struct Rational
int a;
int b;
struct NextOnFreeList
NextOnFreeList *next;
// Build the linked-list
NextOnFreeList* freeList = NULL; // head of the linked-list
size_t size = (sizeof(Rational) > sizeof(NextOnFreeList *)) ? sizeof(Rational) : sizeof(NextOnFreeList *);
NextOnFreeList *runner = static_cast <NextOnFreeList *> new char [size]; // LineA
freeList = runner;
for (int i = 0; i < EXPANSION_SIZE; i++) {
runner->next = static_cast <NextOnFreeList *> new char [size];
runner = runner->next;
runner->next = 0;
Question 1> LineA
Since the size of Rational(i.e. 8 bytes) is larger than NextOnFreeList(i.e. 4 bytes),
each element in the Linked-list will ONLY use partial of the allocated memory. Is that correct?
// Delete the linked-list
NextOnFreeList *nextPtr = NULL;
for (nextPtr = freeList; nextPtr != NULL; nextPtr = freeList) {
freeList = freeList->next;
delete [] nextPtr; // LineB
Question 2> LineB
why should we use 'delete [] nextPtr' instead of 'delete nextPtr'?
Question 3>
Rational* ptr = static_cast<Rational*>( freeList ); // LineC
ptr->a = 10;
ptr->b = 20;
Is it true by LineC, we can bring back all the allocated memory original with size of 'size' and
use the memory to store all elements inside the Rational.
Q1: Yes, but I would rather use std::allocator<Rational>::allocate (or union of both - you will avoid alignment problems this way)
Q2: It is actually bad, because you should cast it to char* first, then use delete[]. Again, using std::allocator would be better. And: It does not matter on default implementation (calls free), but forget I said that ;) ... using malloc/free directly is safer.
Q3:: It is fine, but I am not sure if static_cast will allow that (reinterpret_cast or casting to void* in between may help)
EDIT: I hope your Q3 is not final, because you need to update the free list first (before using the pointer).
2nd EDIT: Links + note: hiding the free-list inside the allocator would be best for C++ (using malloc/free directly in it, or new[] / delete[])
That seems correct. In a 32 bit architecture you most likely overallocated and only a portion of the memory will be used. In a 64 bit architecture most likely the two sizes are the same.
Neither one is appropriate. You allocated that memory as char* so you must delete it as such (by casting back to char* and then delete[]) or you have undefined behavior.
Line C won't compile because the two pointee types are unrelated. If you did use reinterpret_cast you would be violating the strict aliasing rules, again causing undefined behavior.
Yes but that is not the best idea to use static_cast. reinterpret_cast would be more preferable.
I dont there is a defined behavior to recognize your static_cast to accept a simple delete. safest way would be to look at this as the original allocation of array. So cast back to char* and use []delete
Q.3 yep, yes you can.
I'm experimenting the usage of placement new to try to understand how it works.
Executing the code below:
#include <iostream>
#define SHOW(x) std::cout << #x ": " << x << '\n'
template<typename T>
static T *my_realloc(T *ptr, size_t count) {
return (T *) realloc((void *) ptr, count * sizeof(T));
template<typename T>
static void my_free(T *ptr) {
free((T *) ptr);
int main() {
constexpr int count = 40;
int cap = 0;
int size = 0;
std::string *strs = nullptr;
auto tmp_str = std::string();
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
tmp_str = std::to_string(i);
if(size == cap) {
if(cap == 0)
cap = 1;
cap *= 2;
strs = my_realloc(strs, cap);
new (&strs[size++]) std::string(std::move(tmp_str));
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
std::destroy_n(strs, size);
return 0;
I get the errors:
Invalid read of size 1
Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
Removing the line
std::destroy_n(strs, size);
The error of invalid free is solved, but somehow all memory of the program is freed and no leaks are generated. But i can't find how the std::string destructor is called in the program.
If you want to store non-trivial types (such as std::string), then realloc simply cannot be used. You will find that standard library containers like e.g. std::vector will also not use it.
realloc may either extend the current allocation, without moving it in memory, or it might internally make a new allocation in separate memory and copy the contents of the old allocation to the new one. This step is performed as if by std::memcpy. The problem here is that std::memcpy will only work to actually create new objects implicitly in the new allocation and copy the values correctly if the type is trivially-copyable and if it and all of its subobjects are implicit-lifetime types. This definitively doesn't apply to std::string or any other type that manages some (memory) resource.
You are also forgetting to check the return value of realloc. If allocation failed, it may return a null pointer, which you will then use regardless, causing a null pointer dereference, as well as a memory leak of the old allocation.
Instead of using realloc you should make a new allocation for the new size, then placement-new copies of the objects already in the old allocation into the new one and then destroy the objects in the old allocation and free it.
If you want to guarantee that there won't be memory leaks when exceptions are thrown things become somewhat complicated. I suggest you look at the std::vector implementation of one of the standard library implementations if you want to figure out the details.
strs = my_realloc(strs, cap);
strs is a pointer to a std::string, and this will result in the contents of the pointer to be realloc()ed.
This is undefined behavior. C++ objects cannot be malloced, realloced, or freeed. Using a wrapper function, or placement new, at some point along the way, does not change that.
Everything from this point on is undefined behavior, and the resulting consequences are of no importance.
In C++ I had:
MallocMetadata *tmp = static_cast<MallocMetadata *> (p);
But now I want tmp to be 5 bytes before in memory so I tried:
MallocMetadata *tmp = static_cast<MallocMetadata *> (p-5);
But that didn't compile, I read some articles which suggested this (and didn't work too):
MallocMetadata *tmp = static_cast<MallocMetadata *> (static_cast<char *> (p) - 5);
How to fix this problem, please note: I am sure that place in memory is legal plus I want tmp to be of type MallocMetadata* to use it later.
You can use reinterpret_cast to convert pointers other than void* to another pointers.
MallocMetadata *tmp = reinterpret_cast<MallocMetadata *> (static_cast<char *> (p) - 5);
Another choice is casting the char* after subtracting something to void* again.
MallocMetadata *tmp = static_cast<MallocMetadata *> (static_cast<void *> (static_cast<char *> (p) - 5));
C++ How to Advance void * pointer?
It is not possible to advance a void*.
Advancing a pointer by one modifies the pointer to point to the next sibling of the previously pointed object within an array of objects. The distance between two elements of an array differs between objects of different types. The distance is exactly the same as the size of the object.
Thus to advance a pointer, it is necessary to know the size of the pointed object. void* can point to an object of any size, and there is no way to get information about that size from the pointer.
What you can do instead is static cast void* to the dynamic type of the pointed object. The size of the pointed object is then known by virtue of knowing the type of the pointer, as long as the type is complete. You can then use pointer arithmetic to advance the converted pointer to a sibling of the pointed object.
But now I want tmp to be 5 bytes before in memory
Before we proceed any further, I want to make it clear that this is an unsafe thing to attempt, and you must know the language rules in detail to have even a remote chance of doing this correctly. I urge you to consider whether doing this is necessary.
To get a pointer to the memory address 5 bytes before, you can static_cast void* to unsigned char* and do pointer arithmetic on the converted pointer:
static_cast<unsigned char*>(p) - 5
MallocMetadata *tmp = static_cast<MallocMetadata *> (static_cast<char *> (p) - 5);
char* isn't static-castable to arbitrary object pointer types. if the memory address is properly aligned and ((the address contains an object of similar type) or (MallocMetadata is a trivial type and the address doesn't contain an object of another type and you're going to write to the address and not read, thereby creating a new object)), then you can use reinterpret_cast instead:
MallocMetadata *tmp = reinterpret_cast<MallocMetadata*>(
static_cast<char*>(p) - 5
A full example:
// preparation
int offset = 5;
std::size_t padding = sizeof(MallocMetadata) >= offset
? 0
: sizeof(MallocMetadata) - offset;
auto align = static_cast<std::align_val_t>(alignof(MallocMetadata));
void* p_storage = ::operator new(sizeof(MallocMetadata) + padding, align);
MallocMetadata* p_mm = new (p_storage) MallocMetadata{};
void* p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(p_mm) + offset;
// same as above
MallocMetadata *tmp = reinterpret_cast<MallocMetadata*>(
static_cast<char*>(p) - offset
// cleanup
::operator delete(tmp);
I don't know what you'll make of this, but I'll try:
There's a requirement in the standard that void * and character pointers have the same representation and alignment that falls out of C and how historically you had character pointer types where you now have void *.
If you have a void *, actually a void * and not some other type of pointer, and you wanted to advance it a byte at a time, you should be able to create a reference-to-pointer-to-unsigned-character bound to the pointer-to-void, as in:
auto &ucp = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *&>(void_pointer);
And now it should be possible to manipulate void_pointer through operations on ucp reference.
So ++ucp will advance it, and therefore void_pointer, by one.
I have the following structure in C++ :
struct wrapper
// Param constructor
wrapper(unsigned int _id, const char* _string1, unsigned int _year,
unsigned int _value, unsigned int _usage, const char* _string2)
id(_id), year(_year), value(_value), usage(_usage)
int len = strlen(_string1);
string1 = new char[len + 1]();
strncpy(string1, _string1, len);
len = strlen(_string2);
string2 = new char[len + 1]();
strncpy(string2, _string2, len);
// Destructor
if(string1 != NULL)
delete [] string1;
if(string2 != NULL)
delete [] string2;
// Elements
unsigned int id;
unsigned int year;
unsigned int value;
unsigned int usage;
char* string1;
char* string2;
In main.cpp let's say I allocate memory for one object of this structure :
wrapper* testObj = new wrapper(125600, "Hello", 2013, 300, 0, "bye bye");
Can I now delete the entire object using pointer arithmetic and a pointer that points to one of the structure elements ?
Something like this :
void* ptr = &(testObj->string2);
ptr -= 0x14;
delete (wrapper*)ptr;
I've tested myself and apparently it works but I'm not 100% sure that is equivalent to delete testObj.
Technically, the code like this would work (ignoring the fact that wrapper testObj should be wrapper* testObj and that the offset is not necessarily 0x14, e.g. debug builds sometimes pad the structures, and maybe some other detail I missed), but it is a horrible, horrible idea. I can't stress hard enough how horrible it is.
Instead of 0x14 you could use offsetof macro.
If you like spending nights in the company of the debugger, sure, feel free to do so.
I will assume that the reason for the question is sheer curiosity about whether it is possible to use pointer arithmetic to navigate from members to parent, and not that you would like to really do it in production code. Please tell me I am right.
Can I now delete the entire object using pointer arithmetic and a pointer that points to one of the structure elements ?
Theoretically, yes.
The pointer that you give to delete needs to have the correct value, and it doesn't really matter whether that value comes from an existing pointer variable, or by "adjusting" one in this manner.
You also need to consider the type of the pointer; if nothing else, you should cast to char* before performing your arithmetic so that you are moving in steps of single bytes. Your current code will not compile because ISO C++ forbids incrementing a pointer of type 'void*' (how big is a void?).
However, I recommend not doing this at all. Your magic number 0x14 is unreliable, given alignment and padding and the potential of your structure to change shape.
Instead, store a pointer to the actual object. Also stop with all the horrid memory mess, and use std::string. At present, your lack of copy constructor is presenting a nasty bug.
You can do this sort of thing with pointer arithmetic. Whether you should is an entirely different story. Consider this macro (I know... I know...) that will give you the base address of a structure given its type, the name of a structure member and a pointer to that member:
#define ADDRESS_FROM_MEMBER(T, member, ptr) reinterpret_cast<T*>( \
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(ptr) - (ptrdiff_t)(&(reinterpret_cast<T*>(0))->member))
How do I do a memset for a pointer to an array?
int (*p)[2];
Is this allocation an correct?
you can use calloc.
calloc will replace both malloc and memset.
p = calloc(100, sizeof (*p));
I'll summarize a lot of answers (although I've ignored some of the stylistic variants in favor of my own preferences).
In C:
How to use malloc:
int (*p)[2] = malloc(100 * sizeof(*p));
How to use memset:
memset(p, 0, 100 * sizeof(*p));
How to do both in one statement:
int (*p)[2] = calloc(100, sizeof(*p));
In C++, the same is possible except that you need to cast the results of malloc and calloc: static_cast<int(*)[2]>(std::malloc(100 * sizeof(*p)).
However, C++ provides alternative ways to allocate this:
int (*p)[2] = new int[100][2](); // like calloc.
delete[] p; // *not* delete p
C++ also provides vector, which is usually nice, but unfortunately you cannot create a vector of C-style arrays. In C++03 you can workaround like this:
struct my_array {
int data[2];
std::vector<my_array> p(100);
// no need to free/delete anything
I don't think that zeros the elements, although I might be wrong. If I'm right, then to zero you need:
my_array initvalue = {0};
std::vector<my_array> p(100, initvalue);
another way to represent 2 ints:
std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > p(100);
If you can use Boost:
std::vector<boost::array<int, 2> > p(100);
In C++11:
std::vector<std::array<int, 2>> p(100);
I've listed these in increasing order of how good they usually are, so use the last one that isn't blocked by whatever constraints you're working under. For example, if you expect to take a pointer to the first element of one of the inner arrays-of-2-int, and increment it to get a pointer to the second, then std::pair is out because it doesn't guarantee that works.
The elegant way:
typedef int int_arr_2[2];
int_arr_2* p;
p = malloc(sizeof(int_arr_2)*100);
The best way:
typedef int int_arr_2[2];
int_arr_2* p;
p = calloc(100, sizeof(int_arr_2));
calloc, unlike malloc, guarantees that all bytes are set to zero.
The memset() line is proper.
For C you don't need malloc casting.
In C++ if you still want to do this, the type cast should be as:
p = (int(*)[2]) malloc(sizeof(*p)*100); // or `static_cast<...>
// ^^^^^^^^^
But I would suggest to change your approach for using std::vector instead. Cleaner, better and "semi-automatic":
std::vector<int*> vi(100); // or std::vector vi(100, nullptr);
Another way with raw pointers is to use new[]:
int **p = new[100](); // allocates and sets to 0
But you have to manage this memory later on by deallocating with delete[]
In C (not C++) you would just do
int (*p)[2] = malloc(sizeof(*p)*100);
that is, variables can be initialized with expressions and malloc doesn't need (and should not have) a cast. Then *p is an "lvalue" of your array type that decays to a pointer when passed to memset.
In writing a response, I wrote some code that challenged my assumptions on how const pointers work. I had assumed const pointers could not be deleted by the delete function, but as you'll see from the code below, that isn't the case:
#include <new>
#include <string.h>
class TestA
char *Array;
TestA(){Array = NULL; Array = new (std::nothrow) char[20]; if(Array != NULL){ strcpy(Array,"Input data"); } }
~TestA(){if(Array != NULL){ delete [] Array;} }
char * const GetArray(){ return Array; }
int main()
TestA Temp;
Temp.GetArray()[0] = ' '; //You can still modify the chars in the array, user has access
Temp.GetArray()[1] = ' ';
//Temp.GetArray() = NULL //This doesn't work
delete [] Temp.GetArray(); //This works?! How do I prevent this?
My question is, how do I pass the user access to a pointer (so they can use it like a char array), whilst making it so that the delete function cannot delete it, by preferably throwing some sort of complaint or exception?
If your users are using delete[] on pointers they didn't get from new[], hit them upside the head with a clue bat.
There are so many reasons a pointer can be dereferenced but mustn't be passed to delete:
Someone else will delete it.
It's not the beginning of the block.
It came from malloc or some other non-new allocator.
It has static, not dynamic lifetime.
If has automatic lifetime.
Some of these will manifest in exceptions at runtime. Others will cause crashes at some later time. All are "undefined behavior" according to the standard.
The assumption should be that a pointer cannot be used as the argument to delete, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
If entry-level programmers are making this mistake, educate them. If "experienced" developers are doing it, fire them for lying on their resume.
If you just want it to hurt when they do that, allocate the array one larger than necessary, and return Array + 1;. Now everything will blow up if they try to use delete[].
The practical use is that it's (more) likely to make the program crash inside the bogus call to delete, with the offending function still on the call stack. Where the original will probably continue running for a while, and finally crash in innocent code. So this helps you catch stupid users.
delete [] Temp.GetArray(); //This works?! How do I prevent this?
As long as, it returns char* or some other pointer type, you cannot prevent it; it doesn't matter if the expression in delete statement is const, because all of the following are perfectly valid in C++:
char *pc = f();
delete [] pc; //ok
const char *pc = g();
delete [] pc; //ok
char * const pc = h();
delete [] pc; //ok
const char * const pc = k();
delete [] pc; //ok
However, if you change this :
char *Array;
to this
std::vector<char> Array;
And then you could achieve what you want, by returning it as:
std::vector<char> & GetArray() { return Array; }
The bottomline is :
In C++, the default choice for dynamic array should be std::vector<T> unless you've a very strong reason not to use it.
Your const is doing no effect, you are returning a const pointer, not a pointer to const char, which is what you want. Also see Nawaz recommendation on using vectors instead.
The most you can really do is to return something that is not an acceptable operand for delete. This can be an RAII object (like std::vector or std::array) or it can be a reference (depending on your situation, either could be appropriate).
[Un]fortunately, C++ lets the programmer do all sorts of sneaky things.
You cannot block stupidity entirely, but you can stifle it a tad by using an access mechanism instead of returning the actual array pointer.
char& operator[](size_t index) { return Array[index]; }
This does not address the ability to treat it like a char array, but as has been pointed out, if you reveal that pointer, (bad) programmers a free to run delete on it all they want.