Does mipmapping work with GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT? - opengl

I'm trying to use mipmapping to get a downsampled version of a texture of type GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT. I enable mipmaps similar to this:
And use it in the shader like this:
texture2D(reference_view, coord, 5.0).bgr;
With 5.0 being the mipmap level I want to access.
This works fine for rgba textures, however I can't seem to get it work with the depth component texture. Is it even supported in opengl?

I managed to do it after all! Was some problem with the order of binding textures.
So the answer is: YES!

No, OpenGL does not support mipmapping of GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT. But that shouldn't be the real problem.
It is a good idea to reconsider the reason you want to mipmap GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT. In practice, this shouldn't ever be a good idea. In situations where linear interpolation of depth values is required, a better way to achieve this is through a fragment shader.


OpenGL Super Resolution issues

I have a OpenGL based gui. I use super resolution to be able to handle various scales. Instead of scaling images up, they are downscaled(unless it so happens someone is running at 4000x4000+ resolution).
The problem is, OpenGL doesn't seem to downscale smoothly. I have artifacts as if the scaling is nearest neighbor. (e.g. the text edges are blocky, even though they are not in the original)
These are the settings I use:
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
Here is a sample of the artifacts, the scaling is 2:1 I believe. Maybe it isn't exact though due to window edges and such.
You can see the left edge looks perfect(it's not though) but the right edge has weird breaks in it. The original graphic is perfectly symmetrical and no artifacts.
I've tried GL_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR. No mipmapping so...
Surely OpenGL is not that poor at scaling? I'd like something like bi-cubic scaling or something that will produce good results.
I am using OpenGL 1.1. I could potentially pre-scale images but I'd have to do that every time the window sizes changes and might be slow in cpu.
I have jagged edges on some images too. The whole point of super resolution was to avoid all this ;/
Is there some settings I'm missing?
First you have to understand signal theory, namely the Nyquist Theorem (that wikipedia page is overly specific when talking signals in the "time" domain; the principles are universal for all kinds of discretely sampled signals, including images). When downsampling you always must apply a lowpass anti aliasing filter that cuts off all frequency components above half the sampling frequency to avoid the creation of aliasing artifacts. Without filtering even a linear integrating downsampler will create artifacts. The realtime graphics way of implementing a low pass filter for textures are mipmaps. Every mipmap level cuts off at exactly half the frequency of the next higher level.
You have two options now:
Implement mipmapping
Implement a downsampling fragment shader
Of course the sane thing to do would be not to render in an excess resolution in the first place, but render your GUIs at exactly the target resolution.
With the code you provided, i will make guess at what might be the problem.
Try to load your image or at least allocate the memory before you set those texture parameters with glParameteri. And also, set GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER to GL_LINEAR
Perhaps you meant super sampling (SSAA) which use 2 or more times the original resolution and downsample it to get a smooth image?
It does look from your image that it is using Linear filtering (bilinear)
Try using Anisotropic filtering:
Anisotropic filtering can be applied at different levels, this code will apply it at the maximum level, you can use a number less than aniso if you like. These are extention macros, if you don't have the extention defenitions, they are this:

OpenGL Mipmapping: how does OpenGL decide on map level?

I am having trouble implementing mipmapping in OpenGL. I am using OpenFrameworks and have modified the ofTexture class to support the creation and rendering of mipmaps.
The following code is the original texture creation code from the class (slightly modified for clarity):
glBindTexture(texData.textureTarget, (GLuint)texData.textureID);
glTexSubImage2D(texData.textureTarget, 0, 0, 0, w, h, texData.glType, texData.pixelType, data);
glTexParameteri(texData.textureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
glTexParameteri(texData.textureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR);
This is my version with mipmap support:
glBindTexture(texData.textureTarget, (GLuint)texData.textureID);
gluBuild2DMipmaps(texData.textureTarget, texData.glTypeInternal, w, h, texData.glType, texData.pixelType, data);
glTexParameteri(texData.textureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
glTexParameteri(texData.textureTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
The code does not generate errors (gluBuild2DMipmaps returns '0') and the textures are rendered without problems. However, I do not see any difference.
The scene I render consists of "flat, square tiles" at z=0. It's basically a 2D scene. I zoom in and out by using "glScale()" before drawing the tiles. When I zoom out, the pixels of the tile textures start to "dance", indicating (as far as I can tell) unfiltered texture look-up. See: at 25s.
My question is: since I do not move the camera position, but only use scaling of the whole scene, does this mean OpenGL can not decide on the appropriate mipmap level and uses the full texture size (level 0)?
Mipmapping will compensate for scene scale in addition to perspective distance. The vertex shader outputs (which the driver will still create even if you aren't using your own shader) specify the screenspace coordinates of each vertex and the texture coordinates of those vertices. The GPU will decide which mip level to use based on the texel-to-pixel ratio of the fragments that will be generated.
Are you setting GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR when you render your tiles as well? It only matters when you render things, not when you create/load the texture. Your bracketing glEnable/glDisable calls may need to be moved too, depending on what state you are actually passing in there.
You should probably switch to automatic mipmap generation if you're targeting OpenGL >= 1.4.
You could try changing GL_TEXTURE_MIN/MAX_LOD to force a particular mip level.

How to check for mip-map availability in OpenGL?

Recently I bumped into a problem where my OpenGL program would not render textures correctly on a 2-year-old Lenovo laptop with an nVidia Quadro 140 card. It runs OpenGL 2.1.2, and GLSL 1.20, but when I turned on mip-mapping, the whole screen is black, with no warnings or errors.
This is my texture filter code:
After 40 minutes of fiddling around, I found out mip-mapping was the problem. Turning it off fixed it:
I get a lot of aliasing, but at least the program is visible and runs fine.
Finally, two questions:
What's the best or standard way to check if mip-mapping is available on a machine, aside from checking OpenGL versions?
If mip-mapping is not available, what's the best work-around to avoid aliasing?
Here's the question I'm really after:
How do you programmactically check if mip-mapping is available on a platform?
OpenGL 1.4 is required for support for automatic mipmap generation (using GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP), texturing using mipmaps should be available on virtually every graphic card out there.
I guess the problem might not be
missing mipmapping functionality
but maybe the generation of the
mipmaps. Just for debugging
purposes, can you try generating the
mipmaps using gluBuild2DMipmaps?
If this problem is specific to this graphic card/configuration, checking for updated drivers might be a good idea, too.
A good method to get rid of aliasing is multisampling.
If no mip-mapping is available, your probably don't want to avoid the aliasing. A platform without mip-mapping is usually not worth the trouble.
However, if you really really want to avoid aliasing, you could approximate per-fragment mip-mapping by per-primitive mip-mapping. First you have to generate and upload all mip-map-levels by hand into separate textures. Before rendering a triangle, compute the appropriate mip-map level on the cpu and use the texture corresponding to this mip-map level. To avoid artifacts on large primitives, subdivide them.
OpenGL requires that all texture formats that are part of the Core support mip-mapping. As such there is no specific way to ask whether a texture format supports mip-mapping.
Some extensions, when first introduced, were relaxing this constraint for new formats (most notably, non-power of two textures, and float textures). The extension itself made it clear that the mip-mapping was not supported at all. But before those got integrated into the core, the requirement for mip-mapping support was reinstated.
I would be very surprised if your implementation really didn't support mipmaps. More likely you are missing one or more levels, this is something that can easily happen by accident.
If you only miss as much as a single mip level and enable mipmapping, you get just what you have, black. Be sure that either all levels down to 1x1 are defined, or set the GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL TexParameter accordingly.

opengl texture lod bias adjusting via opengl function call?

how is it possible to change the lod bias via an opengl function call? i dont like the default settings, changes the miplevels too early and makes the nearby ground look ugly.
i couldnt find any codes to do this, every topic was about some external programs that does the job...
Edit: This is my texture settings:
More details here:
and there:
Ok, I see. First GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER can only take two possible values:
So use GL_LINEAR for the best result.
Then for GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, with GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST you are using no texture interpolation, only mipmaping (you take the nearest mipmap that suits the best, but inside this mipmap you take the nearest texel only, without interpolation between this texel and his neighbours).
So use GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR for doing this weighted average between the texels.
With GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR you can have even more rendering quality since it will use a linear interpolation between the result of the texture fetch for two mipmaps (mipmap N and N+1) instead of just taking the result of the texture fetch for mipmap N, like previously.
GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR is also known as trilinear filtering.

What are the usual troubleshooting steps for OpenGL textures not showing?

After making a few changes in my application, my textures are no longer showing. So far I've checked the following:
The camera direction hasn't changed.
I can see the vectors (when colored instead of textured).
Any usual suspects?
You may want to check the following:
glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); presence
texture[i]); and
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
when you don't need texture anymore
One common problem I run into from time to time is
but I forgot to supply mipmaps. Quickfix:
A few more things to check:
glColorMaterial(...); To make sure colors aren't overwriting the texture
glEnable/glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); Sometimes lighting can wash out the texture
glDisable(GL_BLEND); Make sure that you're not blending the texture out
Make sure the texture coordinates are set properly.
I assume you had the must have operations implemented like glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D) and the texture binding since your textures worked fine before and then suddenly they just won't show.
If you are doing Object Oriented code you might want to have the texture generation happen when the thread that is actually doing the draw is instanced, in other words: avoid doing it in constructors or a call coming from a constructor, this might instance your texture object before the window or the app that is going to use it is on.
What I usually do is that I create a manual Init function of the texture creation that is called in the Init function of the App. Therefore I guarantee that the App exist when the binding occurs.
More info here:
Does a glColor3ub(255,255,255) before rendering your textured object help? I think the default OpenGL state multiplies the current glColor by the incoming texel; a stray glColor3ub(0,0,0) will make all your textures look black.
Took me some while to figure this out...
Also make sure to unbind your stuff:
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
If you use a third party engine, which is optimized, it probably has a "direct state access" layer for OpenGL (to not use the slow OpenGL query functions). If so, don't call OpenGL directly, but use the engine wrappers. Otherwise your code doesn't play nice with the rest of the engine code.