If I want to change the focus item in the ListView control I do the following:
BOOL setListFocusItem(CListCtrl* pList, int nIndex)
return !!pList->SetItemState(nInd, LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_FOCUSED);
Is this the way you do it?
Because the focus itself changes but there's one issue that this creates. For instance, if the list had 100 items and the focus was on item 1. If I then call my method as such setListFocusItem(99); the focus changes to item 99, but then if I shift-click on item 90, I would expect the list to have items 90 through 99 to be selected. But instead the list selects items 1 through 90. So obviously my setListFocusItem() method does not change the shift-click "first" location. So question is how to make it do it?
Short answer : use the LVM_SETSELECTIONMARK message.
(In MFC-ese, CListCtrl::SetSelectionMark).
I want to update the list items' values in the onTap method to true and false and vice versa to change some widgets according to the item's value if it is true or false,
so, is it okay to do something like this?
I mean, is it okay to copy a list inside onTap or it is not a good practice for the memory.
onTap: () {
List<bool> copyItems = [...items];
copyItems[ind] = !copyItems[ind];
ref.read(openFaqAnsRef.notifier).newList = copyItems;
I am not entirely sure what you mean, but:
Would it not be simpler to add a parameter to the copyItems that switches that value?
Besides, copying all of the items of a list can be devastating to the performance of your app. Imagine You have thousands/hundreds of items and someone presses that button 2/3/4 times in a row.
I currently have a v-autocomplete component but once the user clicks the search it expands and shows all available items. I want the list of items to only display once there is input. There are too many available items and don't want the user seeing all of them right off the bat. Also if there is a way to limit it to only showing the top 5 that match the user input.
<v-autocomplete class="vtext"
append-icon='fa fa-search'
no-data-text="No topic found"
The reason it shows all items on initialization (when clicking empty), is because you are setting the items right away with getTopics what you need to do in that function is check
<v-autocomplete class="vtext"
if (inputModel){ //get the topics}
else { return []}
In terms of only getting the first 5 results, again you do it in the same function:
if (inputModel){
// do search
return results.slice(0,5)}
I have a 1-indexed (readonly-)model and want to use it for a combobox.
I parse the data (comes from a file-parser) and have for example:
1: Variable Number 1 and that will be my first item, next
2: Variable Number 2 and so on.
When I click on an item the currentIndex()-method from QCombobox will give me a 0-indexed int, so my problem is:
I don't want to write everytime I parse a file +1 respectively -1 when writing back to the file (although the model is readonly, I can alter the data in the file). (I have nearly 30 UIs where I need the model, and for every UI I have to parse other data)
I currently use something like:
virtual int currentIndex() const { return QComboBox::currentIndex() + 1; }
virtual void setCurrentIndex(int index) { QComboBox::setCurrentIndex(index-1); }
I know that this is not ideal, because (set-)currentIndex is not virtual. But to avoid +/-1 I used this for now.
Does anybode have a good suggestion for this problem?
If you have a custom model you could add a role that returns the "real" index value.
If you just use strings to fill the combobox, you could use the setItemData() and itemData() methods to associated your reference value.
comboBox->addItem("Number 1", 1);
int refValue = comboBox->itemData(comboIndex).toInt();
The associated data can be anything that can be stored in a QVariant.
I have created a shell extension for windows with COM, however I seem to fail to properly match the ids of items I add in the overload of IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu with what I receive in the overload of IContextMenu::InvokeCommand. In my code I use InsertMenu and InsertMenuItem (as far as I understood they do the same, but the latter has some more features?). However I'm not sure which arguments passed to InsertMenu/InsertMenuItem correspond to what I must be looking for in LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO::lpVerb. I need some way to easily know that when I add items x, y, z to a context menu, I can then know exactly which one of x, y or z has been clicked.
EDIT: It seems that the verb equals the number from top to bottom of the item in the current menu/submenu. However I have two sub-menus each with x amount of items, so they have the same IDs of 1,2,3. How do I set custom IDs or something?
Firstly you should define an enum that holds the command IDs for your menu items, e.g.
enum {
These ID values need to start from 0.
In your IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu implementation:
when you add your menu items you need to give each of them an ID by setting the MIIM_ID flag in the MENUITEMINFO.fMask field, and setting the MENUITEMINFO.wID value.
give each of your menu items an ID derived from its command ID as defined above, plus the value of idCmdFirst which is passed into QueryContextMenu. E.g. the "Do Something" menu item would have MENUITEMINFO.wID set to idCmdFirst + CMDID_DOSOMETHING, and "Do Something Else" would have MENUITEMINFO.wID set to idCmdFirst + CMDID_DOSOMETHINGELSE.
the return value from QueryContextMenu needs to be MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, FACILITY_NULL, x) where x is the ID of the highest-numbered item you added plus 1 (alternatively, if all items were sequentially numbered, the total number of items). Basically, you're telling the host which menu item ID values are now in use so that no other context menu extensions add items that clash with yours. In the above example, you'd return MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, FACILITY_NULL, CMDID_LAST).
In IContextMenu::InvokeCommand:
test if lpVerb (or lpVerbW) is an integer value using the IS_INTRESOURCE macro.
if so, the command ID can be found in the low word. E.g, if the user selected "Do Something Else", you would find that LOWORD(lpVerb) == CMDID_DOSOMETHINGELSE.
I've implemented a simple list model and list delegate in QML, and now curious if it feasible to make the underlying list cyclic.
Here is the code snippet:
Common.MarketsListView {
id: markets
anchors.top: logoImage.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 5
cacheBuffer: 20000
NumberAnimation on x {
running: runtime.isActiveWindow
loops: Animation.Infinite
from: 0
to: -300
duration: 20000
Currently, the list slowly moves to the left, but as it reaches the end only few last items are shown. So I shall either make the underlying list cyclic, or hard-code the jump to the first list item :(
You can't do this with a ListView, but you may be able to get the bahavior you want using PathView, e.g. https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.7/declarative-ui-components-spinner.html