How to extend cache ttl (time-to-live) in django-redis? - django

I'm using django 1.5.4 and django-redis 3.7.1
I'd like to extend cache's ttl(time-to-live) when I retrieved it.
Here is sample code
from django.core.cache import cache
foo = cache.get("foo)
if not foo:
cache.set("foo", 1, timeout=100)
// Extend Cache's Time-To-Live something like it
cache.ttl("foo") = 200
I tried to search this option at django-redis-docs, but I couldn't find it.
However, I noticed that designate time-to-live value for existing cache is available at redis native command like "Expire foo 100"
I know that using cache.set once more make same effect, but I'd like to use more simple method with time-to-live attribute.

To extend a ttl(time-to-live) of the django-redis cache record use expire(key, timeout)
Django-Redis: Expire & Persist
from django.core.cache import cache
cache.set("foo", 1, timeout=100)
>>> 100
You cannot extend ttl(time-to-live) if the key already expired
if cache.ttl("foo") > 0:
cache.expire("foo", timeout=500)
>>> 500

I solved this problem.
(1) Using 'Raw Client Access' and (2) Extend TTL value without overwriting
Please refer following code.
from redis_cache import get_redis_connection
con = get_redis_connection('default')
con.expire(":{DB NUMBER at}:" + "foo", 100)


Django Sessions via Memcache: Cannot find session key manually

I recently migrated from database backed sessions to sessions stored via memcached using pylibmc.
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.PyLibMCCache',
'LOCATION': [''],
SESSION_ENGINE = "django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache"
Everything is working fine behind the scenes and I can see that it is using the new caching system. Running the get_stats() method from pylibmc shows me the number of current items in the cache and I can see that it has gone up by 1.
The issue is I'm unable to grab the session manually using pylibmc.
Upon inspecting the request session data in
def my_view(request):
if request.user.is_authenticated():
print request.session.session_key
# the above prints something like this: "1ay2kcv7axb3nu5fwnwoyf85wkwsttz9"
print request.session.cache_key
# the above prints something like this: "django.contrib.sessions.cache1ay2kcv7axb3nu5fwnwoyf85wkwsttz9"
return HttpResponse(status=200)
return HttpResponse(status=401)
I noticed that when printing cache_key, it prints with the default KEY_PREFIX whereas for session_key it didn't. Take a look at the comments in the code to see what I mean.
So I figured, "Ok great, one of these key names should work. Let me try grabbing the session data manually just for educational purposes":
import pylibmc
mc = pylibmc.Client([''])
# Let's try key "1ay2kcv7axb3nu5fwnwoyf85wkwsttz9"
Hmm nothing happens, no key exists by that name. Ok no worries, let's try the cache_key then, that should definitely work right?
What? How am I still getting nothing back? As I test I decide to set and get a random key value to see if it works and it does. I run get_stats() again just to make sure that the key does exist. I also test the web app to see if indeed my session is working and it does. So this leads me to conclude that there is a different naming scheme that I'm unaware of.
If so, what is the correct naming scheme?
Yes, the cache key used internally by Django is, in general, different to the key sent to the cache backend (in this case pylibmc / memcached). Let us call these two keys the django cache key and the final cache key respectively.
The django cache key given by request.session.cache_key is for use with Django's low-level cache API, e.g.:
>>> from django.core.cache import cache
>>> cache.get(request.session.cache_key)
{'_auth_user_hash': '1ay2kcv7axb3nu5fwnwoyf85wkwsttz9', '_auth_user_id': u'1', '_auth_user_backend': u'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend'}
The final cache key on the other hand, is a composition of the key prefix, the django cache key, and the cache version number. The make_key function (from Django docs) below demonstrates how these three values are composed to generate this key:
def make_key(key, key_prefix, version):
return ':'.join([key_prefix, str(version), key])
By default, key_prefix is the empty string and version is 1.
Finally, by inspecting make_key we find that the correct final cache key to pass to mc.get is
which has the form <KEY_PREFIX>:<VERSION>:<KEY>.
Note: the final cache key can be changed by defining KEY_FUNCTION in the cache settings.

Django Redis cache values

I have set the value to Redis server externally using python script.
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=1)
r.set('foo', 'bar')
And tried to get the value from web request using django cache inside
from django.core.cache import cache
val = cache.get("foo")
It is returning None. But when I tries to get it form
from django_redis import get_redis_connection
con = get_redis_connection("default")
val = con.get("foo")
It is returning the correct value 'bar'. How cache and direct connections are working ?
Libraries usually use several internal prefixes to store keys in redis, in order not to be mistaken with user defined keys.
For example, django-redis-cache, prepends a ":1:" to every key you save into it.
So for example when you do r.set('foo', 'bar'), it sets the key to, ":1:foo". Since you don't know the prefix prepended to your key, you can't get the key using a normal get, you have to use it's own API to get.
r.set('foo', 'bar')
r.get('foo') # None
r.get(':1:foo') # bar
So in the end, it returns to the library you use, go read the code for it and see how it exactly saves the keys. redis-cli can be your valuable friend here. Basically set a key with cache.set('foo', 'bar'), and go into redis-cli and check with 'keys *' command to see what key was set for foo.

How to match redis key patterns using native django cache?

I have a series of caches which follow this pattern:
key_x_y = value
'key_1_3' = 'foo'
'key_2_5' = 'bar'
'key_1_7' = 'baz'
Now I'm wondering how can I iterate over all keys to match pattern like key_1_* to get foo and baz using the native django cache.get()?
(I know that there are way, particularly for redis, that allow using more extensive api like iterate, but I'd like to stick to vanilla django cache, if possible)
This is not possible using standard Django's cache wrapper. As the feature to search keys by pattern is a backend dependent operation and not supported by all the cache backends used by Django (e.g. memcached does not support it but Redis does). So you will have to use a custom cache wrapper with cache backend that supports this operation.
If you are already using django-redis then you can do
from django.core.cache import cache
as explained here.
This will return list of keys matching the pattern then you can use cache.get_many() to get values for these keys.
If the cache has following entries:
cache = {'key_1_3': 'foo', 'key_2_5': 'bar', 'key_1_7': 'baz'}
You can get all the entries which has key key_1_*:
x = {k: v for k, v in cache.items() if k.startswith('key_1')}
Based on the documentation from django-redis
You can list all the keys with a pattern:
>>> from django.core.cache import cache
>>> cache.keys("key_1_*")
# ["key_1_3", "key_1_7"]
once you have the keys you can get the values from this:
>>> [cache.get(k) for k in cache.keys("key_1_*")]
# ['foo', 'baz']
You can also use cache.iter_keys(pattern) for efficient implementation.
Or, as suggested by #Muhammad Tahir, you can use cache.get_many(cache.keys("key_1_*")) to get all the values in one go.
I saw several answers above mentioning django-redis.
Based on
You can actually use delete_pattern() method
from django.core.cache import cache

Django File-based session doesn't expire

I just realized that my session doesn't expire when I use file-based session engine. Looking at Django code for file-based session, Django doesn't store any expiration information for a session, thus it's never expire unless the session file gets deleted manually.
This looks like a bug to me, as the database-backed session works fine, and I believe regardless of what session back-end developer chooses, they all should behave similarly.
Switching to database-backed session is not an option for me, as I need to store user's session in files.
Can anyone shed some lights?
Is this really a bug?
If yes, how do you suggest me to work around it?
So it looks like you're right. At least in django 1.4, using django.contrib.sessions.backends.file totally ignores SESSION_COOKIE_AGE. I'm not sure whether that's really a bug, or just undocumented.
If you really need this functionality, you can create your own session engine based on the file backend in contrib, but extend it with expiry functionality.
Open django/contrib/sessions/backends/ and add the following imports:
import datetime
from django.utils import timezone
Then, add two lines to the load method, so that it appears as below:
def load(self):
session_data = {}
session_file = open(self._key_to_file(), "rb")
if ( - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self._key_to_file()))).total_seconds() > settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE:
raise IOError
file_data =
# Don't fail if there is no data in the session file.
This will actually compare the last modified date on the session file to expire it.
Save this file in your project somewhere and use it as your SESSION_ENGINE instead of 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.file'
You'll also need to enable SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST in your settings if you want the session to timeout based on inactivity.
An option would be to use tmpwatch in the directory where you store the sessions
I hit similar issue on Django 3.1. In my case, my program calls the function set_expiry(value) with an integer argument (int data type) before checking session expiry.
Accoring to Django documentation, the data type of argument value to set_expiry() can be int , datetime or timedelta. However for file-based session, expiry check inside load() doesn't work properly only if int argument is passed to set_expiry() beforehand, and such problem doesn't happen to datetime and timedelta argument of set_expiry().
The simple solution (workaround?) is to avoid int argument to set_expiry(value), you can do so by subclassing django.contrib.sessions.backends.file.SessionStore and overriding set_expiry(value) (code sample below), and change parameter SESSION_ENGINE accordingly in
from datetime import timedelta
from django.contrib.sessions.backends.file import SessionStore as FileSessionStore
class SessionStore(FileSessionStore):
def set_expiry(self, value):
""" force to convert to timedelta format """
if value and isinstance(value, int):
value = timedelta(seconds=value)
It's also OK to pass timedelta or datetime to set_expiry(value) , but you will need to handle serialization issue on datetime object.

How to generate temporary URLs in Django

Wondering if there is a good way to generate temporary URLs that expire in X days. Would like to email out a URL that the recipient can click to access a part of the site that then is inaccessible via that URL after some time period. No idea how to do this, with Django, or Python, or otherwise.
If you don't expect to get a large response rate, then you should try to store all of the data in the URL itself. This way, you don't need to store anything in the database, and will have data storage proportional to the responses rather than the emails sent.
Updated: Let's say you had two strings that were unique for each user. You can pack them and unpack them with a protecting hash like this:
import hashlib, zlib
import cPickle as pickle
import urllib
my_secret = "michnorts"
def encode_data(data):
"""Turn `data` into a hash and an encoded string, suitable for use with `decode_data`."""
text = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(data, 0)).encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
m = hashlib.md5(my_secret + text).hexdigest()[:12]
return m, text
def decode_data(hash, enc):
"""The inverse of `encode_data`."""
text = urllib.unquote(enc)
m = hashlib.md5(my_secret + text).hexdigest()[:12]
if m != hash:
raise Exception("Bad hash!")
data = pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(text.decode('base64')))
return data
hash, enc = encode_data(['Hello', 'Goodbye'])
print hash, enc
print decode_data(hash, enc)
This produces:
849e77ae1b3c eJzTyCkw5ApW90jNyclX5yow4koMVnfPz09JqkwFco25EvUAqXwJnA==
['Hello', 'Goodbye']
In your email, include a URL that has both the hash and enc values (properly url-quoted). In your view function, use those two values with decode_data to retrieve the original data.
The zlib.compress may not be that helpful, depending on your data, you can experiment to see what works best for you.
You could set this up with URLs like:
Your URLconf would look something like this:
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^temp/(?P<hash>\w+)/$', 'yoursite.views.tempurl'),
...where tempurl is a view handler that fetches the appropriate page based on the hash. Or, sends a 404 if the page is expired.
class TempUrl(models.Model):
url_hash = models.CharField("Url", blank=False, max_length=32, unique=True)
expires = models.DateTimeField("Expires")
def generate_url(request):
# do actions that result creating the object and mailing it
def load_url(request, hash):
url = get_object_or_404(TempUrl, url_hash=hash,
data = get_some_data_or_whatever()
return render_to_response('some_template.html', {'data':data},
urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^temp/(?P<hash>\w+)/$', 'your.views.load_url', name="url"),)
//of course you need some imports and templates
It depends on what you want to do - one-shot things like account activation or allowing a file to be downloaded could be done with a view which looks up a hash, checks a timestamp and performs an action or provides a file.
More complex stuff such as providing arbitrary data would also require the model containing some reference to that data so that you can decide what to send back. Finally, allowing access to multiple pages would probably involve setting something in the user's session and then using that to determine what they can see, followed by a redirect.
If you could provide more detail about what you're trying to do and how well you know Django, I can make a more specific reply.
I think the solution lies within a combination of all the suggested solutions. I'd suggest using an expiring session so the link will expire within the time period you specify in the model. Combined with a redirect and middleware to check if a session attribute exists and the requested url requires it you can create somewhat secure parts of your site that can have nicer URLs that reference permanent parts of the site. I use this for demonstrating design/features for a limited time. This works to prevent forwarding... I don't do it but you could remove the temp url after first click so only the session attribute will provide access thus more effectively limiting to one user. I personally don't mind if the temp url gets forwarded knowing it will only last for a certain amount of time. Works well in a modified form for tracking invited visits as well.
It might be overkill, but you could use a uuidfield on your model and set up a Celerybeat task to change the uuid at any time interval you choose.
If celery is too much and it might be, you could just store the time the URL is first sent, use the timedelta function whenever it is sent thereafter, and if the elapsed time is greater than what you want just use a redirect. I think the second solution is very straightforward and it would extend easily. It would be a matter of having a model with the URL, time first sent, time most recently sent, a disabled flag, and a Delta that you find acceptable for the URL to live.
A temporary url can also be created by combining the ideas from #ned-batchelder's answer and #matt-howell's answer with Django's signing module.
The signing module provides a convenient way to encode data in the url, if necessary, and to check for link expiration. This way we don't need to touch the database or session/cache.
Here's a minimal example with an index page and a temp page:
The index page has a link to a temporary url, with the specified expiration. If you try to follow the link after expiration, you'll get a status 400 "Bad Request" (or you'll see the SuspiciousOperation error, if DEBUG is True).
urlpatterns = [
path('', views.index, name='index'),
path('<str:signed_data>/', views.temp, name='temp'),
from django.core import signing
from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.urls import reverse
MAX_AGE_SECONDS = 20 # short expiration, for illustrative purposes
def generate_temp_url(data=None):
# signing.dumps() returns a "URL-safe, signed base64 compressed JSON string"
# with a timestamp
return reverse('temp', args=[signing.dumps(data)])
def index(request):
# just a convenient usage example
return HttpResponse(f'temporary link')
def temp(request, signed_data):
# load data and check expiration
data = signing.loads(signed_data, max_age=MAX_AGE_SECONDS)
except signing.BadSignature:
# triggers an HttpResponseBadRequest (status 400) when DEBUG is False
raise SuspiciousOperation('invalid signature')
# success
return HttpResponse(f'Here\'s your data: {data}')
Some notes:
The responses in the example are very rudimentary, and only for illustrative purposes.
Raising a SuspiciousOperation is convenient, but you could e.g. return an HttpResponseNotFound (status 404) instead.
The generate_temp_url() returns a relative path. If you need an absolute url, you can do something like:
temp_url = request.build_absolute_uri(generate_temp_url())
If you're worried about leaking the signed data, have a look at alternatives such as Django's password reset implementation.