I am trying to figure out how to load a relationship of an object through a sub-resource route using EmberJS.
For example: the url I need to hit on the api is /workspace/:workspace_id/projects, which will return an array of projects related to the workspace. EmberJS is best suited to work with single-level resources, so if I try and do this.store.find('project'), a GET request is fired to /projects.
I have some context for the request, as the url where the request will from from is /workspace/:workspace_id. My gut instinct is to use window.location.pathname in a custom adapter to build the proper request URL.
What would be the proper, "Ember way" of doing this?
What you can do is define the Projects relationship on Workspace as async and then provide the link the right URL to find the workspace's projects. For instance, the response from the endpoint /workspace/1 would be:
workspace: {
id: 1,
links: {
projects: "https://example.com/api/workspace/1/projects"
Then if somewhere in the code you would do
this.store.find('workspace', 1).get('projects')
Ember Data will know that the workspace's projects can be found at the link you provided in the JSON response, i.e. "https://example.com/api/workspace/1/projects".
Does this help?
I'm currently developing an ckan extension, where i need to redirect to a url on a different domain.
In my plugin i defined a custom action function:
def download_json(context, data_dict):
But when i call this endpoint i just get following response:
response screenshot
So i assume that the action function is called, but the redirect_to call does not redirect to the url i defined.
Thanks for your help!
It's a bit hard to figure out what you're trying to accomplish but here's a few things I hope will help.
Short Answer:
No, you can't redirect from an API endpoint in CKAN. The endpoint response in CKAN is built up and expects certain things from your action. Your action should return some kind of result. In your case it's returning nothing but trying to redirect. A logic action function with IActions is not the same as a Blueprint or pylons controller action.
See Making an API request docs, specifically the breakdown of an API response in CKAN. Also, you can review the pylons implementation that builds up the API response or the flask blueprints implementation.
More Info to help with your approach:
You say you are trying to call an endpoint that redirects a user to a different domain url. Based on this consider the following:
The first thing I thought you wanted was to have a url that someone goes to through the web interface of your site and are redirected to another site. In this case your example code of toolkit.redirect_to('http://my.json-builder.com?id=1234') makes sense and works for a custom controller action using/implemented with IRoutes or if you're using flask then IBlueprint. A User would go to a URL on your site such as http://localhost.com/download_json and be redirected to the new URL/site in their browser.
If you are intending this to be an API call for other users this starts to feel a little bit odd. If a user is using your API, they would expect to get results from your site in JSON CKAN's API is designed to return JSON. Someone consuming your API endpoint would not expect to be redirected to another site e.g. if I called http://localhost.com/api/3/action/download_json I would expect to get a JSON object like
help: "http://localhost/api/3/action/help_show?name=download_json",
success: true,
result: {
They would look for success to make sure the call worked and then they would use the result to keep moving forward with their desired processes. If you do want someone via an API to get redirect info I'd likely return the redirect url as the result e.g. result: {'redirect_url': 'http://my.json-builder.com?id=1234'} and document this well in your extension's API docs (e.g. why you're returning this endpoint, what you expect someone to do with it, etc).
If this is an API call for your own extension I'm guessing what you are trying to do is use my.json-builder.com to build a json of something (a dataset maybe?) and return that json as the result at your endpoint or maybe even consume the result to make something else? If that's the case, then in your function you could make the call to my.json-builder.com, process the results and return the results to the user. In this case, you're not actually wanting to redirect a user to a new site but instead make a call to the new site to get some results. If you actually want the results for your extension you don't need an additional endpoint. You could make the call from your extension, consume the results and return the desired object you're trying to create.
Hope this helps and sorry if I've miss-understood completely.
I am using Flask as a web framework. I have defined an html resource within my service worker definition like below
var urlsToPrefetch = [
This works ok.
Using Flask Blueprints, foopage.html is rendered to the user when they visit https://example.com/practice/foopage. The Blueprint name is "practice".
The corresponding route is below:
#practice.route('/foopage', methods=['GET'])
def foopage():
return render_template('practice/foopage.html')
The problem is that within the service worker's fetch eventListener shows the event.request.url as https://example.com/practice/foopage
This is not found in the cache because I had to define the html file using its actual path.
Is there a way to map filenames to the routes used in the application? Or do I need to think about this differently?
You're confusing paths to templates, which is a server side thing, with urls that get routed to views. As far as the client can tell, the response from /foopage is the document, it doesn't matter how that document was generated on the server side.
Specify the url to the resource, /foopage, as the thing to prefetch.
I'm using Django REST Framework, not Rails (which seems to have several magical gems to make everything work swiftly with Ember) and I've been having some difficulties trying to figure out how Ember expects responses. I'm using Ember CLI, thus I'm also using Ember data.
The documentation states only the typical GET usage, when I'm simply retrieving an object or an array of objects. Documentation states:
The JSON payload should be an object that contains the record inside a root property
And about conventions:
Attribute names in your JSON payload should be the camelCased versions of the attributes in your Ember.js models.
No problem with that.
1. But how should the API respond when there are errors?
Ok, so documentation also states you could use ajaxError to check jqXHR status for an error and then return a populated DS.Error for the record. However, how should I return different kind of errors. For example, let's say the user session is now invalid and because of that the server couldn't delete a record as requested.
2. How will Ember submit requests?
I'm quite new to REST in general. I think Ember simply use the appropriate verb for the action it wants: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. I think it's quite clear it will send all the model's field to POST a new one, but how about DELETE? Will Ember send all the record or just the ID to delete an object?
Generally you should be able to see the requests Ember makes by just opening your browser dev tools and seeing the network requests.
Ember data likes the api to respond with an errors hash, something like this:
{"errors":{"title":["can't be blank"]}}
Then as long as you define a function to handle the error case:
actions: {
deleteUser: function() {
var user = this.model;
function success() {
// do something cool?
function failure() {
user.destroyRecord().then(success, failure);
then user.errors will be automatically populated and you can do an if user.errors in your template.
I am new to Ember-js, I was recently going through some blog entries and also saw the video of Ember-js introduction by Tom dale.
to summarize they say that Router Api is newly introduced and it the best thing that happened to Ember-js,Router Api is used to manage the state of the application and each state is identified with a URL, now for a single page application where in we use only one URL, what is the role of the router, will there be only one routeing entry which is mapped to '/'(index)? If yes, then we lose the advantage provided by the Router api right?
now for a single page application where in we use only one URL, what is the role of the router, will there be only one routeing entry which is mapped to '/'(index)?
Typically a single page application will still use the url. For example watch url change when using gmail. So in this case single page application means the browser doesn't fetch a new page as url changes. Like gmail, a typical ember single-page application will change url as user navigates to various parts of the application. The ember router takes care of this automatically.
If yes, then we lose the advantage provided by the Router api right?
If you decide not to use the url, and really want it to just stay "/" the whole time, you can still use the router. Just set the router's location type to "none"
See http://emberjs.com/guides/routing/specifying-the-location-api/
I understand that routing here means managing states, but at any point of time user can be in a set of states for instance take gmail the user would be in login state and compose state, how to manages multiple states existing together?
For sure that is true. The ember router is basically a statechart where routes (leaf nodes) are nested under some number of resources. So in the case of gmail for example only a logged in user can be in the compose state.
GMail URL: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?shva=1#inbox
// Gmail Routes:
* /mail - the mail application
* /u/0 - connected account index 0 for the current user
* ?shva=1 - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1692968/what-is-shva-in-gmails-url
* inbox - folder name
EmberMail Version: https://mail.ember.com/mail/u/0/inbox
// EmberMail Routes
this.resource('mail', { path: '/mail' }, function() {
this.resource('currentUser', { path: '/u' }, function() {
this.resource('account', { path: '/:account_id' }, function() {
this.route('folder', { path: '/:folder_id' });
can you point me to a example application which uses routing extensively?
The best example I know of is discourse. Check out the following for example of how a large ember application uses the ember router:
Discourse Application routes
Discourse Admin routes
I’ve got a Web API that I’ve added [Authorize] attributes to, which means that the unit tests I had previously now fail due to them being unauthorised. Here’s a sample of a basic test along with an initialiser method:
public void CreateServer() {
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
WebApiConfig.Configure(config); // Create the routes
var server = new HttpServer(config);
this.client = new HttpClient(server);
public void MyThings_GET_Returns_All_MyThings() {
var response = this.client.GetAsync("http://localhost/api/1.0/mythings").Result;
var mythings = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<IEnumerable<MyThing>>().Result;
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
Assert.AreEqual(4, mythings.Count());
What I’m wondering is if there’s any way that I can either make my test log in so that it passes the authorization filter, or if there’s any way that I can pass as ASPXAUTH cookie along with the HttpClient request? Or another way of passing authorization that I haven’t thought of?
Nothing I’ve tried seems to work and I’m struggling to find any helpful info anywhere.
Thanks in advance.
What does your Authorize attribute do when it performs the authorization check? There are quite a few options that come to mind:
Have the authorize filter support multiple means of getting the "authorization token" that it requires (e.g. through an HTTP header or a querystring parameter, etc)
Right after your test initialization, clear out the filter from the configuration (so that it is not called at all). If you choose to go this route then you may wish to pop in a new filter that sets any authorization values that might be used further along the pipeline
If you are using dependency injection, move the "authorization check" into some sort of IAuthorize location that can be updated in your configuration
I would also recommend using RestSharp for making queries to your endpoints as it does a very good job of specifying headers, parameters, etc.
I decided that the way I was going about the problem was fundamentally wrong. Using cookie-based authorisation with Web API is just not a good idea, so I’ve decided to get rid of the authorize attributes and perform API-Key-based authentication instead. This makes it easier to test as I can just pass the correct API key in the request, but also means that I’m not relying on cookies for authorisation.