Sending data from client to SQL database (MoSync) - c++

I sincerely apologize if this has been asked before, however I was unable to find a suitable answer that appeared similar to my current situation. I am developing an app with MoSync using the MAUI because of the same appearance across all platforms. I am running into issues with understanding MAHandles, as well as how to go about sending the SQLite information to a web address. The SQLite commands will then be converted to MySQL commands using a RedBean PHP script, and then sent to the permanent database.
My biggest concerns are 2 items:
1.Declaring connections that are usable through MAHandles (I have already gotten the SQLite commands working without using MAHandles, however declaring the database address in the resources.lstx still evades me)
2.Declaring MAHandles in general.
Also, I understand that strings are much more effective, however I disregard that fact due to the age of MAUI and it's capabilities appear much smoother when using char arrays.
I can provide additional clarification if needed so that I can help speed this process up.
Thank you ahead of time, and hopefully this will help others trying their hands at MoSync's immaculate product.

I have no experience with SQLite whatsoever, but I'm assuming handling SQLite commands is the job of your server-side application. To be clear, you are sending SQLite commands from your mobile app to a server-side app via a URL, correct? If you need help on this you should search "CGI". CGI is essentially a way to execute a server-side application with arguments via an http:// request.
This means your app should have a manager that constructs a URL with the right SQLite commands based on the input events sent to your mobile app (buttons, text fields, etc).
As far as Mosync goes, MAHandles can be used for many things including downloading.
Take a look at the MAUtil::DownloadListener class on Mosync's doxygen pages.
You will see that there are full descriptions of 5 pure virtual functions that you will need to implement.
The bulk of your code will probably be in finishedDownloading( Downloader* dl, MAHandle data ). It is here that the MAHandle "data", will point to the beginning of the data segment that you downloaded.
I read my data into a char* since I am downloading text.
Here's a snippet:
void MainScreen::finishedDownloading( Downloader* dl, MAHandle data )
char* mData = new char[ maGetDataSize( data ) + 1 ];
memset( mData, 0, maGetDataSize( data ) + 1 );
maReadData( data, mData, 0, maGetDataSize( data ) );
// Destroy the store
maDestroyObject( data );
// Do something with mData;
Here's one example of setting the font of NativeUI::Widget text using an MAHandle:
MAHandle font = maFontLoadDefault( FONT_TYPE_SERIF |
ListViewItem* items = new ListViewItem();
items -> setFont( font );


Filter data on pr_write after hooking

I am having troubles filtering data that is passed to PR_Write. It is the Mozilla function that is used in passing all sorts of data sent to the server. I managed to hook it using a DLL( extremely basic ) using the code from Wikipedia on hooking.
The following is the declaration of the PR_Write function referenced from the Mozilla website.
PRInt32 PR_Write(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount);
The second parameter buf is what I am logging by casting it to a const char*, it works fine but I don't know how I can filter the data since it logs everything from start to end.
The code below is what I tried but it is too heavy a loop and crashes Mozilla.
char *p=(char*)buf; // get pointer to beginning of the buffer
while (*p!='\00')
// do some data filtering
The idea was from Grayhat Python book to iterate through the buffer and filter data as needed but the loop is too much since the buffer is always extremely large.
Overall, I need a way to filter the data that is passed to the second parameter.
Thanks for any suggestions in advance :)

Cannot Send Image File (image/jpg) Using Winsock WSABUF

I'm stuck and I need help.
I'm trying to write the correct code for sending back an image file so the web browser can render it. It can send back text/html just fine, but image/* is not working.
You can see the code and the URL is shown below.
What the browser is receiving is just a few bytes of image data.
I tried vector, std::string and const char* to set the values of WSABUF, but still the same few bytes are sent over.
Please let know what is the missing piece to make this one work.
Thanks in advance.
Here's your problem:
PerIoData->LPBuffer = _strdup(str.c_str());
The _strdup function only copies up until the first null, so it cannot be used to copy binary data. Consider using malloc and memcpy if you don't want to use the C++ library.
The alternate implementation (in the false branch) is also incorrect, because it saves the data in an object (vc) that goes out of scope before the I/O is completed. You could instead do something like
vector<char> * vc = new vector<char>;

C++ - CGI - Audio not working properly

I have a website with an HTML5 audio element whose audio data shall be served via a cgi script.
The markup is rather simple:
<audio controls>
<source type="audio/mpeg" src="audio.cgi?test.mp3">
<em>Me, your browser does not support HTML5 audio</em>
The cgi is written in C++ and is pretty simple too, I know there is need of optimizing, e.g. reading the whole file in a buffer is really bad, but that's not the point.
This basic version kinda works, meaning the audio is played, but the player does not display the full length and one can only seek through the track in parts that have already been played.
If the audio file is placed in a location accessible via the web-server everything works fine.
The difference between these two methods seems to be, that the client issues a partial-content request if the latter method is chosen and an ordinary 200 if I try to serve the audio data via the cgi at once.
I wanted to implement partial-content serving into the cgi but I failed to read out the environment variable Request-Range, which is needed to serve the requested part of data.
This leads me to my questions:
Why does the HTML5 player not display the full length of the track if I'm serving the audio data via the cgi script?
Would implementing a partial-content handling solve this issue?
If the partial-content handling is the right approach, how would I access the required environment variables in apache, since I have not found anything about them? Do I need to send a complete HTTP header indicating partial-content is coming, so the client knows he needs to send the required fields?
This is the source of the .cgi:
void serveAudio()
//tried these, were not the right ones
ifstream in(audioFile, ios::binary | ios::ate);
size_t size = in.tellg();
char *buffer = new char[size];
in.seekg(0, ios::beg);, size);
cout<<"Content-Type: audio/mpeg\n\n";
cout.write(buffer, size);
Any suggestions and helpful comments are appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Forgot to mention that this behaviour applies to FF 31 and IE 11.

How to send large, frequent xml data from javascript to a c++ http server

In my project I want to send possibly large and frequent XML data to a custom server written in c++. I don't want to use Apache and CGI because the data is too frequent to be starting a CGI process for every request. I would prefer if the data was recieved directly in the c++ code that will process the data and send a reply.
I started out by using libmicrohttpd for the c++ server but now I believe it won't be possible because it doesn't give access to the raw POST data. I started looking for another library but I can't seem to find a c++ library that does this. Can anyone suggest a c++ http server library that has access to the raw post data?
Here is the code I intended to start with. It is one of the example files provided in the source code of libmicrohttpd. Post Example from libmicrohttpd library
A little more context.
From what I understand to access the post data in libmicrohttpd you create MHD_PostProcessor function that gets called incrementally as the post data is received in chunks. But in the example below it only shows how to get post data in the form of key value pairs. But I can't see how to get the data from a post.
The example implements the MHD_PostProcessor as post_iterator. See the definition of
static int post_iterator(void *cls,
enum MHD_ValueKind kind,
const char *key,
const char *filename,
const char *content_type,
const char *transfer_encoding,
const char *data, uint64_t off, size_t size) {
in the example posted above. You will see it only shows how to iterate the key value pairs.
MHD does give you access to the raw POST data, just grab it from "upload_data" directly instead of passing it to the MHD_PostProcessor. MHD will give you the uploaded POST stream incrementally by calling your main request processing callback repeatedly with more and more POST data being given to you raw, unprocessed in "upload_data".

Writing BLOB data to a SQL Server Database using ADO

I need to write a BLOB to a varbinary column in a SQL Server database. Sounds easy except that I have to do it in C++. I've been using ADO for the database operations (First question: is this the best technology to use?) So i've got the _Stream object, and a record set object created and the rest of the operation falls apart from there. If someone could provide a sample of how exactly to perform this seemingly simple operation that would be great!. My binary data is stored in a unsigned char array. Here is the codenstein that i've stitched together from what little I found on the internet:
_RecordsetPtr updSet;
updSet->Open("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [BShldPackets] Order by ChunkId desc",
_conPtr.GetInterfacePtr(), adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText);
_StreamPtr pStream ; //declare one first
pStream.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Stream)); //create it after
_variant_t varRecordset(updSet);
//pStream->Open(varRecordset, adModeReadWrite, adOpenStreamFromRecord, _bstr_t("n"), _bstr_t("n"));
_variant_t varOptional(DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND,VT_ERROR);
_variant_t bytes(_compressStreamBuffer);
updSet.GetInterfacePtr()->Fields->GetItem("Chunk")->Value = pStream->Read(1000);
As far as ADO being the best technology in this case ... I'm not really sure. I personally think using ADO from C++ is a painful process. But it is pretty generic if you need that. I don't have a working example of using streams to write data at that level (although, somewhat ironically, I have code that I wrote using streams at the OLE DB level. However, that increases the pain level many times).
If, though, your data is always going to be loaded entirely in memory, I think using AppendChunk would be a simpler route:
ret = updSet.GetInterfacePtr()->Fields->
Item["Chunk"]->AppendChunk( L"some data" );