C++ error: Double and 3d Vector - c++

I got an error when compile the below code saying that "called object type 'double' is not a function or function pointer". Because 'position' is a 3d vector, so I was trying to access each element of the vector.
int k=1;
int m=1;
double x, y, z;
for (int j = 3; j < 1000 ; j++)
x(j) = 2 * x(j-1) - x(j-2) + (delta_t * delta_t * (-1.0*k/m) * x(j-1));

You'll actually have to keep track of x(j), x(j-1), and x(j-2) all as separate variables (using the syntax x(j) is akin to calling a function x() with argument j, which is not what you want).
double xj, xj_m1, xj_m2;
xj_m1 = position.x;
xj_m2 = position.x;
for (int j = 3; j < 1000 ; j++) {
xj = 2 * xj_m1 - xj_m2 + (delta_t * delta_t * (-1.0*k/m) * xj_m1);
//Update xj_m2 and xj_m1 for the next iteration
xj_m2 = xj_m1;
xj_m1 = xj;

When you do it:
You expect that position.x is an array?
To access to an element in a vector, you can use the [] operator:
std::vector<int> myIntVector = { 1, 2, 3 };
int i = myIntVector[0]; // i = 1 because myIntVector[0] is the first element of myIntVector
The variable position looks like a coordinate vector, so it's not an array, it's just a class / struct like this:
struct Vector3
double x, y, z;
In other words, position.x is just a number.


Making a multiple versions of a Object

I'm a student instructed to make a doodle jump replica with ogre3d.
I have a function which should make a panel on screen with a designated shape and location so now I wish to make a for loop that will make multiple (up to 10) and a random value that'll set each of them somewhere different on x,y,z.
void PlatformManager::CreatePanelDoodle( float x, float y, float z){
Plane plane3(Vector3::UNIT_Y, 0);
"Paddle2", RGN_DEFAULT,
20, 5, 20, 20,
1, 5, 5,
Entity* groundEntity3 = scnMgr->createEntity("Paddle2");
SceneNode* Paddlenode2 = scnMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
Paddlenode2->setPosition(Ogre::Vector3( x, y, z));
and this is for attempting to make multiple objects in random space
point plat[20];
float pX;
float pY;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
plat[i].x = rand() % 50;
plat[i].y = rand() % 30;
float pX = plat[i].x;
float pY = plat[i].y;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
PlatformManager Panels = new PlatformManager->CreatePanelDoodle(pX, 0, pY);
The problem is with the error in the for loop creation "No suitable constructor exists to convert void to "platform manager"
I've tried simply adding the constructor into the for loop, and not using the loop at all. Whats going wrong?
There are some problems in your second code snippet:
You are using uninitialized variables float pX; and float pY;
You are shadowing variables with float pX = plat[i].x; and float pY = plat[i].y;
You are creating multiple random values but you are not using them
You are trying to apply the new operator on a void function
You are trying to store that result in a variable
You can solve the problems with
// Remove this block, you don't use the variables
point plat[20]; // You don't use this array
float pX; // You use it uninitialized
float pY; // You use it uninitialized
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
plat[i].x = rand() % 50;
plat[i].y = rand() % 30;
float pX = plat[i].x; // You don't use this variable
float pY = plat[i].y; // You don't use this variable
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
PlatformManager->CreatePanelDoodle(static_cast<float>(rand() % 50), 0, static_cast<float>(rand() % 30));

Stack around the variable 'Yarray' was corrupted

When I declare an array to store the Y values of each coordinate, define its values then use each of the element values to send into a rounding function, i obtain the error 'Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'Yarray; was corrupted. The output is mostly what is expected although i'm wondering why this is happening and if i can mitigate it, cheers.
void EquationElement::getPolynomial(int * values)
//Takes in coefficients to calculate Y values for a polynomial//
double size = 40;
double step = 1;
int Yarray[40];
int third = *values;
int second = *(values + 1);
int first = *(values + 2);
int constant = *(values + 3);
double x, Yvalue;
for (int i = 0; i < size + size + 1; ++i) {
x = (i - (size));
x = x * step;
double Y = (third *(x*x*x)) + (second *(x*x)) + (first * (x))
Yvalue = Y / step;
Yarray[i] = int(round(Yvalue)); //<-MAIN ISSUE HERE?//
cout << Yarray[i] << endl;
double EquationElement::round(double number)
return number < 0.0 ? ceil(number - 0.5) : floor(number + 0.5);
// if n<0 then ceil(n-0.5) else if >0 floor(n+0.5) ceil to round up floor to round down
// values could be null, you should check that
// if instead of int* values, you took std::vector<int>& values
// You know besides the values, the quantity of them
void EquationElement::getPolynomial(const int* values)
//Takes in coefficients to calculate Y values for a polynomial//
static const int size = 40; // No reason for size to be double
static const int step = 1; // No reason for step to be double
int Yarray[2*size+1]{}; // 40 will not do {} makes them initialized to zero with C++11 onwards
int third = values[0];
int second = values[1]; // avoid pointer arithmetic
int first = values[2]; // [] will work with std::vector and is clearer
int constant = values[3]; // Values should point at least to 4 numbers; responsability goes to caller
for (int i = 0; i < 2*size + 1; ++i) {
double x = (i - (size)) * step; // x goes from -40 to 40
double Y = (third *(x*x*x)) + (second *(x*x)) + (first * (x)) + constant;
// Seems unnatural that x^1 is values and x^3 is values+2, being constant at values+3
double Yvalue= Y / step; // as x and Yvalue will not be used outside the loop, no need to declare them there
Yarray[i] = int(round(Yvalue)); //<-MAIN ISSUE HERE?//
// Yep, big issue, i goes from 0 to size*2; you need size+size+1 elements
cout << Yarray[i] << endl;
Instead of
void EquationElement::getPolynomial(const int* values)
You could also declare
void EquationElement::getPolynomial(const int (&values)[4])
Which means that now you need to call it with a pointer to 4 elements; no more and no less.
Also, with std::vector:
void EquationElement::getPolynomial(const std::vector<int>& values)
//Takes in coefficients to calculate Y values for a polynomial//
static const int size = 40; // No reason for size to be double
static const int step = 1; // No reason for step to be double
std::vector<int> Yarray;
Yarray.reserve(2*size+1); // This is just optimization. Yarran *Can* grow above this limit.
int third = values[0];
int second = values[1]; // avoid pointer arithmetic
int first = values[2]; // [] will work with std::vector and is clearer
int constant = values[3]; // Values should point at least to 4 numbers; responsability goes to caller
for (int i = 0; i < 2*size + 1; ++i) {
double x = (i - (size)) * step; // x goes from -40 to 40
double Y = (third *(x*x*x)) + (second *(x*x)) + (first * (x)) + constant;
// Seems unnatural that x^1 is values and x^3 is values+2, being constant at values+3
double Yvalue= Y / step; // as x and Yvalue will not be used outside the loop, no need to declare them there
cout << Yarray.back() << endl;

define and filling a sparse matrix using Eigen Library in C++

I am trying to build a spars Matrix using a Eigen or Armadillo library in C++ to solve a system of linear equations Ax=b. A is the coefficient matrix with a dimension of n*n, and B is a vector of right hand side with a dimension of n
the Spars Matrix A is like this, see the figure
I had a look though the Eigen document but I have a problem with defining and filling the Spars Matrix in C++.
could you please give me an example code to define the spars matrix and how to fill the values into the matrix using Eigen library in c++?
consider for example a simple spars matrix A:
1 2 0 0
0 3 0 0
0 0 4 5
0 0 6 7
int main()
SparseMatrix<double> A;
// fill the A matrix ????
VectorXd b, x;
SparseCholesky<SparseMatrix<double> > solver;
x = solver.solve(b);
return 0;
The sparse matrix could be filled with the values mentioned in the post by using the .coeffRef() member function, as shown in this routine:
SparseMatrix<double> fillMatrix() {
int N = 4;
int M = 4;
SparseMatrix<double> m1(N,M);
m1.reserve(VectorXi::Constant(M, 4)); // 4: estimated number of non-zero enties per column
m1.coeffRef(0,0) = 1;
m1.coeffRef(0,1) = 2.;
m1.coeffRef(1,1) = 3.;
m1.coeffRef(2,2) = 4.;
m1.coeffRef(2,3) = 5.;
m1.coeffRef(3,2) = 6.;
m1.coeffRef(3,3) = 7.;
return m1;
However, the SparseCholesky module (SimplicialCholesky<SparseMatrix<double> >) won't work in this case because the matrix is not Hermitian. The system could be solved with a LU or BiCGStab solver. Also note that sizes ofx and b need to be defined:
VectorXd b(A.rows()), x(A.cols());
In case of larger sparse matrices you may also want to look at the .reserve() function in order to allocate memory before filling the elements. The .reserve() function can be used to provide an estimate of the number of non-zero entries per column (or row, depending on the storage order. The default is comumn-major). In the example above that estimate is 4, but it does not make sense in such a small matrix. The documentation states that it is preferable to overestimate the number of non-zeros per column.
Since this question also asks about Armadillo, here is the corresponding Armadillo-based code. Best to use Armadillo version 9.100+ or later, and link with SuperLU.
#include <armadillo>
using namespace arma;
int main()
sp_mat A(4,4); // don't need to explicitly reserve the number of non-zeros
// fill with direct element access
A(0,0) = 1.0;
A(0,1) = 2.0;
A(1,1) = 3.0;
A(2,2) = 4.0;
A(2,3) = 5.0;
A(3,2) = 6.0;
A(3,3) = 7.0; // etc
// or load the sparse matrix from a text file with the data stored in coord format
sp_mat AA;
AA.load("my_sparse_matrix.txt", coord_ascii)
vec b; // ... fill b here ...
vec x = spsolve(A,b); // solve sparse system
return 0;
See also the documentation for SpMat, element access, .load(), spsolve().
The coord file format is simple. It stores non-zeros values.
Each line contains:
row col value
The row and column counts start at zero. Example:
0 0 1.0
0 1 2.0
1 1 3.0
2 2 4.0
2 3 5.0
3 2 6.0
3 3 7.0
1000 2000 9.0
Values not explicitly listed are assumed to be zero.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
int main()
double L = 5; // Length
const int N = 120; // No of cells
double L_cell = L / N;
double k = 100; // Thermal Conductivity
double T_A = 100.;
double T_B = 200.;
double S = 1000.;
Vector<double, N> d, D, A, aL, aR, aP, S_u, S_p;
vector<double> xp;
xp.push_back((0 + L_cell) / 2.0);
double xm = xp[0];
for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)
xm = xm + L_cell;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
A(i) = .1;
d(i) = L_cell;
D(i) = k / d(i);
aL(0) = 0;
aR(0) = D(0) * A(0);
S_p(0) = -2 * D(0) * A(0);
aP(0) = aL(0) + aR(0) - S_p(0);
S_u(0) = 2 * D(0) * A(0) * T_A + S * L_cell * A(0);
for (int i = 1; i < N - 1; i++)
aL(i) = D(i) * A(i);
aR(i) = D(i) * A(i);
S_p(i) = 0;
aP(i) = aL(i) + aR(i) - S_p(i);
S_u(i) = S * A(i) * L_cell;
aL(N - 1) = D(N - 1) * A(N - 1);
aR(N - 1) = 0;
S_p(N - 1) = -2 * D(N - 1) * A(N - 1);
aP(N - 1) = aL(N - 1) + aR(N - 1) - S_p(N - 1);
S_u(N - 1) = 2 * D(N - 1) * A(N - 1) * T_B + S * L_cell * A(N - 1);
typedef Eigen::Triplet<double> T;
std::vector<T> tripletList;
tripletList.reserve(N * 3);
Matrix<double, N, 3> v; // v is declared here
v << (-1) * aL, aP, (-1) * aR;
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < N && j < N; i++, j++)
tripletList.push_back(T(i, j, v(i, 1)));
if (i + 1 < N && j + 1 < N)
tripletList.push_back(T(i + 1, j, v(i + 1, 0)));
tripletList.push_back(T(i, j + 1, v(i, 2)));
SparseMatrix<double> coeff(N, N);
coeff.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
SimplicialLDLT<SparseMatrix<double> > solver;
if (solver.info() != Success) {
cout << "decomposition failed" << endl;
Vector<double, N> temparature;
temparature = solver.solve(S_u);
if (solver.info() != Success)
cout << "Solving failed" << endl;
vector<double> Te = {}, x = {};
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < N + 2; i++)
cout << x[i] << " " << Te[i] << endl;
return 0;
Here is a full code of a solution to numerical problem which uses SparseMatrix. Look at the matrix v. It has the values of all the nonzero elements of coeff matrix yet to be defined. In the next loop I made a series of tripletList.push_back(...) adding a triplet consisting of row and column index and corresponding value taken from v for each non-zero element of coeff. Now declare a Sparse Matrix coeff with appropriate size and use the method setFromTriplets (documentation) to set its non-zero elements from tripletList triplets.

Integration with variable limits

I need to evaluate a double integral where the inner upper Bound is variable:
integral2 between -5 and 5 ( integral1 between 0 and y f(x)dx )dy.
I'm stuck in the calculation of the outer loop which is dependent on the inner loop. My code runs for a really long time but returns zero.
How can i calculate a integral with variable limits?
First I created a function doubleIntegrate. In the first place the function holds the arrays with coefficients for the trapeziodal rule.
double NumericIntegrationDouble::doubleIntegrate(double (*doubleFunc
(const double &x), double dy, const double &innerLowBound, const double
double innerValue = 0.0;
double outerValue = 0.0;
// arrays which store function values for the inner (X) and the outer (Y) integration loop
// vector filled with coefficients for the inner poop (trapezoidal rule)
std::vector<double> vecCoeffsX(numberOfIntervalsDouble+1, 2);
vecCoeffsX[0] = 1; // fist coeff = 1
vecCoeffsX[vecCoeffsX.size()-1] = 1; // last coeff = 1
std::vector<double> funcValuesX(numberOfIntervalsDouble+1);
// vector filled with coefficients for the inner poop (trapezoidal rule)
std::vector<double> vecCoeffsY(numberOfIntervalsDouble+1, 2);
vecCoeffsY[0] = 1; // same as above
vecCoeffsY[vecCoeffsY.size()-1] = 1; // same as above
std::vector<double> funcValuesY(numberOfIntervalsDouble+1)
// Then i created a loop in a loop where dy and dy stands for step size of integration. The variables xi and yi stand for the current x and y value.
// outer integration loop dy
for(int i=0; i<=numberOfIntervalsDouble; i++)
double yi = outerLowBound + dy*i;
funcValuesY[i] = (*doubleFunc)(yi);
// inner integration loop dx
for(int j=0; j<=numberOfIntervalsDouble; j++)
double dx = abs(yi - innerLowBound) / (double)numberOfIntervalsDouble;
double xi = innerLowBound + j*dx;
funcValuesX[j] = (*doubleFunc)(xi);
double multValueX = std::inner_product(vecCoeffsX.begin(), vecCoeffsX.end(), funcValuesX.begin(), 0.0);
double innerValue = 0.5 * dx * multValueX;
suminnerValue = suminnerValue + innerValue;
//auto multValueY = std::inner_product(vecCoeffsY.begin(), vecCoeffsY.end(), funcValuesY.begin(), 0.0);
outerValue = 0.5 * dy * suminnerValue;
return outerValue;

How to add final iteration to while loop?

I have a function that runs a while loop:
void run_while_loop(const float x_d, const float x_max)
float x = 0;
while ( x < x_max ){
// do something
x += x_d;
It is assumed that x_d < x_max.
I want to change the function so that it adds an iteration at the end with x = x_max. If the function were called as:
run_while_loop(1, 3.123)
then I want the while loop to iterate for x = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 3.123.
What is an elegant way to code this?
Thank you very much.
Wrap the code that is inside the while loop into a function, and call that function after the while-loop.
void run_while_loop(const float x_d, const float x_max)
float x = 0;
while ( x < x_max ){
x += x_d;