Clojure - sort function - clojure

I am trying to write a recursive sort function that sorts a list from low to high (duh). I am currently getting output, just not the correct output. Here is my code:
(defn sort/predicate [pred loi]
(if (empty? loi)
(if (= (count loi) 1)
(cons (first loi) (sort pred (rest loi)))
(if (pred (first loi) (first (rest loi)))
(cons (first loi) (sort pred (rest loi)))
(if (pred (first (rest loi)) (first loi))
(cons (first (rest loi)) (sort pred (cons (first loi) (rest (rest loi)))))
(cons (first loi) (sort pred (rest loi))))))))
Basically, I compare the first two elements in the list and, if the first element is smaller I cons it with the result of comparing the next two elements of the list. If the second element of the list is smaller, I cons the second element with the result of sorting the first two elements of the cons of the first element and everything after the second element (sorry if that's hard to follow). Then, when there is only one element left in the list, I throw it on the end and return it. However, there is a bug along the way somewhere because I should get the following:
>(sort/predicate < '(8 2 5 2 3))
(2 2 3 5 8)
but instead, I get:
>(sort/predicate < '(8 2 5 2 3))
(2 5 2 3 8)
I'm pretty new to clojure, so any help is greatly appreciated. Also, I would like to keep my code roughly the same (I don't want to use a sorting function that already exists). Thanks

I don't think this is a very efficient way to sort, but I tried to stay true to your intention:
(defn my-sort [cmp-fn [x & xs]]
(nil? x) '()
(empty? xs) (list x)
:else (let [[y & ys :as s] (my-sort cmp-fn xs)]
(if (cmp-fn x y)
(cons x s)
(cons y (my-sort cmp-fn (cons x ys)))))))

;; merge sort implementation - recursive sort without stack consuming
(defn merge-sort
([v comp-fn]
(if (< (count v) 2) v
(let [[left right] (split-at (quot (count v) 2) v)]
(loop [result []
sorted-left (merge-sort left comp-fn)
sorted-right (merge-sort right comp-fn)]
(empty? sorted-left) (into result sorted-right)
(empty? sorted-right) (into result sorted-left)
:else (if (comp-fn 0 (compare (first sorted-left) (first sorted-right)))
(recur (conj result (first sorted-left)) (rest sorted-left) sorted-right)
(recur (conj result (first sorted-right)) sorted-left (rest sorted-right))))))))
([v] (merge-sort v >)))

clojure.core/sort implement by Java more general.
user=> (sort '(8 2 5 2 3))
(2 2 3 5 8)
user=> (sort > '(8 2 5 2 3))
(8 5 3 2 2)
user=> (source sort)
(defn sort
"Returns a sorted sequence of the items in coll. If no comparator is
supplied, uses compare. comparator must implement
java.util.Comparator. If coll is a Java array, it will be modified.
To avoid this, sort a copy of the array."
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
(sort compare coll))
([^java.util.Comparator comp coll]
(if (seq coll)
(let [a (to-array coll)]
(. java.util.Arrays (sort a comp))
(seq a))


Sum equal adjacent integers

Test case:
(def coll [1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5])
(def p-coll (partition 2 1 coll))
;; ((1 2) (2 2) (2 3) (3 4) (4 4) (4 4) (4 5))
Expected output:
(2 2 4 4 4) => 16
Here is what I am to implement: Start with vector v [0]. Take each pair, if the first element of the pair is equal to the last element of the vector, or if the elements of the pair are equal, add the first item of the pair to v. (And finally reduce v to its sum.) The code below can do if the elements of the pair are equal part, but not the first part. (Thus I get (0 2 4 4). I guess the reason is that the elements are added to v at the very end. My questions:
What is the way to compare an element with the last selected element?
What other idiomatic ways are there to implement what I am trying achieve?
How else can I approach the problem?
(let [s [0]]
(concat s (map #(first %)
(filter #(or (= (first %) (first s)) (= (first %) (second %))) p-coll))))
You are on the right track with partitioning the data here. But there
is a nicer way to do that. You can use (partition-by identity coll)
to group consecutive, same elements.
Then just keep the ones with more than one elements and sum them all up.
(fn [acc xs]
(+ acc (apply + xs)))
(partition-by identity coll)))
Starting out from your initial partition, with p-coll being like you described above (i.e. a list of pairs), and v being the vector [0], you can do the following:
(fn [vect [a b]]
(if (or (= a b) (= a (last vect)))
(conj vect a)
v p-coll)
;; => [0 2 2 4 4 4]
We start from the vector [0], and reduce p-coll by processing its elements one by one. If an element satisfies one of the two conditions you specified, then we conj it onto the initial vector. Otherwise, we leave the vector as is.
Finally, you can use apply + to sum the resulting vector and get your final answer.
Generally, when you need to process a collection (here, p-coll) and some partial answer (here, the vector v) into some sort of final answer (here, the vector [0 2 2 4 4 4]), reduce is the most idiomatic and purely functional approach. After having identified those components, it's just a matter of coming up with the appropriate function to put them together.
Another approach (less idiomatic, but easier to understand from a procedural standpoint) would be to use an atom for the vector v, and keep growing it as you process the list with doseq:
(def v (atom [0]))
(doseq [[a b] p-coll]
(if (or (= a b) (= a (last #v)))
(swap! v conj a)))
(println #v)
;; => [0 2 2 4 4 4]
A solution only with flatten and map:
(defn consecutives [lst]
(flatten (map (fn [[x y z]] (cond (= x y z) [z]
(= y z) [y z]
:else []))
(map #'vector lst (rest lst) (rest (rest lst))))))
Purely tail-recursive solution
which "keeps in memory" previous and previous-previous element.
(defn consecutives
(loop [lst lst
acc []
last-val nil
last-last-val nil]
(cond (empty? lst) acc
:else (recur (rest lst)
(if (= (first lst) last-val)
(conj (if (= last-val last-last-val)
(conj acc last-val))
(first lst))
(first lst)
(consecutives coll)
;; => [2 2 4 4 4]

Writing a lazy-as-possible unfoldr-like function to generate arbitrary factorizations

problem formulation
Informally speaking, I want to write a function which, taking as input a function that generates binary factorizations and an element (usually neutral), creates an arbitrary length factorization generator. To be more specific, let us first define the function nfoldr in Clojure.
(defn nfoldr [f e]
(fn rec [n]
(fn [s]
(if (zero? n)
(if (empty? s) e)
(if (seq s)
(if-some [x ((rec (dec n)) (rest s))]
(f (list (first s) x))))))))
Here nil is used with the meaning "undefined output, input not in function's domain". Additionally, let us view the inverse relation of a function f as a set-valued function defining inv(f)(y) = {x | f(x) = y}.
I want to define a function nunfoldr such that inv(nfoldr(f , e)(n)) = nunfoldr(inv(f) , e)(n) when for every element y inv(f)(y) is finite, for each binary function f, element e and natural number n.
Moreover, I want the factorizations to be generated as lazily as possible, in a 2-dimensional sense of laziness. My goal is that, when getting some part of a factorization for the first time, there does not happen (much) computation needed for next parts or next factorizations. Similarly, when getting one factorization for the first time, there does not happen computation needed for next ones, whereas all the previous ones get in effect fully realized.
In an alternative formulation we can use the following longer version of nfoldr, which is equivalent to the shorter one when e is a neutral element.
(defn nfoldr [f e]
(fn [n]
(fn [s]
(if (zero? n)
(if (empty? s) e)
((fn rec [n]
(fn [s]
(if (= 1 n)
(if (and (seq s) (empty? (rest s))) (first s))
(if (seq s)
(if-some [x ((rec (dec n)) (rest s))]
(f (list (first s) x)))))))
a special case
This problem is a generalization of the problem of generating partitions described in that question. Let us see how the old problem can be reduced to the current one. We have for every natural number n:
npt(n) = inv(nconcat(n)) = inv(nfoldr(concat2 , ())(n)) = nunfoldr(inv(concat2) , ())(n) = nunfoldr(pt2 , ())(n)
npt(n) generates n-ary partitions
nconcat(n) computes n-ary concatenation
concat2 computes binary concatenation
pt2 generates binary partitions
So the following definitions give a solution to that problem.
(defn generate [step start]
(fn [x] (take-while some? (iterate step (start x)))))
(defn pt2-step [[x y]]
(if (seq y) (list (concat x (list (first y))) (rest y))))
(def pt2-start (partial list ()))
(def pt2 (generate pt2-step pt2-start))
(def npt (nunfoldr pt2 ()))
I will summarize my story of solving this problem, using the old one to create example runs, and conclude with some observations and proposals for extension.
solution 0
At first, I refined/generalized the approach I took for solving the old problem. Here I write my own versions of concat and map mainly for a better presentation and, in the case of concat, for some added laziness. Of course we can use Clojure's versions or mapcat instead.
(defn fproduct [f]
(fn [s]
(if (and (seq f) (seq s))
((first f) (first s))
((fproduct (rest f)) (rest s)))))))
(defn concat' [s]
(if (seq s)
(if-let [x (seq (first s))]
(cons (first x) (concat' (cons (rest x) (rest s))))
(concat' (rest s))))))
(defn map' [f]
(fn rec [s]
(if (seq s)
(cons (f (first s)) (rec (rest s)))))))
(defn nunfoldr [f e]
(fn rec [n]
(fn [x]
(if (zero? n)
(if (= e x) (list ()) ())
(map' (comp
(partial apply map)
(fproduct (list
(partial partial cons)
(rec (dec n))))))
In an attempt to get inner laziness we could replace (partial partial cons) with something like (comp (partial partial concat) list). Although this way we get inner LazySeqs, we do not gain any effective laziness because, before consing, most of the computation required for fully realizing the rest part takes place, something that seems unavoidable within this general approach. Based on the longer version of nfoldr, we can also define the following faster version.
(defn nunfoldr [f e]
(fn [n]
(fn [x]
(if (zero? n)
(if (= e x) (list ()) ())
(((fn rec [n]
(fn [x] (println \< x \>)
(if (= 1 n)
(list (list x))
(map' (comp
(partial apply map)
(fproduct (list
(partial partial cons)
(rec (dec n))))))
Here I added a println call inside the main recursive function to get some visualization of eagerness. So let us demonstrate the outer laziness and inner eagerness.
user=> (first ((npt 5) (range 3)))
< (0 1 2) >
< (0 1 2) >
< (0 1 2) >
< (0 1 2) >
< (0 1 2) >
(() () () () (0 1 2))
user=> (ffirst ((npt 5) (range 3)))
< (0 1 2) >
< (0 1 2) >
< (0 1 2) >
< (0 1 2) >
< (0 1 2) >
solution 1
Then I thought of a more promising approach, using the function:
(defn transpose [s]
(if (every? seq s)
(map first s)
(transpose (map rest s))))))
To get the new solution we replace the previous argument in the map' call with:
(partial map (partial apply cons))
(fproduct (list
(rec (dec n)))))
Trying to get inner laziness we could replace (partial apply cons) with #(cons (first %) (lazy-seq (second %))) but this is not enough. The problem lies in the (every? seq s) test inside transpose, where checking a lazy sequence of factorizations for emptiness (as a stopping condition) results in realizing it.
solution 2
A first way to tackle the previous problem that came to my mind was to use some additional knowledge about the number of n-ary factorizations of an element. This way we can repeat a certain number of times and use only this sequence for the stopping condition of transpose. So we will replace the test inside transpose with (seq (first s)), add an input count to nunfoldr and replace the argument in the map' call with:
(partial map #(cons (first %) (lazy-seq (second %))))
(fproduct (list
(partial apply repeat)
(rec (dec n))))
(fn [[x y]] (list (list ((count (dec n)) y) x) y)))
Let us turn to the problem of partitions and define:
(defn npt-count [n]
(partial apply *)
#(map % (range 1 n))
(partial comp inc)
(partial partial /)
(def npt (nunfoldr pt2 () npt-count))
Now we can demonstrate outer and inner laziness.
user=> (first ((npt 5) (range 3)))
< (0 1 2) >
(< (0 1 2) >
() < (0 1 2) >
() < (0 1 2) >
() < (0 1 2) >
() (0 1 2))
user=> (ffirst ((npt 5) (range 3)))
< (0 1 2) >
However, the dependence on additional knowledge and the extra computational cost make this solution unacceptable.
solution 3
Finally, I thought that in some crucial places I should use a kind of lazy sequences "with a non-lazy end", in order to be able to check for emptiness without realizing. An empty such sequence is just a non-lazy empty list and overall they behave somewhat like the lazy-conss of the early days of Clojure. Using the definitions given below we can reach an acceptable solution, which works under the assumption that always at least one of the concat'ed sequences (when there is one) is non-empty, something that holds in particular when every element has at least one binary factorization and we are using the longer version of nunfoldr.
(def lazy? (partial instance? clojure.lang.IPending))
(defn empty-eager? [x] (and (not (lazy? x)) (empty? x)))
(defn transpose [s]
(if-not (some empty-eager? s)
(map first s)
(transpose (map rest s))))))
(defn concat' [s]
(if-not (empty-eager? s)
(if-let [x (seq (first s))]
(cons (first x) (concat' (cons (rest x) (rest s))))
(concat' (rest s))))
(defn map' [f]
(fn rec [s]
(if-not (empty-eager? s)
(lazy-seq (cons (f (first s)) (rec (rest s))))
Note that in this approach the input function f should produce lazy sequences of the new kind and the resulting n-ary factorizer will also produce such sequences. To take care of the new input requirement, for the problem of partitions we define:
(defn pt2 [s]
(let [start (list () s)]
((fn rec [[x y]]
(if (seq y)
(let [step (list (concat x (list (first y))) (rest y))]
(cons step (rec step))))
Once again, let us demonstrate outer and inner laziness.
user=> (first ((npt 5) (range 3)))
< (0 1 2) >
< (0 1 2) >
(< (0 1 2) >
() < (0 1 2) >
() < (0 1 2) >
() () (0 1 2))
user=> (ffirst ((npt 5) (range 3)))
< (0 1 2) >
< (0 1 2) >
To make the input and output use standard lazy sequences (sacrificing a bit of laziness), we can add:
(defn lazy-end->eager-end [s]
(if (seq s)
(lazy-seq (cons (first s) (lazy-end->eager-end (rest s))))
(defn eager-end->lazy-end [s]
(if-not (empty-eager? s)
(cons (first s) (eager-end->lazy-end (rest s))))))
(def nunfoldr
(partial comp (partial comp eager-end->lazy-end))
(partial apply nunfoldr)
(fproduct (list
(partial comp lazy-end->eager-end)
observations and extensions
While creating solution 3, I observed that the old mechanism for lazy sequences in Clojure might not be necessarily inferior to the current one. With the transition, we gained the ability to create lazy sequences without any substantial computation taking place but lost the ability to check for emptiness without doing the computation needed to get one more element. Because both of these abilities can be important in some cases, it would be nice if a new mechanism was introduced, which would combine the advantages of the previous ones. Such a mechanism could use again an outer LazySeq thunk, which when forced would return an empty list or a Cons or another LazySeq or a new LazyCons thunk. This new thunk when forced would return a Cons or perhaps another LazyCons. Now empty? would force only LazySeq thunks while first and rest would also force LazyCons. In this setting map could look like this:
(defn map [f s]
(if (empty? s) ()
(cons (f (first s)) (map f (rest s)))))))
I have also noticed that the approach taken from solution 1 onwards lends itself to further generalization. If inside the argument in the map' call in the longer nunfoldr we replace cons with concat, transpose with some implementation of Cartesian product and repeat with another recursive call, we can then create versions that "split at different places". For example, using the following as the argument we can define a nunfoldm function that "splits in the middle" and corresponds to an easy-to-imagine nfoldm. Note that all "splitting strategies" are equivalent when f is associative.
(partial map (partial apply concat))
(fproduct (let [n-half (quot n 2)]
(list (rec n-half) (rec (- n n-half))))))
Another natural modification would allow for infinite factorizations. To achieve this, if f generated infinite factorizations, nunfoldr(f , e)(n) should generate the factorizations in an order of type ω, so that each one of them could be produced in finite time.
Other possible extensions include dropping the n parameter, creating relational folds (in correspondence with the relational unfolds we consider here) and generically handling algebraic data structures other than sequences as input/output. This book, which I have just discovered, seems to contain valuable relevant information, given in a categorical/relational language.
Finally, to be able to do this kind of programming more conveniently, we could transfer it into a point-free, algebraic setting. This would require constructing considerable "extra machinery", in fact almost making a new language. This paper demonstrates such a language.

insert-sort with reduce clojure

I have function
(defn goneSeq [inseq uptil]
(loop [counter 0 newSeq [] orginSeq inseq]
(if (== counter uptil)
(recur (inc counter) (conj newSeq (first orginSeq)) (rest orginSeq)))))
(defn insert [sorted-seq n]
(loop [currentSeq sorted-seq counter 0]
(cond (empty? currentSeq) (concat sorted-seq (vector n))
(<= n (first currentSeq)) (concat (goneSeq sorted-seq counter) (vector n) currentSeq)
:else (recur (rest currentSeq) (inc counter)))))
that takes in a sorted-sequence and insert the number n at its appropriate position for example: (insert [1 3 4] 2) returns [1 2 3 4].
Now I want to use this function with reduce to sort a given sequence so something like:
(reduce (insert seq n) givenSeq)
What is thr correct way to achieve this?
If the function works for inserting a single value, then this would work:
(reduce insert [] givenSeq)
for example:
user> (reduce insert [] [0 1 2 30.5 0.88 2.2])
(0 0.88 1 2 2.2 30.5)
Also, it should be noted that sort and sort-by are built in and are better than most hand-rolled solutions.
May I suggest some simpler ways to do insert:
A slowish lazy way is
(defn insert [s x]
(let [[fore aft] (split-with #(> x %) s)]
(concat fore (cons x aft))))
A faster eager way is
(defn insert [coll x]
(loop [fore [], coll coll]
(if (and (seq coll) (> x (first coll)))
(recur (conj fore x) (rest coll))
(concat fore (cons x coll)))))
By the way, you had better put your defns in bottom-up order, if possible. Use declare if there is mutual recursion. You had me thinking your solution did not compile.

Deep-Reverse Clojure

I'm trying to implement deep-reverse in clojure. If lst is (1 (2 (3 4 5)) (2 3)), it should return ((3 2) ((5 4 3) 2) 1). This is what I have so far:
defn dRev [lst]
( if (= lst ())
( if (list? (first lst))
( dRev (first lst) )
( concat
( dRev (rest lst)) (list (first lst))
However, my implementation only works if the nested list is the last element, but the resulted list is also flattened.
For eg: (dRev '(1 2 (3 4)) will return (4 3 2 1).
Otherwise, for eg: (dRev '(1 (2 3) 4)) will return (3 2 1) only.
I hit this brick wall for a while now, and I can't find out the problem with my code. Can anyone please help me out?
The other answer gave you the best possible implementation of a deep-reverse in Clojure, because it uses the clojure.walk/postwalk function which generalizes the problem of deep-applying a function to every element of a collection. Here I will instead walk you through the problems of the implementation you posted.
First, the unusual formatting makes it hard to spot what's going on. Here's the same just with fixed formatting:
(defn dRev [lst]
(if (= lst ())
(if (list? (first lst))
(dRev (first lst))
(concat (dRev (rest lst))
(list (first lst))))))
Next, some other small fixes that don't yet fix the behaviour:
change the function name to conform to Clojure conventions (hyphenation instead of camel-case),
use the usual Clojure default name for collection parameters coll instead of lst,
use empty? to check for an empty collection,
return () in the default case because we know we want to return a list instead of some other kind of seq,
and use coll? instead list? because we can just as well reverse any collection instead of just lists:
(If you really want to reverse only lists and leave all other collections as is, reverse the last change.)
(defn d-rev [coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(if (coll? (first coll))
(d-rev (first coll))
(concat (d-rev (rest coll))
(list (first coll))))))
Now, the formatting fix makes it obvious what's the main problem with your implementation: in your recursive call ((d-rev (first coll)) resp. (dRev (first lst))), you return only the result of that recursion, but you forget to handle the rest of the list. Basically, what you need to do is handle the rest of the collection always the same and only change how you handle the first element based on whether that first element is a list resp. collection or not:
(defn d-rev [coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(concat (d-rev (rest coll))
(list (if (coll? (first coll))
(d-rev (first coll))
(first coll))))))
This is a working solution.
It is terribly inefficient though, because the concat completely rebuilds the list for every element. You can get a much better result by using a tail-recursive algorithm which is quite trivial to do (because it's natural for tail-recursion over a sequence to reverse the order of elements):
(defn d-rev [coll]
(loop [coll coll, acc ()]
(if (empty? coll)
(recur (rest coll)
(cons (if (coll? (first coll))
(d-rev (first coll))
(first coll))
As one final suggestion, here's a solution that's halfways towards the one from the other answer by also solving the problem on a higher level, but it uses only the core functions reverse and map that applies a function to every element of sequence but doesn't deep-recurse by itself:
(defn deep-reverse [coll]
(reverse (map #(if (coll? %) (deep-reverse %) %) coll)))
You can build what you are writing with clojure.walk/postwalk and clojure.core/reverse. This does a depth-first traversal of your tree input and reverses any seq that it finds.
(defn dRev [lst]
(clojure.walk/postwalk #(if (seq? %) (reverse %) %) lst))
Here is my version of the problem, if you enter something like this:
(deep-reverse '(a (b c d) 3))
It returns
=> '(3 (d c b) a)
The problem is taken from Ninety-Nine Lisp Problems
My code ended up like this, though, they might be better implementations, this one works fine.
(defn deep-reverse
"Returns the given list in reverse order. Works with nested lists."
(empty? (rest lst)) lst
(list? (first lst)) (deep-reverse(cons (deep-reverse (first lst)) (deep-reverse (rest lst))))
(concat (deep-reverse (rest lst)) (list (first lst)))))
Hope this is what you were looking for!

Clojure: What is wrong with my implementation of flatten?

I've been working through problems on 4Clojure today, and I ran into trouble on Problem 28, implementing flatten.
There are a couple of definite problems with my code.
(fn [coll]
((fn flt [coll res]
(if (empty? coll)
(if (seq? (first coll))
(flt (into (first coll) (rest coll)) res)
(flt (rest coll) (cons (first coll) res))))) coll (empty coll)))
I could use some pointers on how to think about a couple of problems.
How do I make sure I'm not changing the order of the resulting list? cons and conj both add elements wherever it is most efficient to add elements (at the beginning for lists, at the end for vectors, etc), so I don't see how I'm supposed to have any control over this when working with a generic sequence.
How do I handle nested sequences of different types? For instance, an input of '(1 2 [3 4]) will will output ([3 4] 2 1), while an input of [1 2 '(3 4)] will output (4 3 2 1)
Am I even approaching this from the 'right' angle? Should I use a recursive inner function with an accumulator to do this, or am I missing something obvious?
You should try to use HOF (higher order functions) as much as possible: it communicates your intent more clearly and it spares you from introducing subtle low-level bugs.
(defn flatten [coll]
(if (sequential? coll)
(mapcat flatten coll)
(list coll)))
Regarding your questions about lists and vectors. As you might see in tests, output is list. Just make correct abstraction. Fortunately, clojure already has one, called sequence.
All you need is first, rest and some recursive solution.
One possible approach:
(defn flatten [[f & r]]
(if (nil? f)
(if (sequential? f)
(concat (flatten f) (flatten r))
(cons f (flatten r)))))
Here's how to do it in a tail call optimised way, within a single iteration, and using the least amount of Clojure.core code as I could:
#(loop [s % o [] r % l 0]
(and (empty? s) (= 0 l))
(empty? s)
(recur r
(dec l))
(sequential? (first s))
(recur (first s)
(if (= 0 l)
(rest s)
(inc l))
(recur (rest s)
(conj o (first s))