Correct movement to exact position when using floats - c++

In my pathfinding game, I have the following code:
void Dot::move( Tile *tiles[], float timeStep )
mVelX = (points[currentPoint].x * TILE_WIDTH)
+ (TILE_WIDTH / 2 - DOT_WIDTH / 2)- mBox.x;
mVelY = (points[currentPoint].y * TILE_HEIGHT)
+ (TILE_HEIGHT / 2 - DOT_HEIGHT / 2) - mBox.y;
mBox.x += mVelX * DOT_VEL * timeStep;
mBox.y += mVelY * DOT_VEL * timeStep;
mBox is the position. points refers to the solution of a pathfinder. The dot has no problem moving from tile to tile, but it's always "off center".
Some solutions I've considered:
Create a tiny bounding box in the center of each tile. This however sometimes "misses" the collision.
Use an epsilon value. Unfortunately this leads to trial and error and imprecise results.
The other issue is with easing (for example adding friction). The dot will "slide" for way longer than it needs to until it reaches the center. This results in awkward movements.

If you can make the circle's "position" the center of the circle instead of the edge, you should be fine. If you are keeping the right edge as a "position", then when you center it or whatever, you should offset it to the right by the radius by the circle.
I have answered this question to the best of my ability, however it is hard to give a complete, accurate, and correct answer with the code provided.


Enemies path following (Space Shooter game)

I am recently working with SFML libraries and I am trying to do a Space Shooter game from scratch. After some time working on it I get something that works fine but I am facing one issue and I do not know exactly how to proceed, so I hope your wisdom can lead me to a good solution. I will try to explain it the best I can:
Enemies following a path: currently in my game, I have enemies that can follow linear paths doing the following:
float vx = (float)m_wayPoints_v[m_wayPointsIndex_ui8].x - (float)m_pos_v.x;
float vy = (float)m_wayPoints_v[m_wayPointsIndex_ui8].y - (float)m_pos_v.y;
float len = sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
//cout << len << endl;
if (len < 2.0f)
// Close enough, entity has arrived
//cout << "Has arrived" << endl;
if (m_wayPointsIndex_ui8 >= m_wayPoints_v.size())
m_wayPointsIndex_ui8 = 0;
vx /= len;
vy /= len;
m_pos_v.x += vx * float(m_moveSpeed_ui16) * time;
m_pos_v.y += vy * float(m_moveSpeed_ui16) * time;
*m_wayPoints_v is a vector that basically holds the 2d points to be followed.
Related to this small piece of code, I have to say that is sometimes given me problems because getting closer to the next point becomes difficult as the higher the speed of the enemies is.
Is there any other way to be more accurate on path following independtly of the enemy speed? And also related to path following, if I would like to do an introduction of the enemies before each wave movement pattern starts (doing circles, spirals, ellipses or whatever before reaching the final point), for example:
For example, in the picture below:
The black line is the path I want a spaceship to follow before starting the IA pattern (move from left to right and from right to left) which is the red circle.
Is it done hardcoding all and each of the movements or is there any other better solution?
I hope I made myself clear on case I did not, please let me know and I will give more details. Thank you very much in advance!
Way points
You need to add some additional information to the way points and the NPC's position in relationship to the way points.
The code snippet (pseudo code) shows how a set of way points can be created as a linked list. Each way point has a link and a distance to the next way point, and the total distance for this way point.
Then each step you just increase the NPC distance on the set of way points. If that distance is greater than the totalDistance at the next way point, follow the link to the next. You can use a while loop to search for the next way point so you will always be at the correct position no matter what your speed.
Once you are at the correct way point its just a matter of calculating the position the NPC is between the current and next way point.
Define a way point
class WayPoint {
WayPoint(float, float);
float x, y, distanceToNext, totalDistance;
WayPoint next;
WayPoint addNext(WayPoint wp);
WayPoint::WayPoint(float px, float py) {
x = px; y = py;
distanceToNext = 0.0f;
totalDistance = 0.0f;
WayPoint WayPoint::addNext(WayPoint wp) {
next = wp;
distanceToNext = sqrt((next.x - x) * (next.x - x) + (next.y - y) * (next.y - y));
next.totalDistance = totalDistance + distanceToNext;
return wp;
Declaring and linking waypoints
WayPoint a(10.0f, 10.0f);
WayPoint b(100.0f, 400.0f);
WayPoint c(200.0f, 100.0f);
NPC follows way pointy path at any speed
WayPoint currentWayPoint = a;
NPC ship;
ship.distance += ship.speed * time;
while (ship.distance > {
currentWayPoint =;
float unitDist = (ship.distance - currentWayPoint.totalDistance) / currentWayPoint.distanceToNext;
// NOTE to smooth the line following use the ease curve. See Bottom of answer
// float unitDist = sigBell((ship.distance - currentWayPoint.totalDistance) / currentWayPoint.distanceToNext);
ship.pos.x = ( - currentWayPoint.x) * unitDist + currentWayPoint.x;
ship.pos.y = ( - currentWayPoint.y) * unitDist + currentWayPoint.y;
Note you can link back to the start but be careful to check when the total distance goes back to zero in the while loop or you will end up in an infinite loop. When you pass zero recalc NPC distance as modulo of last way point totalDistance so you never travel more than one loop of way points to find the next.
eg in while loop if passing last way point
if ( == 0.0f) {
ship.distance = mod(ship.distance, currentWayPoint.totalDistance);
Smooth paths
Using the above method you can add additional information to the way points.
For example for each way point add a vector that is 90deg off the path to the next.
// 90 degh CW
offX = -(next.y - y) / distanceToNext; // Yes offX = - y
offY = (next.x - x) / distanceToNext; //
offDist = ?; // how far from the line you want to path to go
Then when you calculate the unitDist along the line between to way points you can use that unit dist to smoothly interpolate the offset
float unitDist = (ship.distance - currentWayPoint.totalDistance) / currentWayPoint.distanceToNext;
// very basic ease in and ease out or use sigBell curve
float unitOffset = unitDist < 0.5f ? (unitDist * 2.0f) * (unitDist * 2.0f) : sqrt((unitDist - 0.5f) * 2.0f);
float x = currentWayPoint.offX * currentWayPoint.offDist * unitOffset;
float y = currentWayPoint.offY * currentWayPoint.offDist * unitOffset;
ship.pos.x = ( - currentWayPoint.x) * unitDist + currentWayPoint.x + x;
ship.pos.y = ( - currentWayPoint.y) * unitDist + currentWayPoint.y + y;
Now if you add 3 way points with the first offDist a positive distance and the second a negative offDist you will get a path that does smooth curves as you show in the image.
Note that the actual speed of the NPC will change over each way point. The maths to get a constant speed using this method is too heavy to be worth the effort as for small offsets no one will notice. If your offset are too large then rethink your way point layout
Note The above method is a modification of a quadratic bezier curve where the control point is defined as an offset from center between end points
Sigmoid curve
You don't need to add the offsets as you can get some (limited) smoothing along the path by manipulating the unitDist value (See comment in first snippet)
Use the following to function convert unit values into a bell like curve sigBell and a standard ease out in curve. Use argument power to control the slopes of the curves.
float sigmoid(float unit, float power) { // power should be > 0. power 1 is straight line 2 is ease out ease in 0.5 is ease to center ease from center
float u = unit <= 0.0f ? 0.0f : (unit >= 1.0f ? 1.0f: unit); // clamp as float errors will show
float p = pow(u, power);
return p / (p + pow(1.0f - u, power));
float sigBell(float unit, float power) {
float u = unit < 0.5f ? unit * 2.0f : 1.0f - (unit - 0.5f) * 2.0f;
return sigmoid(u, power);
This doesn't answer your specific question. I'm just curious why you don't use the sfml type sf::Vector2 (or its typedefs 2i, 2u, 2f)? Seems like it would clean up some of your code maybe.
As far as the animation is concerned. You could consider loading the directions for the flight pattern you want into a stack or something. Then pop each position and move your ship to that position and render, repeat.
And if you want a sin-like flight path similar to your picture, you can find an equation similar to the flight path you like. Use desmos or something to make a cool graph that fits your need. Then iterate at w/e interval inputting each iteration into this equation, your results are your position at each iteration.
Well, I think I found one of the problems but I am not sure what the solution can be.
When using the piece of code I posted before, I found that there is a problem when reaching the destination point due to the speed value. Currently to move a space ship fluently, I need to set the speed to 200...which means that in these formulas:
m_pos_v.x += vx * float(m_moveSpeed_ui16) * time;
m_pos_v.y += vy * float(m_moveSpeed_ui16) * time;
The new position might exceed the "2.0f" tolerance so the space ship cannot find the destination point and it gets stuck because the minimum movement that can be done per frame (assuming 60fps) 200 * 1 / 60 = 3.33px. Is there any way this behavior can be avoided?

QGraphicsScene, how to place items based on center point

I have a QGraphicsScene, and I have determined where my center point is, but I now need to figure out how to place my items in the scene based on that information.
I have 2 pieces of data I need to work with: range and bearing.
Range obviously is how far away from the center point (or my location), and bearing is the direction from center point, with 0 being north, 180 being south and so on.
So for example, if I need to place an item at range: 20, bearing: 90, the item will be 20 (units) directly to the right of center point. Currently, placing the item with this data it is based off 0,0 being top left of the scene.
This all needs to be able to scale with the zoom state of the QGraphicsScene as well.
I'm totally lost at this conversion.
Unsure of how to get proper offsets with converting from coordinate system to coordinate system I managed to find a solution. Hopefully it's not considered too much of a hack job.
First I needed to offset from the top left (0,0), and knowing that my scene was 360, 360 that was easy.
Not being a math guy I was unsure about getting the angles, but after some research I saw that the info I had was exactly what I needed to derive a vector.
Here is the method I wrote to help me generate items in my QGraphicsScene.
QPointF Mainwindow::pointLocation(double bearing, double range){
int offset = 90; //used to offset Cartesian system
double centerX = 180;//push my center location out to halfway point
double centerY = 180;
double newX = centerX + qCos(qDegreesToRadians(bearing - offset)) * range;
double newY = centerY + qSin(qDegreesToRadians(bearing - offset)) * range;
QPointF newPoint = QPointF(newX, newY);
return newPoint;

CDC::Ellipse doesn't draw correctly circles

In a project of mine (VC++2010, MFC), I want to draw a circle using the CDC::Ellipse. I set two points: the first one is the center of the circle, the second one is a point I want it to be on the circumference.
I pass to the CDC::Ellipse( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 ) the coordinates of the upper-left corner and lower-right one.
Briefly: with Pitagora Theorem I calculate the distance between the two points ( radius ), then I subtract this value from the coordinates of the center to obtain the upper-left corner and add to obtain the lower-right one.
When I draw the cirlce and the points, and I zoom in, I see that the second one isn't on the circumference as expected, it is slightly inside unless you set it at 0°, 45°, 90° and so on with respect to the absolute sistem of coordinates.
Then I tried to draw the same circle using CDC::Polyline, I gave to this method the points obtained rotating another point around the center, at the distance equal to the radius. In this case the point is on the circumference every where I set it.
The overlap of these two circles has shown that they perfectly overlap at 0°, 45°, 90° and so on, but the gap is maximum at 22.5°, 67.5° and so on.
Has anyone ever noticed a similar behavior?
Thanks to everybody that can help me!
Code snippet:
this is how I calculate the radius given 2 points:
centerPX = vvFPoint( 1380, 845 );
secondPointPX = vvFPoint( 654,654 );
double radiusPX = (sqrt( (secondPointPX.x - centerPX.x) * (secondPointPX.x - centerPX.x) + (secondPointPX.y - centerPX.y) * (secondPointPX.y - centerPX.y) ));
( vvFPoint is a custom type derived from CPoint )
this is how I draw the "circle" with the CDC::Ellipse:
int up = (int)(((double)(m_p1.y-(double)originY - m_radius) / zoom) + 0.5) + offY;
int left = (int)(((double)(m_p1.x-(double)originX - m_radius) / zoom) + 0.5) + offX;
int down = (int)(((double)(m_p1.y-(double)originY + m_radius) / zoom) + 0.5) + offY;
int right = (int)(((double)(m_p1.x-(double)originX + m_radius) / zoom) + 0.5) + offX;
pDC->Ellipse( left, up, right, down);
(m_p1 is the center of the circle, originX/Y is the origin of the image, m_radius is the radius of the circle, zoom is the scale factor, offX/Y is an offset in the client area of my SW)
this is how I draw the circle "manually" (and quite trivial method) using a custom polyline class:
1) create the array of points:
point.x = centerPX.x + radiusPX;
point.y = centerPX.y;
for ( i=0; i < 3600; i++ )
pt1.RotateDeg ( centerPX, (double)0.1 );
poly->AddPoint( pt1 );
(RotateDeg is a custom method to rotate a point using first argument as a pivot and second argument as angle value in degrees, AddPoint is a custom method to create the array of points, poly is my custom polyline object).
2) draw it:
When I call the Draw( CDC* pDC ) I use the previous array to draw the polyline:
I hope this can help you to reproduce my weird observations!
code snippet 2:
void vvPoint<Tipo>::RotateDeg(const vvPoint<Tipo> &center, double angle)
vvPoint<Tipo> ptB;
angle *= -(M_PI / 180);
*this -= center;
ptB.x = ((this->x * cos(angle)) - (this->y * sin(angle)));
ptB.y = ((this->x * sin(angle)) + (this->y * cos(angle)));
*this = ptB + center;
But to let you better understand my observations I would like to add a few images so you can see where my whole question started from... The problem is: I can't add images since I need to have 10 reputation. I uploaded a .zip file on dropbox and if you want I can send you the URL of this file. Let me know if this is the correct (and safe..) way to bypass this problem.
This might be a possible explanation. As MSDN says about CDC::Ellipse (with my emphasis):
The center of the ellipse is the center of the bounding rectangle
specified by x1, y1, x2, and y2, or lpRect. The ellipse is drawn with
the current pen, and its interior is filled with the current brush.
The figure drawn by this function extends up to, but does not include,
the right and bottom coordinates. This means that the height of the
figure is y2 – y1 and the width of the figure is x2 – x1.
The way you described how you calculate the bounding rectangle is not entirely clear (some source code would have helped) but, given the second paragraph quoted above, you possibly need to add 1 to your x2 and y2 values, to make sure you have a circle with the desired radius.
It's also worth noting that there may be slight rounding differences between your two drawing methods where you have an odd-sized bounding box (i.e. so the centre point falls logically on a half-pixel).
Using your code snippets (thanks), and assuming no zoom and zero offsets etc., I get a radius of 750.704 pixels and the following parameters for the ellipse:
pDC->Ellipse(629, 94, 2131, 1596);
According to MSDN, this means that the ellipse will be drawn in a figure of the following dimensions:
width = (2131 - 629) = 1502
height = (1596 - 94) = 1502
So as far as I can see, this should produce a circle rather than an ellipse.
The next thing to do is to find out how you're drawing the polygon - for that we need to see the implementation of RotateDeg - can you post that code? I'm suspecting some simple rounding error here, that maybe gets magnified when you zoom.
Just looking at this code:
for ( i=0; i < 3600; i++ )
pt1.RotateDeg ( centerPX, (double)0.1 );
poly->AddPoint( pt1 );
You are rotating your polygon points incrementally by 0.1 degrees each time. This will possibly accumulate some errors, so it may be worth doing it something like this instead:
for ( i=0; i < 3600; i++ )
vvFPoint ptNew = pt1;
ptNew.RotateDeg ( centerPX, (double)i * 0.1 );
poly->AddPoint( ptNew );
Maybe this will mean you have to change your RotateDeg function to take care of the correct quadrants.
One other point, you mentioned that you see the problem when you zoom into the image. If this means you are using you zoom variable, it is worth checking in this line ...:
pDC->Ellipse( left, up, right, down);
... that the parameters still form a square shape, so (right - left) == (down - up).
I just ran your RotateDeg function, in its current form, to see how the error accumulates (by feeding in the previous result to the next iteration). At each step, I calculated the distance between the new point and the centre and compared this with the required radius.
The chart below shows the result, where you can see an error of 4 pixels by the time the points have been calculated.
I think that this at least explains part of the difference (i.e. your polygon drawing is flawed) and - depending on zoom - you may introduce asymmetry into the ellipse parameters, which you can debug by comparing the width to the height as I described above.

C++ how to make velocity equal in all directions?

I feel this is a difficult question to articulate, so I have illustrated on this graph (I am using SDL in C++).
Each square represents a pixel on the screen, I want the red pixel to move at the same speed regardless of direction.
If the speed is 8 pixels/sec then after 1 second:
If the user input is right OR down the pixel will arrive at the position marked in blue
If the user input is right AND down it will arrive at the position marked green.
In both cases the pixel has been displaced by 8 pixels, however.. The euclidean distance between red and blue = 8.00 and red and green = 11.31. I want the pixel to arrive at yellow instead.
So I have tried to correct this by declaring a constant speed, then I divide this by the actual displacement, giving me a number I use to multiple the X and Y coordinates and travel back along the trajectory, limiting my speed.
The code looks sorta like this (I have commented the area of interest):
float velX = 0, velY = 0, currentX, currentY;
int time = 0, speed = 300;
void handleInput(){
if( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN ){
switch( event.key.keysym.sym ){
case SDLK_UP: {velY -= speed;} break;
case SDLK_DOWN: {velY += speed;} break;
case SDLK_LEFT: {velX -= speed;} break;
case SDLK_RIGHT: {velX += speed;} break;
else if( event.type == SDL_KEYUP ){
//do the opposite
void move(){
//float dist = sqrt( (velX*velX) + (velY*velY) );
//if(dist > 0){
// velX *= speed / dist;
// velY *= speed / dist;
currentX += velX * (get_delta_ticks(&time) / 1000.f);
currentY += velY * (get_delta_ticks(&time) / 1000.f);
void Player::render(){
apply_surface(currentX, currentY, spriteSheet, screen, &currentClip);
So here is my question, I am new to programming games and I'm unsure if this is the CORRECT way to be doing movement.. It seems a bit inefficient in ways, should I be trying to deduce the position based on an angle and the length of the hypotenuse instead? I don't know very much about trigonometry but of course I am keen to learn.
Separate the logical position from the display position.
The logical position will probably need to use floating-point coordinates, and you'll round them to integer pixel coordinates for the display position. You can even do anti-aliasing with this if you want to smooth the movement.
right would have logical unit vector (x,y)=(1.0,0.0)
down would have logical unit vector (x,y)=(0.0,-1.0)
down+right would have logical unit vector (x,y)=(1/sqrt(2),-1/sqrt(2))
every 1/8th of a second, you add the unit vector to your current logical location, and select which pixel to draw. Obviously you can choose different units and update frequencies, but this will give the numbers you asked for.
You need to get the speed in a 2D Space. To get it you have to do a sqrt with both speeds.
curSpeed = sqrt( ( velX * velX ) + (velY * velY ) );
The point is: You counted 8-x and 8-y key press events, which lead to a shortest distance from the origin of v=sqrt(8*8+8*8)=11.31, exactly as you observed.
You should be aware, that, within the time you are measuring, either 8 (only x OR y) or 16 (x plus y) key press events might be sampled, resulting in different "speeds", where speed=number_of_key_events/period_of_time
If you want to travel to the "yellow" spot, there should be only 6 X key press events plus 6 Y key press events in the same period of time in which you sampled the 8 key presses in one of the basic directions.
So there is nothing wrong with your code, and, as the other posters pointed out, your euclidian speed can be calculated using the euclidian distance divided by the sampling period, resulting in v=8 or v=11.31, respectively.
I would start with different user controls: namely absolute speed and direction.
Given speed velAbs and the angle theta, you have
velX = velAbs * cos(theta);
velY = velAbs * sin(theta);
When updating the position, it is typically most convenient to decompose the absolute speed in its X and Y components, update the X and Y positions for the given time interval dt
currentX = velX * dt;
currentY = velY * dt;
whereas for collision impact computations the absolute speed is more relevant.
This will avoid your yellow/green problem because maximum throttle in both the X and Y directions will get you to green. Just let the user set the throttle from 0 to 8 and also set a direction, then you will get to yellow or blue.
Well, it looks like most people forgot about analog input...
Anyway, It should work like this:
velX, velY are floats within [-1.0..1.0] range.
In case of digital input (keyboard, dpad), pressing "left" sets velX to -1, pressing "right" sets velX to 1, etc.
However, if you use analog stick, you put floating point values, where velX == 1.0 corresponds to rightmost position of analog stick, velX == -1.0 corresponds to leftmost position, and so on.
maxSpeed is maximum game movement speed, also float.
With all this in mind, you could calculate next position of object like this:
void move(){
float curVelX = velX, curVelY = velY;
float moveSquared = (curVelX*curVelX + curVelY*curVelY);
if (moveSquared > 1.0f){
float d = sqrtf(moveSquared);
curVelX /= d;
curVelY /= d;
currentX += curVelX * maxSpeed * (get_delta_ticks(&time) / 1000.f);
currentY += curVelY * maxSpeed * (get_delta_ticks(&time) / 1000.f);
It seems a bit inefficient in ways,
Look, you have ONE object. When you'll have few hundreds of thousands of them, then you can start worrying about efficiency.
should I be trying to deduce the position based on an angle and the length of the hypotenuse instead?
If your object is torpedo-like and can slowly turn left/right and accelerate/decelerate (you can steer it a bit and make it go faster/slower), then you probably need to store movement direction and linear movement speed.
If your object is some kind of flying orb or rolling ball that can go in any direction it wants, then you should use method similar to the one I described. Have separate velocity for x/y and limit maximum linear velocity using sqrtf.

C++ Zoom into the centre of the screen in 2D coordinates

I'm having difficulty working out the correct calculations in order to zoom into the centre of the screen in 2D coordinates whilst keeping everything in the correct scale.
I have a vector which I use to handle moving around my map editor as follows:
scroll = sf::Vector2<float>(-640.0f, -360.0f);
It's set at -640.0f, -360.0f to make 0,0 the centre of the screen on initialising (based on my window being 1280x720).
My zoom value ranges from 0.1f to 2.0f and it's increased or decreased in 0.05 increments:
zoomScale = zoomScale + 0.05;
When drawing elements on to the screen they are drawn using the following code:
sf::Rect<float> dRect;
dRect.left = (mapSeg[i]->position.x - scroll.x) * (layerScales[l] * zoomScale); = (mapSeg[i]->position.y - scroll.y) * (layerScales[l] * zoomScale);
dRect.width = (float)segDef[mapSeg[i]->segmentIndex]->width;
dRect.height = (float)segDef[mapSeg[i]->segmentIndex]->height;
sf::Sprite segSprite;
segSprite.setScale((layerScales[l] * zoomScale), (layerScales[l] * zoomScale));
segSprite.setOrigin(segDef[mapSeg[i]->segmentIndex]->width / 2, segDef[mapSeg[i]->segmentIndex]->height / 2);
layerScales is a value used to scale up layers of segments for parallax scrolling.
This seems to work fine when zooming in and out but the centre point seems to shift (an element that I know should always be at 0,0 will be located at different co-ordinates as soon as I zoom). I use the following to calculate what the position as at the mouse to test this as follows:
mosPosX = ((float)input.mousePos.x + scroll.x) / zoomScale)
mosPosY = ((float)input.mousePos.y + scroll.y) / zoomScale)
I'm sure there's a calculation I should be doing to the 'scroll' vector to take into account this zoom but I can't seem to get it to work right.
I tried implementing something like below but it didn't produce the correct results:
scroll.x = (scroll.x - (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2)) * zoomScale - (scroll.x - (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2));
scroll.y = (scroll.y - (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2)) * zoomScale - (scroll.y - (SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2));
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I will do this the easy way (not most efficient but works fine) and only for single axis (second is the same)
it is better to have offset unscaled:
scaledpos = (unscaledpos*zoomscale)+scrolloffset
know center point should not move after scale change (0 means before 1 means after):
scaledpos0 == scaledpos1
so do this:
scaledpos0 = (midpointpos*zoomscale0)+scrolloffset0; // old scale
scaledpos1 = (midpointpos*zoomscale1)+scrolloffset0; // change zoom only
scrolloffset1+=scaledpos0-scaledpos1; // correct offset so midpoint stays where is ... i usualy use mouse coordinate instead of midpoint so i zoom where the mouse is
when you can not change the scaling equation then just do the same with yours
scaledpos0 = (midpointpos+scrolloffset0)*zoomscale0;
scaledpos1 = (midpointpos+scrolloffset0)*zoomscale1;
Hope I did no silly error in there (writing from memory). For more info see
Zooming graphics based on current mouse position