Bitwise structure definition language generating c++ code - c++

Before any question is asked: I am dealing with actual hardware.
I am searching for a meta-language that would allow me to specify data structure contents where fields have different bit length (this includes fields like 1, 3 or 24 or 48 bits long), with respect to endianess, and would generate C++ code accessing the data.
The question was put on hold due to being too vague, so I'll try to make it as clear as possible:
I am searching for a language that:
accepts simple structure description and generate useful C++ code,
would allow to precisely specify integers ranging from 1 bit to multiple (up to 8) bytes long, along with data (typically string),
would isolate me from need to convert endianess,
produces exact, predictable output that does not come with overhead (like in protocol buffers)
ASN.1 sounds almost good for the purpose, but it adds its own overhead (meaning, I cannot produce a simple structure that has 2 bytes split into 4 nibbles) - what i'm looking for is a language that would offer exact representation of the structure.
For example, I would want to abstract this:
struct Command {
struct Record {
int8_t track;
int8_t point;
int8_t index;
int16_t start_position; // big endian, misaligned
int32_t length; // big endian, misaligned;
} __attribute__((packed)); // structure length = 11 bytes.
int8_t current : 1;
int8_t command : 7;
int8_t reserved;
int16_t side : 3; // entire int16_t needs to be
int16_t layer : 3; // converted from big endian, because
int16_t laser_mark : 3; // this field spans across bytes.
int16_t laser_power : 3;
int16_t reserved_pad : 2;
int16_t laser_tag : 2;
int32_t mode_number : 8; // again, entire 32 bit field needs to be converted
int32_t record_count : 24; // from big endian to read this count properly.
Record records[];
} __attribute__((packed));
the above needs to be packed exactly to the structure carrying 8 + record_count * 11 bytes, all formed accurately, no additional data, no additional bits or bytes set.
The above is just an example. it's made simple so that I don't clog the site with actual structures that have oftentimes hundreds of fields. It has been simplified, but shows many of the features that I am looking forward to see (two remaining features are 48 or 64-bit integers and plain data (bytes[]))
If this question is still too vague, please explain what it is that I should add in the comments. thanks!

A simple table that tracks individual field sizes and is used to spin out offsets of each element into your structure sounds like the easiest solution. This won't scale to deeply nested structures, but could be tuned to support handling of the unassigned bit cases you identify.
Then, you can use this to generate constants or even named property accessors to extract and update the individual fields. Given the size of the individual elements, macros are likely to make life even harder, but any mainstream compiler should inline the code. You mileage could vary with a template-based implementation.
If would help if you could use a common representation for both sides of the application (host and device) to further reduce the likelihood of transcription errors.
The PLC world has a number of different mechanisms for layout, but these are all very hardwired into their eco-systems and so would not really help.
Alternately, if you have the tooling available, you could consider something like ASN.1 structures for the representation. In the extreme, you could even use an open source generator to come up with an unencoded generator directly from the MIB.


C/C++ Little/Big Endian handler

There are two systems that communicate via TCP. One uses little endian and the second one big endian. The ICD between systems contains a lot of structs (fields). Making bytes swap for each field looks like not the best solution.
Is there any generic solution/practice for handling communication between systems with different endianness?
Each system may have a different architecture, but endianness should be defined by the communication protocol. If the protocol says "data must be sent as big endian", then that's how the system sends it and how the other system receives it.
I am guessing the reason why you're asking is because you would like to cast a struct pointer to a char* and just send it over the wire, and this won't work.
That is generally a bad idea. It's far better to create an actual serializer, so that your internal data is decoupled from the actual protocol, which also means you can easily add support for different protocols in the future, or different versions of the protocols. You also don't have to worry about struct padding, aliasing, or any implementation-defined issues that casting brings along.
So generally, you would have something like:
void Serialize(const struct SomeStruct *s, struct BufferBuilder *bb)
BufferBuilder_append_u16_le(bb, s->SomeField);
BufferBuilder_append_s32_le(bb, s->SomeOther);
BufferBuilder_append_u08(bb, s->SomeOther);
Where you would already have all these methods written in advance, like
// append unsigned 16-bit value, little endian
void BufferBuilder_append_u16_le(struct BufferBuilder *bb, uint16_t value)
if (bb->remaining < sizeof(value))
return; // or some error handling, whatever
memcpy(bb->buffer, &value, sizeof(value));
bb->remaining -= sizeof(value);
We use this approach because it's simpler to unit test these "appending" methods in isolation, and writing (de)serializers is then a matter of just calling them in succession.
But of course, if you can pick any protocol and implement both systems, then you could simply use protobuf and avoid doing a bunch of plumbing.
Generally speaking, values transmitted over a network should be in network byte order, i.e. big endian. So values should be converted from host byte order to network byte order for transmission and converted back when received.
The functions htons and ntohs do this for 16 bit integer values and htonl and ntohl do this for 32 bit integer values. On little endian systems these functions essentially reverse the bytes, while on big endian systems they're a no-op.
So for example if you have the following struct:
struct mystruct {
char f1[10];
uint32_t f2;
uint16_t f3;
Then you would serialize the data like this:
// s points to the struct to serialize
// p should be large enough to hold the serialized struct
void serialize(struct mystruct *s, unsigned char *p)
memcpy(p, s->f1, sizeof(s->f1));
p += sizeof(s->f1);
uint32_t f2_tmp = htonl(s->f2);
memcpy(p, &f2_tmp, sizeof(f2_tmp));
p += sizeof(s->f2);
uint16_t f3_tmp = htons(s->f3);
memcpy(p, &f3_tmp, sizeof(f3_tmp));
And deserialize it like this:
// s points to a struct which will store the deserialized data
// p points to the buffer received from the network
void deserialize(struct mystruct *s, unsigned char *p)
memcpy(s->f1, p, sizeof(s->f1));
p += sizeof(s->f1);
uint32_t f2_tmp;
memcpy(&f2_tmp, p, sizeof(f2_tmp));
s->f2 = ntohl(f2_tmp);
p += sizeof(s->f2);
uint16_t f3_tmp;
memcpy(&f3_tmp, p, sizeof(f3_tmp));
s->f3 = ntohs(f3_tmp);
While you could use compiler specific flags to pack the struct so that it has a known size, allowing you to memcpy the whole struct and just convert the integer fields, doing so means that certain fields may not be aligned properly which can be a problem on some architectures. The above will work regardless of the overall size of the struct.
You mention one problem with struct fields. Transmitting structs also requires taking care of alignment of fields (causing gaps between fields): compiler flags.
For binary data one can use Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) where you define the data format. There are some alternatives. Like Protocol Buffers.
In C one can with macros determine endianess and field offsets inside a struct, and hence use such a struct description as the basis for a generic bytes-to-struct conversion. So this would work independent of endianess and alignment.
You would need to create such a descriptor for every struct.
Alternatively a parser might generate code for bytes-to-struct conversion.
But then again you could use a language neutral solution like ASN.1.
C and C++ of course have no introspection/reflection capabilities like Java has, so that are the only solutions.
The fastest and most portable way is to use bit shifts.
These have the big advantage that you only need to know the network endianess, never the CPU endianess.
uint8_t buf[4] = { MS_BYTE, ... LS_BYTE}; // some buffer from TCP/IP = Big Endian
uint32_t my_u32 = ((uint32_t)buf[0] << 24) |
((uint32_t)buf[1] << 16) |
((uint32_t)buf[2] << 8) |
((uint32_t)buf[3] << 0) ;
Do not use (bit-field) structs/type punning directly on the input. They are poorly standardized, may contain padding/alignment requirements, depend on endianess. It is fine to use structs if you have proper serialization/deserialization routines in between. A deserialization routine may contain the above bit shifts, for example.
Do not use pointer arithmetic to iterate across the input, or plain memcpy(). Neither one of these solves the endianess issue.
Do not use htons etc bloat libs. Because they are non-portable. But more importantly because anyone who can't write a simple bit shift like above without having some lib function holding their hand, should probably stick to writing high level code in a more family-friendly programming language.
There is no point in writing code in C if you don't have a clue about how to do efficient, close to the hardware programming, also known as the very reason you picked C for the task to begin with.
Helping hand for people who are confused over how C code gets translated to asm: As we can see, the machine code is identical on x86 Linux. The htonl won't compile on a number of embedded targets, nor on MSVC, while leading to worse performance on Mips64.

Is there a portable Binary-serialisation schema in FlatBuffers/Protobuf that supports arbitrary 24bit signed integer definitions?

We are sending data over UART Serial at a high data rate so data size is important. The most optimal format is Int24 for our data which may be simplified as a C bit-field struct (GCC compiler) under C/C++ to be perfectly optimal:
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct Int24
int32_t value : 24;
#pragma pack(pop)
typedef std::array<Int24,32> ArrayOfInt24;
This data is packaged with other data and shared among devices and cloud infrastructures. Basically we need to have a binary serialization which is sent between devices of different architecture and programming languages. We would like to use a Schema based Binary serialisation such as ProtoBuffers or FlatBuffers to avoid the client codes needing to handle the respective bit-shifting and recovery of the twos-complement sign bit handling themselves. i.e. Reading the 24-bit value in a non-C language requires the following:
bool isSigned = (_b2 & (byte)0x80) != 0; // Sign extend negative quantities
int32_t value = _b0 | (_b1 << 8) | (_b2 << 16) | (isSigned ? 0xFF : 0x00) << 24;
If not already existing which (if any) existing Binary Serialisation library could be modified easily to extend support to this as we would be willing to add to any open-source project in this respect.
Depending on various things, you might like to look at ASN.1 and the unaligned Packed Encoding Rules (uPER). This is a binary serialisation that is widely used in telephony to easily minimise the number of transmitted bits. Tools are available for C, C++, C#, Java, Python (I think they cover uPER). A good starting point is Useful Old Technologies.
One of the reasons you might choose to use it is that uPER likely ends up doing better than anything else out there. Other benefits are contraints (on values and array sizes). You can express these in your schema, and the generated code will check data against them. This is something that can make a real difference to a project - automatic sanitisation of incoming data is a great way of resisting attacks - and is something that GPB doesn't do.
Reasons not to use it are that the very best tools are commercial, and quite pricey. Though there are some open source tools that are quite good but not necessarily implementing the entire ASN.1 standard (which is vast). It's also a learning curve, though (at a basic level) not so very different to Google Protocol Buffers. In fact, at the conference where Google announced GPB, someone asked "why not use ASN.1?". The Google bod hadn't heard of it; somewhat ironic, a search company not searching the web for binary serialisation technologies, went right ahead and invented their own...
Protocol Buffers use a dynamically sized integer encoding called varint, so you can just use uint32 or sint32, and the encoded value will be four bytes or less for all values and three bytes or less for any value < 2^21 (the actual size for an encoded integer is ⌈HB/7⌉ where HB is the highest bit set in the value).
Make sure not to use int32 as that uses a very inefficient fixed size encoding (10 bytes!) for negative values. For repeated values, just mark them as repeated, so multiple values will be sent efficiently packed.
syntax = "proto3";
message Test {
repeated sint32 data = 1;
FlatBuffers doesn't support 24-bit ints. The only way to represent it would be something like:
struct Int24 { a:ubyte; b:ubyte; c:ubyte; }
which obviously doesn't do the bit-shifting for you, but would still allow you to pack multiple Int24 together in a parent vector or struct efficiently. It would also save a byte when stored in a table, though there you'd probably be better off with just a 32-bit int, since the overhead is higher.
One particularly efficient use of protobuf's varint format is to use it as a sort of compression scheme, by writing the deltas between values.
In your case, if there is any correlation between consecutive values, you could have a repeated sint32 values field. Then as the first entry in the array, write the first value. For all further entries, write the difference from the previous value.
This way e.g. [100001, 100050, 100023, 95000] would get encoded as [100001, 49, -27, -5023]. As a packed varint array, the deltas would take 3, 1, 1 and 2 bytes, total of 7 bytes. Compared with a fixed 24-bit encoding taking 12 bytes or non-delta varint taking also 12 bytes.
Of course this also needs a bit of code on the receiving side to process. But adding up the previous value is easy enough to implement in any language.

How the size of a struct containing bitset fields is calculated [duplicate]

It seems for std::bitset<1 to 32>, the size is set to 4 bytes. For sizes 33 to 64, it jumps straight up to 8 bytes. There can't be any overhead because std::bitset<32> is an even 4 bytes.
I can see aligning to byte length when dealing with bits, but why would a bitset need to align to word length, especially for a container most likely to be used in situations with a tight memory budget?
This is under VS2010.
The most likely explanation is that bitset is using a whole number of machine words to store the array.
This is probably done for memory bandwidth reasons: it is typically relatively cheap to read/write a word that's aligned at a word boundary. On the other hand, reading (and especially writing!) an arbitrarily-aligned byte can be expensive on some architectures.
Since we're talking about a fixed-sized penalty of a few bytes per bitset, this sounds like a reasonable tradeoff for a general-purpose library.
I assume that indexing into the bitset is done by grabbing a 32-bit value and then isolating the relevant bit because this is fastest in terms of processor instructions (working with smaller-sized values is slower on x86). The two indexes needed for this can also be calculated very quickly:
int wordIndex = (index & 0xfffffff8) >> 3;
int bitIndex = index & 0x7;
And then you can do this, which is also very fast:
int word = m_pStorage[wordIndex];
bool bit = ((word & (1 << bitIndex)) >> bitIndex) == 1;
Also, a maximum waste of 3 bytes per bitset is not exactly a memory concern IMHO. Consider that a bitset is already the most efficient data structure to store this type of information, so you would have to evaluate the waste as a percentage of the total structure size.
For 1025 bits this approach uses up 132 bytes instead of 129, for 2.3% overhead (and this goes down as the bitset site goes up). Sounds reasonable considering the likely performance benefits.
The memory system on modern machines cannot fetch anything else but words from memory, apart from some legacy functions that extract the desired bits. Hence, having the bitsets aligned to words makes them a lot faster to handle, because you do not need to mask out the bits you don't need when accessing it. If you do not mask, doing something like
bitset<4> foo = 0;
if (foo) {
// ...
will most likely fail. Apart from that, I remember reading some time ago that there was a way to cramp several bitsets together, but I don't remember exactly. I think it was when you have several bitsets together in a structure that they can take up "shared" memory, which is not applicable to most use cases of bitfields.
I had the same feature in Aix and Linux implementations. In Aix, internal bitset storage is char based:
typedef unsigned char _Ty;
_Ty _A[_Nw + 1];
In Linux, internal storage is long based:
typedef unsigned long _WordT;
_WordT _M_w[_Nw];
For compatibility reasons, we modified Linux version with char based storage
Check which implementation are you using inside bitset.h
Because a 32 bit Intel-compatible processor cannot access bytes individually (or better, it can by applying implicitly some bit mask and shifts) but only 32bit words at time.
if you declare
bitset<4> a,b,c;
even if the library implements it as char, a,b and c will be 32 bit aligned, so the same wasted space exist. But the processor will be forced to premask the bytes before letting bitset code to do its own mask.
For this reason MS used a int[1+(N-1)/32] as a container for the bits.
Maybe because it's using int by default, and switches to long long if it overflows? (Just a guess...)
If your std::bitset< 8 > was a member of a structure, you might have this:
struct A
std::bitset< 8 > mask;
void * pointerToSomething;
If bitset<8> was stored in one byte (and the structure packed on 1-byte boundaries) then the pointer following it in the structure would be unaligned, which would be A Bad Thing. The only time when it would be safe and useful to have a bitset<8> stored in one byte would be if it was in a packed structure and followed by some other one-byte fields with which it could be packed together. I guess this is too narrow a use case for it to be worthwhile providing a library implementation.
Basically, in your octree, a single byte bitset would only be useful if it was followed in a packed structure by another one to three single-byte members. Otherwise, it would have to be padded to four bytes anyway (on a 32-bit machine) to ensure that the following variable was word-aligned.

Can I use data types like bool to compress data while improving readability?

My official question will be: "Is there a clean way to use data types to "encode and compress" data rather than using messy bit masking." The hopes would be to save space in the case of compressing, and I would like to use native data types, structures, and arrays in order to improve readability over bit masking. I am proficient in bit masking from my assembly background but I am learning C++ and OOP. We can store so much information in a 32 bit register by using individual bits and I feel that I am trying to get back to that low level environment while having the readability of C++ code.
I am attempting to save some space because I am working with huge resource requirements. I am still learning more about how c++ treats the bool data type. I realize that memory is stored in byte chunks and not individual bits. I believe that a bool usually uses one byte and is masked somehow. In my head I could use 8 bool values in one byte.
If I malloc in C++ an array of 2 bool elements. Does it allocate two bytes or just one?
Example: We will use DNA as an example since it can be encoded into two bit to represent A,C,G and T. If I make a struct with an array of two bool called DNA_Base, then I make an array of 20 of those.
struct DNA_Base{ bool Bit_1; bool Bit_2; };
DNA_Base DNA_Sequence[7] = {false};
cout << sizeof(DNA_Base)<<sizeof(DNA_Sequence)<<endl;
//Yields a 2 and a 14.
//I would like this to say 1 and 2.
In my example I would also show the case where the DNA sequence can be 20 bases long which would require 40 bits to encode. GATTACA could only take up a maximum of 2 bytes? I suppose an alternative question would have been "How to make C++ do the bit masking for me in a more readable way" or should I just make my own data type and classes and implement the bit masking using classes and operator overloading.
Not fully what you want but you can use bitfield:
struct DNA_Base
unsigned char Bit_1 : 1;
unsigned char Bit_2 : 1;
DNA_Base DNA_Sequence[7];
So sizeof(DNA_Base) == 1 and sizeof(DNA_Sequence) == 7
So you have to pack the DNA_Base to avoid to lose place with padding, something like:
struct DNA_Base_4
unsigned char base1 : 2; // may have value 0 1 2 or 3
unsigned char base2 : 2;
unsigned char base3 : 2;
unsigned char base4 : 2;
So sizeof(DNA_Base_4) == 1
std::bitset is an other alternative, but you have to do the interpretation job yourself.
An array of bools will be N-elements x sizeof(bool).
If your goal is to save space in registers, don't bother, because it is actually more efficient to use a word size for the processor in question than to use a single byte, and the compiler will prefer to use a word anyway, so in a struct/class the bool will usually be expanded to a 32-bit or 64-bit native word.
Now, if you like to save room on disk, or in RAM, due to needing to store LOTS of bools, go ahead, but it isn't going to save room in all cases unless you actually pack the structure, and on some architectures packing can also have performance impact because the CPU will have to perform unaligned or byte-by-byte access.
A bitmask (or bitfield), on the other hand, is performant and efficient and as dense as possible, and uses a single bitwise operation. I would look at one of the abstract data types that provide bit fields.
The standard library has bitset which can be as long as you want.
Boost also has something I'm sure.
Unless you are on a 4 bit machine, the final result will be using bit arithmetic. Whether you do it explicitly, have the compiler do it via bit fields, or use a bit container, there will be bit manipulation.
I suggest the following:
Use existing compression libraries.
Use the method that is most readable or understood by people other
than yourself.
Use the method that is most productive (talking about development
Use the method that you will inject the least amount of defects.
Edit 1:
Write each method up as a separate function.
Tell the compiler to generate the assembly language for each function.
Compare the assembly language of each function to each other.
My belief is that they will be very similar, enough that wasting time discussing them is not worthwhile.
You can't operate on bits directly, but you can treat the smallest unit available to you as a multiple data store, and define
enum class DNAx4 : uint8_t {
AAAA = 0x00, AAAC = 0x01, AAAG = 0x02, AAAT = 0x03,
// .... And the rest of them
AAAA = 0xFC, AAAC = 0xFD, AAAG = 0xFE, AAAT = 0xFF
I'd actually go further, and create a structure DNAx16 or DNAx32 to efficiently use the native word size on your machine.
You can then define functions on the data type, which will have to use the underlying bit representation, but at least it allows you to encapsulate this and build higher level operations from these primitives.

When does Endianness become a factor?

Endianness from what I understand, is when the bytes that compose a multibyte word differ in their order, at least in the most typical case. So that an 16-bit integer may be stored as either 0xHHLL or 0xLLHH.
Assuming I don't have that wrong, what I would like to know is when does Endianness become a major factor when sending information between two computers where the Endian may or may not be different.
If I transmit a short integer of 1, in the form of a char array and with no correction, is it received and interpretted as 256?
If I decompose and recompose the short integer using the following code, will endianness no longer be a factor?
// Sender:
for(n=0, n < sizeof(uint16)*8; ++n) {
stl_bitset[n] = (value >> n) & 1;
// Receiver:
for(n=0, n < sizeof(uint16)*8; ++n) {
value |= uint16(stl_bitset[n] & 1) << n;
Is there a standard way of compensating for endianness?
Thanks in advance!
Very abstractly speaking, endianness is a property of the reinterpretation of a variable as a char-array.
Practically, this matters precisely when you read() from and write() to an external byte stream (like a file or a socket). Or, speaking abstractly again, endianness matters when you serialize data (essentially because serialized data has no type system and just consists of dumb bytes); and endianness does not matter within your programming language, because the language only operates on values, not on representations. Going from one to the other is where you need to dig into the details.
To wit - writing:
uint32_t n = get_number();
unsigned char bytesLE[4] = { n, n >> 8, n >> 16, n >> 24 }; // little-endian order
unsigned char bytesBE[4] = { n >> 24, n >> 16, n >> 8, n }; // big-endian order
write(bytes..., 4);
Here we could just have said, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&n), and the result would have depended on the endianness of the system.
And reading:
unsigned char buf[4] = read_data();
uint32_t n_LE = buf[0] + buf[1] << 8 + buf[2] << 16 + buf[3] << 24; // little-endian
uint32_t n_BE = buf[3] + buf[2] << 8 + buf[1] << 16 + buf[0] << 24; // big-endian
Again, here we could have said, uint32_t n = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buf), and the result would have depended on the machine endianness.
As you can see, with integral types you never have to know the endianness of your own system, only of the data stream, if you use algebraic input and output operations. With other data types such as double, the issue is more complicated.
For the record, if you're transferring data between devices you should pretty much always use network-byte-ordering with ntohl, htonl, ntohs, htons. It'll convert to the network byte order standard for Endianness regardless of what your system and the destination system use. Of course, both systems shoud be programmed like this - but they usually are in networking scenarios.
No, though you do have the right general idea. What you're missing is the fact that even though it's normally a serial connection, a network connection (at least most network connections) still guarantees correct endianness at the octet (byte) level -- i.e., if you send a byte with a value of 0x12 on a little endian machine, it'll still be received as 0x12 on a big endian machine.
Looking at a short, if you look at the number in hexadecimal,it'l probably help. It starts out as 0x0001. You break it into two bytes: 0x00 0x01. Upon receipt, that'll be read as 0x0100, which turns out to be 256.
Since the network deals with endianess at the octet level, you normally only have to compensate for the order of bytes, not bits within bytes.
Probably the simplest method is to use htons/htonl when sending, and ntohs/ntohl when receiving. When/if that's not sufficient, there are many alternatives such as XDR, ASN.1, CORBA IIOP, Google protocol buffers, etc.
The "standard way" of compensating is that the concept of "network byte order" has been defined, almost always (AFAIK) as big endian.
Senders and receivers both know the wire protocol, and if necessary will convert before transmitting and after receiving, to give applications the right data. But this translation happens inside your networking layer, not in your applications.
Both endianesses have an advantage that I know of:
Big-endian is conceptually easier to understand because it's similar to our positional numeral system: most significant to least significant.
Little-endian is convenient when reusing a memory reference for multiple memory sizes. Simply put, if you have a pointer to a little-endian unsigned int* but you know the value stored there is < 256, you can cast your pointer to unsigned char*.
Endianness is ALWAYS an issue. Some will say that if you know that every host connected to the network runs the same OS, etc, then you will not have problems. This is true until it isn't. You always need to publish a spec that details the EXACT format of on-wire data. It can be any format you want, but every endpoint needs to understand the format and be able to interpret it correctly.
In general, protocols use big-endian for numerical values, but this has limitations if everyone isn't IEEE 754 compatible, etc. If you can take the overhead, then use an XDR (or your favorite solution) and be safe.
Here are some guidelines for C/C++ endian-neutral code. Obviously these are written as "rules to avoid"... so if code has these "features" it could be prone to endian-related bugs !! (this is from my article on Endianness published in Dr Dobbs)
Avoid using unions which combine different multi-byte datatypes.
(the layout of the unions may have different endian-related orders)
Avoid accessing byte arrays outside of the byte datatype.
(the order of the byte array has an endian-related order)
Avoid using bit-fields and byte-masks
(since the layout of the storage is dependent upon endianness, the masking of the bytes and selection of the bit fields is endian sensitive)
Avoid casting pointers from multi-byte type to other byte types.
(when a pointer is cast from one type to another, the endianness of the source (ie. The original target) is lost and subsequent processing may be incorrect)
You shouldn't have to worry, unless you're at the border of the system. Normally, if you're talking in terms of the stl, you already passed that border.
It's the task of the serialization protocol to indicate/determine how a series of bytes can be transformed into the type you're sending, beit a built-in type or a custom type.
If you're talking built-in only, you may suffice with the machine-abstraction provided by tools provided by your environment]