Regex and cPanel Account Filtering - regex

after countless hours googling and trying to contact my webhost (with no positive results) I wanted to jsut 'throw my question out there' and get better expertise with my issue. I really do believe, that this will be helpful to a lot of people as well, stuck asking the same question!
Just to keep things short, we have hosted our email solution with a webhost using cPanel and I have a big requirement. Basically, I need an account level filter to block certain mail addresses from sending out to other mail servers. For example;
lets say we use can send mail to anyone, anywhere is only allowed to send mail to address but not to any other address, for example,, etc.
Out of the options given to me at account level filtering, I thought the best to use is regex.
I'm suspecting that EXIM (default mta for cpanel) uses PCRE like regex expressions, please correct if im wrong.
The syntax i wrote and need help with is the following:
With this, all addresses should not match and all other addresses should.
The testing tools I used is
Guys, please help and let me know what I am doing wrong. cPanel is letting mail go through and is not blocking it.

The regex:
should do the trick
How it works
^: Find the beginning of the string/line
(?!...) Assert that it is impossible to find the following regex:
[^#]*? Match all the characters that are not an at symbol (#)
#example\.com Match the exact string '#example\.com'
For a more in-depth explanation see this


Regular expression matching DNS

Simplified issue (Extendable if requested): I'm running a chat, and don't want people to spam DNS's on it. Therefore, I need a regex which can check for dns's being written on the chat, and stop them. ONLY DNS's, nothing else which may resemble a dns, but could actually be a command being executed or someone just talking. (By the way, I already have normal IP's well covered)
So I found this DNS's matching regex which is the one I apply now for censoring:
It works for stopping DNS's. However, it's also censoring users typing in commands such as: /email add (A command commonly typed in on my chat, which the dns regex confuses as a dns)
Or sometimes just when someone types something containing many dots, and maybe ending in one such ending as the ones within the final regex parenthesis.
Therefore, what I need is a more precise dns matching regex, which will detect DNS's, and ONLY DNS's. However, my regex knowledge is very limited. I would really appreciate help with this!

Regex to validate URL characters and all available TLDs

I'm new to regex and after few days of practicing/learning I manage to write URL validating regex.
It works perfectly but problem was that I wanted to check all currently available TLDs because regex above doesn't validates unicode TLDs (XN--RHQV96G for example) because it allows only letters for domain. I can make it to validate unicode TLDs, but there is no point because it can't validate if entered TLD is real.
Since stackoverflow allows to answer your own question, I will include solution I came up with in my answer and I hope someone will find it usefull, but if you have better solution to solve this problem with TLDs, I will gladly choose your answer as accepted answer.
Rules are following:
Any localhost or IP based URLs shouldn't validate (http://localhost/ or for example)
Any URL with authorization parameters or port in it, shouldn't validate ( or or for example)
Only allowed protocols are http and https... If someone wants to validate ftp or something else, they can add ftp support easily (?:http|HTTP|ftp|FTP)
My solution is to get list of all currently available TLDs from IANA and include all of them in regex.
This regex is huge (there is 1,348 TLDs), but it works perfectly and I can't find any wrong URL combination it will validate.
It allows only valid subdomains and it won't validate not allowed domain name combinations like or
If you don't care about valid TLDs and only pattern is enough, you can use regex in original question, it's much smaller, faster and works pretty well.
Any answers and comments are welcome if you find any mistake or you can make this regex shorter or faster.
I will update this answer from time to time to include new TLDs from IANA database if there will be any.

Regular expression - for email spam filtering, match email address variants other than the original

I am a email spam quarantine administrator and I can write regular expression rules to block email messages. There is a common classification of email spam hitting our domain such that the username of any of our email addresses is spoofed in front of some other domain.
For example, suppose my email address is In that case, spammers are writing to me from all kinds of other domains that start with my username such as:
How can I write a regular expression rule to match everything including jwclark and any wildcards, but not match the original I would like a regex that matches everything above except for my actual example email address
I've made this regexp here
it's in javascript format, but it should be easy to adapt to php or something else.
Given the nature of your problem, you might be better off making a regex builder function that makes the proper regexp for you, given the parameters.
Or, actually use a different approach. I recently found out how to parse ranges of floating point numbers with regexp, but that doesn't make it the proper solution to finding numbers within ranges. :P
edit - fixed silly redundancy thanks to zx81
edit - change to comply with strange limitations:
demo for the strange one

Regular expression to exclude local addresses

I'm trying to configure my Foxy Proxy program and one of the features is to provide a regular expression for an exclusion list.
I'm trying to blacklist the local sites (ending in .local), but it doesn't seem to work.
This is what I attempted:
I also researched on Google and Stack Exchange with no success.
Since you indicate in the comments that you actually need a whitelist solution, I went with that:
Try: ^(?:https?://)?[\w.-]+\\.(?!local)\w+/.*$
Your regex expressions match host names which start with a series of digits followed by a period and then not followed by the string "local". If this is a "blacklist", then that hardly seems like what you want.
If you're trying to match all hostnames which end in .local, you'd want something like the following for the hostname portion:
with appropriate escapes inserted depending on regex context.
If your original question was incorrect and you really need a whitelist, then you'd want something like:
as illustrated in
Thank you everyone to help. Indeed, it turns out that for this program, enlisting "not .local" as blacklist, it's not the same as "all .local" as whitelist.
I also had a rookie mistake on my pattern. I meant "\w" instead of "\d". Thank you Peter Alfvin for catching that.
So my final working solution is what Bart suggested:
^(?:https?://)?[\w.-]+\.(?!local)\w+/.*$ as a whitelist.

Regex - filter websites and IPs

What regex can detect the presence of any IP address or URL in a string. It should be able to detect people trying to obviously avoid the filter: Examples:
website . com
website dot com
The IP Regex is very straightforward, as it's structure is constant
For websites, I would need more detailed info, but the general idea is like
or, extremely basic