Sieve of Erastothenes - c++

I'm solving some programming problems in euler project, and i stoped in this problem:
generating the prime number
I understood the algorithm but i didn't understood one thing in the solution :
Here is a solution i took from another discussion:
void sieve_of_eratosthenes(int n)
bool *sieve = new bool[n+1];
// Initialize
for(int i=3;i<n+1;++i)
// Actual sieve
for(int i=1; i<n+1; ++i)
//**i didnt understood what is the purpose of this condition**
for(int j=2;j*i<n+1;++j)
// Output
cout << "Prime numbers are: " <<endl;
for(int i=0;i<n+1;++i)
if (sieve[i])
cout << i <<endl;
delete [] sieve;
int main()
int n = 70;
i understood that in the condition we try to know if the number is prime or not , but i don't understood why we jump the not prime number
any help will be useful to me, thank you

Efficiency. Lets look at the composite number 4. Do we really need to check all the other numbers for divisibility? No, because we already checked for its prime factors.
In short, checking composite numbers is a redundant process because we check its prime factors.

A prime number is a number that has no divisors besides 1 and itself.
The aim of the sieve is to mark all multiples of the prime number as not being prime.
To do so we check if the number is prime, and mark all numbers that are a multiple of that prime as not prime.
To visualize this a bit. Let's say we start from number 2.
Is 2 prime? Yes.
Mark all 2*x where x < n. That would mark 2,4,6,8
Is 3 prime? Yes. Mark all 3*x -> 3,6,9 etc.
Is 4 prime? No. If we would not have this condition we would mark
4,8,16 etc as not prime, but we have already done this with 2.


Find 101 in prime numbers

I'm currently solving a problem which is pretty straightforward: I need to find all prime numbers up to N which contain 101 in them and count them.
Say if N is 1000 then the output should ne 6 since there is 101, 1013, 1015, 5101, 6101 and 8101. I used sieve's algorithm to get all of the prime numbers up to N, though I don't know how could I solve it completely. I thought of std::find, but resigned from that idea because the time complexity grows fast. I know I need to modify sieve's algorithm to fit my needs though I can't find any patterns.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm using this algorithm:
vector<int> sieve;
vector<int> primes;
for (int i = 1; i < max + 1; ++i)
sieve.push_back(i); // you'll learn more efficient ways to handle this later
for (int i = 2; i < max + 1; ++i) { // there are lots of brace styles, this is mine
if (sieve[i-1] != 0) {
for (int j = 2 * sieve[i-1]; j < max + 1; j += sieve[i-1]) {
sieve[j-1] = 0;
Yes, checking every prime number for containing "101" is a waste of time. Generating all numbers containing 101 and checking whether they are prime is probably faster.
For generating the 101 numbers, let's look at the possible digit patterns, e.g. with 5 digits:
For each of these patterns, you get all the numbers by iterating n in an outer loop and m in an inner loop and doing the math to get the pattern's value (of course, you need not consider even m values, because the only even prime is 2). You are done when the values reaches N.
To check for being a prime, an easy way is to prepare a list of all primes up to M=sqrt(N), using a sieve if you like, and check whether your value is divisible by one of them.
This should be running in O(N^1.5). Why? The number of patterns grows with O(logN), the iterations inside each pattern with N/1000, giving O(N), the prime check with the number of primes up to M, being O(M/log(M)), finding these primes with a sieve being O(M^2). Altogether that's O(N * log(N) * sqrt(N) / log(sqrt(N)) + N) or O(N^1.5).
You don't need to modify your prime generation algorithm. When processing the primes you get from your gen alg you just have to check if the prime satisfies your condition:
// p is the prime number
if (contains(p))
// print or write to file or whatever
bool contains(int);
a function which checks your condition

Prime Factorization of First 1000 Numbers in C++

I need to write a program that could find the sums of the prime factors of the first 1000 numbers, check if the sums are prime, and print them if they are.
I have some pseudo-code I've written and I have a working program for generating prime numbers that I'm trying to expand off of. I'm learning from the book "Jumping into C++," by the way (it's a Practice Problem in the book).
This is the pseudo-code:
// for every 1000 of the first bunch of numbers, check if the number is prime
// if (number isPrime())
// use expression <number_being_checked % number_being_compared_against == 0;>
// if (number_being_checked % number_being_compared_against == 0)
// for every number found from dividing the two numbers, check if number is prime
// add up prime numbers and check if the sums are prime
// else, return false in bool function isFactorPrime() (if I write such a function)
And this is the main() function right now:
int main ()
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
if (isFactorPrime(i))
cout << i
The issue I'm having right now is about what I should add to i (i + some_variable?) to get my sum that I can use in my check to see if it's a prime number. Should I make an inner for-loop and then add loop-variable in that to i, with expression i + j? Where I'd assign j the value of the number being checked (which is what I'm wondering how I could do. It's not like I'm going to take the user's input, I'm just iterating over the first 1000 numbers and checking them).
There are also some other Practice Problems in the book I need to ask help with, but for now I'll go with just this one.

How is this code working for finding the number of divisors of a number?
This is the problem statement. Since i'm new to programming, this particular problem ripped me off, I found this particular code on the internet which when I tried submitting got AC. I want to know how this code worked, as I have submitted it from online source which itself is bad idea for beginners.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int check[32000];
int prime[10000];
void shieve()
for(int i=3;i<=180;i+=2)
for(int j=i*i;j<=32000;j+=i)
prime[0] = 2;
int j=1;
for(int i=3;i<=32000;i+=2)
int main()
int a,b,n,temp,total=1,res=0;
int count=0,i,j,k;
total *=count+1;
return 0;
It looks like the code works on the sieve of eratosthenes, but a few things i'm unable to understand.
Why the limit of array "check" is 32000?
Again why the limit for array prime is 10000?
Inside main, whatever is happening inside the for loop of j.
Too many confusions regarding this approach, can someone explain the whole algorithm how it's working.
The hard limit on the arrays is set probably because the problem demands so? If not then just bad code.
Inside the inner loop, you are calculating the largest power of a prime that divides the number. Why? See point 3.
The number of factors of a number n can be calculated as follows:
Let n = (p1)^(n1) * (p2)^(n2) ... where p1, p2 are primes and n1, n2 ... are their exponents. Then the number of factors of n = (n1 + 1)*(n2 + 1)...
Hence the line total *= count + 1 which is basically total = total * (count + 1) (where count is the largest exponent of the prime number that divides the original number) calculates the number of prime factors of the number.
And yes, the code implements sieve of Eratosthenes for storing primes in a table.
(Edit Just saw the problem - you need at least 10^4 boolean values to store the primes (you don't actually need to store the values, just a flag indicating whether the values are prime or not). The condition given is 0 <= b - a <= 10^4 , So start your loop from a to b and check for the bool values stored in the array to know if they are prime or not.)

need help about sieve of eratosthenes in free pascal

my teacher gave me this :
an array of n integer<=10^9);
find all prime numbers .
he said something about sieve of eratosthenes,and I read about it,also the wheel factorization too,but I still couldn't figure it out how to get the program (fpc) to run in 1s.??
as I know it's impossible,but still want to know your opinion .
and with the wheel factorization ,a 2*3 circle will treat 25 as a prime number,and I wanna ask if there is a way to find out the first number of the wheel treated wrong as a prime number.
example:2*3*5 circle ,how to find the first composite number treated as aprime number??
please help..and sorry for bad english.
A proper Sieve of Eratosthenes should find the primes less than a billion in about a second; it's possible. If you show us your code, we'll be happy to help you find what is wrong.
The smallest composite not marked by a 2,3,5-wheel is 49: the next largest prime not a member of the wheel is 7, and 7 * 7 = 49.
I did it now and it's finding primes up to 1000000 in a few milliseconds, without displaying all those numbers.
Declare an array a of n + 1 bools (if it is zero-based). At the beginning 0th and 1st element are false, all others are true (false is not a prime).
The algorithm looks like that:
i = 2;
while i * i <= n
if a[i] == true
j = i * i;
while j < n
a[j] = false;
j = j + i;
i = i + 1;
In a loop the condition is i * i <= n because you start searching from i * i (smaller primes than that was found already by one of other primes) so square root of i must not be bigger than n. You remove all numbers which are multiplies of primes up to n.
Time complexity is O(n log log n).
If you want to display primes, you display indexes which values in array are true.
Factorization is usefull if you want to find e.g. all semiprimes from 0 to n (products of two prime numbers). Then you find all smallest prime divisors from 0 to n/2 and check for each number if it has prime divisor and if number divided by its prime divisor has zero divisors. If so - it is a semiprime. My program wrote like that was calculating 8 times faster than first finding all primes and then multiplying them and saving result in an array.

Need a way to make this code run faster

I'm trying to solve Project Euler problem 401. They only way I could find a way to solve it was brute-force. I've been running this code for like 10 mins without any answer. Can anyone help me with ideas improve it.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#define ull unsigned long long
using namespace std;
ull sigma2(ull n);
ull SIGMA2(ull n);
int main()
ull ans = SIGMA2(1000000000000000) % 1000000000;
cout << "Answer: " << ans << endl;
return 0;
ull sigma2(ull n)
ull sum = 0;
for(ull i = 1; i<=floor(sqrt(n)); i++)
if(n%i == 0)
sum += (i*i)+((n/i)*(n/i));
if(i*i == n)
sum -= n;
return sum;
ull SIGMA2(ull n)
ull sum = 0;
for(ull i = 1; i<=n; i++)
return sum;
You're missing some dividers, if a/b=c, and b is a divider of a then c will also be a divider of a but cmight be greater than floor(sqrt(a)), for example 3 > floor(sqrt(6)) but divides 6.
Then you should put your floor(sqrt(n)) in a variable and use the variable in the for, otherwise you recalculate it a every operation which is very expensive.
You can do some straightforward optimizations:
inline sigma2,
calculate floor(sqrt(n)) before the loop (but compiler may be doing it anyway, though),
precalculate squares of all ints from 1 to n and then use array lookup instead of multiplication
You will gain more by changing your approach. Think what you are trying to do - summing squares of all divisors of all integers from 1 to n. You grouped divisors by what they divide, but you can regroup terms in this sum. Let's group divisors by their value:
1 divides everything so it will appear n times in the sum, bringing 1*1*n total,
2 divides evens and will appear n/2 (integer division!) times, bringing 2*2*(n/2) total,
k ... will bring k*k*(n/k) total.
So we should just add up k*k*(n/k) for k from 1 to n.
Think about the problem.
Bruteforce the way you tried is obviously not a good idea.
You should come up with something better...
Isn't there any method how to use some nice prime factorization method to speed up the computation? Isn't there any recursion pattern? Try to find something...
One simple optimization that you can carry out is that there will be many repeated factors in the numbers.
So first estimate in how many numbers would 1 be a factor ( all N numbers ).
In how many numbers would 2 be a factor ( N/2 ).
Similarly for others.
Just multiply their squares with their frequency.
Time complexity shall then straight-away reduce to O(N)
There are obvious microoptimizations such as ++i rather than i++ or getting floor(sqrt(n)) out of the loop (these are two floating point operations which are really expensive compared to other integer operation in the loop), and calculting n/i only once (use a dummy variable for it and then calculate the square of the dummy).
There are also rather obvious simplifications in the algorithm. For example SIGMA2(i) = SIGMA2(i-1) + sigma2(i). But do not use recursion since you need a really huge number, this would not work and your stack memory would be exhausted. Use loop instead of recursion. There is a huge potential for improvement.
And well, there is a bigger problem - 10^15 has 15 digits. This number squared has 30 digits. There is no way you can store this into unsigned long long, which has I think about 20 digits. So you need to employ somehow the modulo 10^9 (the end of the assignment) and get additional space for your calculations...
And when using brute force, print out the temporary result every milion number for example to give you idea how fast you are approaching to the final result. Waiting 10 minutes blindly is not a good idea.