C++ USB communication - c++

I have a problem regarding communication with a USB device on Windows. I can't use libusb or WinUSB as I have a specific driver for that (Silabs USB to UART, which is a USB-to-serial bridge). This is how I initialize a device file, send&read data and close the handle.
HANDLE hDevFile = CreateFile(L"\\??\\USB#VID_10C4&PID_EA60#0001#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}",
DCB dcbInitState;
GetCommState(hDevFile, &dcbInitState);
DCB dcbNewState = dcbInitState;
dcbNewState.BaudRate = 57600;
dcbNewState.Parity = NOPARITY;
dcbNewState.ByteSize = 8;
dcbNewState.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
if (SetCommState(hDevFile, &dcbNewState) == 0)
printf("Could not set COM state. Error: %i", GetLastError());
return -1;
BYTE outData[8];
outData[0] = 0x53;
outData[1] = 0x10;
outData[2] = 0x04;
outData[3] = 0x10;
outData[4] = 0x40;
outData[5] = outData[3] ^ outData[4];
outData[6] = 0xAA;
outData[7] = 0x00;
DWORD dwWritten;
if (!WriteData(hDevFile, outData, 8, &dwWritten))
printf("Could not write data. Error: %i", GetLastError());
return -1;
BYTE inData[8];
DWORD dwRead;
if (!ReadData(hDevFile, inData, 8, &dwRead, 2000))
printf("Could not read data. Error: %i", GetLastError());
return -1;
SetCommState(hDevFile, &dcbInitState);
(I get the device symbolic name from the registry but I've skipped that part to make my question concise. WriteData() and ReadData() are custom functions that write and read accordingly.)
The problem is that SetCommState() returns a zero-value. GetLastError() returns 122, which is ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.
The problem now is that PurgeComm() generates ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, too. CreateFile() gives ERROR_SUCCESS, so it must be opened properly.
What's wrong? Did I miss something?
Edit: I tried enumerating COM ports and found an interesting thing - there are no COM ports on my computer. Even though the device is connected and enabled, with the driver present and all that stuff. I also tried forcefully putting \\.\COM1, \\.\COM2, and so on as the file name for CreateFile, but with no luck. Everytime got an ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
Please, help. This is very important to me.

Because this is a CP210x device, it's a virtual COM port, so you should be opening it as such in CreateFile. You had it right when you said that you tried using \.\COMx, you just need to find out which COM port your CP210x device has been assigned and you will not get the ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND error. You can find this by looking in device manager:
Take a look a the Serial Communications Guide for the CP210x, this explains how to make these types of calls to your device, there's even a COM port discovery function that will help you find the COMxx name dynamically. It also has accompanying software, AN197SW.zip.

You can use the Win32 Communication Functions just fine with a handle gotten from passing the device interface path to CreateFile. I do this all the time. Ignore the people telling you that you must use COMx.
However, it is important that you use the device interface path corresponding to the (virtual) serial port device (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT). Many drivers are implemented as a pair of (USB device, serial port device), where the serial port is a child of the USB device. Opening the USB device (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE) will not give you working communication functions, such as PurgeCommState. (And this is exactly what you're trying now, note that the tail end of your device interface path exactly matches the GUID documented on MSDN)
If you don't have anything listed under the Ports section in Device Manager, you either don't have the driver correctly installed, or the device is not connected.
Once you get a port device found, you can use CM_Get_Parent to pair up the GUID_DEVINTERFACE_COMPORT instance with the GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE, solving your question of "What serial port is attached to USB in this particular way?"


Windows Resource Monitors "Network Activity" c++

I'm trying to figure out how to get all network activity for a given process. In the Windows "Resource Monitor" application in the "Network Activity" box, you are able to see all tcp / udp connections, and the data being sent etc. I first tried using the cmd netstat, and was going to parse this but quickly realized it "misses" a whole bunch of udp connections. So that was out. Now I've been looking into using iphlpapi.h in c++ along with its GetExtendedUdpTable function. But even this doesn't seem to be showing all the data that Resource Monitor shows. Can anyone direct me to the proper windows API that can get the same information as seen in the Network Activity tab under Resource Monitor. I've been searching for a while now and everything I've found is extremely old, I'm hoping to use whatever is the current/modern approach. This doesn't have to be backwards compatible, windows 10 only is fine.
Basically my end-goal is to build an app that can geo-locate ip's using a database automatically for a target application (including UDP connections). Now I'm sure there are many libraries/apps out there that can already do this. I'm just wanting to do it as a learning process so I'd like to avoid any libraries/API other than windows provided ones.
This is currently what I've been working with, please forgive the use of poor practices such as using printf and not using static_cast etc. I'll be rewriting everything properly once I've found a way of obtaining the information I'm after.
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD dwResult;
dwResult = GetExtendedUdpTable(NULL, &dwSize, false, AF_INET, UDP_TABLE_OWNER_PID, 0);
dwResult = GetExtendedUdpTable(pUdpTable, &dwSize, false, AF_INET, UDP_TABLE_OWNER_PID, 0);
for (DWORD dwLoop = 0; dwLoop < pUdpTable->dwNumEntries; dwLoop++) {
owner = &pUdpTable->table[dwLoop];
printf("%ld ", owner->dwOwningPid);
HANDLE Handle = OpenProcess(
if (Handle) {
if (GetModuleFileNameEx(Handle, 0, Buffer, MAX_PATH)) {
} else {
printf("Error GetModuleFileNameEx : %lu\n", GetLastError());
} else {
printf("Error OpenProcess : %lu\n", GetLastError());

CreateFile error trying to open pipe

I am trying to create a demonstration client/server application using named pipes on two Windows 7 machines, but cannot get this to work. The two machines, let's call them server and laptop, are both connected to an ethernet switch which is in turn connected to a cable modem. Both machines can see the internet, and both machines show up in the Windows network map. So I think they are correctly networked.
I am writing in Visual C++ and am basically copying the sample code on MSDN for a named pipe server and client. On my server, I call CreateNamedPipe() using the pipe name:
On the client, I call CreateFile with the pipe name of:
where "machine" is configurable. If I run the server and client on the same machine, and for machine use either "." or "POWEREDGE" (the name of my server machine according to Windows), the two programs communicate fine.
Now I go to my laptop and run the client software. I use "POWEREDGE" as the machine name. CreateFile fails with GetLastError=1 ("Incorrect Function" apparently).
Any ideas about what could be going wrong here?
In response to requests, here is the actual code:
// note: value of gLKServer is "POWEREDGE"
char PipeName[256]="";
wsprintf(PipeName,"\\\\%s\\pipe\\LKServer", gLKServerName);
while (TRUE) {
hPipe = CreateFile(
PipeName, // pipe name
GENERIC_READ | // read and write access
0, // no sharing
NULL, // default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // opens existing pipe
0, // default attributes
NULL); // no template file
// Exit if an error other than ERROR_PIPE_BUSY occurs.
if (err=GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY)
printf("CreateFile error %lu\n", err);
char PipeName[256]="\\\\.\\pipe\\LKServer";
hPipe = CreateNamedPipe(
PipeName, // pipe name
PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, // read/write access
PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | // message type pipe
PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | // message-read mode
PIPE_WAIT, // blocking mode
BUFSIZE, // output buffer size
BUFSIZE, // input buffer size
0, // client time-out
NULL); // default security attribute

How to enumerate an USB hub that is attached to the first port of root hub on Windows Embedded 7

I am posting here for the first time, I hope this will be clear and readable.
I am currently trying to test the presence of usb devices on an embedded system using a specific HCD and port path programmatically using C++ and Visual Studio 2008.
The idea is to pass in the port number and the hcd value as the parameters of the function, and the function will return a true or false that indicates the connection status.
I have written some code to populate the root hub and prove that the device attached to port 1 of the root hub is a hub using bool DeviceIsHub from usbioctl.h.
However, when I attempt to enumerate the usb hub attached to port 1 of root so that I may test for the connection status of the downstream ports for the presence of device(ports 1 and 2 of this usb hub). It does not seem to know how many downstream ports the usb hub has.
I checked USBVIEW/TreeView, both application tells me that devices are there
but I am not sure what ioctl command code to use such that I can enumerate the downstream ports so I can check the connection status.
The structure of the device based on USB view and USB tree provides the following.
Root hub - it has 7 ports, only the first port is being used.
A USB hub (it has four available ports) is attached to the first port of the root hub.
Two USB devices (USB mouse and USB keyboard) are attached to port 1 and port 2 of the USB hub.
(which is not supported, it can only be used in windows 8, this is the exact ioctl call they used to enumerate the ports).
Please ignore the MessageBoxes, those are for me to check the control path status and determine which route it was following.
Please find the code that I wrote as I attempt to enumerate/populate the usb hub. I did not include the Root hub code because it would make this snippet too big.
My questions mainly resides in the enumeration process of the secondary USB hub I believe.
I just checked the registry key of the device. it appears that the USB hub is enumerated and present on the device since the information is shown under regedit HKLM->System->CurrentControlSet->Enum->USB. I believe I am not enumerating it correctly within my test application.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The part that I am most concerned about is the DeviceIoControl Calls that attempts to get the size and the actual name of that USB hub.
It currently only takes in USB_GET_NODE_INFORMATION. Any other ioctl calls that are intended to retrieve the name of the hub will fail at the first DeviceIoControl where it attempts to get the size of the hub name so that it know how much memory to allocate
for it.
Update Part 2
From observing the usbview open source code, I believe I need to enumerate the host controller and all the devices first before checking for the presence of device. I drew a conclusion such that without doing the enumeration of controller, it only goes so far down the tree (at best second layer, which is where the external hub is attached to in my case).
I am currently attempting to enumerate the other devices and controllers in hope that I can get to the third layer of device. I will keep on updating this thread until either I figure out the problem myself or someone is capable of answering my questions.
//we are connected to the external hub, now we can begin the configuration and enumeration of the external hub.
ULONG kBytes = 0;
//Create a Handle for the external hub driver
char Name[16];
wsprintf(Name, "\\\\.\\HCD%d", HcdSub);
HANDLE SubHub = CreateFile(Name,
//Check to see if the handle was created successfully
MessageBox(NULL,"SubHandle Fail ","TEST",MB_OK);
return false;
//Query the SUBHUB/External Hub for the structure, this will tell us the number of down stream ports we need to enumerate
ioctlSuccess = DeviceIoControl(SubHub,
//If the command failed, close the handle and return false.
MessageBox(NULL," sub hub size fail ","TEST",MB_OK);
return false;
//Prepare to receive the SubHubName
kBytes = SubHubName.ActualLength;
USB_HUB_NAME *subHubNameW = (USB_HUB_NAME *) malloc(sizeof(USB_HUB_NAME) * kBytes);
//Check if the allocation failed, if it did, free the memory allocated and return false.
if (subHubNameW == NULL)
MessageBox(NULL,"SUBHubNameW=NULL ","TEST",MB_OK);
return false;
//Send the command to retrieve the name
ioctlSuccess = DeviceIoControl(SubHub,
//We no longer need this handle.
if(subHubNameW !=NULL)
return false;
//Converts the SubHubNAme from widechar to a cahr.
kBytes = wcslen(subHubNameW->HubName) + 1;
char *subhubname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*kBytes);
wcstombs(subhubname,subHubNameW->HubName, kBytes);
//we no longer need subHubNameW the information is now in subhubname.
if(subHubNameW !=NULL)
//Attempt to open a handle to driver for sub hub.
int SubhdnSize = strlen(subhubname) + sizeof("\\\\.\\");
char *subhubnamelength = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * SubhdnSize);
sprintf(subhubnamelength, "\\\\.\\%s", subhubname);
//We no longer need subhubname, so free it.
if(subhubname !=NULL) free(subhubname);
//Attempt to open a handle for enumerating ports on this hub.
HANDLE ExternalHub = CreateFile(subhubnamelength,
//we no longer need subhubnamelength, so free it if it is not NULL
if(subhubnamelength != NULL) free(subhubnamelength);
//Check and see if the handle was created successfully, if not, return false.
MessageBox(NULL,"EXT handle fail ","TEST",MB_OK);
return false;
PortConnection ->ConnectionIndex = Port;
ioctlSuccess = DeviceIoControl(ExternalHub,
return false;
if(PortConnection->ConnectionStatus !=DeviceConnected)
printf("The Connection Status Returns: %d",PortConnection->ConnectionStatus);
return false;
Enumerating USB on Windows 7 will fail if UAC is enabled and application doesn't have enough privilege. Windows Embedded 7 may fail also on similar task.
There is also a possibility to enumerate through registry.
You can not enumerate anything possibly. Normally the usb device is either a bus device or a child of a bus device. Sense the bus device is not removable, it is automatically enumerated by acpi.sys the root device during boot, or if a bus device for some other device attached to the root node, then that device has to undergo some event that means it detects the device and then enumerates it, plug and play will automatically look for it's device type's driver and if installed will load it. If the usb say has 4 actual usb connectors, that are controlled from a central device, there could be a usb driver/mini driver pair. In that case the miniport driver is a child of the usb driver and is enumerated by it and attached to it. The miniport's job is to know the actual hardware, and irp's and all other io will come from it's parent. If there are several physical connections there may be additional child drivers. They all operate the hardware and there is a hot plug. When the firmware detects the installation of a usb device it communicates this to the miniport driver and on down the stack to the bus and ultimately it is processed by plug and play. Plug and play will then have the miniport driver enumerate it's device, but it needs to get a hardware id. Then it can find it's driver and load that, then the device is installed and ready for operation.
With out knowing the device stack it is not clear what device it is referring to. Keep in mind the driver stack may not reflect the actual hardware topology. There are also things called logical devices which do not represent any piece of hardware. Any of these would have to be taken into account and you need to know which device corresponds to the end of the node.
Also one little detail. I'm not as familiar with user mode api's and drivers as I am kernel, but it seems wsprintf second argument controls format of the output buffer from the input. It should be %[]%[] were [] is a symbol that represents the format. It would format the first character according to the first symbol then the second character with teh second symbol. Seems you are doing something different.
A final note, it appears the use of wsprintf() is now deprecated instead for other api's.

CreateFile: direct write operation to raw disk "Access is denied" - Vista, Win7

The relevant Microsoft doc is:
Blocking Direct Write Operations to Volumes and Disks
CreateFile, remarks on Physical Disks and Volumes
The executable is written in C++ and it calls CreateFile() to open an SD card that has no filesystem. The CreateFile() and consecutive ReadFile() calls are successful for GENERIC_READ without Administrator privileges.
CreateFile fails for GENERIC_WRITE even with Administrator privileges. In the explorer, I set Run as Administrator under Properties > Compatibility > Privilege Level. I also tried to run the executable from an Administrator cmd (started with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, "Administrator:" is in the window title, properly elevated). Still, I get ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (0x5).
Do I have to pass something else to CreateFile? I have no idea what security attributes are, I just pass NULL, relevant code is here at line 92, and here at line 48.
Or is there anything else that should be set to run the process with Administrator privileges?
A related questions:
Can I get write access to raw disk sectors under Vista and Windows 7 in user mode?
Raw partition access in Windows Vista
How to obtain direct access to raw HD data in C?
Is there a clean way to obtain exclusive access to a physical partition under Windows?
While the answer of #MSalters makes sense, it is not how my code works. In fact it is so counter-intuitive, I spent several days making sure the code does in fact work.
These code snippets are in a proven, mass consumer market software product. When it needs to modify an on-disk structure, it dismounts the win32 volume so it can modify NTFS or FAT filesystem structures. Interestingly, the volume access handle is read-only:
char fn [30];
snprintf (fn, sizeof fn, "\\\\.\\%s:", vol -> GetVolName ());
vol_handle = CreateFile (fn, GENERIC_READ,
if (vol_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
// show error message and exit
If unable to get write access to a volume or partition, this code forces a dismount if the user authorizes such after a stern warning:
if (!DeviceIoControl (vol_handle, FSCTL_DISMOUNT_VOLUME,
NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &status, NULL))
DWORD err = GetLastError ();
errormsg ("Error %d attempting to dismount volume: %s",
err, w32errtxt (err));
// lock volume
if (!DeviceIoControl (vol_handle, FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME,
NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &status, NULL))
// error handling; not sure if retrying is useful
Writing is then fairly straightforward, except for positioning the file pointer by 512-byte sector:
long hipart = sect >> (32-9);
long lopart = sect << 9;
long err;
SetLastError (0); // needed before SetFilePointer post err detection
lopart = SetFilePointer (vol_handle, lopart, &hipart, FILE_BEGIN);
if (lopart == -1 && NO_ERROR != (err = GetLastError ()))
errormsg ("HWWrite: error %d seeking drive %x sector %ld: %s",
err, drive, sect, w32errtxt (err));
return false;
if (!WriteFile (vol_handle, buf, num_sects*512, &n, NULL))
err = GetLastError ();
errormsg ("WriteFile: error %d writing drive %x sectors %lu..%lu: %s",
err, drv, sect, sect + num_sects - 1,
w32errtxt (err));
return false;
It's quite rare to want only GENERIC_WRITE. You most likely want GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE.
There is note in MSDN in documentation of CreateFile:
Direct access to the disk or to a volume is restricted. For more information, see "Changes to the file system and to the storage stack to restrict direct disk access and direct volume access in Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008" in the Help and Support Knowledge Base at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942448.
It refers to Vista/2008, but maybe apply to Win7 also.
I had a similar issue when porting from x86 to x64 code. You mention that you are passing null for your SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES parameter; I was getting access-denied errors myself using this approach until I actually began creating/passing this parameter.

Open a socket using CreateFile

We've got some old serial code which checks whether a serial port is available simply by opening it and then closing it. Now we are adding network support to the app I want to reuse the function by supplying the ip address as a string.
* So far I have tried:
* A passed in portPath normally looks like:
* all without success.
bool PortIsAvailable( const CString& portPath )
HANDLE hCom = ::CreateFile( portPath,
0, // comm devices must be opened with exclusive-access
NULL, // no security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // comm devices must use OPEN_EXISTING
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // not overlapped I/O
NULL ); // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices
::CloseHandle( hCom );
return true;
return false;
I know I could use connect followed by shutdown but I want to reuse the function with minimal changes. If I can reuse the function so much the better. If not then I will have to write code that determines whether it is a socket or not.
I was wondering what the correct way of opening a socket via CreateFile is?
You can not create a socket via CreateFile. You should use the windows socket API for this purpose. For creating the SOCKET handle, you use WSASocket. Note that the SOCKET returned by this function can be used as a Windows Handle with some Windows functions, such as ReadFile and WriteFile.
I don't believe you can manipulate sockets with CreateFile(). Sockets are an abstraction imported from BSD (iirc) and implemented in a name-compatible way (originally via winsock.h, and currently winsock2.h). I don't think MS ever added support for sockets to CreateFile().
More rationale: Most (everything?) CreateFile() manipulates returns a native Windows handle. Because sockets are a non-native abstraction, they don't have a native handle in the OS, so it wouldn't make sense for CreateFile() to handle them.