Explicity pass base type - c++

I have an explicit function that takes a reference to the base type of a class. What is the proper way to pass that in?
I am currently doing a static cast:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Base
Base() { cout << "Base Constructor" << endl; }
Base(Base const& c) { cout << "Base-Base Constructor" << endl; }
struct Derived : public Base
Derived() { cout << "Derived Constructor" << endl; }
explicit Derived(Base const& c) { cout << "Derived-Base Constructor" << endl; }
Derived(Derived const& c) { cout << "Derived-Derived Constructor" << endl; }
int main()
Base B;
cout << "\n";
Derived D;
cout << "\n";
Base* test1 = new Derived(D);
cout << "\n";
Base* test3 = new Derived(static_cast<Base>(D));
cout << "\n";
Base* test2 = new Derived(B);
cout << "\n";
return 0;
but that calls the copy constructor of the base class.
I could pass *static_cast<Base*>(&D), but that seems a bit hackish. I feel like I am just overlooking a simple way to do this. Thanks.

Use this:
Or this:
static_cast<const Base&>(D)


Calling inherited functions and overriding behavior in c++

Why does this give this error -
'void D::func(const D &)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'const C' to 'const D &'
How to correct this, I want to call Base's func from Derived's func but note func is a friend function?
class C
cout << "in C ctor" << endl;
friend void func(const C& abc1)
cout << "in C's func" << endl;
class D : public C
cout << "in D ctor" << endl;
void func(const D& abc)
func(static_cast<const C&>(abc));
cout << "in D's func" << endl;
int main()
D d;
why does this similar e.g. work though -
I'm not sure what that syntaxis does with function visibility, but this works:
class C
cout << "in C ctor" << endl;
friend void func(const C& abc1);
void func(const C& abc1)
cout << "in C's func" << endl;
class D : public C
cout << "in D ctor" << endl;
void func(const D& abc)
cout << "in D's func" << endl;
int main()
D d;
Just for completeness sake, this works too:
class C
cout << "in C ctor" << endl;
friend void func(const C& abc1)
cout << "in C's func" << endl;
// Make function visible in global scope
void func(const C& abc1);
class D : public C
cout << "in D ctor" << endl;
void func(const D& abc)
cout << "in D's func" << endl;
int main()
D d;

why is destructor called earlier?

I wrote this code to learn the shared_ptr object creation inside my own class.
Why is A object shared_ptr destroyed even before A's print (obj->print() inside B's print) is called?
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class A {
private: string str;
A(string s){
str = s;
cout<<"class A: "<< str << endl;}
~A() { cout << "destroying A: " << str << endl;}
void print() { cout << "A print called" << endl;}
class B {
private: shared_ptr<A> obj;
B() { cout << "default construct called" << endl;}
B(string s) {
cout << "shared_ptr creation" <<endl;
shared_ptr<A> obj = make_shared<A>(s);
cout << "shared_ptr creation done" <<endl;
~B() { cout<<"destroying B" << endl;}
void print() { obj->print();cout << "B print called" << endl;}
void func( B i) { i.print();}
int main()
B b("hello world");
cout << "in main" << endl;
return 0;
shared_ptr creation
class A: hello world
shared_ptr creation done
destroying A: hello world
A print called
B print called
destroying B
destroying B
in main
In B::B(string), shared_ptr<A> obj = make_shared<A>(s); is constructing a local object which gets destroyed immediately when the constructor ends; it has nothing to do with the data member obj, which points to nothing as the result.
I think you want:
B(string s) {
cout << "shared_ptr creation" <<endl;
obj = make_shared<A>(s); // assignment to the data member obj
cout << "shared_ptr creation done" <<endl;
Or initialize it in member initializer list.
B(string s) : obj(make_shared<A>(s)) { // initialize the data member obj
cout << "shared_ptr creation done" <<endl;

Does std::any_cast call destructor? How the cast works?

#include <iostream>
#include <any>
using namespace std;
class c {
c() :a{ 0 } { cout << "constructor\n"; }
c(int aa) :a{ aa } { cout << "Constructor\n"; }
~c() { cout << "destructor\n"; }
int get() { return a; }
int a;
auto main()->int
any a{ 5 };
cout << any_cast<int>(a) << '\n';
cout << '!' << any_cast<c>(a).get() << '\n';
cout << '\n';
cout << '!' << any_cast<c>(a).get() << '\n';
destructor called after each any_cast.
and, below code makes run-time error.
I think the cause is any_cast(C)'s work pipeline is might be like
~C() then X(C) ERROR!!C doesn't exist
any_cast really work like that?
I add blow codes and make run-time error.
class X {
X() :a{ 0 } { cout << "xonstructor\n"; }
X(c& aa) :a{ aa.get() } { cout << "Xonstructor\n"; }
~X() { cout << "Xdestructor\n"; }
int get() { return a; }
int a;
auto main()->int
any a{ 5 };
cout << any_cast<int>(a) << '\n';
cout << '!' << any_cast<X>(a).get() << '\n';
//runtime error after '!'
cout << '\n';
cout << '!' << any_cast<X>(a).get() << '\n';
You are copying a c (or X) from the one within the std::any. That copy is destroyed at the end of the expression, after having been streamed out.
any_cast does not do any conversion. It throws if you ask it for a type different to the one it stores. When you have emplaced a c and asked for an X, it throws std::bad_any_cast, because X is not c.

about ctors and inheritance

Im kinda new to C++.
I have an assignment where I should implement c class' default ctor and cctor so that theyll print "c::ctor" and "c::cctor" respectively.
I have no idea of how to deal with this, help would be appreciated.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class a {
a(const char* sname)
: _sname(sname) {
cout << "a::ctor" << endl;
a(const a& s) { cout << "a::copy ctor" << endl; }
virtual ~a() { cout << "a::dtor " << endl; }
void f1() { cout << "a::f1()" << endl; f2(); }
virtual void f2() = 0;
string _sname;
class b1 : virtual public a {
b1(const char* saname, const char* ssname)
: _sname1(saname), a(ssname) {
b1(const b1& b1) : a(b1) { cout << "b1 :: copy ctor << endl"; }
~b1() { cout << "b1::dtor" << endl; }
virtual void f1() { cout << "b1::f1()" << endl; }
virtual void f2() { cout << "b1::f2()" << endl; }
virtual void f3() { cout << "b1::f3()" << endl; }
string _sname1;
class b2 : virtual public a {
b2(const char* saname, const char* ssname)
: _sname2(saname), a(ssname) {
cout << "b2::ctor" << endl;
b2(const b2& b2) : a(b2) { cout << "b2::copy ctor" << endl; }
~b2() { cout << "b2::dtor" << endl; }
virtual void f3() { f1(); cout << "b2::f3()" << endl; }
string _sname2;
class c : public b1, public b2 {
c(const c& c);
~c() { cout << "c::dtor" << endl; }
virtual void f1() { a::f1(); cout << "c::f1()" << endl; }
void f3() { cout << "c::f3()" << endl; }
In case of virtual inheritance, things are more complicated for the constructors and destructors. The constructors and the destructors of the virtual base class a should also be called in the c class since the compiler cannot choose between b1 or b2 to build the (unique) a part in the c object. For the destructor, the compilers handles things to call the destructor of b1, the destructor of b2 and the destructor of a.
So you should implement
class c : public b1, public b2 {
c() : b1("", ""), b2("", ""), a("") {}
c(const c& src) : b1(src), b2(src), a(src) {}
In general, you should try to avoid virtual inheritance when not necessary. But it is a good exercise to understand how it works.

How does g++ compiler know which vtable ptr to use if their are multiple vtable ptr in a base class?

I want to know know how does g++ compiler knows which table to use if their are multiple vtable present in a base class. Like the following example.
using namespace std;
class sample1
int b;
cout << "In sample1 constructor" << endl;
virtual void print_b()
cout << this->b << endl;
void print_all()
void sample_print_()
//cout << this->a << "String : " << this->str1 << endl;
cout << "hello" << endl;
class sample2
int b1;
cout << "In sample1 constructor" << endl;
virtual void print_b1()
cout << this->b1 << endl;
void print_all1()
class sample : public sample1 , public sample2
int a;
char *str1;
strcpy(this->str1,"hello world");
cout << "In Constructor" << endl;
cout << "In Destructor" << endl;
void sample_print()
//cout << this->a << "String : " << this->str1 << endl;
cout << "hello" << endl;
virtual void print_a()
cout << this->a <<endl;
In above example, child class sample has two parent classes sample1 and sample2 and each of these class have vtable of their own. What if i call a virtual function from sample(child class)? How does the compiler know, in which class that virtual function is present so that it call use that particular vtable pointer ? I know their will be two vtable pointer present in sample(child class) class , so how does compiler know which one to use ?