Kendo upload loses class when events added -

Ive got a kendoupload in my gridview:
And this works fine:
But when i add events to the upload:
.Events(events => events
It loses all css-classes:

Looks like it just works according to docs.
Complete handler:
Fires when all active uploads have completed either successfully or with errors.
Note: The complete event fires only when the upload is in async mode.
Async mode:
Asynchronous mode
In this mode the Upload requires dedicated server handlers to store and remove uploaded files. Files are uploaded immediately or, optionally, after user confirmation. The upload request is executed out-of-band without interrupting the page flow.
The async mode is implemented using the HTML5 File API. The upload will gracefully degrade and continue to function in legacy browsers using a hidden IFRAME.
So that's it - subscribing to complete you forcing legacy look & feel for legacy browsers.


Running Task In The Background

What is the technology which allows the web application to process the task in the background without holding user to wait until the task to finish.
Example, as a user,
1. I want to submit a form which requires heavy processing. (Assume it requires to checking or actions, upload documentation or etc)
2. After submitting the form, the task will be running in the background, then I can go to other page and do something else.
2.1 At the same time, I might submit another form to the server.
The request can be process at the same time or can be queue under a queue system
3. I will receive a notification from the system whenever the server return a response. (Regardless it is success or failure)
This feature is similar to Google Cloud Platform.
Try Kue or any other similar libraries. The term to "google" is "[language] task queue"
You can of course roll your own. Though it will be much easier if you make use of an existing server such as redis or rabbitmq. So that queuing part is handled for you by the server and you could concentrate on your business logic.

WSO2 Identity Server - event handler - what events are handled?

The WSO2 Identity Server since version 5.1 has an option to engage the workflow on certain events using a custom event event/workflow handler. Nice! What events is it possible to handle? Well - from the example I see that any admin web service calls could be intercepted.
Next to that - I found the org.wso2.carbon.identity.event bundle providing option to handle events. What events is this feature intended?
Thank you all for any insight.
We developed identity-event component with the initial intention to handle events related to identity-management such as account lock, account disable, password reset, failed login attempt etc. We developed AbstractEventHandlerwhich defines different methods of handling events such as sending notifications. Account locking act as a method of handling events as well at the time of incorrect login attempt. Successful login attempt after failed login attempt also act as event where handler will reset the user's failed login attempt claim. We can map events to handler in repository/conf/identity/ file. So we can register each events to 0 or more handlers which will fired when the event occurs.
Even though the initial intention of this event framework was to handle identity management event, later we improved it to be a more generic framework which can handle any event which we can describe in model I mentioned above. But as far as I know this only covers identity-management related event. But anyone who develop customize features can make use of this.
Its true that workflow handler is also a way of handling events which do the same task this framework do for some extent. After reading your question, I also got feeling that it also follows the same model. But we haven't thought of combining these two. So they will work as independent features.

Periodic tasks in Django/Celery - How to notify the user on screen?

I have now succesfully setup Django-celery to check after my existing tasks to remind the user by email when the task is due:
def check_for_tasks():
tasks = mdls.Task.objects.all()
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc,second=00, microsecond=00)
for task in tasks:
if task.reminder_date_time == now:
So far so good, however what if I wanted to also display a popup to the user as a reminder?
Twitter bootstrap allows creating popups and displaying them from javascript:
The problem is though, how can a celery worker daemon run this javascript on the user's browser? Maybe I am going a complete wrong way and this is not possible at all. Therefore the question remains can a cronjob on celery ever be used to achieve a ui notification on the browser?
Well, you can't use the Django messages framework, because the task has no way to access the user's request, and you can't pass request objects to the workers neither, because they're unpickable.
But you could definitely use something like django-notifications. You could create notifications in your task and attach them to the user in question. Then, you could retrieve those messages from your view and handle them in your templates to your liking. The user would see the notification on their next request (or you could use AJAX polling for real-time-ish notifications or HTML5 websockets for real real-time [see django-websocket]).
Yes it is possible but it is not easy. Ways to do/emulate server to client communication:
The most trivial approach would be polling the server from javascript. Your celery task could create rows in your database that can be fetched by a url like /updates which checks for new updates, marks the rows as read and returns them.
long polling
Often referred to as comet. The client does a request to the server which pends until the server decides to return something. See django-comet for example.
To enable true server to client communication you need an open connection from the client to the server. django-socketio and django-websocket are examples of reusable apps that make this possible.
My advice judging by your question's context: either do some basic polling or stick with the emails.

Sustain an http connection while django processes a big request (20mins+)

I've got a django site that is producing a csv download. The content of the csv is dictated by user defined parameters. It's possible that users will set parameters that require significant thinking time on the server. I need a way of sustaining the http connection so the browser doesn't kick up an error message. I heard that it's possible to send intermittent http headers to do this. Can anyone point me in the right direction to set this up on a django site?
(unfortunatly I'm stuck with the possibility of slow reports - improving my sql won't mitigate this)
Don't do it online. Trigger an offline task, use a bit of Javascript to repeatedly call a view that checks if the task has finished, and redirect to the finished file when it's ready.
Instead of blocking the user and it's browser for 20 minutes (which is not a good idea) do the time-consuming task in the background. When the task will finish and generate the result simply notify the user so that he/she will just need to download the ready result.

On server processing

I have a web application that will be doing some processing with submitted data. Instead of making the user wait for what will take at least a few seconds, maybe up to a few minutes during heavy load, I would like to know if there is some way to, within coldfusion, have processing that just occurs on the server.
Basically, the data would be passed to the server, and then the user would be redirected back to the main page to allow them to do other things, but not necessarily be able to see the results right away. Meanwhile, the processing of the data would take place on the server, and be entered into the database when complete.
Is this even possible within coldfusion, or would I need to look into using code that would receive the data and process it as a separate program?
ColdFusion 8 introduced the cfthread tag which may assist you.
name="thread name"
zero or more application-specific attributes>
Thread code
To do this reliably, you can use a database table as a job queue. So you when the user submits the data you insert record into the database indicating there is some work to be done. Then you create a scheduled task in the CF Administrator that polls a script that gets the next job from the queue and does the processing you describe. When complete it can update the database and you can then alert your user that there job is complete.
Make sense?
Another option that will possibly work for you is to use AJAX to post the data to the server. This is a pretty easy method to use, since you can use pretty much the exact same CF code that you have now and instead only need to modify the form submitting page (and you could even use some unobtrusive javascript techniques to have this degrade gracefully if javascript isn't present).
Here's an example using jQuery and BlockUI that will work for unobtrusively-submitting any form on your page in a background thread:
$(function () {
$("form").on("submit", function (e) {
var f = $(this);
method: f.attr("method"),
url: f.attr("action"),
data: f.serialize(),
beforeSend(jqXHR, settings) {
f.blockUI({message: "Loading..."});
complete(jqXHR, textStatus) {
success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// do something useful with the response
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// report the error
You should combine all three of these answers to give yourself a complete solution.
Use CF Thread to "kick off" the work.
Add a record to the DB to tell you the process is underway.
Use Ajax to check the DB record to see if the work is complete. When
your thread completes update the record - Ajax finds the work
complete and you display some message or indicator on the user's
screen so they can go on to step 2 or whatever. So each of these
answers holds a clue to a complete solution.
Not sure if this should be an answer or a comment (since I'm not adding anything new here).
We use an CF event gateway for this. The user submits a file via a web form and the event gateway monitors that upload directory. Based upon the file name the gateway knows how it should process the file into the database. This way the only real delay the user faces is the time for the file to actually transmit from their machine up to the server. We however have no need to inform the user of any statuses related to the process though could easily see how to work that into things if we did.