Creation of RRD files with C++ on Raspberry behaves strangely - c++

I want to use my Raspberry Pi to record temperature from a series of sensors. For this purpose I am writing a C++ program which uses librrd.
For every connected sensor I want to create a rrd with 12 rra. The following call should create my wanted rrd:
rrd_create(mNumberOfCreateParams, mCreateParams);
mNumberOfCreateParams is 17 and the content of mCreateParams is the following:
The second line changes each time corresponding to the id of the sensor.
Now the problem: Some time the call to rrd_create works as intended but at some point it stops working and just creates errors on further calls. This is even true if I want to recreate an rrd which was successfully created previously.
By changing mNumberOfCreateParams I can alter the number of parsed arguments. If the parameter is in range of 13 to 17 the error returned by rrd_get_error() is "can't parse argument ' ' " (added space between ' for readability). If I let the function parse 10 to 12 parameters it will "work" the first time and return "opening '#': No such file or directory" the second time because the first time the following file was created:
image of created file in file browser
If the number of parsed parameters is below 10 it is working as intended.
There isn't any difference if I change the order of the RRA lines.
If I call rrdtool create [...same parameters as above] from terminal everything works fine indifferent how many parameters are parsed.
In hopes of rrd_create again working I restarted the Raspberry serveral times and it even worked once for a short amount of time (one run of my application).
Are there any suggestions what I am doing wrong or how I can move rrd_create into a more stable state?
I'm using version 1.4.7 of RRDtool (rrdtool version in shell).
Here is the code I'm using for creation of rrd files:
// mCreateParams & mNumberOfCreateParams will be set here
char lCurrentPath[255];
getcwd(lCurrentPath, sizeof(lCurrentPath));
// since I wasn't able to create rrd files outside current working directory I
// change working directory to where I want all files
// the dump of mCreateParams postet above was created here
int lStatus = rrd_create(mNumberOfCreateParams, mCreateParams);
Since I dumped mCreateParams just before calling rrd_create(...) I think they shouldn't be corrupted.
My current workaround uses popen() and mCreateParams are used to create an shell command calling rrdtool.
stringstream ss;
// create shell command from create params
ss << "rrdtool create ";
for (int i = 1; i < mNumberOfCreateParams - 1; i++) {
ss << mCreateParams[i] << " ";
ss << mCreateParams[mNumberOfCreateParams - 1];
// needed for capturing output from executed command
FILE * in;
char buff[512];
if(!(in = popen(ss.str().c_str(), "r"))){
return false;
// get output
while(fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), in)!=NULL){
ss << buff;
lRrdError = ss.str();
int lTemp = pclose(in);
// get exit code from rrdtool create
lStatus = WEXITSTATUS(lTemp);
I am thankful for every advise.

When you call rrd_create(int argc, char**argv), you need to pass the parameters in an ARGV list, very similar to the way a normal C main() function take its parameters.
In particular, you do not need to pass the create function name (this is implicit) and, of course, the argcparameter must match the number of elements in the argv array.
So, in short: your parameter list to rrd_create should not include the rrdcreate parameter, and your argc MUST match the number of argv parameters passed.
If you still get errors returned from the rrd_create function call, then print out the error message.


Write output to new files at every nth iteration

A fragment of my code is :
for (int iter = 0; iter < flags.total_iterations_; ++iter) {
if (iter%20==0) {
std::ofstream mf(flags.model_file_.c_str());
accum_model.AppendAsString(word_index_map, mf); }
else {
std::cout << "Model not created for "; }
std::cout << "Iteration " << iter << " ...\n";
So, I am trying to generate outputs from method accum_model at every 20th iteration. But, the problem is I have to write the output in new file everytime the 20th iteration is reached. Now, my output is being overwritten.
I execute this code with the help of a executible, which is as:
./lda --num_topics 15 --alpha 0.1 --beta 0.01 --training_data_file testdata/test_data.txt --model_file MF/lda_model.txt --burn_in_iterations 120 --total_iterations 150
The MF/lda_model.txt is the output file given. I am not understanding how to link the file that contains the code and this executible command as I would need 5 different new files (for 100 iterations - as data is written into a new file every 20th iteration).
I am new to coding and so far, I was coding in python. I tried till this loop, I am confused about how to create new files and get corresponding outputs. Please help! Thanks in advance.
Use std::stringstream, and build a new file name to open each time.
std::string uniquePathFileNamePostFix (int i) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << '-' << i ;
return (ss.str());
The idea is to use the stringstream to create (or append or prepend) a unique modifier based on i. (or anything else convenient - I have used time stamps).
If I understand your question correctly, you are overwriting the ofstream instead of appending to it.
You'll want to specify the 'app' flag in the mode of the ofstream constructor:
std::ofstream mf(flags.model_file_.c_str(), std::ios_base::app);
If you need to start the output with an new, "empty" file, just leave out the mode (ofstream defaults to std::ios_base:out, whether you specify it or not): std::ofstream::ofstream
...and if you need a new output file (according to your OP), you need to change the file name in flags.model_file_.
I'm not sure that I understand your question correctly, but I think you want to output every 20th iteration in a new file. To do so, you just need to append the value of theiter to the name of the file or otherwise add a "dynamic" element to it.
The way to do it using only standard C++ is using stringstream:
std::stringstream file_name;
file_name << flags.model_file_ << iter;
result = file_name.str();

Parsing a CSV file using MS Text Driver / CDatabase

I have a CSV file that I am trying to process that looks similar to the one below. This format was is already in use within legacy software so unfortunately I can't change it. As you can see the file is separated into two sections- in this example one section for items, and one section for parts within those items.
I am currently trying to use the Microsoft text driver and CDatabase/CRecordset to parse the file, but am running into an issue. It seems the engine gets confused with some fields about what data type to use - specifically the fields where the first section and the second section use differing types.
For example, if I call recordSet.GetFieldValue() on index 1 (Description), that is fine and it parses it as a string as both section 1 and 2 use strings. If I were to call it on index 4 I run into issues - for the first section that index (Model) uses strings, but in the second section that index (Created) uses a date type. The results in the GetFieldValue() call returning null.
I have tried calling CRecordSet.GetFieldValue(index, CDBVariant, SQL_C_CHAR) to force it to read the index as a string, but I'm still getting a null returned. If possible I'd like to avoid having to chop up the file before parsing.
Now I'm fairly new to C++ still, so there may be some glaring errors here, but here is my test code (the printType() method just prints out the type and value of the CDBVarient):
CString fileDir = "C:\\";
CString fileName = "test.CSV";
CString conString;
CString queryString;
conString.Format("DRIVER={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};DSN='';DBQ=%s;", fileDir);
queryString.Format("SELECT * FROM [%s]", fileName);
CDatabase db;
CRecordset rs;
rs.m_pDatabase = &db;
if (rs.Open(AFX_DB_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE, queryString))
int count = rs.GetODBCFieldCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
CODBCFieldInfo fieldInfo;
rs.GetODBCFieldInfo(i, fieldInfo);
CDBVariant varValue;
rs.GetFieldValue(i, varValue, SQL_C_CHAR);
std::cout << i << " " << fieldInfo.m_strName << ":\t";
std::cout << std::endl;

No methods of read a file seem to work, all return nothing - C++

EDIT: Problem solved! Turns out Windows 7 wont let me read/ write to files without explicitly running as administrator. So if i run as admin it works fine, if i dont i get the weird results i explain below.
I've been trying to get a part of a larger program of mine to read a file.
Despite trying multiple methods(istream::getline, std::getline, using the >> operator etc) All of them return with either /0, blank or a random number/what ever i initialised the var with.
My first thought was that the file didn't exist or couldn't be opened, however the state flags .good, .bad and .eof all indicate no problems and the file im trying to read is certainly in the same directory as the debug .exe and contains data.
I'd most like to use istream::getline to read lines into a char array, however reading lines into a string array is possible too.
My current code looks like this:
void startup::load_settings(char filename[]) //master function for opening a file.
int i = 0; //count variable
int num = 0; //var containing all the lines we read.
char line[5];
ifstream settings_file (settings.inf);
if (settings_file.is_open());
while (settings_file.good())
settings_file.getline(line, 5);
cout << line;
As said above, it compiles but just puts /0 into every element of the char array much like all the other methods i've tried.
Thanks for any help.
Firstly your code is not complete, what is settings.inf ?
Secondly most probably your reading everything fine, but the way you are printing is cumbersome
cout << line; where char line[5]; be sure that the last element of the array is \0.
You can do something like this.
line[4] = '\0' or you can manually print the values of each element in array in a loop.
Also you can try printing the character codes in hex for example. Because the values (character codes) in array might be not from the visible character range of ASCII symbols. You can do it like this for example :
cout << hex << (int)line[i]

Reading .vtk file

I'm working on VTK (Qt on ubuntu 10.04).
I'm trying to read a .vtk file having 3D image. As I could understand, this
makes it possible to read any vtk file. However, it does not work. All I get is :
Starting /home/taha/Downloads/VTK/Examples/qtcreator-build/GenericDataObjectReader...
Usage: /home/taha/Downloads/VTK/Examples/qtcreator-build/GenericDataObjectReader InputFilename
/home/taha/Downloads/VTK/Examples/qtcreator-build/GenericDataObjectReader exited with code 1
1) Does the code I'm using work properly? Should I change something?
Even though I know that I need to pass the filename as arguments, I may not know how to do it from command prompt. I searched on internet in detail for this but the ways I'm following might be wrong.
2) How could one pass filename as arguments to program in C++?
If you desire to call the compiled programm from the example given from vtk-wiki simply open up a shell/dos window and type:
yourExecutable.exe path-to-file.vtk
As the output stated above, you did not match the requirements for the example to run (2 parameters).
One parameter (the first) is the usage (to what program you call) and the second one containing the path to the vtk-file you want to read.
If you don't want to call it with parameters you could change the given example to this:
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
// simply set filename here (oh static joy)
std::string inputFilename = "setYourPathToVtkFileHere";
// Get all data from the file
vtkSmartPointer<vtkGenericDataObjectReader> reader =
// All of the standard data types can be checked and obtained like this:
std::cout << "output is a polydata" << std::endl;
vtkPolyData* output = reader->GetPolyDataOutput();
std::cout << "output has " << output->GetNumberOfPoints() << " points." << std::endl;
and simply replace setYourPathToVtkFileHere with the (preferably absolute) your path.

Binary file only overwrites first line C++

So I have a binary file that I create and initialize. If I set my pointer to seekg = 0 or seekp = 0, then I can overwrite the line of text fine. However if I jump ahead 26 bytes (the size of one line of my file and something I have certainly confirmed), it refuses to overwrite. Instead it just adds it before the binary data and pushes the old data further onto the line. I want the data completely overwritten.
char space1[2] = { ',' , ' '};
int main()
CarHashFile lead;
lead.createFile(8, cout);
fstream in;
char* tempS;
tempS = new char[25];"CarHash.dat", ios::binary | ios::in | ios::out);
int x = 2000;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
tempS[i] = 'a';
int T = 30;
in.seekp(26); //Start of second line
in.write(tempS, 6); //Will not delete anything, will push
in.write(space1, sizeof(space1)); //contents back
in.write((char *)(&T), sizeof(T));
in.write(space1, sizeof(space1));
in.write(space1, sizeof(space1));
in.write((char *)&x, sizeof(x));
//Now we will use seekp(0) and write to the first line
//it WILL overwrite the first line perfectly fine
in.write(tempS, 6);
in.write((char*) &x, sizeof(x));
in.write(tempS, 6);
in.write((char *) &T, sizeof(T));
return 0;
The CarHashFile is an outside class that creates a binary file full of the following contents when create file is invoked: "Free, " 1900 ", Black, $" 0.00f.
Everything enclosed in quotes was added as a string, 1900 as an int, and 0.00f as a float obviously. I added all of these through write, so I'm pretty sure it's an actual binary file, I just don't know why it only chooses to write over the first line. I know the file size is correct because if I set seekp = 26 it will print at the beginning of the second line and push it down. space was created to easily add the ", " combo to the file, there is also a char dol[1] = '$' array for simplicity and a char nl[1] = '\n' that lets me add a new line to the binary file (just tried removing that binary add and it forced everything onto one row, so afaik, its needed).
EDIT: Ok so, it was erasing the line all along, it just wasn't putting in a new line (kind of embarrassing). But now I can't figure out how to insert a newline into the file. I tried writing it the way I originally did with char nl[1] = { '\n' }. That worked when I first created the file, but won't afterwards. Are there any other ways to add lines? I also tried in << endl and got nothing.
I suggest taking this one step at a time. the code looks OK to me, but lack of error checking will mean any behavior could be happening.
Add error checks and reporting to all operations on in.
If that shows no issues, do a simple seek then write
result = in.pseek(26);
//print result
result = in.write("Hello World",10);
// print result
lets know what happens
The end problem wasn't my understand of file streams. It was my lack of understanding of binary files. The newline screwed everything up royally, and while it could be added fine at one point in time, dealing with it later was a huge hassle. Once I removed that, everything else fell into place just fine. And the reason a lot of error checking or lack of closing files is there is because its just driver code. Its as bare bones as possible, I really didn't care what happened to the file at that point in time and I knew it was being opened. Why waste my time? The final version has error checks, when the main program was rewritten. And like I said, what I didn't get was binary files, not file streams. So AJ's response wasn't very useful, at all. And I had to have 25 characters as part of the assignment, no name is 25 characters long, so it gets filled up with junk. Its a byproduct of the project, nothing I can do about it, other than try and fill it with spaces, which just takes more time than skipping ahead and writing from there. So I chose to write what would probably be the average name (8 chars) and then just jump ahead 25 afterwards. The only real solution I could say that was given here was from Emile, who told me to get a Hex Editor. THAT really helped. Thanks for your time.