aws ec2 caching (always returns 304) - amazon-web-services

I have created a fresh EC2 instance, installed Apache2 and pointed my domain ( to ip of this instance. When I browse my domain it shows default apache/ubuntu page, then I stopped apache2 service and try to access ( it still shows apache/ubuntu default page, now when I try to access it says
Could Not Connect
Description: Could not connect to the requested server host.
and returns Header Status Code: 502 Connection refused
I tried with nginx server, still same caching issue.
Do AWS have any caching set ?
I am not using any other service than ec2.


Connection refused error with AWS + Hashicorp Vault

I have configured a Hashicorp Vault server on a EC2 instance. When trying to use postman to test transit secret engine API I keep getting a error connection refused on postman, I went full ape mode and opened all ports on the security group inbound rule and it didn't work, I attached an elastic IP to the instance and didnt work either, im just trying with a simple GET and I just keep getting the same connectionrefused error.
When I use cUrl on the ssh connected session i have no issues though. The specified hosted adress is, in postman I replaced that localhost with the public adress of the instance that i obviously censored in the screencap, in the headers theres the token needed to access vault, for simplicity I was just using the root token.
Postman screecap if it helps
#Emilio Marchant
I have faced similar issue (not with postman, but with telnet), Let's try to understand problem here.
The issue is with IP. This is loopback IP and When you (or your computer) call an IP address, you are usually trying to contact another computer on the internet. However, if you call the IP address then you are communicating with the localhost – in principle, with your own computer.
Reference link :
What you can try is below.
Start vault dev server with --dev-listen-address parameter.
vault server -dev -dev-listen-address="123.456.789.1:8200"
in above command replace '123.456.789.1:8200' with '<your ec2 instance private IP : 8200'>
Next set VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_TOKEN parameter as below
export VAULT_ADDR='http://123.456.789.1:8200'
export VAULT_TOKEN='*****************'
Again replace 'http://123.456.789.1:8200' with 'http://[Your ec2 instance private IP]:8200'
For Vault_token : you should get a root token in console, when you start vault server , use that token
Now try to connect from postman or using curl command. It should work.
Reference question and solution :
How to connect to remote hashicorp vault server
The notable thing here is that the response is "connection refused". This error means that the connection is getting established and it found that there are no processes running on that port. This error means that there is no issue with firewall. A firewall will cause the connection to either drop (reject) or timeout (ignore), but won't give "Econnrefused".
The most likely issue is that the vault server process is not bound to the correct network interface. There must be a configuration in hashicorp-vault to setup the IP on which to bind. Most servers, by default, bind only on loopback address which is accessible only from You need to bind it to "all" network interfaces by changing that to I am not aware of the specific configuration option of hashicorp vault, but there has to be something to this effect.
Possible security issue:
Note that some servers expect you to run it behind a reverse proxy so that you can setup SSL (https) and other authentication if needed. Applications like vault servers should not be publicly accessible on http without SSL.

Unable to use OpenVPN Access Server admin page on google cloud platform

I deployed the service called OpenVPN Access Server in my Google Cloud Instance and now it looks like this:
OpenVPN Access Server instance
When I try to open the url of the site address, says Your connection is not private ... It can not connect because I have no ssl and no domain configured, and if I try to change https to http, it says This site can’t be reached and it's because port 80 is not listening in the VM deployed.
Can any one help me with this?

DataPusher is unable to connect to CKAN 2.8

DataPusher is not working with my CKAN 2.8 install. I have DataPusher and CKAN on the same VPS (an Amazon EC2 instance). I cannot curl /api/3/action/resource_show from within the instance, but I can from outside it at the same IP address I can access the CKAN web gui from. I am using the default port settings/followed the official CKAN documentation for setting up CKAN and DataPusher/DataStore.
Upon checking the error logs (specifically datapusher.error.log in /var/log/apache2) the latest message is:
ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='{ckan.site_url value, in this case the public IP of the instance}', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/3/action/resource_show (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f3bb0151490>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 110] Connection timed out',))
I had a similar issue but I used a different approach to solve it.
The system looks up DNS names in the /etc/hosts file before it goes to the external DNS server. I simply pointed my hostname (from the URL) to the local IP address like so: ckan.installation.url
This way, the server connects to itself when it needs to reach ckan.installation.url and users connect to ckan.installation.url (public facing IP) when they need to access the site.
Ultimately the issue is that with an AWS EC2 VPS, your Ubuntu instance is not aware of its public-facing IP address, which is probably what you're using to reach the CKAN web gui hosted on said VPS.
Ideally the CKAN API can be hit internally but I have been unable to do so with localhost/ in place of the VPS's external/public-facing IP address. The issue with setting the ckan site_url to localhost is that is what you will be directed to from the CKAN web gui when attempting to use DataPusher (e.g. manually initiating upload of a resource to the DataStore). Your computer obviously won't know localhost refers to the CKAN dev server... So in short, the ckan site_url value must be something accessible by both DataPusher and people/devices on the public Internet (assuming you want your CKAN instance to be publicly-accessible).
The solution here is to open port 80 to the public IP address of the AWS EC2 instance in the inbound rules of the instance's security group. In other words, you are letting the instance hit itself at port 80. Seem inefficient, but I don't have an alternative at the moment. It's better than nothing!

ec2 Instance refused to connect in browser

I have created my ec2 instance successfully in AWS.
here my instance end point is
The problem is when I try to hit this end point it is showing refused to connect. I don't have any Idea why it is not working like this
where as I successfully connect instance using SSH key, here it is working fine.
here my instance security group inbound rules are listed below
Looks like it is working on both the DNS and the public IP
It was the Apache web server not running. To find this, type this from your root#ip directory:
service httpd status
To start the server, type:
service httpd start

Elastic Load balancer returning empty reply

I have setup a elb instance that has 80 port open and forwarded to ec2 instance. healthcheck seems to be working fine and I do see request being made from elb to instance in instance's access logs.
However, when I try to access load balancer via its DNS name either via curl or via browsers - I get empty response.
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
Looked everywhere but not able to identify what is going on in this case.
I can view default ubuntu apache2 introduction page while hitting to the URL and through curl. That means your ELB is working fine. But you may need to reconfigure your web server for view the index page or reconfigure your ELB which points to right apache2 pages.