Minimum server requirements for a django project [closed] - django

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to deploy a django project with the following stack: Django with Nginx, Gunicorn, virtualenv, supervisor and PostgreSQL.
I was thinking to use a Linode 1GB server which has:
1 CPU Core
24 GB SSD Storage
2 TB Transfer
40 Gbit Network In
125 Mbit Network Out
At the beginning I expect to have very low traffic. Is a Linode 1GB enough or should I choose a better one with more RAM/cores? I would like to choose the minimum one that fits my needs now and upgrade as the traffic grows.
Bonus general question: How can I calculate the server requirements for a specific stack and traffic?

Is a Linode 1GB enough
Well, it'll all run on that. You don't say what sort of load you want to support though.
So - here's what you want to do.
Add some basic monitoring into the mix - mem/cpu/disk/network traces + record them.
Script your server so you can go from an empty vm to working system automatically. There's all sorts of stuff out there - puppet/chef/vagrant. You're already using python, so ansible might suit you.
Now test it. Fire up a local VM (or hire a Linode one by the hour) and stress-test it.
Rent a bigger one + test that too.
Now you know what size VM you need and when you'll need to switch.


Is there anything against using Cloud Run for a server side GTM [closed]

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Closed last year.
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I have been setting up several server side GTMs for my company in the last months. I have deployed both App Engine Flexible versions, as well as Cloud Run hosted ssGTMs.
I found using Cloud Run easier to setup and also cheaper as long as you stay under 300 million requests per month. Custom domain setup is also only slightly different.
The official documentation Basically only covers App Engine and Manual deployment.
I was wondering if there is any downside towards using Cloud Run for hosting your ssGTM besides potential cold starts (which I do not really care about).
I'm not very familiar with GTM but here are few things for using Cloud Run you have to figure out first.
Is GTM completley stateless ? Or does it needs State, Cloud Run doesn't offer a filesystem kind capabilities for storing files on disk
Is GTM already available as a container ?
You can avoid cold starts by setting the min replicas to 1 or higher so that there is at least always 1 instance available to serve traffic.

Best way to transfer data between vm instaces in different projects in Google cloud platform [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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in my project vm1 has 1 TB and vm2 has 1.5TB data . i want to backup and copy those data to another vm in a different project(that project in different organization).
what is the best way to do this first I've tried compress data in vm1 and upload to cloud storage bucket but it's more time consuming.
Thank you.
There are several ways to do it.
If this is a Linux machine you can use rsync to synchronise several folders on remote machines - it can be ran using cron daily or hourly - depending on how often you want to backup to be created. Here's a very informative
You can try to compress the data before the transfer but it will take a lot of time (considering that you have over 1TB).
In my opinion fastest way would be to transfer uncompressed data over the Internet
you will be charged for egress traffic (from 0,01USD/GB even up to 0,15USD/GB !).
You can't use Shared VPC because this is only possible inside an organisation and you have VM's in different orgs;
Shared VPC connects projects within the same organization
You can use other protocols to do the transfer such as FTP, use Samba or just regular folder sharing in Windows (if we're talking about such machines) or some rsyn relative for Windows such as cwRsync.
If you provide more details about your use case then I can update my answer and provide more up-to-the-point solution.

Instance restart Google Cloud VM [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I do not know if I am in the right place, but I have hired a Google Cloud VM and it restarts practically every week and it cannot be. Is there a way to prevent the machine from restarting?
Thank you.
This could be caused by two things:
1) Go to the VM-instance details page and check if Migrate VM-instance has been selected for host maintenance. Select this option if it's not, this should fix your problem (if the VM is not connected to a GPU).
2) According to the documentation instances with a GPU must terminate for host maintenance events and automatically restart. These maintenance events typically occur once per month but can occur more frequently.
You can receive advanced notice of host maintenance events by monitoring the /computeMetadata/v1/instance/maintenance-event metadata value. If this returns TERMINATE_ON_HOST_MAINTENANCE, you'll have one hour to prepare for the restart.

AWS - T2 Instances for beta, low usage application [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have an iOS application, which hits a backend we've set up on AWS. Basically, we have a Staging and a Production environment, with some basic Load Balancing across two AZs (in Production), a small RDS instance, a small Cache instance, some SQS queues processing background tasks, and S3 serving up assets.
The app is in beta, so "Production" has a limited set of users. Right now, it's about 100, but it could be double or so in the coming weeks.
My question is: we had been using t2.micro instances on Staging and for our initial beta users on Production, and they seemed to perform well. As far as I can see, the CPU usage averages less than 10%, and the maximum seems to be about 25 - 30%.
Judging by these metrics, is there any reason not to continue using the t2 instances for the time being and is there anything i'm overlooking as far as how the credit system works, or is it possible that i'm getting "throttled" by the T2s?
For the time being, traffic will be pretty predictable, so there won't be 10K users tomorrow :)
You just need to watch the CPU credits metric on the instances to make sure you dont get throttled. Set up alerts in CloudWatch for this and you should be fine.

Unable to Decide which Amazon Web service goes well for our business? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Our Business Needs:
Want to launch a java based Web service
Need a mySQL database for the web application
We will need to run same web service securely for 10 different cuatomers
Our Plan:
Will go for EC2 service
We will use some application stacks having java / database and web server
For the above services do we need all the three services EC2 / RDS and S3?
Can we prepare our Linux image with all the needs and upload it and tun it on S3?
Please help us with your valuable answers.
You're question is a little vague. You could do this all on 1 EC2 instance, depending on the load. You can install Java, and MySQL on a single linux instance. Weather this will work for you or not, depends on the app. load, the size of ec2 instance you use. Many things.
As for creating your own linux image, yes you can do this, there are many articles on the web detailing this, a quick google search turned up this one
Good luck!
For the above 3 requirements, you can do this with just EC2 for the linux instances with Java web servers (Tomcat etc) and RDS for the MySQL (both of which are part of the free trial now).
You would only need S2 if you needed file storage.
You cannot premake the instances offline, you need to make them live.