Converting [Integer] -> Integer - list

I have never programmed before and i have just recently (1 week ago) started learning! The first course is functional programming, using Haskell.
I have a school assignment that I'd like to improve by removing one or two steps, but there's one pesky bug in my way.
Basically, I create a list and i get the result with the type [Integer], whereas I'd like to convert this to Integer, if possible? I've set my test function to accept the types Integer -> Integer -> Bool (takes two values, computes them, and returns a bool). The test function puts the values into two functions and compares their results.
I could just change the expected type to [Integer] (?) but that would eliminate the option of manually putting in values.
For my test cases I've chosen a few values and put them into lists. a = [0, 2, (-3)] and b = [0, 2, 4]. What I'd like to do when I call the function is to enter a and b as the values, instead of typing in each testcase every time. Is this possible? Example:
testFunction a b
instead of something like
testFunction Integer Integer.
I hope I made sense :-) Keep in mind I am just learning!

Without making this too complicated for you, what you seem to be looking for is the ability to pass two lists of Integers to a function, which accepts Integers, to perform an element-wise operation.
For this, you can use zipWith, which has a type signature of:
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
This type signature means that zipWith takes a function that accepts two individual elements, and two lists and returns a list built upon the results of the function that you passed.
In sum, you would be executing:
zipWith myFunction [1,2,3,4] [5,6,7,8]
Now, you want to create a function that first uses zipWith on each of your two functions, and then uses zipWith yet again to compare the two resulting lists, to finally return the Booleans. If you wanted to be even more sophisticated, you could use the and function at the end, to return a single Boolean, if all of the Booleans are True.
Now, building that function is left as an exercise to the reader :)
I hope this helps.


A list check before and after concatenation with different results

I have an assignment and the code is really simple to understand but I cant find a possible solution. Thats the code:
lucky:: [Integer] -> Bool
lucky (xs) = all (/=13) xs
catenate as [] = as
catenate as (b:bs) = b : (catenate as bs)
test_luck1 as bs = lucky as && lucky bs
test_luck2 as bs = lucky (catenate as bs)
So the question is: For which input(the same for both functions) are the boolean values of both functions different, for example the first one true and the second one false or vice versa. So the first function tests both lists individually and the second tests the concatenation of the lists. I have been thinking all day yesterday and have absolutely no idea. Could you guys help me with finding the trick that should be used to solve the question?
For infinite "lucky" bs and "unlucky" as, test_luck1 will terminate, while test_luck2 will not.
The functions test the values in different order, due to the (somewhat weird) implementation of catenate, which prepends bs to as. Thus, test_luck1 tests as first, then bs, whereas test_luck2 tests bs first, and then as.
P.S. This can be seen as a boundary case, as per #Mark Seemann's remark -- sorry for the spoiler ;)
Looking at this some more, I think I was too quick on the trigger with my comments. Apart from shinobi's answer, I don't see any way in which the two functions would return different results.
Not that this proves anything, but I wrote a QuickCheck property to verify the hypothesis that test_luck1 will always return the same result as test_luck2:
prop :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Bool
prop as bs =
test_luck1 as bs == test_luck2 as bs
I've been running this property with 1,000,000 tests, and they all pass, so I don't think that there's any 'normal' values of as and bs that will cause the output of test_luck1 to be different from the output of test_luck2.

What to use property testing for

I'd like to know what is the property testing aiming for, what is it's sweet point, where it should be used. Let' have an example function that I want to test:
f :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
This function, f, takes a list of numbers and will square the odd numbers and filter out the even numbers. I can state some properties about the function, like
Given a list of even numbers, return empty list.
Given a list of odd numbers, the result list will have the same size as input.
Given that I have a list of even numbers and a list of odd numbers, when I join them, shuffle and pass to the function, the length of the result will be the length of the list of odd numbers.
Given I provide a list of positive odd numbers, then each element in the result list at the same index will be greater than in the original list
Given I provide a list of odd numbers and even numbers, join and shuffle them, then I will get a list, where each number is odd
None of the properties test, that the function works for the simplest case, e.g. I can make a simple case, that will pass these properties if I implement the f incorrectly:
f = fmap (+2) . filter odd
So, If I want to cover some simple case, It looks like I either need to repeat a fundamental part of the algorithm in the property specification, or I need to use value based testing. The first option, that I have, to repeat the algorithm may be useful, If I plan to improve the algorithm if I plan to change it's implementation, for speed for example. In this way, I have a referential implementation, that I can use to test again.
If I want to check, that the algorithm doesn't fail for some trivial cases and I don't want to repeat the algorithm in the specification, it looks like I need some unit testing. I would write for example these checks:
f ([2,5]) == [25]
f (-8,-3,11,1) == [9,121,1]
Now I have a lot more confidence it the algorithm.
My question is, is the property based testing meant to replace the unit testing, or is it complementary? Is there some general idea, how to write the properties, so they are useful or it just totally depends on the understanding of the logic of the function? I mean, can one tell that writing the properties in some way is especially beneficial?
Also, should one strive to make the properties test every part of the algorithm? I could put the squaring out of the algorithm, and then test it elsewhere, let the properties test just the filtering part, which it looks like, that it covers it well.
f :: (Integer -> Integer) -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
f g = fmap g . filter odd
And then I can pass just and test the g elsewhere using unit testing.
How about the following properties:
For all odd numbers in the source list, its square is element of the result list.
For all numbers in the result list, there is a number in the source list whose square it is.
By the way, odd is easier to read than \x -> x % 2 == 1
Reference algorithm
It's very common to have a (possibly inefficient) reference implementation and test against that. In fact, that's one of the most common quickcheck strategies when implementing numeric algorithms. But not every part of the algorithm needs one. Sometimes there are some properties that characterize the algorithm completely.
Ingo's comment is spot on in that regard: These properties determine the results of your algorithm (up to order and duplicates). To recover order and duplicates you can modify the properties to include "in the resulting list truncated after the position of the source element" and vice versa in the other property.
Granularity of tests
Of course, given Haskell's composability it's nice to test each reasonable small part of an algorithm by itself. I trust e.g. \x -> x*x and filter odd as reference without looking twice.
Whether there should be properties for each part is not as clear as you might inline that part of the algorithm later and thus make the properties moot. Due to Haskell's laziness that's not a common thing to do, but it happens.

How to concatenate list values in OCaml

If I have a function
let rec function n =
if n<0 then []
else n-2 # function n-2 ;;
I get an error saying that the expression function n-2 is a list of int but it is expecting an int.
How do I concatenate the values to return all the n-2 values above zero as a list?
I cannot use the List module to fold.
Your title asks how to concatenate lists, but your question seems rather different.
To concatenate lists, you can use the # operator. In many cases, code that depends on this operator is slower than it needs to be (something to keep in mind for later :-).
Here are some things I see wrong with the code you give:
a. You can't name a function function, because function is a keyword in OCaml.
b. If you use the # operator, you should have lists on both sides of it. As near as I can see, the thing on the left in your code is not a list.
c. Function calls have higher precedence than infix operators. So myfun n - 2 is parsed as (myfun n) - 2. You probably want something closer to myfun (n - 2).
Even with these changes, your code seems to generate a list of integers that are 2 apart, which isn't what you say you want. However, I can't understand what the function is actually supposed to return.
It seems like you are not concatenating lists, but concatenating ints instead. This is done by the :: operator. So your code would look like:
else (n-2)::(fun (n-2))
Although I could see this function possibly not producing the desired output if you put in negative numbers. For example if you pass through n = 1, n-2 will evaluate to -1 which is less than zero.

How to split a list into a list of lists by removing a specific separation(Haskell)

I'm a newbie to Haskell, I have a problem. I need to write a function that splits a list into a list of lists everywhere a 'separation' appears.
I will try to help you develop the understanding of how to develop functions that work on lists via recursion. It is helpful to learn how to do it first in a 'low-level' way so you can understand better what's happening in the 'high-level' ways that are more common in real code.
First, you must think about the nature of the type of data that you want to work with. The list is in some sense the canonical example of a recursively-defined type in Haskell: a list is either the empty list [] or it is some list element a combined with a list via a : list. Those are the only two possibilities. We call the empty list the base case because it is the one that does not refer to itself in its definition. If there were no base case, recursion would never "bottom out" and would continue indefinitely!
The fact that there are two cases in the definition of a list means that you must consider two cases in the definition of a function that works with lists. The canonical way to consider multiple cases in Haskell is pattern matching. Haskell syntax provides a number of ways to do pattern matching, but I'll just use the basic case expression for now:
case xs of
[] -> ...
x:xs' -> ...
Those are the two cases one must consider for a list. The first matches the literal empty list constructor; the second matches the element-adding constructor : and also binds two variables, x and xs', to the first element in the list and the sublist containing the rest of the elements.
If your function was passed a list that matches the first case, then you know that either the initial list was empty or that you have completed the recursion on the list all the way past its last element. Either way, there is no more list to process; you are either finished (if your calls were tail-recursive) or you need to pass the basic element of your answer construction back to the function that called this one (by returning it). In the case that your answer will be a list, the basic element will usually be the empty list again [].
If your function was passed a list that matches the second case, then you know that it was passed a non-empty list, and furthermore you have a couple of new variables bound to useful values. Based on these variables, you need to decide two things:
How do I do one step of my algorithm on that one element, assuming I have the correct answer from performing it on the rest of the list?
How do I combine the results of that one step with the results of performing it on the rest of the list?
Once you've figured the answers to those questions, you need to construct an expression that combines them; getting the answer for the rest of the list is just a matter of invoking the recursive call on the rest of the list, and then you need to perform the step for the first element and the combining.
Here's a simple example that finds the length of a list
listLength :: [a] -> Int
listLength as =
case as of
[] -> 0 -- The empty list has a length of 0
a:as' -> 1 + listlength as' -- If not empty, the length is one more than the
-- length of the rest of the list
Here's another example that removes matching elements from a list
listFilter :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
listFilter x ns =
case ns of
[] -> [] -- base element to build the answer on
n:ns' -> if n == x
then listFilter x ns' -- don't include n in the result list
else n : (listFilter x ns') -- include n in the result list
Now, the question you asked is a little bit more difficult, as it involves a secondary 'list matching' recursion to identify the separator within the basic recursion on the list. It is sometimes helpful to add extra parameters to your recursive function in order to hold extra information about where you are at in the problem. It's also possible to pattern match on two parameters at the same time by putting them in a tuple:
case (xs, ys) of
([] , [] ) -> ...
(x:xs', [] ) -> ...
([] , y:ys') -> ...
(x:xs', y:ys') -> ...
Hopefully these hints will help you to make some progress on your problem!
Let's see if the problem can be reduced in a obvious way.
Suppose splitList is called with xs to split and ys as the separator. If xs is empty, the problem is the smallest, so what's the answer to that problem? It is important to have the right answer here, because the inductive solution depends on this decision. But we can make this decision later.
Ok, so for problem to be reducable, the list xs is not empty. So, it has at least a head element h and the smaller problem t, the tail of the list: you can match xs#(h:t). How to obtain the solution to the smaller problem? Well, splitList can solve that problem by the definition of the function. So now the trick is to figure out how to build the solution for bigger problem (h:t), when we know the solution to the smaller problem zs=splitList t ys. Here we know that zs is the list of lists, [[a]], and because t may have been the smallest problem, zs may well be the solution to the smallest problem. So, whatever you do with zs, it must be valid even for the solution to the smallest problem.
splitList [] ys = ... -- some constant is the solution to the smallest problem
splitList xs#(h:t) ys = let zs = splitList t ys
in ... -- build a solution to (h:t) from solution to t
I don't know how to test it. Anybody tells me how to write a function to a .hs file and use winGHCi to run this function?
WinGHCi automatically associates with .hs files so just double-click on the file and ghci should start up. After making some changes to the file using your favourite editor you can write use the :r command in ghci to reload the file.
To test the program after fixing typos, type-errors, and ensuring correct indentation, try calling functions you have defined with different inputs (or use QuickCheck). Note Maybe is defined as Just x or Nothing. You can use fromMaybe to extract x (and provide default value for the Nothing case).
Also try to make sure that pattern matching is exhaustive.

Calling an IO Monad inside an Arrow

Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way, but I'm using HXT to read in some vertex data that I'd like to use in an array in HOpenGL. Vertex arrays need to be a Ptr which is created by calling newArray. Unfortunately newArray returns an IO Ptr, so I'm not sure how to go about using it inside an Arrow. I think I need something with a type declaration similar to IO a -> Arrow a?
The type IO a -> Arrow a doesn't make sense; Arrow is a type class, not a specific type, much like Monad or Num. Specifically, an instance of Arrow is a type constructor taking two parameters that describes things that can be composed like functions, matching types end-to-end. So, converting IO a to an arrow could perhaps be called a conceptual type error.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but if you really want to be using IO operations as part of an Arrow, you need your Arrow instance to include that. The simplest form of that is to observe that functions with types like a -> m b for any Monad instance can be composed in the obvious way. The hxt package seems to provide a more complicated type:
newtype IOSLA s a b = IOSLA { runIOSLA :: s -> a -> IO (s, [b]) }
This is some mixture of the IO, State, and [] monads, attached to a function as above such that you can compose them going through all three Monads at each step. I haven't really used hxt much, but if these are the Arrows you're working with, it's pretty simple to lift an arbitrary IO function to serve as one--just pass the state value s through unchanged, and turn the output of the function into a singleton list. There may already be a function to do this for you, but I didn't see one at a brief glance.
Basically, you'd want something like this:
liftArrIO :: (a -> IO b) -> IOSLA s a b
liftArrIO f = IOSLA $ \s x -> fmap (\y -> (s, [y])) (f x)