ADFS 3 - Username change and signout issue - sign

We have a website integrated with ADFS 3 for authentication. Website allows users to change their usernames, which in turn changes their usernames in AD. If users changes their usernames we log them out using WSFederationAuthenticationModule.FederatedSignOut. However the page redirects to adfs url and throws an error. The event log shows that "either username or password is wrong".
MSIS7066: Authentication failed for the request. ---> System.Security.SecurityException: The user name or password is incorrect.
I wonder it is because of user name change. I tried with both lsalookupcachemaxsize set to 0 in registry and without the key. By the way does ADFS 3 even consider this registry key?
The code used is below -
Response.Expires = 0;
var authenticationModule = FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule;
WSFederationAuthenticationModule.FederatedSignOut(new Uri(authenticationModule.Issuer), new Uri(authenticationModule.Realm));


Google API user creation with service account

I'm trying to create a user using Googles Directory API and a service account. However I'm getting the error
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting returned "Not Authorized to access this resource/api". Details: "Not Authorized to access this resource/api">
I've created a service account on the Google Console and allowed Domain wide delegation. It also says the Admin SDK API is enabled for my project. However I can't seem to create a user. The documentation is confusing me slightly. Here is my implementation
def create_googleuser(content, randpass):
''' This function creates a Google Apps account for a user passing webhook contents and password as arguments '''
# Get User info from Webhook and store them in variables
firstname = get_firstname(content)
secondname = get_secondname(content)
emailaddress = firstname + "." + secondname + ""
# Connect to google API
userscope = ['']
service_account_credentials = ('serviceaccountcredentials.json')
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_account_credentials, scopes=userscope)
userservice ='admin', 'directory_v1', credentials=credentials)
# Create a user dictionary with user details
userinfo = {"primaryEmail": emailaddress,"name":{"givenName":firstname,"familyName":secondname},"password":randpass}
print (emailaddress)
# Create user through googleAPI
userservice.users().insert(body = userinfo).execute()
I'm thinking that my implementation is wrong rather than the permissions as the serviceaccountcredentials.json should have the correct permissions. Any suggestions?
There are two possibilities for getting this error.
If the API method requires an impersonated user to be used.
If the impersonated user has not the relevant service enabled.
Solution for case 1:
Follow the documentation to impersonate a user account.
Solution for case 2:
In the Admin console, open user information and check that the user is not suspended.
Open the "Apps" panel and check that the relevant service is "On".
May be caused by a user not having a license which allows access to the service (Cloud Identity instead of Google Workspace), or a user being in an organizational unit which has the service disabled.
Also this link might be helpful.
Thanks for the input. You were both correct to a point. Basically there were two issues. The service account user needs to be delegated domain administrator privileges that require domain admin actions, domain wide delegation isn't enough. Also the domain scope needed to be broader in the Admin console and the scope definition within the code. There is github issue open which helped here:
My working code looks like this
def create_googleuser(content, randpass):
''' This function creates a Google Apps account for a user passing webhook contents and password as arguments '''
# Get User info from Webhook and store them in variables
username = get_username(content)
firstname = get_firstname(content)
secondname = get_secondname(content)
emailaddress = firstname + "." + secondname + ""
# Connect to google API
userscope = ['', '']
service_account_credentials = ('serviceaccountcredentials.json')
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_account_credentials, scopes=userscope)
delegated_credentials = credentials.with_subject('')
userservice ='admin', 'directory_v1', credentials=delegated_credentials)
# Create a user dictionary with user details
userinfo = {"primaryEmail": emailaddress,"name":{"givenName":firstname,"familyName":secondname},"password":randpass}
# Create user through googleAPI
userservice.users().insert(body = userinfo).execute()

How to use Social-Auth-Django-App with Facebook's

I tried using hyperlink and supplied it with my actual Facebook Username and it's working. But the problem is my actual Facebook Username is different from the Username provided by Social-Auth-App-Django. So I tried User ID instead but it's not working either.
By the way what I'm trying to do is an online shopping website and when a user clicks the hyperlink, he/she will be redirected to the seller's Facebook Messenger account to start a conversation.
This is the first line of code that I tried which is working.
Send Message to Seller
And this is the code I used using Social-Auth-App's provided data:
Send Message to Seller
And I also tried this:
Send Message to Seller
Any idea how I can use Facebook's using the provided data by Social-Auth-App-Django? Or if you can suggest me other ways other than I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much!
First Go To And Put This Code End Of All Codes:
Second Go To FaceBook Developer In This Address :
And Make One Account There.
After go To My Apps And Then Click On Create App And Then Put Your Website Name ((Attention...If You Use Your Local Host You Need To Put One Domain Name For Your Local Ip)) And Your Email And Click On Create App ID And In Your Dashboard Looking For Facebook Login And Click On Set Up .
And Then In First Step In Web Window Put Your WebSite Name For Local Host For Example Put And Click On Save And Other Options Just Cross .
Now In Your Dashboard On The Left Side Click On Setting And Then Basic If You See Your APP ID And Your APP SECRET Put This Two In Your After That Last Code .
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_KEY = 'Put Your App Id Code Here'
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET = 'Put Your App Secret Code Here'
If You Want To Take User's Email Also You Can You This As Well .
Now In You Dashboard Go To Settings And After Go To Basic An In Field App Domains Put Your Website Name Also Go To Settings After Advanced And Put Website Name In Domain Manager With CLick On Add a Domain .
Now Again In Dashboar Go In Products+ Part And Click On Facrbook Login After Settings And Check These Option Be Active(Yes) :
• Client OAuth Login
• Web OAuth Login
• Enforce HTTPS
• Embedded Browser OAuth Login
And IN This Form Your Are Now Also Go In This Field Valid OAuth Redirect URIs And Put This URL :
And Put Your Button In Your Website Page That Have This Login Auth :
Sign in with Facebook

django-keycloak | Set username as Keycloak Username (instead of Keycloak ID)

I am integrating Keycloak with Djnago
Keycloak Server
This is what my keycloak User Screen looks like
BUT when I log within django, is proper (whats present in keycloak)
user.username is getting set as ID from keycloak.
Is there a way to retain djnago username as keycloak username?
In general user.username is actually the username in keycloak, unless the framework you use has a custom mapping to change the values (most probably with sub value from token in your case). If it is the case, you can add a duplicate property in token to get username as follows:
Login to Keycloak Server with admin credentials
Go to Clients section and click on the application client you are working on
Select Mappers subsection in your client page
Click on Add Bultin, select username checkbox and Save the settings
After you have added the token, you use it to get the username. In case the name conflicts(when mapping of username shares same syntax as to get property username from token), add a custom mapper where you can rename the property name for same username value. Custom mapper should look something like:

Flask-LDAP3-Login Filter issue - User cannot login

Using flask-ldap3-login to query AD for my web app logins. Works for everyone; but, for users who have "()" in their First name in AD. Here's the Debug log.
DEBUG:root:Validating LDAPLoginForm against LDAP
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Opening connection with bind user ''
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Successfully bound to LDAP as '' for search_bind method
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Performing an LDAP Search using filter '(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=ebadu))', base 'DC=mydomain,DC=com', and scope 'SUBTREE'
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Opening connection with bind user 'CN=Badu\, Ericka (EB),OU=HELPDESK,DC=mydomain,DC=com'
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Directly binding a connection to a server with user:'CN=Badu\, ericka (EB),OU=HELPDESK,DC=mydomain,DC=com'
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Authentication was successful for user 'ebadu'
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Searching for groups for specific user with filter '(&(objectclass=group)(uniqueMember=CN=Badu\, Ericka (EB),OU=HELPDESK,DC=mydomain,DC=com))' , base 'DC=mydomain,DC=com' and scope 'LEVEL'
ERROR:flask_ldap3_login:malformed filter
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Destroying connection at <0x7f8629604c50>
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Destroying connection at <0x7f8628eabf98>
DEBUG:root:Validating LDAPLoginForm against LDAP
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Opening connection with bind user ''
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Successfully bound to LDAP as '' for search_bind method
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Performing an LDAP Search using filter '(&(objectclass=person)(sAMAccountName=mpeters))', base 'DC=mydomain,DC=com', and scope 'SUBTREE'
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Opening connection with bind user 'CN=Peters\, Mike,OU=HELPDESK,DC=mydomain,DC=com'
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Directly binding a connection to a server with user:'CN=Peters\, Mike,OU=HELPDESK,DC=mydomain,DC=com'
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Authentication was successful for user 'mpeters'
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Searching for groups for specific user with filter '(&(objectclass=group)(uniqueMember=CN=Peters\, Mike,OU=HELPDESK,DC=mydomain,DC=com))' , base 'DC=mydomain,DC=com' and scope 'LEVEL'
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Destroying connection at <0x7f8629683828>
DEBUG:flask_ldap3_login:Destroying connection at <0x7f8628e91048>
The AD logs says "An account was successfully logged on"; however, the user does not log in to the app. The user has no issues login in with the AD credentials anywhere else.
What might be the issue?
This is the flask-ldap3-login code:
LDAP_BASE_DN = 'DC=mydomain,DC=com'
LDAP_REQUIRED_GROUP = 'ou=helpdesk,dc=mydomain,dc=com'
But "malformed filter" usually means that the LDAP query sent to AD isn't valid somehow. I asked about odd characters on the account, since if some special characters are not encoded properly, they can be misinterpreted as special characters used in LDAP queries.
It could be a bug in your code, or a bug in flask-ldap3-login. If you show your code, I might be able to give you some pointers.
Also, see if you can enable debug logging. It may tell you what the actual filter is that made it bomb. I'm not familiar with flask-ldap3-login, but, looking at the documentation, this might do it?:
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
SOLVED! Seems to be solved in the latest version of flask-ldap3-login. I did not upgrade but modified existing code:
Replaced this:
`search_filter = '(&{group_filter}({members_attr}={user_dn}))'.format('`
with this:
`safe_dn = ldap3.utils.conv.escape_filter_chars(dn)`
`search_filter = '(&{group_filter}({members_attr}={user_dn}))'.format(`

How can i get the user id from facebook url?

How can i get the user id from facebook url and get the basic info ?
This will be possible if i use the[username] '
In order to get the ID of a Facebook User, you need to authorize the User:
After that, you will get an "App Scoped ID" for that User with this API endpoint:[user-token]
It is NOT possible to get the ID of a user by his username (or URL). Scraping is not allowed on Facebook - that i what some platforms do. But you do not need that ID anyway, you can just use the App Scoped ID instead.