How to map help id of a error messagebox in MFC? - c++

I have a dialog box in MFC which has help button.
I am able to map help button with my help content.
on my dialog box, I have a edit box also i which user can enter anything.
i am validating the edit control box that if something wrong user enters it will open
error message box which display error and having help button too.
i wanted to map this error message box helpid to my content (which different from parent dialog box) but whenever click help button it shows me parent help content.
NOTE: i tried both APIs Afxmessagebox and Messagebox.
Solution from my side , (i don't know if it is correct )
Create another dialog box and mapp to help id as i di fro parent dialog box.
and treat this dialog box as a error messagebox with domodal.
I feel i we can do this with messagebox itself but didn't find anything on web.
What i tried -
I tried following link but couldn't get success.
CString str = AfxGetApp()->m_pszHelpFilePath;
UINT AfxMessageBox(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR szText, UINT nType, UINT nIDHelp = 0)
memset(&mbp, 0, sizeof mbp);
mbp.cbSize = sizeof MSGBOXPARAMS;
mbp.hwndOwner = hWnd;
mbp.hInstance = AfxGetInstanceHandle();
mbp.lpszText = szText;
AfxGetApp()->m_pszHelpFilePath = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\\HELP\\130.htm";
// if you wanted to specify a different caption, here is where you do it
mbp.lpszCaption = AfxGetAppName();
// if Help ID is not 0, then add a help button
if (nIDHelp != 0)
mbp.dwStyle = nType | MB_HELP;
mbp.dwStyle = nType;
// mbp.lpszIcon = ; // note, you could provide your own custom ICON here!
mbp.dwContextHelpId = nIDHelp;
mbp.lpfnMsgBoxCallback = &MsgBoxCallback;
mbp.dwLanguageId = 0x0409;
return ::MessageBoxIndirect(&mbp);

Here's how to do it:
Create a string resource for each message box.
Be sure to name the resource with an IDP_ prefix. Although IDS_ also corresponds to strings, the makehm command-line tool will not look for IDS_ when it builds the HTMLDefines.h file.
Change your message box call(s) to AfxMessageBox(IDP_FOO, MB_OK|MB_HELP, IDP_FOO), substituting in other flags, as needed.
(Note: I had another answer, but it was way off, so I decided to start clean with a new answer instead of updating it.)


MDI Tab names changing back... / Taskbar Preview not selecting

I'm creating an MDI application, WITHOUT the Document/View.
I am also using MDITabbedGroups.
I had a problem, because I have to name may tabs dynamically (names are in the DB and user created), meaning I couldn't use resources for the names.
I create all the tabs as 'Program name', then rename them by calling the following after create:
void CChildView::CCOnSetColor()
CMDIChildWndEx* pFrame = (CMDIChildWndEx*)GetParent();
CMFCTabCtrl* pTabCtrl = pFrame->GetRelatedTabGroup();
if (pTabCtrl != NULL)
pTabCtrl->SetTabBkColor(pTabCtrl->GetActiveTab(), GetTabCol());
pTabCtrl->SetTabLabel(pTabCtrl->GetActiveTab(), GetTabName());
But the problem was that when I switched tabs the names would change back to 'Program Name'.
I managed to avoid this by skipping over CMDIChildWndEx in the OnMDIActivate call as so:
void CChildFrame::OnMDIActivate(BOOL bActivate, CWnd* activated, CWnd* disbled)
CWnd::OnMDIActivate(bActivate, activated, disbled);
I know, I know, bad. However:
This worked fine, all other functionality seemed to be working, tabs were switching, active window was correct etc etc...
Until I noticed that on mouse over of the task bar, I got a preview of all open tabs, and if I clicked on one of the inactive tabs things went wrong.
Now the active frame / view (GetActiveFrame() / GetActiveView() in MainFrame) was the one I click on, but it is not drawn and the tab not switched to.
So I tried:
void CChildFrame::OnMDIActivate(BOOL bActivate, CWnd* activated, CWnd* disbled)
CMDIChildWndEx::OnMDIActivate(bActivate, activated, disbled);
CMFCTabCtrl* pTabCtrl = GetRelatedTabGroup();
if (pTabCtrl != NULL)
pTabCtrl->SetTabBkColor(pTabCtrl->GetActiveTab(), m_wndView.GetTabCol());
pTabCtrl->SetTabLabel(pTabCtrl->GetActiveTab(), m_wndView.GetTabName());
// pTabCtrl->SetTabIcon(pTabCtrl->GetActiveTab(), 2);
void CChildFrame::OnMDIActivate(BOOL bActivate, CWnd* activated, CWnd* disbled)
CMDIChildWndEx::OnMDIActivate(bActivate, activated, disbled);
m_wndView.PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)ID_SET_COLOR);
if(disbled) ((CChildFrame*)disbled)->m_wndView.PostMessage(WM_COMMAND, (WPARAM)ID_SET_COLOR);
Now the tab switches correctly, but only the tab being activated gets the correct name, all inactive tabs go back to 'Program Name'
interestingly the color remains correct.
So the Question:
Can I permanently change the name some how / where.
I saw in MS Documentation that it can be set in CDocument, but I don't have a Document...
Alternatively what call / calls do I need to catch to set my name every time?
Also Bonus Q:
Can I make the Preview show only the 'Active' Tab, and not the others?
After much hunting around in the AFX source files, I found this:
CString CMDIChildWndEx::GetFrameText() const
CString strText;
return strText;
& this
void CMDIFrameWnd::OnUpdateFrameTitle(BOOL bAddToTitle)
if ((GetStyle() & FWS_ADDTOTITLE) == 0)
return; // leave it alone!
... // rest of func
so it is as simple as removing the style flag the MS puts in automatically (via wizard create project), on the func BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs).
Then setting the title of the Frame via SetWindowText(title);

Dynamic Tooltips: TTN_GETDISPINFO not send when using LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK

I am trying to add dynamic tooltips to my mfc application. I am able to display tooltips using CToolTipCtrl with static text. But when I change the text to LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK I don't get a TTN_GETDISPINFO notification to set the text and nothing gets displayed anymore.
I created a new MFC project from scratch and there it works. So something must be different in my application. But I am not able to find out, what I do wrong or where I should start looking.
What could be possible reasons for this behaviour? Is it possible that the notifications diverted to somewhere else?
I added the handler like this:
void CChildView::OnToolTipNotify(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
wsprintf(pTTTW->szText,L"Hello World!");
The tooltip was added in the OnCreate function using the CMyToolTipCtrl class from Jeff Prosise MFC book:
CToolTipCtrl* tooltip = new CToolTipCtrl;
tooltip->Create(this, TTS_ALWAYSTIP);
ti.cbSize = sizeof (TOOLINFO);
ti.hwnd = this->GetSafeHwnd ();
ti.uId = (UINT) tooltip->GetSafeHwnd ();
ti.hinst = AfxGetInstanceHandle ();
SendMessage (TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) &ti);
If I change the second to last line to
ti.lpszText = (LPTSTR) L"Hello World!";
the tooltip gets displayed in my application, too.
It might be a problem of your project setting.
What kind of project is it? Unicode or MBCS.
If it is an MBCS message you might miss the notification because the tooltip is an unicode window and sends TTN_GETDISPINFOW!
So best practice for me is to implement always both notifications TTN_GETDISPINFOW and TTN_GETDISPINFOA.
You might check this with Spy++

MFC tooltips only show up on special occasions

I have been tasked with assigning tooltips to each item in a configuration menu. I have completed "adding" the tooltip to each control on the page, but it seems sometimes the tooltip shows up and sometimes it does not, depending on the position of the control on the screen.
To tooltip-erize the pages I first
In each CPropertyPage's OnInitDialog method.
I then add the notification map
With the function OnToolTipText looking as such
BOOL CCfgPrefPage::OnToolTipText( UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult )
UINT nID = pNMHDR->idFrom;
if (pTTT->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND)
nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)nID);
if( nID == GetDlgItem(IDC_PICKDIST_EDIT)->GetDlgCtrlID())
_tcsncpy_s(pTTT->szText, _T("Tool Tip Text"), _TRUNCATE);
else if( nID == GetDlgItem(IDC_ENDPTTOL_EDIT)->GetDlgCtrlID())
_tcsncpy_s(pTTT->szText, _T("Tool Tip Text"), _TRUNCATE);
pTTT->lpszText = pTTT->szText; // Sanity Check
pTTT->hinst = AfxGetResourceHandle(); // Don't think this is needed at all
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
It seems for some of my controls the tool tip will not show up. For most of the check box controls the tool tip displays, but for a few they just do not show. There are no other controls covering them up, they are not disabled.
Another thing, if I use the non-standard cursor windows repeatedly flashes the tool tip, so much so it is unreadable in some cases. How can I fix this? This is not a problem on CEdit controls, so why is it a problem elsewhere?
EDIT: Update, the controls that have been on the pages for years seem to show tool tips. Any control that I try to add now/today will not show tool tips at all. No matter the position, control type, settings, I cannot get a single tool tip to show on a newly inserted control.
If you do not want to use helper class I have proposed then fix the problems in your code.
First, use ON_NOTIFY_EX_RANGE macro when mapping the even handler, like this (this will cover all IDs):
Next, you need to fix your function. I see a few problems here. First, when testing for TTF_IDISHWND flag you only need to re-initalise the nID. You do not need to apply this to the whole function. Second, after all manipulations, your nID will be the actual dialog ID. There is no need to GetDlgItem() function
BOOL CCfgPrefPage::OnToolTipText( UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult )
UINT nID = pNMHDR->idFrom;
if (pTTT->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND)
nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)nID);
_tcsncpy_s(pTTT->szText, _T("Tool Tip Text"), _TRUNCATE);
else if( nID == IDC_ENDPTTOL_EDIT)
_tcsncpy_s(pTTT->szText, _T("Tool Tip Text"), _TRUNCATE);
//pTTT->lpszText = pTTT->szText; // Sanity Check
*pResult = 0;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Working with a toolbar which repeats some menu items from menus of an older MFC application, I have worked on this issue of tool tips as well as (1) modifying the toolbar bit map to include additional icons and (2) providing user feedback on current application state. My problem is that I have to do most of this by hand rather than using the various wizards and tools.
What I have done is to (1) add new members to the CView derived class to handle additional messages, (2) modified the toolbar bit map to add in the additional icons using both MS Paint and the Resource Editor, and (3) added new event ids and event handlers to the message map for the CView derived class.
One problem I ran into with the toolbar bitmap change was that since I was inserting an icon, I had to shift an existing icon in the bitmap to the right. My first attempt at this resulted in the shifted icon showing as a blank on the application toolbar. Then I realized that I needed to add a bit more to the length of the toolbar bitmap. After adding a couple more columns to the last icon in the toolbar bitmap to make it a standard width in pixels, the icon displayed properly.
For tooltips I added the following to the message map:
I then added the following method to my class to handle the notifications for my menu items. As a side note, it appears that OnToolTipText() is the standard method used in CFrameWnd class and CMDIChildWnd class however CView derives from CWnd as does CFrameWnd so I doubt it makes a difference as to what the method is named.
inline BOOL CPCSampleView::OnToolTipText( UINT id, NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult )
static wchar_t toolTextToggleExportSylk [64] = L"Toggle SYLK export.";
static wchar_t toolTextClearWindow [64] = L"Clear the log displayed.";
static wchar_t toolTextConnectLan [64] = L"Log on the POS terminal through the LAN.";
switch (pNMHDR->idFrom) {
pTTT->lpszText = toolTextToggleExportSylk;
return TRUE;
pTTT->lpszText = toolTextClearWindow;
return TRUE;
pTTT->lpszText = toolTextConnectLan;
return TRUE;
// if we do not handle the message then return FALSE to let someone else do it.
return FALSE;
For the user feedback on a menu item which toggles a file export when doing reports I provided the following changes to the message map and then implemented the necessary methods. There are two types of messages involved so I had to add two methods and two new message map entries:
// New message map entries to handle the menu item selection event
// and to update the menu item and the toolbar icon with state changes
// New methods added to the CView derived class
// handle the menu selection event generated by either selecting the menu item
// from the menu or by clicking on the icon in the toolbar.
void CPCSampleView::OnToggleExportSylk()
// Exclusive Or to toggle the indicator bit from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0.
GetDocument()->ulReportOptionsMap ^= CPCSampleDoc::ulReportOptionsExportSylk;
// handle the request from the MFC framework to update the displayed state this
// not only does a check mark against the menu item it also causes the toolbar
// icon to appear depressed if click is set or non-depressed if click is not set
inline void CPCSampleView::OnUpdateToggleExportSylk (CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
if (GetDocument()->ulReportOptionsMap & CPCSampleDoc::ulReportOptionsExportSylk)
// SYLK export is turned on so indicate status to the user. This will
// put a check mark beside the menu item and show the toolbar button depressed
pCmdUI->SetCheck (1);
// SYLK export is turned off so indicate status to the user. This will
// remove the check mark beside the menu item and show the toolbar button as raised.
pCmdUI->SetCheck (0);
The resource file changes were needed to provide a new button for the toggle action as well as to add a new menu item for the toggle action. I am using the same resource id for several different things since these are all separate. So the id for the resource string is the same as for the menu item and is same for the toolbar button so as to simplify my life and make it easy to find all the particular bits and pieces.
The toolbar resource file definition looks like:
And the specific part of the menu, which uses the same resource id for the toggle event id looks like:
Then to provide the status bar text which shows up with a mouse over there is a string table addition:
ID_TOGGLE_SYLK_EXPORT "Toggle export of SYLK format report files for spreadsheets."
The lpszText member of the struct is describe in the MSDN documentation for the TOOLINFO struct as:
Pointer to the buffer that contains the text for the tool, or
identifier of the string resource that contains the text. This member
is sometimes used to return values. If you need to examine the
returned value, must point to a valid buffer of sufficient size.
Otherwise, it can be set to NULL. If lpszText is set to
LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK, the control sends the TTN_GETDISPINFO notification
code to the owner window to retrieve the text.
Reviewing the existing answer to this question, I wondered about the if statement check for the TTF_IDISHWND flag. The MSDN documentation for the TOOLINFO struct has this to say:
Indicates that the uId member is the window handle to the tool. If
this flag is not set, uId is the tool's identifier.

Tool tips for custom made control using CToolTipCtrl ? (MFC)

I made a custom control derived from CWnd (a line chart) and I'm wondering if I can use CToolTipCtrl for displaying tool tips for points on the graph. If yes, how could I do that?
Btw, when I move my mouse over the point, the rectangle containg string with information about values of the point, should pop up.
Yes, this works, actually I do this exact same thing, also in a line graph chart, however there are a few drawbacks/remarks. The message handling is a bit wonky, with some messages not being send according to the documentation, and some workarounds being necessary to keep the control self-contained (not requiring help from the parent to reflect notifications).
What you do is declare a variable in your CWnd-derived class
CToolTipCtrl m_ToolTipCtrl;
CString m_ToolTipContent;
Then do this on OnCreate:
m_ToolTipCtrl.Create(this, TTS_ALWAYSTIP);
Optionally, you can also set the delay time:
m_ToolTipCtrl.SetDelayTime(TTDT_AUTOPOP, -1);
m_ToolTipCtrl.SetDelayTime(TTDT_INITIAL, 0);
m_ToolTipCtrl.SetDelayTime(TTDT_RESHOW, 0);
When you want to show your tooltip (presumably in OnMouseMove()), use
BUT this only works in UNICODE builds. So if you're still on MBCS (like I am), you can only show the tooltip after a certain delay.
Use this to set your tooltip text (also in OnMouseMove):
// Not using CToolTipCtrl::AddTool() because
// it redirects the messages to the parent
TOOLINFO ti = {0};
ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND; // Indicate that uId is handle to a control
ti.uId = (UINT_PTR)m_hWnd; // Handle to the control
ti.hwnd = m_hWnd; // Handle to window
// to receive the tooltip-messages
ti.hinst = ::AfxGetInstanceHandle();
ti.rect = <rectangle where, when the mouse is over it, the tooltip should be shown>;
m_ToolTipCtrl.SendMessage(TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) &ti);
m_ToolTipContent = "my tooltip content";
Furthermore, you need to handle TTNNeedText:
// The build-agnostic one doesn't work for some reason.
BOOL GraphCtrlOnTTNNeedText(UINT id, NMHDR* pTTTStruct, LRESULT* pResult)
//pTTT->lpszText = "some test text";
//pTTT->lpszText = m_ToolTipContent;
strncpy_s(pTTT->lpszText, 80, m_ToolTipContent, _TRUNCATE);
return TRUE;
You'll have to modify this a bit, and read the documentation of the functions and messages, to get this to work in your project but yes it can be done.
For those that may still be looking for an answer to this as I was. (I couldn't get the one above to work - Things in MFC may have changed.)
All code is contained within the custom control class.
In your class definition add:
CToolTipCtrl ToolTip;
In PreSubclassWindow() add:
#define TOOLTIP_ID 1
ToolTip.Create(this, TTS_ALWAYSTIP );
CRect rc;
ToolTip.AddTool(this, "Tool tip text", rc, TOOLTIP_ID);
In PreTranslateMessage() add:
Whenever your tool tip text changes add:
ToolTip.UpdateTipText("New Tip Text", this, TOOLTIP_ID);

CHtmlView class and focus

I have an SDI application written in MFC. The frame is divided into 1 row and 2 columns using a splitter window. Below are details of Row and Column (R0C0 means Row#0 and Col#0)
R0C0 view is a CFormView with multiple input controls like text box, combo box etc.
R0C1 view is a CHtmlView that contains HTML content relavant to the control that has input focus in the R0C0
I am able to update the HTML content and also invoke Javascript functions through my MFC code.
When user clicks on the R0C1, continaing CHtmlView, the focus is now on the html page. I wish to allow the user to tab out of R0C1 using the key board and return back to R0C0. Can you help with this please? The user can obviously click on the R0C0 view using mouse but we have a user who needs to use Keyboard for using this functionality.
Let me know if the question is not descriptive enough and I'll simplify it further.
Appreciate your time.
Try to overload CHtmlView::OnTranslateAccelerator. I have successfully used this trick to disable refresh with F5 key. Derive your own class from CHtmlView and overload
virtual HRESULT OnTranslateAccelerator(LPMSG lpMsg, const GUID* pguidCmdGroup, DWORD nCmdID);
like this:
HRESULT CMyHtmlView::OnTranslateAccelerator(LPMSG lpMsg, const GUID* pguidCmdGroup, DWORD nCmdID)
if(lpMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && GetAsyncKeyState(VK_TAB) != 0 )
// change focus
return S_OK;
return CHtmlView::OnTranslateAccelerator( lpMsg, pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID);