How to include 2 words within Regex and result must be based on only those 2 words VB.NET - regex

I would like to know how to include only 2 or more keywords within a Regex. and ending results should only show those words defined, not only one word.
What I currently have works with multiple keywords but I want it to use BOTH words not either one of the other.
For example:
Dim pattern As String = "(?i)[\t ](?<w>((arma)|(crapo))[a-z0-9]*)[\t ]"
Now the code works fine by including 'arma' or 'crapo'. I only want it to include BOTH 'arma' AND 'crapo' otherwise do not show any results.
Dealing with finding certain keywords within a PDF document and I only want to be shown results if the PDF document includes BOTH 'arma' and 'crapo' (Works fine by showing results for 'arma' OR 'crapo' I want to see results based on 'arma' AND 'crapo'.
Sorry for sounding so repetitive.
Edit: Here is my code. Please read comment.
Dim filesz() As String = GetPatternedFiles("c:\temp\", New String() {"tes*.pdf", "fes*.pdf", "Bas*.pdf"})
'The getpatterenedfiles is a function" also gettextfromPDF is another function.
For Each s As String In filesz
Dim thetext As String = Nothing
Dim pattern As String = "(?i)[\t ](?<w>(crapo)|(arma)[a-z0-9]*)[\t ]"
thetext = GetTextFromPDF(s)
For Each m As Match In Regex.Matches(thetext, pattern)

You can use this regex:
Working demo
The idea is to match arma whatever crapo or crapo whatever arma and use word boundaries to avoid words like karma.
However, if you want to match karma or crapotos as you asked in your comment you can use:


Search string and grab all contents between 2 key words VB .NET

I've seen a bunch of examples on this online but I can't seem to find the one I'm looking for which uses Regex. I've seen many that use a loop and use a lot of lines of code but I'd like to see an example of Regex.
What I'm trying to create is an app that will connect too a webpage take the source search for a keyword once its found copy the text from that keyword to another keyword and save it into a string or to a textbox whatever.
I'm already using web request to get the information and put it into a string I just need to search the string for what I am looking for.
The reason for this app is to search webpage for an updated version of some software I'm using. I want to monitor for updates and the app to notify me when an update is available. Just a simple app but having issues searching for what I need.
For Example:
first words to search for: Server 64-bit
second words/characters to search for: </div>
grab first words everything in between and last word saved into a string.
EDIT: The information I am trying to grab is this....
Server 64-bit
<span class="version">
<div class="checksum">SHA256: c7eeb1937b0bce0b99e7c7e20de030a4b71adcaf09750481801cfa361433522f</div>
you can use the following code with RegEx to return the whole sentence including the two keywords you are providing
Dim str As String = "first words to search for: Server 64-bit second words/characters to search for: </div>"
str = str.Replace(vbNewLine,"|")
Dim strA As String = Regex.Match(str, "Server 64-bit(.*?)</div>", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Or you can use the following expression to get only value between this two keywords:
Dim strA As String = Regex.Match(str, "(?<=Server 64-bit)(.*)(?=</div>)", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value
Maybe not the prettiest solution, but i would save it into a string. Then iterate through it with the string.contain("Server 64-Bit") and then split the whole thing and then split the remaining part of the string at the next and retrieve only the first part.
Dim Information As String
Dim Splitstring As String
If Information.Contains("Server 64-Bit") Then
Dim parts As String() = Information.Split("Server 64-Bit")
For Each part In parts
SplitString As String = part(1)
If SplitString.Contains("</div>") then
Dim parts As String() = Information.Split("</div>")
For Each part In parts
Dim ResultString As String = part(0)
'Displaying Result in a MsgBox
End If
End If
Im currently only at my Phone, so I cant actually test this, but this should work.

Swift 3: extract regex matches with non matching parts

I want to analyze a string by many different patterns for numbers, dates and other strings. So I have an array of patterns I want to check in that order.
let patterns = [... "\\d{6}", "\\d{4}", "\\d" ] // to be extended :-)
let s = "IMG_123456_2006.10.03-13.52.59 Testfile_2009_5"
Starting with the first item in pattern I need a search in string s. If found, the string should be split in found parts e.g. "2006" and "2009" and the non matching parts. The remaining parts will be searched with the next pattern and so on. Assuming I already had the pattern defined for time/date in the middle which should be placed at the first item, the splitted string should look like:
"IMG_", "123456", "_", "2006.10.03-13.52.59", " Testfile_", "2009", "_", "5"
Can I use a build in functionality of regex.matches, or do I have to write everything by my own?
I already been able to find a match. But then I have to use the ranges to split the string and do it again and again for the remaining parts until no further matches are indicated. This will need a lot more calculations than I would expect using the results in match.numberOfRanges. Any small solutions available?

Extract string of numbers from URL using regex PIG

I'm using PIG to generate a list of URLs that have been recently visited. In each of the URLs, there is a string of numbers that represents the product page visited. I'm trying to use a regex_extract_all() function to extract just the string of numbers, which vary in length from 6-8. The string of digits can be found directly after jobs2/view/ and usually ends with +&cd but sometimes they may end with ).
Here are a few example URLs:
( k&gl=hk)
Here is the current regex I am using:
J = FOREACH jpage GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL(TEXTCOLUMN, '\/view\/(\d+)\+\&')) as (output:chararray)
I have also tried other forms such as:
'[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]', 'view.([0-9]+)', 'view\/([\d]+)\+',
'[0-9][0-9][0-9]+', and
'[0-9][0-9][0-9]*'; none of which work.
Can anybody assist here or have another way of going about it?
Much appreciated,
Reason for"Unexpected character 'D'" is, you need to put double backslash instead of single backslash. eg just replace [\d+] to [\\d+]
Here your solution, please validate all your inputs strings
Updated Pigscript:
A = LOAD 'input.txt' as line;
B = FOREACH A GENERATE REGEX_EXTRACT(line,'.*/view/(\\d+)([+|&|cd|)?]+)?',1);
dump B;
I'm not familiar with PIG, but this regex will match your target:
By using a (non-consuming) look behind, the entire match (not just a group of the match) is your number.

Regex Matching and Deleting/Replacing a string

So I am trying to parse through a file which has multiple "footers" (the file is an output that was designed for printing which my company wants to keep electronically stored...each footer is a new page and the new page is no longer needed as).
I am trying to look for and remove lines that look like:
1 of 2122 PRINTED 07/01/2013 04:46 Page : 1 of 11
2 of 2122 PRINTED 07/01/2013 04:46 Page: 2 of 11
3 of 2122 PRINTED 07/01/2013 04:46 Page: 3 of 11
and so on
I then want to replace the final line (which would read something like "2122 of 2122") with a "custom" footer.
I am using RegEx, but am very new to using it so how should my RegEx look in order to accomplish this? I plan on using the RegEx "count" function to find out when I've found the last line and then do a .replace on it.
I am using VB .NET, but can translate C# if required. How can I accomplish what I'm looking to do? Specifically I only care about matching/removing of a match so long as the # of matches > 1.
Here's one I created with RegExr:
It matches (number)(space)('of')(space)(number) at the beginning of a line, and only if it is followed by (space)('printed'), case insensitive. The /m flag turns ^ and $ into line-aware boundaries.
This is how I ended up doing it...
Private Function FixFooters(ByVal fileInput As String, Optional ByVal numberToLeaveAlone As Integer = 1) As String
Dim matchpattern As String = "^\d+\W+of\W+\d+\W+PRINTED.*$"
Dim myRegEx As New Regex(matchpattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Multiline)
Dim replacementstring As String = String.Empty
Dim matchCounter As Integer = myRegEx.Matches(fileInput).Count
If numberToLeaveAlone > matchCounter Then numberToLeaveAlone = matchCounter
Return myRegEx.Replace(fileInput, replacementstring, matchCounter - numberToLeaveAlone, 0)
End Function
I used to get the inital matchpattern. Since I wanted to leave the last footer alone (to manipulate it further later on) I created the numberToLeaveAlone variable to ensure we don't remove ALL of the variables. For the purposes of this program I made the default value 1, but that could be changed to zero (I only did it for readability in the calling code as I know I will ALWAYS want to leave one...but I do like to reuse code). It's fairly fast, I'm sure there are better ways out there, but this one made the most sense to me.

Regex to replace string with another string in MS Word?

Can anyone help me with a regex to turn:
I am using MS Word 2003 and am trying to do this with Word's Find-and-Replace. I've tried the use wildcards feature but haven't had any luck.
Am I only going to be able to do it programmatically?
Here is the regex:
And here is a C# example:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class Program
static void Main()
String test = "filename_author";
String result = Regex.Replace(test, #"([^_]*)_(.*)", "$2_$1");
Here is a Python example:
from re import sub
test = "filename_author";
result = sub('([^_]*)_(.*)', r'\2_\1', test)
Edit: In order to do this in Microsoft Word using wildcards use this as a search string:
and replace with this:
Also, please see Add power to Word searches with regular expressions for an explanation of the syntax I have used above:
The asterisk (*) returns all the text in the word.
The less than and greater than symbols (< >) mark the start and end
of each word, respectively. They
ensure that the search returns a
single word.
The parentheses and the space between them divide the words into
distinct groups: (first word) (second
word). The parentheses also indicate
the order in which you want search to
evaluate each expression.
Here you go:
Depending on the context, that might be a little greedy.
Search pattern:
Replacement pattern:
In .NET you could use ([^_]+)_([^_]+) as the regex and then $2_$1 as the substitution pattern, for this very specific type of case. If you need more than 2 parts it gets a lot more complicated.
Since you're in MS Word, you might try a non-programming approach. Highlight all of the text, select Table -> Convert -> Text to Table. Set the number of columns at 2. Choose Separate Text At, select the Other radio, and enter an _. That will give you a table. Switch the two columns. Then convert the table back to text using the _ again.
Or you could copy the whole thing to Excel, construct a formula to split and rejoin the text and then copy and paste that back to Word. Either would work.
In C# you could also do something like this.
string[] parts = "filename_author".Split('_');
return parts[1] + "_" + parts[0];
You asked about regex of course, but this might be a good alternative.