Draw large number (10M) of 2d polygons with opengl - opengl

I'm working on a CAD software which need to show circuit blueprint containing more than 10M 2d polygons. Each polygon is simple, 95% of them are only rectangles, others have fewer than 10 vertexes.
In order to show the whole design, I will need to create a huge vertex buffer which will definitely blow up the graphics memory limit. However, since most of the polygons won't be seen clearly at that scale, I'm thinking of using some pre screening algorithm to minimize the polygons to draw. But if I do so, so many polygons (each of them won't be larger than one pixel) will be gone, then the final image will be wrong.
Another thought will be to separate polygons into groups each of which will be strongly connected (touching), then construct a large polygon for each group. Some level of detail algorithm may be used to shrink the points without changing the shapes. Not sure how fast these algorithms are and if I need to pre calculate for different scale level.
Is there any standard way to deal with this problem? I'm pretty sure it has been solved lots of times...
To clarify, we need to make this work on OpenGL 2.1.

You're targeting OpenGL-2.1 so client side vertex arrays are available. Which effectively means: You don't have to upload anything to the GPU at all, the data is fetched from your programs address space on demand.
Of course 10M triangles is not a lot; some professions use programs in which a single frame ends up with 1G triangles. The amount of data required is easy enough to calculate:
10M # number of primitives
* 4 # number of vertices in a quad
* 4B # sizeof GLfloat
* 2 # number of elements in a 2D vector
= 320MB
That's not a lot. Most GPUs you can buy these days come with at least 512MiB of memory, where this fits nicely. However even if your GPU doesn't have as much memory available, OpenGL's memory model is abstract and data is swapped to and from the GPU as needed.


how to calculate the number of specified colored pixels using GLSL?

I have a grayscale texture (8000*8000) , the value of each pixel is an ID (actually, this ID is the ID of triangle to which the fragment belongs, I want to using this method to calculate how many triangles and which triangles are visible in my scene).
now I need to count how many unique IDs there are and what are them. I want to implement this with GLSL and minimize the data transfer between GPU RAM and RAM.
The initial idea I come up with is to use a shader storage buffer, bind it to an array in GLSL, its size is totalTriangleNum, then iterate through the ID texture in shader, increase the array element by 1 that have index equal to ID in texture.
After that, read the buffer to OpenGL application and get what I want. Is this a efficient way to do so? Or are there some better solutions like compute-shader (well I'm not familiar with it) or something else.
I want to using this method to calculate how many triangles and which triangles are visible in my scene)
Given your description of your data let me rephrase that a bit:
You want to determine how many distinct values there are in your dataset, and how often each value appears.
This is commonly known as a Histogram. Unfortunately (for you) generating histograms are among the problems not that trivially solved on GPUs. Essentially you have to divide down your image into smaller and smaller subimages (BSP, quadtree, etc.) until divided down to single pixels on which you perform the evaluation. Then you backtrack propagating up the sub-histograms, essentially performing an insertion or merge sort on the histogram.
Generating histograms with GPUs is still actively researched, so I suggest you read up on the published academic works (usually accompanied with source code). Keywords: Histogram, GPU
This one is a nice paper done by the AMD GPU researchers: https://developer.amd.com/wordpress/media/2012/10/GPUHistogramGeneration_preprint.pdf

I need advice how to improve graphics

I have file with table containing 23 millions records the following form {atomName, x, y, z, transparence}. For solutions I decided to use OpenGL.
My task to render it. In first iteration, I used block "glBegin/glEnd" and have drawed every atom as point some color. This solution worked. But I got 0.002 fps.
Then i tried using VBO. I formed three buffers: vertex, color and indexes. This solution worked. I got 60 fps, but i have not comfortable binding buffers and i am drawing points, not spheres.
Then i read about VAO, which can simplify binding buffers. Ok, it is worked. I got comfortable binding.
Now i want to draw spheres, not points. I thought, to form relative to each point of the set of vertices on which it will be possible to build a sphere (with some accuracy). But if i have 23 million vertices, i must calculate yet ~12 or more vertices relaty every point. 23 000 000 * 4 (float) = 1 Gb data, perhaps it not good solution.
What is the best next move i should do? I can not fully understand, applicable shaders in this task or exist other ways.
About your drawing process
My task to render it. In first iteration, I used block "glBegin/glEnd" and have drawed every atom as point some color. This solution worked. But I got 0.002 fps.
Think about it: For every of your 23 million records you make at least one function call directly (glVertex) and probably several function calls implicitly by that. Even worse, glVertex likely causes a context switch. What this means is, that your CPU hits several speed bumps for every vertex it has to processes. A top notch CPU these days has a clock rate of about 3 GHz and a pipeline length in the order of 10 instructions. When you make a context switch that pipeline gets stalled, in the worst case it then takes one pipeline length to actually process one single instruction. Lets consider that you have to perform at least 1000 instructions for processing a single glVertex call (which is actually a rather optimistic estimation). That alone means, that you're limited to process at most 3 million vertices per second. So at 23 million vertices that's already less than one FPS then.
But you also got context switches in there, which add a further penality. And probably a lot of branching which create further pipeline flushes.
And that's just the glVertex call. You also have colors in there.
And you wonder that immediate mode is slow?
Of course it's slow. Using the Immediate Mode has been discouraged for well over 15 years. Vertex Arrays are available since OpenGL-1.1.
This solution worked. I got 60 fps,
Yes, because all the data resides on the GPU's own memory now. GPUs are massively parallel and optimized to crunch this kind of data and doing the operations they do.
but i have not comfortable binding buffers
Well, OpenGL is not a high level scene graph library. It's a mid to low level drawing API. You use it like a sophisticated pencil to draw on a digital canvas.
Then i read about VAO
Well, VAOs are meant to coalesce buffer objects that belong together so it makes sense using them.
Now i want to draw spheres, not points.
You have two options:
Using point sprite textures. This means that your points will get area when drawn, and that area gets a texture applied. I think this is the best method for you. Given the right shader you can even give your point sprite the right kind of depth values, so that your "spheres" will actually intersect like spheres in the depth buffer.
The other option is using instancing a single sphere geometry, using your atom records as control data for the instancing process. This would then process real sphere geometry. However I fear that implementing an instanced drawing process might be a bit too advanced for your skill level at the moment.
About drawing 23 million points
Seriously what kind of display do you have available, that you can draw 23 million, distinguishable points? Your typical computer screen will have some about 2000×1500 points. The highest resolution displays you can buy these days have about 4k×2.5k pixels, i.e. 10 million individual pixels. Let's assume your atoms are evenly distributed in a plane: At 23 million atoms to draw each pixel will get several times overdrawn. You simply can't display 23 million individual atoms that way. Another way to look at this is, that the display's pixel grid implies a spatial sampling and you can't reproduce anything smaller than twice the average sampling distance (sampling theorem).
So it absolutely makes sense to draw only a subset of the data, namely the subset that's actually in view. Also if you're zoomed very far out (i.e. you have the full dataset in view) it makes sense to coalesce atoms closeby.
It definitely makes sense to sort your data into a spatial subdivision structure. In your case I think an octree would be a good choice.

Clarification about octrees and how they work in a Voxel world

I read about octrees and I didn't fully understand how they world work/be implemented in a voxel world where the octree's purpose is to lower the amount of voxels you would render by connecting repeating voxels to one big "voxel".
Here are the questions I want clarification about:
What type of data structure would you use? How could turn a 3-D array of voxels into and array that has different sized voxels that take multiple locations in the array?
What are the nodes and what are they used for?
Does the octree connect the voxels so there are ONLY square shapes or could it be a rectangle or a L shape or an entire Y column of voxels or what?
Do the octrees really improve performance of a voxel game? If so usually by how much?
Quick answers:
A tree:Each node has 8 children, top-back-left, top-back-right, etc. down to a certain levelThe code for this can get quite complex, especially if the voxels can change at runtime.
The type of voxel (colour, material, a list of items)
yep. Cubes onlyMore specifically 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, 8x8 etc. It must be an entire node.If you really want to you could define some sort of patterns, but its no longer a octdtree.
yeah, but it depends on your data. Imagine describing 256 identical blocks individually, or describing it once (like air in Minecraft)
I'd start with trying to understand quadtrees first. You can do that on paper, or make a test program with it. You'll answer these questions yourself if you experiment
An octree done correctly can also help you with neighbour searches which enable you to determine if a face is considered to be "visible" (ie so you end up with a hull of voxels visible). Once you've established your octree you then use this to store your XYZ coords which you then extract into a single array. You then feed this array into your VERTEX Buffer (GL solutions require this) which you can then render in chunk forms as needed (as the camera moves forward etc).
Octree's also by there very nature collapse Cubes into bigger ones if there are ones of the same type... much like Tetris does when you have colors/shapes that "fit" one another.. this in turn can reduce your vertex count and at render you're really drawing a combination of squares and rectangles
If done correctly you will end up with a lot of chunks that only have the outfacing "faces" visible in the vertex buffers. Now you then have to also build your own Occlusion Culling algorithm which then reduces the visibility ontop of this resulting in less rendering required.
I did an example here:
notice how the outside is only being rendered but the chunks themselves go all the way down to the bottom even though the chunks depth faces should cancel each other out? (needs more optimisation). Also note how the camera turns around and the faces are removed from the rendering buffers?

Optimizing data visualization on the GPU?

I have a process that accumulates mostly static data over time--and a lot of it, millions of data elements. It is possible that small parts of the data may change occasionally, but mostly, it doesn't change.
However, I want to allow the user the freedom to change how this data is viewed, both in shape and color.
Is there a way that I could store the data on the GPU just as data. Then have a number of ways to convert that data to something renderable on the GPU. The user could then choose between those algorithms and we swap it in efficiently without having to touch the data at all. Also, color ids would be in the data, but the user could change what color each id should match to, again, without touching the data.
So, for example, maybe there are the following data:
[1000, 602, 1, 1]
[1003, 602.5, 2, 2]
NOTE: the data is NOT vertices, but rather may require some computation or lookup to be converted to vertices.
The user can choose between visualization algorithms. Let's say one would display 2 cubes each at (0, 602, 0) and (3, 602.5, 100). The user chooses that color id 1 = blue and 2 = green. So the origin cube is shown as blue and the other as green.
Then without any modification to the data at all, the user chooses a different visualization and now a spheres are shown at (10, 602, 10) and (13, 602.5, 20) and the colors are different because the user changed the color mapping.
Yet another visualization might show lines between all the data elements, or a rectangle for each set of 4, etc.
Is the above description something that can be done in a straightforward way? How would it best be done?
Note that we would be adding new data, appending to the end, a lot. Bursts of thousands per second are likely. Modifications of existing data would be more rare and taking a performance hit for those cases is acceptable. User changing algorithm and color mapping would be relatively rare.
I'd prefer to do this using a cross platform API (across OS and GPU's), so I'm assuming OpenGL.
You can store your data in a VBO (in GPU memory) and update it when it changes.
On the GPU side, you can use a geometry shader to generate more geometry. Not sure how to switch from line to cube to sphere, but if you are drawing a triangle at each location, your GS can output "extra" triangles (ditto for lines and points).
As for the color change feature, you can bake that logic into the vertex shader. The idx (1, 2, ...) should be a vertex attribute; have the VS lookup a table giving idx -> color mappings (this could be stored as a small texture). You can update the texture to change the color mapping on the fly.
For applications like yours there are special GPGPU programming infrastructures: CUDA and OpenCL. OpenCL is the cross vendor system. CUDA is cross plattform, but supports only NVidia GPUs. Also OpenGL did introduce general purpose compute functionality in OpenGL-4.2 (compute shaders).
and a lot of it, millions of data elements
Millions is not a very lot, even if a single element consumed 100 bytes, that would be then only 100 MiB to transfert. Modern GPUs can transfer about 10 GiB/s from/to host system memory.
Is the above description something that can be done in a straightforward way? How would it best be done?
Yes it can be done. However only if you can parallelize your problem and make it's memory access pattern cater to what GPUs prefer you'll really see performance. Especially bad memory access patterns can cause several orders of magnitude performance loss.

Ray-mesh intersection or AABB tree implementation in C++ with little overhead?

Can you recommend me...
either a proven lightweight C / C++ implementation of an AABB tree?
or, alternatively, another efficient data-structure, plus a lightweight C / C++ implementation, to solve the problem of intersecting a large number of rays with a large number of triangles?
"Large number" means several 100k for both rays and triangles.
I am aware that AABB trees are part of the CGAL library and probably of game physics libraries like Bullet. However, I don't want the overhead of an enormous additional library in my project. Ideally, I'd like to use a small float-type templated header-only implementation. I would also go for something with a bunch of CPP files, as long as it integrated easily in my project. Dependency on boost is ok.
Yes, I have googled, but without success.
I should mention that my application context is mesh processing, and not rendering. In a nutshell, I'm transferring the topology of a reference mesh to the geometry of a mesh from a 3D scan. I'm shooting rays from vertices and along the normals of the reference mesh towards the 3D scan, and I need to recover the intersection of these rays with the scan.
Several answers / comments pointed to nearest-neighbor data structures. I have created a small illustration regarding the problems that arise when ray-mesh intersections are approached with nearest neighbor methods. Nearest neighbors methods can be used as heuristics that work in many cases, but I'm not convinced that they actually solve the problem systematically, like AABB trees do.
While this code is a bit old and using the 3DS Max SDK, it gives a fairly good tree system for object-object collision deformations in C++. Can't tell at a glance if it is Quad-tree, AABB-tree, or even OBB-tree (comments are a bit skimpy too).
It will require translation from Max to your own system but it may be worth the effort.
Try the ANN library:
It's "Approximate Nearest Neighbors". I know, you're looking for something slightly different, but here's how you can use this to speed up your data processing:
Feed points into ANN.
Query a user-selectable (think of this as a "per-mesh knob") radius around each vertex that you want to ray-cast from and find out the mesh vertices that are within range.
Select only the triangles that are within that range, and ray trace along the normal to find the one you want.
By judiciously choosing the search radius, you will definitely get a sizable speed-up without compromising on accuracy.
If there's no real time requirements, I'd first try brute force.
1M * 1M ray->triangle tests shouldn't take much more than a few minutes to run (in CPU).
If that's a problem, the second best thing to do would be to restrict the search area by calculating a adjacency graph/relation between the triangles/polygons in the target mesh. After an initial guess fails, one can try the adjacent triangles. This of course relies on lack of self occlusion / multiple hit points. (which I think is one interpretation of "visibility doesn't apply to this problem").
Also depending on how pathological the topologies are, one could try environment mapping the target mesh on a unit cube (each pixel would consists of a list of triangles projected on it) and test the initial candidate by a single ray->aabb test + lookup.
Given the feedback, there's one more simple option to consider -- space partitioning to simple 3D grid, where each dimension can be subdivided by the histogram of the x/y/z locations or even regularly.
100x100x100 grid is of very manageable size of 1e6 entries
the maximum number of cubes to visit is proportional to the diameter (max 300)
There are ~60000 extreme cells, which suggests an order of 10 triangles per cell
caveats: triangles must be placed on every cell they occupy
-- a conservative algorithm places them to cells they don't belong to; large triangles will probably require clipping and reassembly.