Is it an abstract class or a pure virtual (interface)? - c++

It might be a silly question but I never saw a question about it or read about it.
Imagine that we have this:
class Numeric
virtual ~Numeric() {}
virtual int getNumeric() const = 0;
This is considered an interface.
And now I insert an enumerator (It can be something else, like a typedef, etc.)
class Numeric
enum Numbers
virtual Numbers getNumeric() const = 0;
Still being an interface or it is now considered an abstract class?
As I said, it might be silly but I really wonder to know that.

If you are looking for an official answer, then I'm afraid there is none.
The draft of the C++11 standard I am having here merely says [10.4 class.abstract]:
An abstract class can also be used to define an interface for which
derived classes provide a variety of implementations.
All other instances of the word "interface" in the entire ~1300 pages PDF only refer to generic programming or other things not related to OOP or abstract classes.
For example this one here [24.2.1 iterator.requirements.general]:
Most of the library’s algorithmic templates that operate on data
structures have interfaces that use ranges.
This obviously has nothing to do with abstract classes.
Bjarne Stroustrup himself, if you accept his words as "half-official", doesn't really help you in this regard, either. Quoting from the glossary on his homepage:
abstract class - a class defining an interface only; used as a base
You will have to live with the fact that the C++ language itself as well as C++ developers and experts use the word "interface" as a superset for "abstract class". Unlike e.g. in Java, where interfaces are an actual language element with its own interface keyword, there is no such thing in C++.
Everything else is opinion-based.

Your second class Numeric is an interface.
If a class has one or more pure virtual functions, then this class is called an "abstract class".
Generally, if all of a classes' functions are pure virtual functions, then this class is called an "interface".
C++ does not have an explicit interface concept, so the above two classes are called the interface or abstract class, somewhat interchangably.

In my opinion, your second class can be considered an interface. I don't think there is a standard which defines interfaces in C++. However in languages which have interfaces, for example, Java, you can usually have enums defined inside an interface.
I would consider a class with no implementation to be an interface.


C++ Add non-virtual static method in interface is normal?

I thought interface can only include pure virtual functions in C++. However, recently my college showed me the following code:
class IAddition {
virtual bool MethodA() = 0;
static bool StaticMethodA(IAddition* interface) {
return interface->MethodA();
static std::string GetStr() {
return "A";
The interface can be compiled but I feel the code weird. I can't understand what is a static method of an interface? Is this very normal in C++ programs?
I thought interface can only include pure virtual functions in C++
There is no such requirement imposed by the C++ standard.
Is this very normal in C++ programs?
Yes(assuming by normal you mean well-formed), this is a valid C++ program. We're allowed to use virtual member function with static as well as non-static member functions within a class.
As blankettripod point out in comment and Jason Liam in other answear C++ language do not have interface concept. So purely from C++ standard perspective this is fine.
But in many best C++ practices interface means:
class or a struct without any fields and only with public pure virtual functions inside (except for destructor which must be implemented and should be virtual).
See also Cpp Core Guidelines I.25: Prefer empty abstract classes as interfaces to class hierarchies.
So your IAddition fails this definition because of this static methods.
Many developers will not have problem with that.
On other hand in many projects where coding standard rules are more strict and respected, this is no longer an interface and should be fixed. There are many rationales, for example if this API is ported to other languages (like Java or C# where interfaces are part of language features) this extra methods will be a real technical problem.

Why should an abstract class be used for creating a class library?

When and Why to use abstract classes/methods?
When creating a class library which will be widely distributed or reused—especially to clients, use an abstract class in preference to an interface; because, it simplifies versioning. This is the practice used by the Microsoft team which developed the Base Class Library. ( COM was designed around interfaces.) Use an abstract class to define a common base class for a family of types. Use an abstract class to provide default behavior. Subclass only a base class in a hierarchy to which the class logically belongs.
I did not understand the explanation in the above quote. Please explain why should an abstract class be used for creating a class library?
You should read articles of such kind very carefully. As I Understood, the main part of article is dedicated to c# language. In terms of such language there is big difference between interfaces and abstract classes. For example, interfaces in terms of c# language is just set of "pure" virtual methods (they cannot have definition within interface, only classes can implement it). Interfaces cannot have constructors. Abstract classes can have constructors. Moreover, c# does not support multiple inheritance ( as opposite to c++ language). In such way, c# interfaces and abstract classes look very different than c++'s one

When does it make sense to use an abstract class

I'm transitioning from c to c++ and of course, OOP which is proving more difficult than expected. The difficulty isn't understanding the core mechanics of classes and inheritance, but how to use it. I've read book on design patterns but they only show the techniques and paint a vague picture of why the techniques should be used. I am really struggling to find a use for abstract classes. Take the code below for example.
class baseClass {
virtual void func1() = 0;
virtual void func2() = 0;
class inhClass1 : baseClass {
void func1();
void func2();
class inhClass2 : baseClass{
void func1();
void func2();
int main() {}
I frequently see abstract classes set up like this in design books. I understand that with this configuration the inherited classes have access to the public members of the base class. I understand that virtual functions are placeholders for the inherited classes. The problem is I still don't understand how this is useful. I'm trying to compare it to overloading functions and I'm just not seeing a practical use.
What I would really like is for someone to give the simplest example possible to illustrate why an abstract class is actually useful and the best solution for a situation. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying there isn't a good answer. I just don't understand how to use them correctly.
Abstract classes and interfaces both allow you to define a method signature that subclasses are expected to implement: name, parameters, exceptions, and return type.
Abstract classes can provide a default implementation if a sensible one exists. This means that subclasses do not have to implement such a method; they can use the default implementation if they choose to.
Interfaces do not have such an option. Classes that implement an interface are required to implement all its methods.
In Java the distinction is clear because the language includes the keyword interface.
C++ interfaces are classes that have all virtual methods plus a pure virtual destructor.
Abstract classes and interfaces are used when you want to decouple interface from implementation. They're useful when you know you'll have several implementations to choose from or when you're writing a framework that lets clients plug in their own implementation. The interface provides a contract that clients are expected to adhere to.
One use of abstract classes is to be able to easily switch between different concrete implementations with minimal changes to your code. You do this by declaring a reference variable to the base class type. The only mention of the derived class is during creation. All other code uses the base class reference.
Abstract classes are used to provide abstract representation of some concept you want to implement hiding the details.
For example let's say I want to implement File system interface :-
At abstract level what I can think of?
class FileSystemInterface
virtual void openFile();
virtual void closeFile();
virtual void readFile();
virtual void writeFile();
At this point of time I am not thinking of anything specific like how they will be handled in windows or linux rather I am focusing on some abstract idea.

Difference between interface and polymorphism [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was reading an online excerpt from a C++ book on polymorphism and interfaces.
The book made a distinction between polymorphism and interfaces, and specified how to implement them in C++. However, I was always under the idea that interfaces in C++ (implemented using a base class with pure virtual functions) were nothing more than an application of polymorphism.
I would like to know the clear distinction between polymorphism and interfaces because the excerpt confused me.
Polymorphism is the abstract concept of dealing with multiple types in a uniform manner, and interfaces are a way to implement that concept. Code that interacts with an interface can interact with any type that provides that interface.
Note that C++ has (at least) two forms of polymorphism: dynamic (i.e. run-time) polymorphism via interfaces formally defined by virtual functions, and static (i.e. compile-time) polymorphism via interfaces informally defined by the use of template parameters.
Typical C++ interfaces make use of virtual functions and polymorphism to provide the actual implementation. But polymorphism covers many other things, which is "not interfaces".
An interface is a base-class that can be used to a class that is passed back to something that accepts that interface. In some cases, a class may provide more than one interface:
class MyClass: public InterfaceGUI, InterfaceAudio
here, MyClass provides a class that interfaces both with the GUI and the Audio interfaces. This is a one case of multiple inheritance.
On the other hand:
class Animal
int numLegs;
Animal(int nLegs): numLegs(nLegs) {}
class Dog : public Animal
Dog() : Animal(4) { }
here Animal is not a pure interface class, since it implements some functionality, and this is generally not a good design for an interface.
What i understood from the concept of polymorphism and Interface is as follows:
Polymorphism :
Polymorphism is nothing but having more than one form(As per all books).
But As per the Object orientation when you relate it with the real life You will get to know that Polymorphism is nothing but having more than one form with same name or some other Quality but have one's own Patent quality which no one have.
As per the programming:
A function with same name But different arguments (Compile time Polymorphism) and a Virtual function used for Runtime Polymorphism As explained here
Check this Example
An interface describes the behavior or capabilities of a C++ class without committing to a particular implementation of that class.
The C++ interfaces are implemented using abstract classes and these abstract classes should not be confused with data abstraction which is a concept of keeping implementation details separate from associated data.
For this purpose we use Pure Virtual function
For Reference you can go through this Link
And for example you can use explanation by Mats Petersson
Hope this will help you to understand the basic senario.

What is the difference between abstract class and pure abstract class in C++?

Iterators are pure abstractions: Anything that behaves like an
iterator is an iterator.
What does it mean?
An abstract class has at least one pure virtual function. This is standard C++ terminology.
Some people use the term pure abstract class to describe a class that has nothing but pure virtual functions (in other words, no data members and no concrete functions). This is equivalent to Java interfaces.
Now to your actual question:
Iterators are pure abstractions: Anything that behaves like an iterator is an iterator.
This has nothing to do with abstract classes (pure or otherwise). All it's saying is that anything that fulfils the iterator contract is an iterator. It doesn't even have to be a class (think pointers).
Nothing. The C++ Standard states only that a), a class is abstract if it has at least one pure virtual function, direct or inherited, and b), you can't instantiate an abstract class directly. There's no such thing as a pure abstract class.
I would think a pure abstract class is the C++ equivalent of an interface.
See here:
A pure Abstract class has only abstract member functions and no data
or concrete member functions. In general, a pure abstract class is
used to define an interface and is intended to be inherited by
concrete classes. It's a way of forcing a contract between the class
designer and the users of that class. The users of this class must
declare a matching member function for the class to compile.
An abstract class is a class with some functionality but some that needs to be implemented, whereas a pure abstract class has none of its functionality implemented.
This is a bit like an interface in other languages such as C# and Java.
A pure abstract class would serve the purpose of specifying a 'contract' that concretions of the pure abstract class must adhere to.
Abstract Class *will atleast have one pure virtual function and can have data members.
Pure Abstract Class is just like an interface. Only pure virtual functions can be defined here. No data members or method definition can be done here.
For more information visit: (
In C++ there is not pure abstract class. There are only abstract class and pure virtual function (function has been marked with = 0). Class with at least one pure virtual function becomes abstract. However pure virtual function can have implementation.
In your example, you're talking about Iterators. In C++, and more specifically in the standard library, the term Iterators doesn't refer to a pure abstract class but to what are called concepts. Concepts are used with templates rather than with virtual/inheritance-based polymorphism. Currently (C++11), concepts are only defined in the library documentation, i.e. they do not (yet) exist as part of the C++ language itself. The standard library documents concepts, for example the "Iterator" concept, as a set of requirements for any type/object to be accepted as a type parameter of a template that wants to work with an "Iterator". A set of requirements is defined in terms of which expressions are valid on an object, regardless of its type. It's a form of duck-typing. For example, see :