django login screen (default setting) doesn't display properly? - django

My django admin page didn't display properly. Like a pure html display. Can someone help here?
I don't have the permission to upload screenshot. But you can imagine, it doesn't look the same as tutorial shows.

You probably don't have static files serving set up. If you have DEBUG turned on, you'll get this automatically with Django's development server (./ runserver). If running in production, you need to set this up manually. See the docs for more info.

Basically your static files are not set up properly, some of the reasons can be :-
If you running on a server like apache, you need to have static url in and same alias in httpd.conf file of apache.
If you are running on django in built server, please try to set Debug=True, which will force django to serve those static files.
If you have debug=False in file,
Because u really need a static files from django, sometimes you have to set the alias of django admin static files separately, which can be set in that is pointing to django package

found the issue.
I forgot to turn on
in file


How to correct Django server from loading basic html on web browser instead of standard html?

How can I correct the basic html display I get when I load the Django admin page, just as shown in the snapshot attached?
This is because your static files aren't set up properly. Typically Django's development runserver will take care of this for you, but in production, you need to run python collectstatic after ensuring your static files settings are correct:
Good luck!

django rest swagger does not display properly

I want to use django-rest-swagger to document my APIs, so I follow the official doc to setting in my django app. But it doesn't display properly like below:
I was using Nginx+supervisor+gunicorn to serve my django app. Is it possible that they cause it?
The proper page should be like below:
I assume that your static files is not configured. You can see this in firebug or chrome dev tools.
Read the documentation how to deploy static files (
Check that rest_swagger in your INSTALLED_APPS.
Check that STATIC_URL, STATIC_ROOT settings is setted properly.
Call collectstatic management command.
Check that nginx configured to serve static files in STATIC_ROOT folder.

Apache will not serve Django static files

So I've seen alot about Apache not serving Django admin static files, but for some reason, Apache is not serving any static files. It understands and finds the templates, but no images, css, or javascript is loaded.
EDIT 2: Updated the two files to show new settings
EDIT: I added the STATIC_ROOT and I was able to collectstatic files, but it still doesn't serve them after server restart.
I've tried ./ collectstatic and get this error:
ImproperlyConfigured("You're using the staticfiles app "
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: You're using the staticfiles app without
having set the STATIC_ROOT setting to a filesystem path.
My file is here:
My file is here:
If someone could please let me know exactly how to configure this so that Apache will serve django's static files, that would be great. I'm running Ubuntu on AWS with a mysql db. The filepath to the site on the server is: /home/ubuntu/
Thanks in advance
The error message seems quite clear: you have not set the STATIC_ROOT setting, so collectstatic does not know where to put the collected files. From the looks of your httpd.conf, it seems like it should be set to "/home/ubuntu/"

When I reset STATIC_URL to Amazon S3/CloudFront for my production app, Django Admin no longer finds its CSS stylesheet

How do I resolve? I don't want to push a copy of Django Admin's CSS to my static files unless I have to. Is that my only option or ??
Once you move your application to production, in addition to setting DEBUG = False in your, you also have to run collectstatic and then upload these files to your webserver.
collectstatic will put all the static files that are required for all installed applications, including the django.contrib apps (like the django admin), into the folder you specified as STATIC_ROOT. You should then copy the entire contents of this folder to wherever your STATIC_URL is pointing to.
If you don't do the above, your stylesheets and other assets will not appear correctly.
As you are using S3, the excellent django-extensions package provides a sync_s3 command that will handle synchronizing your bucket for you.
Starting from django 1.6, there is an official list of things you should do before you are ready to deploy; so if you are on the current version of django make sure you visit that page. It is also pointed to in the comments in
in Django 1.3 you could set STATIC_URL to the S3 URL and ADMIN_PREFIX to your local server, creating a webserver alias that serves the files
(in Apache for example: Alias /static/admin/ /absolute/path/to/static/admin/)
but AFAIK this is deprecated in Django 1.4 and not possible with Django >= 1.5, since they always will point to {{STATIC_URL}}admin/.
but i don't understand, why wouldn't you upload your admin static!? i strongly suggest to colletstatic all your media to S3 :)
(i don't know if i understood you question correctly, i'll update the answer if not)

Django. Mezzanine new project not importing all files

I wanted to start playing around with Django again (I'm not an expert in Python/Django, but I can make nice things work tho). I used Mezzanine once just to see how it worked. The 'mezzanine-project myproject' command worked like a charm as I had a nice small app running quickly. So, today I downloaded the new Mezzanine 1.3 along with Django 1.4.3 and all its dependencies (pillow, pytz, html5lib, etc) and tried to create another project so I could now work on it in a more consistent manner for personal purposes.
For my surprise, when I ran the server, I got lots of 404 errors pointing to missing /static/ files. Also, after creating the database (with createdb command), the only thing created was the static folder containing only the pictures of the predefined gallery that come along with Mezzanine. Also, there is no Log in or signup buttons as well.
I've tried making a clean install of all Python and its site-packages with the same result. I also tried copying/pasting the folders containing missing files from the /site-packages/mezzanine folder into my project, but the result was just reducing the number of 404 messages.
I've been doing an extensive research on this issue (with no luck but maybe because of the release being recent?) and even trying to contact someone on the Mezzanine IRC channel with no success.
I hope I'm not missing something silly. Do I have to change anything (note that I'm ok with the old mezzanine default settings) in my or in a specific file before running createdb command?
For the record: before running createdb, The only thing I edited was and changed the database parameters to make it work with my MySQL Server and commenting the local_settings configuration as I do not need it.
Some parameters that could be of help:
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, STATIC_URL.strip("/"))
By default, DEBUG is set to False in, and DEBUG is set to True in
Given that, if you just commented out importing, DEBUG would be False.
Django's development server won't serve static files when DEBUG is set to False, see the staticfiles section of the Django docs for more details.