Ember-cli deserialize array error - ember.js

I've a problem deserializing an array with ember-cli and ember data.
I've models such as:
Day = DS.Model.extend
hours: DS.attr()
The received JSON is:
id: 1
hours: [1,10, 33, 44,55,21]
Now: I can properly manage Embeddedrecord with EmbeddedREcordMixin but whenever an hours array is deserialized it is transformed into something like:
removing all original values.
I tryed defining a specific transform, or changing the relationship to async and normalizing the payload in a specific labelSerializerbut nothing seems to have effect and I wasn't able to identify where the array is actually modified..
Finally, it was a problem of the received data set. Some record, with the same id was overwriting others, creating that misleading result.
With EmberData 1.0.0.beta8, no ArrayTransform is needed. Just plain DS.attr() did the job.
I've tried the same implementation on a non ember-cli application and it worked fine. I used EmbeddedRecordsMixin in the LabelSerializer to handle day embedded hasMany relation, as well as customized the normalizePayload and extractArray functions in order to fix small problems with ids etc..
But I'm quite new to Ember-cli, I'm not sure if I'm missing something. There is a need of special configurations in order to use ActiveModelAdapter, and the EmbeddedRecordsMixin?
Invalidate all about edit1...
After more testings, it is not a problem of Ember-cli.
When I test the deserialization through store.pushPayload() any manipulations of the JSON done in the labelSerializer#normalizePaylod or labelSerializer#extractArry works as expected.
Instead, when connecting to a remote server, the result array of values is a set of 0 and 1s.

I had a similar problem with Ember-Cli and Ember Data. I solved it like this:
I created a file called array.js in the transforms folder of my Ember-cli project.
(you can call the file what ever you like)
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Transform.extend({
deserialize: function(serialized) {
return serialized;
serialize: function(deserialized) {
return deserialized;
Then in my model, I did this:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
listOfSomething: DS.attr('array') //same name as the transform-file you created
Check out the Ember CLI documentation Using modules and the resolver
After taking a close look at your example, I see that the JSON is not on the correct format that Ember expects. If you check out the Ember Documentation on relationship between models your JSON should look something like this:
id: 1
days: [
id: 1,
hours: [1, 10, 33, 44, 55, 21]


ember data different models for same endpoint

I have an API that doesn't return JSON data in a format that Ember-Data expects. Especially when getting a list of resources versus a single resource.
For example, GET /api/widgets/{id}
Should return a single widget model that might look like this:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
weight: DS.attr('number'),
color: DS.attr('string')
Whereas getting the full list of widgets via GET /api/widgets/ returns a model that should look like this:
// app/models/widgetlist.js
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
total: 22,
widgets: DS.hasMany('widget')
(I think that's how my widget list model should look. It's essentially a total count of widgets in system and current paginated set of widgets)
I'm having a really hard time figuring out what combination of models, custom adapter and/or custom serializer I need in order to get this to work.
// Server responses examples
// GET api/widgets/77
"name":"Acoustic Twangdoodle",
// GET api/widgets/
"name":"Acoustic Twangdoodle",
"name":"Electric Twangdoodle",
Thats only one model!
Now I don't see how your pagination works. Depending on that maybe you should not use findAll but instead use query to load a paginated set.
The total is not part of the model but of the metadata. Use a custom JSONSerializer and let extractMeta return this.
Depending how your pagination works you wanna do something like store.query('widget', { page: 3 }). If you speak more about how to access page 2 or so it will be easier to explain this.

How does Ember Data write over instances of stored model data

Ok, so I'm new to Ember so bear with me.
I have an Ember application that is communicating with an API that does not adhere to JSONAPI standards, thus I have begun writing my own serializers in order to use Ember Data. However I am finding that when I make multiple requests to the same resource, the data is having trouble writing to the store. Consecutive requests to the same resource always responds with the following error:
TypeError: Cannot convert object to primitive value
Which from my limited understanding, implies that the data I am sending to the store is being treated like a string.
In my Application route I have written a findAll to my model 'listing-item' like so:
model: function() {
return this.store.findAll('listing-item');
In a nested 'user' route, when I do any type of request for the listing-item data that returns an array response (query, findAll) for the listing-item data, I get:
TypeError: Cannot convert object to primitive value
at EmptyObject.SETTER_FUNCTION [as title] (ember.debug.js:20672)
at assign (<anonymous>)
at InternalModel.setupData (internal-model.js:244)
at Class._load (store.js:1728)
at Class._pushInternalModel (store.js:2055)
at Class._push (store.js:1995)
at finders.js:141
at Backburner.run (ember.debug.js:720)
at Class._adapterRun (store.js:2253)
at finders.js:139
(Title is a field in my listing item model).
As I mentioned earlier, my API does not adhere to JSONAPI standards, so I've written a listing-item serializer like so:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
normalizeArrayResponse(store, primaryModelClass, payload) {
payload.data = [];
payload.listing_item._data.forEach(this.formatListingItemArray, payload.data);
delete payload.listing_item;
return payload;
formatListingItemArray(listingItem) {
type: "listing-item",
id: listingItem.id,
attributes: {
title: listingItem.title,
description: listingItem.description,
buy_now_price: listingItem.buy_now_price,
created_at: listingItem.created_at,
category_id: listingItem.category_id,
subcategory_id: listingItem.subcategory_id,
identity_id: listingItem.identity_id,
listing_number: listingItem.listing_number,
brand_new: listingItem.brand_new,
sold: listingItem.sold,
So I suppose my question is, what is Ember Data doing with my data object for this error to occur, and what might I be doing wrong in formatting my data for Ember data to consume.
It appears as though only the top 3 fields are causing this error to occur. If I comment out the attributes 'title', 'description' and 'buy_now_price' in my serializer, I don't get this error. Also, it appears this only occurs when I navigate to the route, If I am in the /user route when the application loads, both requests work as expected.
Ok, so I've been crawling through ember-data code and found that in the internal-model.js file there is a setup function that looks at the current attributes in the store and compares them to the data being passed from the serializer. It then does an assign() to copy the serializers new data over to the stores object. However for some reason it seems that my stores object has a set of 'getter' and 'setter' function that come back from the store for the problematic fields (title, description and buy_now_price). What I need to know now is why are these functions coming along for the ride and what have I done to cause this?
Picture of getters/setters on ember-data object
Thanks in advance, let me know if there's any more information I need to provide in order to give better context.
So I found the solution to my problem for anyone that experiences a similar issue.
The symptom was as stated above, it seemed as though ember-data was returning getter and setter functions back from the store and having problems placing my new values in their stead. However the clue was that it was only the fields that I was rendering in my template.
The problem seems to be that I was using an Ember Concurrency task to perform the loading of my data, then passing the task straight in to an internal component from the model template. Something like this (not tested code):
The WRONG pattern (one I was using to experience the issue).
//route file - application.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return {
listings: this.get('getListings').perform(),
getListings: task(function * () {
return yield this.store.findAll('listing-item');
//application template - application.hbs
{{listing-index listings=model.listings}}
//listing index component template.hbs
{{#if listings.value}}
{{#each listings.value.content as |listing|}}
The CORRECT pattern seems to be as thus:
//route file - application.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return {
listings: this.get('getListings').perform(),
getListings: task(function * () {
return yield this.store.findAll('listing-item');
//application template - application.hbs
{{#if listings.value}}
{{listing-index listings=model.listings.value}}
//listing index component template.hbs
{{#each listings as |listing|}}
So the problem seems to lie in this pattern of passing the task rather than the content of the task in to my component. When I looped over the listings in the model template then passed the listings straight in to the component, it seemed to have solved my issues. I gather this is something to do with the use of these _data properties. A further explanation would be appreciated but i'll mark this as resolved for now.

Ember Data usage without a Backend API and converting Models to JSON (Ember 2.5.0)

I am using Ember v2.5.0 without an external datastore.
After creating a record at the route using the createRecord method it cannot be queried for in other parts of the app (controller or components).
My understanding is that I need to use store.push to save the record locally so that it may be accessed by the controller. However the store.push method requires the arguments to be in json format.
I could just do away with the models however I was wondering if there a quick way to convert the models into json format using Ember version 2.5.0?
I would also like to know if my assumptions on using store.push to persist the data locally is a recommended way to go when using Ember Data without an external backend.
There are other references on "Ember models to json" on stack overflow however they are outdated and I particularly would like to know if my approach/assumptions are correct and if not, what the alternatives are. Im very new to Ember.
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
let shape, square;
square = this.store.createRecord('square');
shape = this.store.createRecord('shape', {
shared: 'shared-value',
square: square
return shape;
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
someActionName() {
console.log(this.store.peekRecord('shape', 1)); //undefined!
//Shape Model
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
shared: DS.attr('string', { defaultValue: '' }),
square: DS.belongsTo('square')
//Square Model
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
sides: DS.attr('string', { defaultValue: '4' }),
whereIbelong: DS.belongsTo('shape')
I don't think using store.push is a good long-term approach, it's better to use the save and destroyRecord methods, as Ember Data expects.
You can create an adapter from the base Adapter using local storage, or maybe just returning the record passed in createRecord/updateRecord works.
Experiment with it and find what works better for your use case, adapters are very flexible.
As a side note, the best way I found to make store.push work as expected is like this:
var obj = {
id: '1',
name: "object name",
// More object properties...
store.push(store.normalize('model-name', obj));
createRecord does not add an ID. So this.store.peekRecord('shape', 1) is undefined because your record created does not have an ID. Everything works well if you set an ID for your record.
Ember Twiddle: https://ember-twiddle.com/e2b24b5a2cdab19c7b7401c57aff9959?openFiles=controllers.application.js%2C
If your goal is to persist records on client side have a look at ember-local-storage.

EmberJS embedded items in payload JSONAPI

Ember : 1.13.3
Ember Data : 1.13.5
jQuery : 1.11.3
I am trying to send a JSON payload using ember-data from my EmberJS client to my server. I want to send the entire object graph to the server on saving the project, as I don't want to send multiple requests. I wouldn't mind sending multiple requests, but I am worried about what happens if one of the requests fails in the middle and the data on the server will not be correct.
I wanted to use JSONAPI (http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-compound-documents) as that is becoming the default adapter in Ember. Also, there is a few C# libraries that handle this format, so I thought it would be quite straightforward. However, after reading the spec, it seems that I cannot embed objects if they do not have an id. EmberJS also does not attach the child objects to the JSON either even though I have specified { async: false, embedded: 'always' }) on the DS.attr.
My question is: If an application is used in such a way that an object graph is created on the client side, how do you use JSONAPI format to send the entire object graph to the server? Do I have to generate ids on the client side to satisfy the JSONAPI standard? Then once they get to the server just ignore them so they get saved with an id generated by the ORM?
Here is my labelGroup model:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
labels: DS.hasMany('label-model', { async: false, embedded: 'always' })
Here is my project model:
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
name: DS.attr('string'),
labelGroups: DS.hasMany('labelGroup', { async: false, embedded: 'always'})
Here is the POST that I get after doing a save() on the project:
UPDATE: I tried using https://www.npmjs.com/package/ember-cli-uuid to generate client side ids which it has. However the data getting output does not include the extra objects, only a reference to their ids. I expected to see an "included" property as specified here:http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-compound-documents, but it is not there.
Ember-data has no support for what you want at the moment. So ember-data will not save your relationships data in a save payload.
But its possible to do this your own by using a custom adapter and serializer.
I strongly recommend you to checkout the API and then look into the source.
If you call .save() on your Model the createRecord method is called on your adapter.
Here serializeIntoHash on the serializer is called to serialize the Model.
serializeIntoHash calls serialize, where serializeBelongsTo and serializeHasMany is called.
Now you can just override serializeHasMany and modify the hasMany before the line:
json[payloadKey] = hasMany;
Here you have the type and the ids as they are sent by ember-data. You could just .forEach the data on the hasMany and then fetch the store for the data and build your included array.
I hope this helps you to understand the serializer and the adapter so you can modify it to do whatever you want pretty easy. Actually this is the best part about ember-data. The structure of the adapter and the serializer, which allows easy modifications.

Cannot read property 'match' of undefined at Ember.DefaultResolver.extend.podBasedComponentsInSubdir

I'm getting a really opaque error message (opaque in the sense I have no point of reference for my own source) from console, I'm not entirely sure where to look, I feel it's likely an error in library code but before posting this on github I'll just double check it's not my own fault.
The Problem
The Problem is simple, I'm calling this.store.find('player'), in hopes to get a list of all players, and then display them in some kind of list, but I'm not even getting past the loading part. The data is pulled from the server and looks properly formatted, but something seems to be failing after the route.model method call. And the error message seems to be somewhere in the ember.js library code with nothing pointing back to my own code.
Server Response
The content type is of course application/json, and note the id property is actually _id.
Error message
Note there is part of the stack trace pointing to my source, only Ember source. Which has made this a pain to debug.
Error while processing route: leader Cannot read property 'match' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined
at Ember.DefaultResolver.extend.podBasedComponentsInSubdir (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:60138:76)
at http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:60190:34
at Array.exports.default.mixin.Mixin.create.find (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:39572:30)
at Ember.DefaultResolver.extend.findModuleName (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:60188:44)
at resolveOther (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:60051:37)
at superWrapper (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:28141:20)
at exports.default.EmberObject.default.extend.resolve (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:15454:35)
at Object.resolve [as resolver] (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:15217:23)
at resolve (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:12792:29)
at Object.Registry.resolve (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:12336:21)
This ember app is very young, so there is very little source at the moment, but this is all the relevant source at the moment.
import Ember from 'ember';
import config from './config/environment';
var Router = Ember.Router.extend({
location: config.locationType
export default Router.map(function() {
Leader route
Leader has a template and a controller, but they are basically empty right now.
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function () {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
players: this.get('store').find('player')
Player Model
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
alias: DS.attr('string'),
createdAt: DS.attr('date'),
scans: DS.hasMany('scan'),
Application Adapter
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
namespace: ''
Application Serialiser
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
primaryKey: function (type) {
return '_id';
serializeId: function(id) {
return id.toString();
I'm not sure if any of the versions here are particularly important
ember-cli is 0.2.3
ember-data is 1.0.0-beta.16.1
ember is 1.11.1
Things I've tried
removing properties from the model, in the event the relationships seemed to be the problem (nothing changed)
tried setting up a serialiser and adapter for the application (included above), nothing changed.
the serialiser in the event that the id field in the response is actually _id.
tried updating ember data, nothing changed.
Okay I figured out what was being done wrong... I forgot to check if the data being returned by the server abides to the convention/protocol required to use ember data. The JSON returned by the server looks like this.
It should actually look like this
"players": [
So yes this was me being dumb and missing something.
Why is this Required
Ember data expects JSON returned from the server to meet the JSON API Standard, which is a standard that specifies the formatting of the JSON returned from a server. In this case, the data didn't meet the JSON API standard, as I forgot to put the array of players under a key called players. There are some more examples of this in the Ember v1.10.0 guide to models.
The reason Ember Data expects this is so Ember Data can make the certain assumptions about the data returned from the server.