Visual Studio TFS Alerts: How to send out an alert upon successful publish of a web application? - web-services

I have taken a look at alerts management for TFS 2012 after installing power tools, and I can see about four types of alert templates:
Work Item
Code Review
Check In
I was wondering if there was a possibility of having a supported way to register alerts under “Publish” event-type, manageable directly via the Alerts explorer.
If not, I thought of some workarounds:
If this cannot be done and managed via the Alerts explorer, can I customize an alert to be triggered on Publish event via a Web Service? If so, does the TFS API support such customization?
I can also instead go with a continuous delivery approach and set an automated publish upon successful build of a solution, with an email alert on Build-Event Success (which would also mean that a solution has been published).
Which approach would be a supported way for setting "on publish"-event alerts for web solutions via TFS?

My suggestion would be not to use the Publish in Visual Studio but instead to use a Build to publish your solution (either triggered on check-in, or manually triggered). Then you can easily setup an alert on that build. Using a build instead of VS-Publish is also considered a better practice because it gives you more power and flexibility for the deployment process.


cloud-builds pub/sub topic appears to be unlisted or inaccessible

I'm attempting to create an integration between Bitbucket Repo and Google Cloud Build to automatically build and test upon pushes to certain branches and report status back (for that lovely green tick mark). I've got the first part working, but the second part (reporting back) has thrown up a bit of a stumbling block.
Per, Cloud Build is supposed to automatically publish update messages to a Pub/Sub topic entitled "cloud-builds". However, trying to find it (both through the web interface and via gcloud command line tool) has turned up nothing. Copious amounts of web searching has turned up, which seems to suggest that the topic referenced in that doc is now being filtered out of results; however, that issue seems to be specific to the visual studio tools and not GCP as a whole. Moreover, suggests that it's still accessible, but perhaps only to Cloud Functions? And maybe only manually via the command line, since the web interface for Cloud Functions also does not display this phantom "cloud-builds" topic?
Any guidance as to where I can go from here? Near as I can tell, the two possibilities are that something is utterly borked in my GCP project and the Pub/Sub topic is either not visible just for me or has somehow been deleted, or I'm right and this topic just isn't accessible anymore.
I was stuck with the same issue, after a while I created the cloud-builds topic manually and created a cloud function that subscribed to that topic.
Build details are pushed to the topic as expected after that, and my cloud function gets triggered with new events.
You can check the existence of the cloud-builds topic an alternate way from the UI, by downloading the gcloud command line tool and, after running gcloud init, running gcloud pubsub topics list to list all topics for the configured project. If the topic projects/{your project}/topics/cloud-builds is not listed, I would suggest filing a bug to the cloud build team here.
Creating the cloud-builds topic manually won't work since it's a special topic that Google managed.
In this case, you have to go to the API central and disable the CloudBuild API, and then enable it again, the cloud-builds topic will be created for you. Enable and disable Cloud Build API

publish vs 2017 project without Azure or continuous delivery

To deploy and publish a website in visual studio I get a message telling "the solution needs to be under source control on VSTS or GitHub".
what if I ignore this kind of publishing and publish it as before versions of VS and how can I ignore it?
Chick the publish Button next to Profile and not the Start button. They are 2 different publish options.

Profiling Windows Workflow Services

What should I do to profile worflows exposed as Windows Workflow services? Which tool did you use?
I have tried to use dotTrace (jetBrains): I can see data in the profiling snapshot, but it seems I cannot see methods called by workflows.
Depending on the information you want to get out of it you can use AppFabric. Once installed you can go into IIS and set monitoring to "Troubleshooting" and get back pretty much everything the workflow has done.

Trigger hudson/cloudbees build from Atlassian Jira?

I'm looking for possibility to allow any users of certain project of Jira start (trigger) certain Hudson builds. Is it possible without creating own Jira plugin?
I would have expected this feature to be available with the Marvelution JIRA Hudson Integration, which offers functionality pretty similar to he one offered by the JIRA Bamboo Plugin (e.g. build status reporting) - surprisingly though, triggering builds as you desire seems not to be available in either one yet, despite an obvious feature indeed (the JIRA Bamboo Plugin has related/partial support at least, see Running a Bamboo Build when Releasing a Version).
Consequently you might want to file a feature request for the Marvelution JIRA Hudson Integration first rather than developing your own from scratch immediately, maybe it is going to be considered.
Please note that this plugin doesn't support JIRA 5.0 yet, but the respective version 5.0.0 is scheduled for May 24, 2012.

Cruise control with C++

Is it possible to use the CruiseControl tool with a C++ (Mingw) project on Windows? I need to be able to download the latest sources from XVN, build them, send reports by mail. The application is using http server (lightpd) for work.
So main question is have to use it for email notifications?
Problem is I dont see any destination field in email tag.
I am interested in sending email notifications after build which executes in batch file.
E. g. in my config file I call batch file which executes build, after that I need to send email notification, how can I do it ?
Of course it is possible. There is a Java for Windows, a command line SVN clients, you can invoke gmake or any other build system you are using along with Cygwin, there is even a support for a Visual Studio projects if you need it. There are a lot of people using Cruise Control for C++ projects, thus a lot of documentation, tutorials and examples available online.
Perhaps not exactly what you're asking for, but is there anything preventing you from using Jenkins? People I've talked to that maintains the continuous integration for a living that have used both Jenkins as well as cruise control prefers Jenkins. Of course the bonus with Jenkins is that it's free.
If you can create a script that checks out and builds your project from the command line (in Cygwin's bash, for example), then you can certainly integrate the build into cruise control or Jenkins.
I don't know much about cruise control, but we use Jenkins a lot, and even though it has bugs that need to be worked around overall we find it extremely useful for CI and nightly build jobs.
Regarding the email aspect, Jenkins can be configured to watch the SVN log and when a build fails it can send an email to the people that committed changes since the last successful build. This functionality can be enabled with minimal configuration. There are add-ons that allow you to configure the content of the emails as well.