Should primitives be centered in a 3d engine? - opengl

So, I'm adding physics to my game engine right now and the physics engine expects the vertices of a primitive to be distributed around 0,0,0. Now my primitive cubes vertice positions range from 0 to 1 in every dimension. Should I center the cubes around 0,0,0 or shift the vertices when giving them to the physics engine AND when reading the position of the rigidbody ?

Depends on the physics engine, but normally it's easiest to work with if the physics system can assume the object's center of mass is at 0,0,0. For your cube primitives, if you think about rotating and scaling them, you should quickly come to the conclusion that a 0,0,0 center is convenient for those operations as well.


Mapping Bullet phyics coordinates to OpenGL

I've been using the Bullet physics engine with OpenGL to visualise my simulations. I currently have a very simple simulation of a cube that has an initial horizontal and forward velocity that falls down from the sky and collides with the walls of a room that are all slanted at 45 degrees, with the bottom of the wall meeting the floor.
I use getOpenGLMatrix to get the orientation, position, etc. of the cube and map it to OpenGL by making that matrix the Model matrix. However, when I run it and visualise the simulation the cube behaves as expected (rolls down the wall), but it does not "touch" the rendered OpenGL wall (I say touch but of course mean the rendered cube does not appear to come near the rendered wall).
My Bullet cube is 2x2x2 (specified by btBoxShape(btVector3(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f))).
My OpenGL cube is also 2x2x2, with the origin at 0 and corners 1.0 away in each direction.
The only thing I can think of is that the coordinates in Bullet physics do not map directly to the coordinates of OpenGL (for example, a cube edge of length 1 in Bullet is X pixels, but a cube edge of length 1 in OpenGL is Y pixels). Is this the case? If not, can you think why I might have this issue (obviously I don't expect you to magically know the answer, just wondering if there are any known issues like this).

Gimbal Locking when projecting 3D System onto Sphere

I'm making a skybox in my game. The game has a solar system with some things in it (to start, the sun and the earth, with stars in the background). The player is on one planet in this solar system. The solar system is represented to the player using a skybox, with 2D sprites projected onto the skybox in the corresponding positions. The Skybox is rendered with OpenGL (actually, Java's LWJGL) [1]
First things first, all of the bodies are being tracked in 3D space. I can obtain their coordinates, relative directions, etc. All orbits are defined independently (aka, occur on arbitrary planes). In addition, planets have Quaternion rotations. Rendering the system in full 3D, there are no problems.
Projecting the system to the skybox is another matter entirely. In theory, I figure that I should be able to do it like this;
1. Calculate direction vector of where the player is looking (full rotations are not relevant - the vector just has to point in the right direction).
2. Multiply this direction vector with their planet's orientation (Quaternion) to calculate the "view direction"
3. Calculate direction vector from the planet to the object being viewed
4. Find the rotation between the vectors, and rotate the skybox accordingly.
However, when I feed OpenGL my angles, Gimbal Locking occurs and orbits that should be straight: go all bendy (although rotations around one single axis work fine). In what ways can I attempt to prevent this from happening? I'm at a loss.
[1]: My terrain is actually a flat square voxel grid, and I scale the player's coordinates onto it, then pretend that it is a 3D planet.

Math Behind Flash Vector Graphics?

I've been searching for vector graphics and flash for quite some time but I haven't really found what I was looking for. Can anyone tell me exactly what area of mathematics is required for building vector images in 3D space? Is this just vector math? I saw some C++ libraries for it but I wasn't sure if it was the sort of vectors meant to for smaller file size like flash images are. Thanks in advance.
If you're wanting to do something from scratch (there are plenty of open-source libraries out there if you don't), keep in mind that "vector graphics" (this is different than the idea of a 3D space vector) themselves are typically based on parametric curves like Bezier curves, which are essentially 3rd degree polynomials for each x, y, and/or z point parameterized from a value t that goes from 0 to 1. Now projecting the texture-map image you create with those curves (i.e., the so-called "vector graphics" image) onto triangle polygon via uv coordinates would involve some interpolation, which is fairly straight forward linear algebra, as you would utilize the barycentric coordinate of the 3D point on the surface of the triangle polygon in order to calculate the uv point you want to look-up from the texture.
So essentially the steps are:
Create the parametric-curve based image (i.e, the "vector graphic") and make a texture map out of it
That texture map will have uv coordinates
When you rasterize the 3D triangle polygon, you will get a barycentric coordinate on the surface of the triangle from the actual 3D points of the triangle polygon. Those points of the polygon should also have UV coordinates assigned to them.
Use the barycentric coordinates to calculate the uv coordinate on the texture map.
When you get that color from the texture map, then shade the triangle (i.e, calculate lighting, etc. if that's what you're doing, or just save that color of the pixel if there is no lighting).
Please note I haven't gotten into antialiasing, that's a completely different beast. Best thing if you don't know what you're doing there is to simply brute-force antialias through super-sampling (i.e., render a really big image and then average pixels to shrink it back to the desired size).
If you've taken multivariable calculus, the concepts behind parametric curves and surfaces should be familiar, and a basic understanding of linear algebra would be necessary in order to work with barycentric coordinates and linear interpolation from 3D vectors.

OpenGL quads overlapping

Say I have two quads which are overlapping, forming an X.
Is it possible to disable this from happening? So that the GPU removes (one of) these overlapping quads?
The case is about billboards, which shine through the static walls. In a ideal case, I would wan't to have the billboard removed when it overlaps with the wall, without spending a lot of CPU utilisation on it (I have about 10.000 billboards and walls).
Currently my billboards are implemented by calculating the angle between object and camera.
Currently my billboards are implemented by calculating the angle between object and camera.
Totally wrong approach. The usual OpenGL perspective projection is a plane parallel one. So this means that you normally want your billboard to be coplanar to your near/far cliping plane.
This is most easily done by taking the inverse of the upper left 3×3 part of the world- to eyespace transformation matrix, and use the X any Y columns of this as base vectors for your billboard quads.
As it happens, rotation matrices inverse is the transpose. So just take the first and second row vectors of the camera transformation matrix (only the first 3 elements each) and use them as base for your billboards. Don't mess with triginometry or angles here, you're barking up the wrong tree then.
The overlap is usually taken care of by depth testing. For translucent geometry disable depth writes and pre-sort your geometry far-to-near.

How to draw smooth lines without using GLSL, FSAA nor GL_LINE_SMOOTH?

So i need a method to do smooth lines without using:
Full Screen Antialiasing (slow)
Shaders (not supported on all cards)
GL_LINE_SMOOTH (causes a crash on some cards)
Only way i could think of doing this was using a textured rectangle that is always faced at camera direction, but the problems are:
1. how do i always face the rectangle at the camera (efficiently) ?
2. how do i keep its size always the same no matter how far away my camera is looking at it?
Any other ideas?
Billboarding is a simple concept, but can be difficult to implement. A billboard is a flat object, usually a quad (square), which faces the camera. This direction usually changes constantly during runtime as the object and camera move, and the object needs to be rotated each frame to point in that direction. There are two types of billboarding: point and axis. Point sprites, or point billboards, are a quad that is centered at a point and the billboard rotates about that central point to face the user. Axis billboards come in two types: axis aligned and arbitrary. The axis-aligned (AA) billboards always have one local axis that is aligned with a global axis, and they are rotated about that axis to face the user. The arbitrary axis billboards are rotated about any axis to face the user.
You can use point sprites, they are always the same size and always face the camera.