be logged to invite programmers';
$lang['There is no open project to Post Mail'] = 'There is no open project to Post Mail';
$lang['You are currently logged in as']='You are currently logged in as';
$lang['Tip']='Tip: You can post programming code by placing it within [code] and [/code] tags.';
$lang['You are currently logged in as']='You are currently logged in as';
A regexp for 'Project' to the right of an equals sign would be:
a regexp that also does what you ask for, 'Project' that has no equals sign to its right would be:
or a match of your example lines comes to:
By placing 'Project' in brackets () you can use that match in a replacement, adding the flag /g finds all occurences in the line.
Edit: Below didn't work because look-behind assertions have to be fixed-length. I am guessing that you want to do this because you want to do a global replace of "Project" with something else. In that case, borrowing rsp's idea of matching a 'Project' that is not followed by an equals sign, this should work:
Here is some example code:
$str1 = "\$lang['Select Project'] = 'Select Project OK';";
$str2 = "\$lang['Project'] = 'Project';";
$str3 = "\$lang['No Project'] = 'Not Found';";
$str4 = "\$lang['Many Project'] = 'Select Project owner or Project name';";
$regex = '/Project(?![^=]*\=)/';
echo "<pre>\n";
//prints: $lang['Select Project'] = 'Select Assignment OK';
echo preg_replace($regex, 'Assignment', $str1) . "\n";
//prints: $lang['Project'] = 'Assignment';
echo preg_replace($regex, 'Assignment', $str2) . "\n";
//prints: $lang['No Project'] = 'Not Found';
echo preg_replace($regex, 'Assignment', $str3) . "\n";
//prints: $lang['Many Project'] = 'Select Assignment owner or Assignment name';
echo preg_replace($regex, 'Assignment', $str4) . "\n";
This should work:
That will match only the word "Project" if it appears after an equals sign. This means you could use it in a substitution too, if you want to replace "Project" on the right-hand-side with something else.
Thx for help. Not sure what is unclear? I just want to find all instances of the word 'Project' but only instances to the right of the equals sign (i.e. not included in square brackets). Hope that helps.
This actually looks like a tricky problem. Consider
[blah blah [yakkity] Project blah] Project [blah blah] [ Project
This is a parsing problem, and I don't know of any way to do it with one regex (but would be glad to learn one!). I'd probably do it procedurally, eliminating the pairs of brackets that did not contain other pairs until there were none left, then matching "Project".
While it's not clear what instances you want to find exactly, this will do:
^.+? = (.+?);
But you might consider using simple string manipulation of your language of choice.
will only match lines that have string Project after the equal sign.
[^\[]'[^'\[\]]+'[^\]] seems to accomplish what you want!
This one: [^\[]'[^'\[\]]*Project[^'\[\]]*' will find all strings, not inside of the file that are contained in quotes, and contain the word project.
Another edit: [^\[]'(?<ProjectString>[^'\[\]]*Project[^'\[\]]*)'[^\]]
This one matches the string, and returns it as the group "ProjectString". Any regex library should be able to pull that out sufficiently.