C++: How to save classes having pointers as member in file? - c++

For example the following class:
class example
int *numbers;//int pointer
int size;
example(int s)
numbers=new int [size];
delete []numbers;
How can this class be stored in a file ?

There is no easy solution to this question - simply put pointers represent a location in memory but when you restore data from the file you expect it to be stored somewhere else (i.e. not in the original location) so storing the value of the pointer in anyway will fail.
Instead you need to set the pointers as you load from the file to relink with the correct memory location. Generally the tactic used to handle this sort of problem is to store a numeric ID for each record - as you load the ID from the file that you need to link to you look up the ID from what is already loaded and set the pointer to that record. This process is surprisingly called pointer swizzling (thanks #keyser).
This problem is generally referred to a serialization of a class this question and this question are good places to start reading about this process on Stack Overflow.
There are widely used tools for this kind of problem; take a look at the boost::serialzation documentation.

Untested, but gives you an idea.
class Example
vector<int> numbers;
explicit Example(int s = 0)
: numbers(s)
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Example& x)
os << x.numbers.size() << " ";
for (auto n : x.numbers)
os << n << " ";
if (os.bad()) ERROR;
return os;
friend istream& operator >> (istream& is, Example& x)
vector<int>::size_type size;
is >> size;
for (auto& n : x.numbers)
is >> n;
if (is.bad()) ERROR;
return is;
ofstream outfile("myfile.txt");
Example x;
outfile << x;
ifstream infile("mytext.txt");
Example x;
infile >> x;

You need to implement a serialization method. Any class that needs to be serialized should know how to selialize and deserialize itself. You can choose one of the common human readable formats available formats, such as JSON, XML etc. You also have the option of using more compact formats such as Google protocol buffers, Apache thrift, or msgpack. If your serilization needs are very simple, then another option is to roll out your own. Here is a full compilable version of the answer given by Neil Krik which should help your understanding . . .
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class Example
vector<int> nums;
explicit Example(vector<int> s = {}) : nums(s)
vector<int>& getNums()
return nums;
vector<int> getNums() const
return nums;
string stringify() const
stringstream s;
for (auto x : nums) {
s << x << ", ";
return s.str();
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Example& x)
os << x.getNums().size() << " ";
for (auto n : x.getNums())
os << n << " ";
return os;
friend istream& operator >> (istream& is, Example& x)
vector<int>::size_type size;
is >> size;
for (auto& n : x.getNums())
is >> n;
return is;
int main()
// Example 1
string store;
ostringstream outfile;
Example x( {1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1} );
outfile << x;
store = outfile.str();
istringstream infile(store);
Example x;
infile >> x;
std::cout << x.stringify() << std::endl;
// Example 2
ofstream outfile("myfile.txt");
Example x( {1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4} );
outfile << x;
ifstream infile("myfile.txt");
Example x;
infile >> x;
std::cout << x.stringify() << std::endl;
return 0;

This is a very broad topic and there are many ways of solving the problem. One popular way of doing class serialization now is using Google Protocol Buffers.


How to use pointer with struct to refer to the field of each struct

Below code is the normal way to get the input from a text and store it in an array in a structure.
Wanted to ask how can i use pointer to store all these data into the array of structure ? Like p1->Years (this is without array, but how can i apply this to way of writing in below code)
Any better suggestion to use pointer to take in the input?
int years = 4;
struct maju_company {
int Year;
float quarter1, quarter2, quarter3, quarter4, total_sales, average_sales;
int main() {
string line;
maju_company p1[years];
fstream yeecinnfile("MajuSales.txt");
if(yeecinnfile.is_open()) {
//ignoring the first four line of code and store the rest of the code
string line1,line2,line3,line4;
while(!yeecinnfile.eof()) {
for(int i =0; i<years; i++) {
for(int i =0; i<years; i++) {
I see nothing wrong with the way you do this.
However, you could create a pointer to each record inside the loop
maju_company* p = &p1[i];
and then use p-> instead of p1[i]., but I really don't see this as an improvement.
If the reading loop looks too complicated, I would rather move the code to a separate function, perhaps
void read_record(maju_company& company);
or maybe
maju_company read_record();
and then only have to handle a single company inside the function (so no indexing and no ponters there).
I think you wouldn't need pointers at all for your example.
Use a std::vector to hold all your data and then there are other
things from C++ I think you should learn to use, example here :
(if you have questions let me know)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
// dont use : using namespace std;
struct maju_company_data
int year;
float quarter1, quarter2, quarter3, quarter4, total_sales, average_sales;
// describe how to stream data to an output stream (like std::cout)
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const maju_company_data& data)
os << "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
os << "Company data for year : " << data.year << "\n";
os << "Quarter 1 : " << data.quarter1 << "\n";
os << "Quarter 2 : " << data.quarter1 << "\n";
os << "Quarter 3 : " << data.quarter1 << "\n";
os << "Quarter 4 : " << data.quarter1 << "\n";
os << "\n";
return os;
int main()
// no need to manage pointers yourself use a vector
std::vector<maju_company_data> company_yearly_data; // give variables a meaningful name
std::ifstream ifile("MajuSales.txt"); // ifstream your using file as input
std::string line1, line2, line3, line4;
// ignore first line
ifile >> line1;
while (ifile >> line1 >> line2 >> line3 >> line4) // probably you need to read a few more lines here
maju_company_data data;
// convert read strings to numbers
data.year = std::stoi(line1);
data.quarter1 = std::stof(line2);
data.quarter2 = std::stof(line3);
data.quarter3 = std::stof(line4);
//data.quarter4 = std::stof(line5);
//data.total_sales = std::stof(line6);
// this is a range based for loop
// it is prefered since you cant go out of bounds
// const auto& means that data will be an unmodifiable
// reference to each of the structs stored in the vector
for (const auto& data : company_yearly_data)
std::cout << data; // since we overloaded << this loop will be nice and clean
return 0;
A C++ approach to this to overload the istream operator>> and ostream operator<< for your specific type. E.g.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
static constexpr auto years{4};
struct maju_company {
int Year{};
float quarter1{}, quarter2{}, quarter3{}, quarter4{};
float total_sales{}, average_sales{}; // ALWAYS init your floats.
auto& operator>>(std::istream& is, maju_company& mc) {
is >> mc.Year
>> mc.quarter1 >> mc.quarter2 >> mc.quarter3 >> mc.quarter4
>> mc.total_sales >> mc.average_sales;
return is;
auto& operator<<(std::ostream& os, maju_company const& mc) {
os << mc.Year
<< std::setw(10) << mc.quarter1
<< std::setw(10) << mc.quarter2
<< std::setw(10) << mc.quarter3
<< std::setw(10) << mc.quarter4;
return os;
You can then go on to use the type using the std library, e.g.
int main() {
auto p1{std::array<maju_company, years>{}};
auto fs{std::fstream("MajuSales.txt")};
if (!fs.is_open()) return -1;
// throw away 4 lines
auto dummy{std::string{}};
for (auto i{0}; i < 4; ++i) getline(fs, dummy);
std::copy(cbegin(p1), cend(p1),
std::ostream_iterator<maju_company>{std::cout, "\n"});

creating a class vector that does not delete it's content

I am a beginner , so i wanted to ask , can we create a class object vector/array , that does not delete it's content when i close the program like , so like I want a customer record , but whenever if we try to restart the program we need to enter the customer details again and again ...
how to prevent that from happening
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class customer{
int balance;
string name;
int password;
int main(){
vector <customer> cus;
if(choice == 1){
cout << cus[i].balance
return 0;
As a complement to Adam's answer, it is possible to encapsulate the serialization in the container class itself. Here is an simplified example:
The header file defining a persistent_vector class that saves its content to a file:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <initializer_list>
namespace {
// Utility functions able to store one element of a trivially copyable type
template <class T>
std::ostream& store1(std::ostream& out, const T& val) {
out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&val), sizeof(val));
return out;
template <class T>
std::istream& load1(std::istream& in, T& val) {
in.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&val), sizeof(val));
return in;
// Specialization for the std::string type
template <>
std::ostream& store1<std::string>(std::ostream& out, const std::string& val) {
store1<size_t>(out, val.size());
if (out) out.write(val.data(), val.size());
return out;
template <>
std::istream& load1<std::string>(std::istream& in, std::string& val) {
size_t len;
load1<size_t>(in, len);
if (in) {
char* data = new char[len];
in.read(data, len);
if (in) val.assign(data, len);
delete[] data;
return in;
template <class T>
class persistent_vector {
const std::string path;
std::vector<T> vec;
// load the vector from a file
void load() {
std::ifstream in(path);
if (in) {
for (;;) {
T elt;
load1(in, elt);
if (!in) break;
if (!in.eof()) {
throw std::istream::failure("Read error");
// store the vector to a file
void store() {
std::ofstream out(path);
size_t n = 0;
if (out) {
for (const T& elt : vec) {
store1(out, elt);
if (!out) break;
if (!out) {
std::cerr << "Write error after " << n << " elements on " << vec.size() << '\n';
// a bunch of constructors, first ones load data from the file
persistent_vector(const std::string& path) : path(path) {
persistent_vector(const std::string& path, size_t sz) :
path(path), vec(sz) {
// last 2 constructors ignore the file because they do receive data
persistent_vector(const std::string& path, size_t sz, const T& val) :
path(path), vec(sz, val) {
persistent_vector(const std::string& path, std::initializer_list<T> ini) :
path(path), vec(ini) {
// destructor strores the data to the file before actually destroying it
~persistent_vector() {
// direct access to the vector (const and non const versions)
std::vector<T>& data() {
return vec;
const std::vector<T>& data() const {
return vec;
It can, out of the box, handle any trivially copyable type and std::string. User has to provide specializations of store1 and load1 for custom types.
Here is a trivial program using it:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "persistent_vector.h"
int main() {
std::cout << "Create new vector (0) or read an existing one (1): ";
int cr;
std::cin >> cr;
if (!std::cin || (cr != 0 && cr != 1)) {
std::cout << "Incorrect input\n";
return 1;
if (cr == 0) {
persistent_vector<std::string> v("foo.data", 0, "");
// skip to the end of line...
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
for (;;) {
std::string line;
std::cout << "Enter a string to add to the vector (empty string to end program)\n";
std::getline(std::cin, line);
if (line.empty()) break;
else {
persistent_vector<std::string> v("foo.data");
for (const std::string& i : v.data()) {
std::cout << i << '\n';
return 0;
When a programmer creates a vector class, he must ensure that the resources acquired for that vector are released when they are no longer needed. (See RAII)
C++ Reference : https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/raii
Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_acquisition_is_initialization
Stack Overflow : What is meant by Resource Acquisition is Initialization (RAII)?
Microsoft : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/object-lifetime-and-resource-management-modern-cpp?view=msvc-170
Before the program closes, all resources must be released.
(No leaking resources, memory included)
It is not possible to create a vector class that does not delete its contents after closing a program. Secure operating systems will release program resources when the program is closed.
If you want the program not to lose customer information after closing, you need to save the information in persistent (non-volatile) storage device, such as a disk.
As CinCout, 김선달, Serge Ballesta say, you have to save the customer information to a file, and write the program so that you can read that file during the start of the program.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct customer {
std::string name;
int balance;
int password;
int main() {
std::vector <customer> customers;
std::ifstream ifs("info.txt");
customer customer{};
while (ifs >> customer.name >> customer.balance >> customer.password)
for (const auto& [name, balance, password] : customers) {
std::cout <<
"\nName : " << name <<
"\nBalance : " << balance <<
"\nPassword : " << password <<
std::cout << "\n\nWelcome\n\n";
std::ofstream ofs("info.txt", std::ios_base::app);
char cont{};
do {
customer customer{};
std::cout << "Name : ";
std::cin >> customer.name;
std::cout << "Balance : ";
std::cin >> customer.balance;
std::cout << "Password : ";
std::cin >> customer.password;
ofs << customer.name << ' ' << customer.balance << ' ' << customer.password << '\n';
std::cout << "Add another customer? (Y/N) : ";
std::cin >> cont;
} while (cont == 'Y');
for (const auto& [name, balance, password] : customers) {
std::cout <<
"\nName : " << name <<
"\nBalance : " << balance <<
"\nPassword : " << password <<
CPlusPlus : https://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/files/
LearnCpp : https://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/basic-file-io/
(About File I/O)
This program is a prototype, I left some things incomplete (like check readings, user-defined I/O operators, duplicate code, formatting, reallocations of customers, ifs is not required after range-for + structured binding,...).
I suggest you read the book "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C+", I’m reading it and it helped me a lot.
(I’m also a beginner)
Edit: I also suggest you use "using namespace std;" only for small projects, examples or simple exercises.
Do not use "using namespace std;" for real projects, large projects or projects that may include other dependencies because the use of "using namespace std;" could lead to a possible naming collisions between names within std and the names of other codes and libraries.
It’s not good practice to use it all the time.

Vector of Objects - C++. No operator "<<" matches these operands, Error

I am a beginner in programming.I have a problem. I am trying to code the Enigma machine. I have two classes. One for Enigma, one for rotors. Rotors are small parts of the enigma machine, that doesn't matter for the problem. My problem is the error. I cannot cout, the function cout << rotors[0].GetRotor(); which should return my vector of integers. I have no idea why is that. I don't need that to my program, but I'm not sure if my adding rotor to enigma void AddRotor(Rotor rotor) { rotors.push_back(rotor); }function, called in "TakeRotors" function, works right. In my opinion, it should work well, but I can't check it. Debugger, unfortunately, doesn't show any values of vector<Rotor> rotors; permutation so I am not sure :( Any help would be great. Thank You.
Here's my full, needed code :)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Rotor {
vector <int> permutation;
int position;
Rotor(vector<int> permutation) {
position = 0;
vector<int> GetRotor() const {
return permutation;
class Enigma {
vector<Rotor> rotors;
void AddRotor(Rotor rotor) {
void PrintRotor(const vector<Rotor>& rotors) {
cout << rotors[0].GetRotor(); // Error right here
cout << rotors[0].position;
void setupRotor(int index) {
Rotor rotor = rotors[index];
void MoveRotor(int index) {
cout << "Before" << endl;
// cout << rotors[index].permutation.data << ' ';
rotate(rotors[index].permutation.begin(), rotors[index].permutation.begin() + rotors[index].permutation.size(), rotors[index].permutation.end());
cout << "After" << endl;
vector<int> take_numbers(int number) {
vector<int> numbers;
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
int number;
cin >> number;
return numbers;
void take_rotors(int number_letters, Enigma* enigma) {
int numberOfRotors;
// int numberOfNotch, positionOfNotch;
cout << "Give number of Rotors" << endl;
cin >> numberOfRotors;
for (int i=0; i < numberOfRotors; i++) {
vector<int> permutation = take_numbers(number_letters);
Rotor Rotor(permutation);
enigma->AddRotor(Rotor); // I am not sure if it adds Rotors fine.
int main()
Enigma enigma;
int number_letters, move_rotor;
cout << "Give number of letters in alphabet" << endl;
cin >> number_letters;
take_rotors(number_letters, &enigma);
// take_reflectors(number_letters, &enigma);
cout << "Which rotor do you want to move (index)" << endl;
cin >> move_rotor;
return 0;
There is no operator<<(std::ostream&,const std::vector<int>&) if you want it you need to supply your own. However, overloading operators for types you don't own is not recommended, so I would rather write a function:
void print_vector(std::ostream& out, const std::vector<int>& vect) {
for (int i : vect) {
out << i << '\n';
That you can call like this
print_vector(std::cout, rotors[0].GetRotor());
Alternatively you can supply an overload for << that prints all the Rotor:
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,const Rotor& rotor) {
out << rotor.position;
for (auto& i : rotor.GetRotor()) {
out << i;
// modify and add more to your likings
return out;
Once you have that you can also provide an overload to print a vector of rotors that you can use in Enigma::PrintRotor (which currently only prints the first element of the vector):
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,const std::vector<Rotor>& rotors) {
for (const auto& r : rotors) {
out << r << '\n';
return out;
PS your naming is a little confusing. A Rotor has a GetRotor which returns permutations !?! I strongly suggest to use better names. If I have Rotor r; then r is the Rotor and it is not obvious what a GetRotor will do. Maybe rename it to GetPermutations?

How can I overload the << operator so I can write the data of an object to a file?

I have an object of type piggyBank and I need to write data of this object into a file and then read it. I am aware of how to write/read to a text file but how can I overload the << operator so I can write data about the object into a file?
My code for the class here:
#include <string>
class PiggyBank
std::string owner;
int balance;
bool broken;
int id;
static int nrOfObjects;
PiggyBank(std::string name);
std::string getOwnerName() const;
void setOwnerName(std::string name);
bool isBroken() ;
int getBalance(int & amount) ;
#endif /* PIGGYBANK_H */
#include "PiggyBank.h"
#include "readWrite.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int PiggyBank::nrOfObjects = 0; // outside constructor
return nrOfObjects;
id = ++nrOfObjects;
PiggyBank::PiggyBank(std::string name, int startBalance){
id = ++nrOfObjects;
string PiggyBank::getOwnerName() const{
return this->owner;
void PiggyBank::setOwnerName(string name){
this->owner = name;
bool PiggyBank::isBroken() {
return this->broken;
int PiggyBank::getBalance(int & amount) {
amount = balance;
return 0;
return -1;
You want the << operator to be a friend to the class and to return ostream&.
Here is a simple example to get an idea about how it works.
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const PiggyBank& obj)
// For example something like this
os << "Information that you want to output to the file:\n";
os << "Owner: " << obj.owner << "\n";
return os;
And then you can use it like this:
PiggyBack obj;
ofstream fout("file.txt");
// also check to see if the file opened correctly
cout << "File failed to open\n";
return 0;
fout << obj;
// now you have written the owner information onto the file as well as the message before it
// inside the operator<< overload
// close the resource at the end
The cool part is that you can use it to print to the console too by changing fout to be cout.
For example:
cout << obj; // will print to the console
Very simple. Overload the inserter operator. Write this into your class:
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PiggyBank& pb) {
return os << pb.owner << . . . // Whatever you want
Then you can use the inserter operator as for any other data type:
int main() {
PiggyBank pb;
if (std::ofstream os("FileName"); os) {
os << pb << "\n";
return 0;

Array based on strings, char list conversions

I create a multiple table of string type. I keep variables inside (int, string). It gives me an error:
[Error] cannot convert 'std::string {aka std::basic_string}' to 'char' in assignment
I've created a tree-shaped suite of functions.The program create a multiple array from a file with this format:
11 10 2001
CSKA Moscow
12 1
Bayern Munich
void llegir(std::fstream &_contingut, std::string *_taula) {
//declaro variables
int dia, mes, any, puntsLocal, puntsVisitant, i = 0;
std::string equipLocal, equipVisitant;
while (!(_contingut.eof())) {
//llegeixo arxiu
_contingut >> dia >> mes >> any; //primera linea
getline(_contingut, equipLocal); //segona linea
_contingut >> puntsLocal >> puntsVisitant; //tercera linea
getline(_contingut, equipVisitant); //quarta linea
_taula[i][0] = dia;
_taula[i][1] = mes;
_taula[i][2] = any;
_taula[i][3] = equipLocal.c_str();
_taula[i][4] = puntsLocal;
_taula[i][5] = equipVisitant.c_str();
_taula[i][6] = puntsVisitant;
void creartaulaDelFitxer(std::string _fitxer, std::string *_taula, int &n_taula) {
std::fstream arxiu;
arxiu.open(_fitxer, std::fstream:: in );
if (arxiu.is_open()) {
std::cout << "existeix";
} else {
llegir(arxiu, _taula);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::string fitxer;
std::string eurolliga[300][7];
int n_taula = 0;
std::cout << "INTRODUEIX NOM FITXER:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> fitxer;
creartaulaDelFitxer(fitxer, *eurolliga, int n_taula);
You are mixing pointers, chars and strings which will certainly cause a lot of headache. Try to use the standard containers, like std::string and std::vector. If you need many strings, put them in a vector. When you have a collection of data like
11 10 2001
CSKA Moscow
12 1
Bayern Munich
that describes some entity, create a class for it. You can then add streaming operators for that class to read in one of these entities. If you have a collection of entities, make a container and add streaming operators for that too.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
class Game {
std::string equipLocal{};
std::string equipVisitant{};
int dia{}, mes{}, any{};
int puntsLocal{}, puntsVisitant{};
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, Game&);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Game&);
// read one entity from an istream
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Game& g) {
if(is >> g.dia >> g.mes >> g.any) {
if(std::getline(is, g.equipLocal) && (is >> g.puntsLocal >> g.puntsVisitant)) {
std::getline(is, g.equipVisitant);
return is;
// write one entity to an ostream
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Game& g) {
return os << g.dia << " " << g.mes << " " << g.any << "\n"
<< g.equipLocal << "\n"
<< g.puntsLocal << " " << g.puntsVisitant << "\n"
<< g.equipVisitant << "\n";
class EuroLiga {
std::vector<Game> games{};
bool Load(const std::string& filename) {
std::ifstream arxiu(filename);
if(arxiu) {
arxiu >> *this; // use this class' friend, operator>>
return true;
} else
return false;
// support for basic non-const iteration over the 'games'
std::vector<Game>::iterator begin() { return games.begin(); }
std::vector<Game>::iterator end() { return games.end(); }
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, EuroLiga&);
// read all entities from an istream
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, EuroLiga& el) {
Game tmp;
while(is >> tmp) {
return is;
int main() {
EuroLiga euroliga;
std::string fitxer;
std::cout << "INTRODUEIX NOM FITXER: ";
std::cin >> fitxer;
// display all entities read from the file
for(auto& g : euroliga) {
std::cout << g << "\n";
void llegir(std::fstream &_contingut, std::string *_taula)
Gets a pointer to a string called _taula, this is probably your array.
However you assign something to your array like this:
_taula[i][0] = dia; // allowed, but bad because char is basically a number.
_taula[i][3] = equipLocal.c_str(); // not allowed, you are assigning a char pointer to a char.
taula[i] is the i-th string in your array. And by putting [0] you assign to the first character in that string. dia is an integer though.
For example
std::string[] = {"Hello", "world", "I", "am", "alive"};
std::cout << string[1] << std::endl; // output "world"
std::cout << string[1][0] << std::endl; // output 'w'
You can not assign a string to a single character.
As a side note, you should look into declaring an enumeration for your array index (and a constant for it's size) to make it more clear and improve maintainability.
What you should probably be doing is create a struct or class for your, whatever it is
struct whateverItIs {
int dia, mes, any, puntsLocal, puntsVisitant;
std::string equipLocal, equipVisitant;
Make a new instance of that in your llegir and push it to the back of a std::vector you get by reference.
Just remember to delete() them later especially before that vector goes out of scope.