Django: Get relative uri from - django

Here is what I have currently:
url(r'this/is/relative', 'myapp.views.callview', name='myapp_callview'),
def callview(request, **kwargs):
# I can get the complete url by doing this
print # Prints: https://domain:8080/myapp/this/is/relative
# How do I just get: /myapp/this/is/relative or even /this/is/relative
I would like to extract the relative uri from the view. I could just use regex, but I think there is already something out there that would let me do this.

This will give you "/myapp/this/is/relative":
from django.core import urlresolvers
relative_uri = urlresolvers.reverse("myapp_callview")
Link to Django docs page:


Django: prefix/postfix language slug in i18n_urls

I have a django-cms site, that uses i18n_patterns in This works, urls are built like /lang/here-starts-the-normal/etc/.
Now, I would like to have urls like this: /prefix-lang/here-starts.... As there will be a couple of country specific domains, this wille be like /ch-de/here-... for Switzerland/.ch domain, /us-en/here-starts.... for the states, and some more. So, when the url would be /ch-de/..., the LANGUAGE would still be de. Hope this is clear?
As the content is filled with existing LANGUAGES=(('de', 'DE'), ('en', 'EN'), ...), I cannot change LANGUAGES for every domain - no content would be found in the cms, modeltranslation, only to mention those two.
How can I prefix the language slug in i18n_patterns? Is it possible at all?
I think a way without hacking Django too much would be to use URL rewrite facility provided by the webserver you run, for example, for mod_wsgi you can use mod_rewrite, similar facility exists also for uWSGI.
You may need to also post-process the output from Django to make sure that any links are also correctly re-written to follow the new schema. Not the cleanest approach but seems doable.
Working example, though the country/language order is reversed (en-ch instead of ch-en), to have it as django expects it when trying to find a language (ie, setting language to "en-ch", it will find "en", if available).
This solution involves a modified LocaleMiddleware, i18n_patterns, LocaleRegexResolver. It supports no country, or a 2 char country code, setup with settings.SITE_COUNTRY. It works by changing urls to a lang-country mode, but the found language code in middleware will still be language only, 2 chars, and work perfectly with existing LANGUAGES, that contain 2 chars language codes. - this just uses our new resolver, see below
from django.conf import settings
from ceco.resolvers import CountryLocaleRegexURLResolver
def country_i18n_patterns(*urls, **kwargs):
Adds the language code prefix to every URL pattern within this
function. This may only be used in the root URLconf, not in an included
if not settings.USE_I18N:
return list(urls)
prefix_default_language = kwargs.pop('prefix_default_language', True)
assert not kwargs, 'Unexpected kwargs for i18n_patterns(): %s' % kwargs
return [CountryLocaleRegexURLResolver(list(urls), prefix_default_language=prefix_default_language)]
import re
from django.conf import settings
from django.urls import LocaleRegexURLResolver
from modeltranslation.utils import get_language
class CountryLocaleRegexURLResolver(LocaleRegexURLResolver):
A URL resolver that always matches the active language code as URL prefix.
extended, to support custom country postfixes as well.
def regex(self):
language_code = get_language() or settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
if language_code not in self._regex_dict:
if language_code == settings.LANGUAGE_CODE and not self.prefix_default_language:
regex_string = ''
# start country changes
country_postfix = ''
if getattr(settings, 'SITE_COUNTRY', None):
country_postfix = '-{}'.format(settings.SITE_COUNTRY)
regex_string = '^%s%s/' % (language_code, country_postfix)
# end country changes
self._regex_dict[language_code] = re.compile(regex_string, re.UNICODE)
return self._regex_dict[language_code] - only very few lines changed, but had to replace the complete process_response.
from django.middleware.locale import LocaleMiddleware
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.i18n import is_language_prefix_patterns_used
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.urls import get_script_prefix, is_valid_path
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.cache import patch_vary_headers
class CountryLocaleMiddleware(LocaleMiddleware):
This is a very simple middleware that parses a request
and decides what translation object to install in the current
thread context. This allows pages to be dynamically
translated to the language the user desires (if the language
is available, of course).
response_redirect_class = HttpResponseRedirect
def process_response(self, request, response):
language = translation.get_language()
language_from_path = translation.get_language_from_path(request.path_info)
urlconf = getattr(request, 'urlconf', settings.ROOT_URLCONF)
i18n_patterns_used, prefixed_default_language = is_language_prefix_patterns_used(urlconf)
if (response.status_code == 404 and not language_from_path and
i18n_patterns_used and prefixed_default_language):
# Maybe the language code is missing in the URL? Try adding the
# language prefix and redirecting to that URL.
# start country changes
language_country = language
if getattr(settings, 'SITE_COUNTRY', None):
language_country = '{}-{}'.format(language, settings.SITE_COUNTRY)
language_path = '/%s%s' % (language_country, request.path_info)
# end country changes!
path_valid = is_valid_path(language_path, urlconf)
path_needs_slash = (
not path_valid and (
settings.APPEND_SLASH and not language_path.endswith('/') and
is_valid_path('%s/' % language_path, urlconf)
if path_valid or path_needs_slash:
script_prefix = get_script_prefix()
# Insert language after the script prefix and before the
# rest of the URL
language_url = request.get_full_path(force_append_slash=path_needs_slash).replace(
'%s%s/' % (script_prefix, language_country),
return self.response_redirect_class(language_url)
if not (i18n_patterns_used and language_from_path):
patch_vary_headers(response, ('Accept-Language',))
if 'Content-Language' not in response:
response['Content-Language'] = language
return response

Django url path converter not working in production

I'm using path converter in my django app like so:
from . import views
from django.urls import path
urlpatterns = [
path('articles/<str:collection>', views.ArticleView),
def ArticleView(request, collection):
if collection == "None":
articles_query = ArticleModel.objects.all()
This works fine in development for a url suck as : http://localhost:8000/articles/My Collection which gets encoded to http://localhost:8000/articles/My%20Collection, and is decoded properly in the ArticleView. However, in development, I have to edit the view like so to get it to work:
import urllib.parse
def ArticleView(request, collection):
collection = urllib.parse.unquote(collection)
if collection == "None":
articles_query = ArticleModel.objects.all()
Otherwise, the print(collection) shows My%20Collection and the whole logic in the rest of the view fails.
What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance!
The URL is being urlencoded which encodes spaces as %20. There are a number of other encodings. As you've discovered you need to decode that parameter in order to compare it to what you'd expect. As you've likely realized, if you have a value that actually wants The%20News and not The News, you have no recourse. To handle this people will create a slug field. Django has a model field for this in the framework.
This is typically a URL-friendly, unique value for the record.
Assuming you add a slug = models.SlugField() to ArticleModel, your urls and view can change into:
urlpatterns = [
# Define a path without a slug to identify the show all code path and avoid the None sentinel value.
path('articles', views.ArticleView, name='article-list'),
path('articles/<slug:slug>' views.ArticleView, name='article-slug-list'),
def ArticleView(request, slug=None):
articles_query = ArticleModel.objects.all()
if slug:
articles_query = articles_query.filter(slug=slug)

Wagtail: Add method to PageModel to get an inspect url

I am trying to add a dynamic instead of a hard coded get_inspect_url method to a PageModel:
class MyModel(Page):
# ...
# this is what I have now, which breaks in prod due to a different admin url
def get_inspect_url(self):
inspect_url = f"/admin/myapp/mymodel/inspect/{}/"
return inspect_url
I know that you can use the ModelAdmin.url_helper_class in to get admin urls for an object, but I can't figure a way to do the same on the model level as a class method. Is there a way?
thanks to #Andrey Maslov tip I found a way:
from django.urls import reverse
def get_inspect_url(self):
return reverse(
The basic form of a Wagtail admin url is:
Just change the [action] to one of the following to generated other instance level admin urls:
if you have in you line like this
path(MyModel/view/<id:int>/', YourViewName, name='mymodel-info'),
then you can add to your this lines
from django.urls import reverse
class MyModel(Page):
def get_inspect_url(self):
inspect_url = reverse('mymodel-info', kwargs={'id':})
return inspect_url

how to have options in urls in django 2.0

In Django 1 I used to have url choices like this:
url('meeting/(?P<action>edit|delete)/', views.meeting_view, name='meeting'),
How I do this in Django 2.0 with the <> syntax:
Maybe something like this?
path('meeting/(<action:edit|delete>)/', views.meeting_view, name='meeting'),
If I understand the documentation, your first syntax should work right out-of-the-box.
Anyway here's how you could do with the new syntax:
First file = make a Python package converters and add with that:
import re
class EditOrDeleteConverter:
regex = '(edit|delete)'
def to_python(self, value):
result = re.match(regex, value)
return if result is not None else ''
def to_url(self, value):
result = re.match(regex, value)
return if result is not None else ''
And for your file, this:
from django.urls import register_converter, path
from . import converters, views
register_converter(converters.EditOrDeleteConverter, 'edit_or_delete')
urlpatterns = [
path('meeting/<edit_or_delete:action>/', views.meeting_view, name='meeting'),
I would not use verbs in urls to indicate the purpose. Rather, rely on HTTP verbs such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE and handle them in your view. That way, you can have just one view class handling all those different methods with just one URL.

Properly storing values passed in URL in Django

I have the following URL:
I want to extract the number of points from my URL.
In my, I have:
points = request.GET.get('points',0)
The problem is that it never finds points, so it uses the default of 0.
Any insight into what I'm doing wrong?
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from store.models import Part, Category, UniPart, LibraryRequest
from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list
from voting.views import vote_on_object
Snipped from
def add_model(request, points=None):
print points
Well, your says that you should use following url /store/add/5, and in your you need to have view
def add_model(request, points=None):
print points
If you want points as a GET parameter change your as following:
url(r'^add$','store.views.add_model', name='add_model'),
And then you can pass points as /store/add?points=5 and extract it from the URL as
points = request.GET.get('points')
Also in a future to avoid such problems I suggest you to add name parameter to your routes in (see above) and use reverse in your views (ex. reverse('add_model', kwargs={'points': 5}) and url in your templates (ex. {% url 'add_model' 5 %})
In that case all urls in your application will be generated automatically based on routes in your files.
Use the following code:
points = request.GET.get('points')
If you are passing more than one variable it can be done in two ways:
In your
(r'^store/add1/?integer=(?P<category>\d+)/?string=(?P<keyword>\w+)$', 'view_function_name'),
You can get the above values in your views using the following:
def function_name(request):
int_value = request.GET.get('integer')
str_value = reuest.GET.get('string')
And you can also use the pattern given below:
In your
urlpatterns = patterns('model_name.views',
(r'^store/add1/(?P<integer>\d+)/(?P<string>\w+)/', 'function_name')
In your
def function_name(request, integer= None, string = None):
print integer
print string
#Do whatever you wish with this value
The second method will be more easy for you.