sqlite3 where exactly database in SQLITE_BUSY state - c++

Where exactly sqlite3 database will be at SQLITE_BUSY state for other threads and processes. (db at default mode SERIALIZE, not WAL)
Simple Example to Illustrate the question:
char buffer[] = "SELECT sessionid FROM sessions WHERE something < 1000";
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, buffer, strlen(buffer), &stmt, 0)
while( sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW )

I know for a fact that both sqlite3_prepare_v2 and sqlite3_step can error with SQLITE_BUSY (the docs say so and I've encountered it many times). The docs are less clear for sqlite3_finalize but my impression is that sqlite3_finalize is merely for memory management, so it should not do any database access.
sqlite3_step is the most likely place for this to happen, since it is what actually performs things like "INSERT INTO..." and "COMMIT" which tend to be heavy on the database.
SQLite is not terribly helpful when it comes to concurrency. By default, it does not even provide any fairness guarantees (although you can write them yourself as long as your concurrency is happening within the same process).


Insert Data into Single MySQL Table Concurrently by Multi-thread in C++

I am doing an experiment that concurrently insert data into a MySQL table by multi-thread.
Here is partial code in C++.
bool query_thread(const char* cmd, MYSQL* con) {
if( !query( cmd, con ) ) {
return 0;
return 1;
int main() {
if(mysql_query(m_con, "CREATE TABLE tb1 (model INT(32), handle INT(32))") != 0) {
return 0;
thread thread1(query_thread, "INSERT INTO tb1 VALUES (1,1)", m_con);
thread thread2(query_thread, "INSERT INTO tb1 VALUES (2,2)", m_con);
thread thread3(query_thread, "INSERT INTO tb1 VALUES (3,3)", m_con);
But the MySQL error message is issued.
error cmd: INSERT INTO tb1 VALUES (1,1)
Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Segmentation fault
My questions are as following.
Is it because the MySQL cannot accept concurrently insertion? Or bad use of multi-thread.
By multi-thread insertion as above, does it help to speed up the program? I understand the best way are multiple insert per query and LOAD DATA INFILE. But I just want to know if this way can help.
Each thread must have:
own database connection
own transaction
own cursor
This, however will not make your inserts much faster. In short, the innodb log (journal) is essentially serial which limits server total insert rate. Read mysql performance blog (percona / mariadb) for details. Certainly there are parameters to tweak and there seem to have been advances with recently.

Explicitly lock and unlock a table using ODBC

I have to perform some calculations with data stored in an MSSQL Server database and then save the results in the same database.
I need to load (part of) a table into C++ data structures, perform a calculation (that can take substantial time), and finally add some rows to the same table.
The problem is that several users can access the database concurrently, and I want the table to be locked since the data is loaded in memory until the results of the calculation are written to the table.
Using the ODBC SDK, is it possible to explicitly lock and unlock part of a table?
I have tried the following test program, but unfortunately the INSERT statement succeeds before StmtHandle1 is freed:
SQLDriverConnect(ConHandle1, NULL, (SQLCHAR *)"DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};"
"DATABASE=MyDatabase;"/*, ... */);
SQLDriverConnect(ConHandle2, NULL, (SQLCHAR *)"DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};"
"DATABASE=MyDatabase;"/*, ... */);
SQLExecDirect(StmtHandle2, (SQLCHAR *)"INSERT INTO [MyTable] VALUES (...)", SQL_NTS);
unfortunately the INSERT statement succeeds before StmtHandle1 is
By default SQL Server opereates in autocommit mode, i.e. opens a tarnsaction and commits it for you.
You requested TABLOCKX and the table was locked for the duration of your transaction, but what you want instead is to explicitely open a transaction and don't commit/rollback it until you'll done with your calculations, i.e. you should use
begin tran; SELECT top 1 * FROM [MyTable] WITH (TABLOCKX, HOLDLOCK);
And you don't need to read the whole table, top 1 * is sufficient.

mysql reconnect c++

Right now I have a C++ client application that uses mysql.h to connect to a MYSQL database and have to preform some logic in case there is a disconnect. I'm wondering if this is the best way to reconnect to a MYSQL database in a situation where my client gets disconnected.
bool MYSQL::Reconnect(const char *host, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *db)
bool out = false;
pid_t command_pid = fork();
if (command_pid == 0)
if (mysql_real_connect(&m_mysql, host, user, passwd, db, 0, NULL, 0) == NULL )
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
m_connected = true;
out = true;
if (command_pid < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not fork process[reconnect]: %s\n", mysql_error(&m_mysql));
return out;
Right now i take in all my parameters and preform a fork. the child process attempts to reconnect every second with a sleep() statement. Is this a good way to do this? Thanks
Sorry, but your code doesn't do what you think it does, Kaiser Wilhelm.
In essence, you're trying to treat a fork like a thread, which it is not.
When you fork a child, the parent process is completely cloned, including file and socket descriptors, which is how your program is connected to the MySQL database server. That is, both the parent and the child end up with their own copy of the same connection to the database server when you fork. I assume the parent only calls this Reconnect() method when it sees the connection drop, and stops using its copy of the now-defunct MySQL connection object, m_mysql. If so, the parent's copy of the connection is just as useless as the client's when you start the reconnect operation.
The thing is, the reverse is not also true: once the child manages to reconnect to the database server, the parent's connection object remains defunct. Nothing the child does propagates back up to the parent. After the fork, the two processes are completely independent, except insofar as they might try to access some I/O resource they initially shared. For example, if you called this Reconnect() while the connection was up and continued using the connection in the parent, the child's attempts to talk to the DB server on the same connection would confuse either mysqld or libmysqlclient, likely causing data corruption or a crash.
As hinted above, one solution to this is to use threads instead of forking. Beware, however, of the many problems with using threads with the MySQL C API.
Given a choice, I'd rather use asynchronous I/O to do the background connection attempt within the application's main thread, but the MySQL C API doesn't allow that.
It seems you're trying to avoid blocking your main application thread while attempting the DB server reconnection. It may be that you can get away with doing it synchronously anyway by setting the connect timeout to 1 second, which is fine when the MySQL server is on the same machine or same LAN as the client. If you could tolerate your main thread blocking for up to a second for connection attempts to fail — worst case happening when the server is on a separate machine and it's physically disconnected or firewalled — this would probably be a cleaner solution than threads. The connection attempt can fail much quicker if the server machine is still running and the port isn't firewalled, such as when it is rebooting and the TCP/IP stack is [still] up.
As far as I can tell, this doesn't do what you intended.
Logical issues
Reconnect doesn't "perform some logic in case there is a disconnect" at all.
It attempts to connect over and over again until it succeeds, then stops. That's it. The state of the connection is never checked again. If the connection drops, this code knows nothing about it.
Technical issues
Also pay close attention to the technical issues that Warren raises.
Sure, it's perfectly OK. You might want to think about replacing the while ( 1 ) loop with something like
while ( NULL == mysql_real_connect( ... )) {
sleep( 1 );
which is the kind of idiom that one learns by practice, but your code works just fine as far as I can see. Don't forget to put a counter inside the while loop.

Debugging livelock in Django/Postgresql

I run a moderately popular web app on Django with Apache2, mod_python, and PostgreSQL 8.3 with the postgresql_psycopg2 database backend. I'm experiencing occasional livelock, identifiable when an apache2 process continually consumes 99% of CPU for several minutes or more.
I did an strace -ppid on the apache2 process, and found that it was continually repeating these system calls:
sendto(25, "Q\0\0\0SSELECT (1) AS \"a\" FROM \"account_profile\" WHERE \"account_profile\".\"id\" = 66201 \0", 84, 0, NULL, 0) = 84
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
poll([{fd=25, events=POLLIN|POLLERR, revents=POLLIN}], 1, -1) = 1
recvfrom(25, "E\0\0\0\210SERROR\0C25P02\0Mcurrent transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block\0Fpostgres.c\0L906\0Rexec_simple_query\0\0Z\0\0\0\5E", 16384, 0, NULL, NULL) = 143
This exact fragment repeats continually in the trace, and was running for over 10 minutes before I finally killed the apache2 process. (Note: I edited this to replace my previous strace fragment with a new one that shows full the full string contents rather than truncated.)
My interpretation of the above is that django is attempting to do an existence check on my table account_profile, but at some earlier point (before I started the trace) something went wrong (SQL parse error? referential integrity or uniqueness constraint violation? who knows?), and now Postgresql is returning the error "current transaction is aborted". For some reason, instead of raising an Exception and giving up, it just keeps retrying.
One possibility is that this is being triggered in a call to Profile.objects.get_or_create. This is the model class that maps to the account_profile table. Perhaps there is something in get_or_create that is designed to catch too broad a set of exceptions and retry? From the web server logs, it appears that this livelock might have occurred as a result of a double-click on the POST button in my site's registration form.
This condition has occurred a couple of times over the past few days on the live site, and results in a significant slowdown until I intervene, so pretty much anything other than infinite deadlock would be an improvement! :)
This turned out to be entirely my fault. I found the spot where the select (1) as 'a' statement seemed to originate (in django/models/base.py) and hacked it to log a traceback, which pointed clearly at my code.
I had some code that makes up a unique email "key" for each Profile. These keys are randomly generated, so because there is some possibility of overlap, I run it in a try/except within a while loop. My assumption was that the database's unique constraint would cause the save to fail if the key was not unique, and I'd be able to try again.
Unfortunately, in Postgresql you cannot simply try again after an integrity error. You have to issue a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command (even if you're in autocommit mode, apparently) before you can try again. So I had an infinite loop of failing save attempts where I was ignoring the error message.
Now I look for a more specific exception (django.db.IntegrityError) and run a limited number of attempts so that the loop is not infinite.
Thanks to everyone for viewing/answering.
Your analysis sounds pretty good. Clearly it's not picking up the fact that the transaction is aborted. I suggest you report this as a bug to the django project...

Win32 Overlapped Readfile on COM Port returning ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED

Ok, one for the SO hive mind...
I have code which has - until today - run just fine on many systems and is deployed at many sites. It involves threads reading and writing data from a serial port.
Trying to check out a new device, my code was swamped with 995 ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED errors calling GetOverlappedResult after the ReadFile. Sometimes the read would work, othertimes I'd get this error. Just ignoring the error and retrying would - amazingly - work without dropping any data. No ClearCommError required.
Here's the snippet.
if (!ReadFile(handle,&c,1,&read, &olap))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
throw Exception("ser_rx_char:ReadFile");
WaitForSingleObjectEx(r_event, INFINITE, true); // alertable, so, thread can be closed correctly.
if (GetOverlappedResult(handle,&olap,&read, TRUE) != 0)
if (read != 1)
throw Exception("ser_rx_char: no data");
logger().log(LOG_VERBOSE,"read char %d ( read = %d) ",c, read);
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (err != 995) //Filters our ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED
logger().log_api(LOG_ERROR,"ser_rx_char: GetOverlappedResult");
throw Exception("ser_rx_char:GetOverlappedResult");
My first guess is to blame the COM port driver, which I havent' used before (it's a RS422 port on a Blackmagic Decklink, FYI), but that feels like a cop-out.
Oh, and Vista SP1 Business 32-bit, for my sins.
Before I just put this down to "Someone else's problem", does anyone have any ideas of what might cause this?
How are you setting over the OVERLAPPED structure before the ReadFile? - I always zero them (other than the hEvent, obviously), which is perhaps part superstition, but I have a feeling that it's caused me a problem in the past.
I'm afraid blaming the driver (if it's non-MS and not just a tiny tweak from the reference) is not completely unrealistic. To write a COM driver is an incredibly complex thing, and the difficulty with testing it is that every application ever written uses the serial ports and their IOCTLs slightly differently.
Another common problem is not to set the whole port up - for example not calling SetCommTimeouts or SetupComm. I've no idea if you're making this sort of mistake, but I have met people who say they're not using timeouts when they actually mean that they didn't call SetCommTimeouts so they're using them but don't have a notion what they're set to...
This kind of stuff can be murder for 3rd-party COM drivers, because people have often got away with any old crap with the MS driver, and it doesn't always work the same with another device.
in addition to zeroing the OVERLAPPED, you might also check how you're setting olap.hEvent, that is, what are your arguments to CreateEvent? If you're creating an event that's pre-signalled (i.e. the third argument to CreateEvent is TRUE) I would expect an immediate return. Also, don't forget that if you specify manualReset (the second argument to CreateEvent) as FALSE, GetOverlappedResult() will helpfully clear the event for you - which might explain why it works the second time around.
Can't really tell from your snippet whether either of these affect you - hope this helps.